OS-9 Device Descriptor and Configuration Module Reference

OS-9 Device Descriptor and Configuration Module Reference OS-9 Device Descriptor and Configuration Module Reference

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3SCFTMDevice Descriptors MICROWARENoteUnless you modified the SCF device descriptors in your boot image,you should rebuild your boot image to include the new descriptor.Example EditMod SessionThis example modifies an SCF device descriptor as part of the bootimage rom:$ EditMod -e term -f=rom1. module header2. device descriptor data definitions3. SCF description block4. SCF logical unit static storage5. SCF path options$Which? [?/1-2/p/t/a/w/q] 4Which? [?/1-5/p/t/a/w/q] 41. irq vector number : 0x4c2. irq interrupt level : 0x03. irq polling priority : 54. polled input flag : 15. polled output flag : 16. driver accessible copy of logical unit number: 0x17. interrupt mask word : 0x808. send XOFF when buffer is this full : 2469. size of input buffer : 25610. input buffer11. size of output buffer : 25612. output buffer13. lines left until end of page : 2414. keyboard interrupt character : ‘\x03’15. keyboard quit character : ‘\x05’16. keyboard pause character : ‘\x17’17. x-on character : ‘\x11’18. x-off character : ‘\x13’19. baud rate : 0xf20. parity : 021. stop bits : 0174 OS-9 Device Descriptor and Configuration Module Reference

SCF Device Descriptors22. word size : 823. RTS state : 03$Which? [?/1-6/p/t/a/w/q] 3irq polling priority : 5New value: 8irq polling priority : 8Which? [?/1-19/p/t/a/w/q] wWhich? [?/1-19/p/t/a/w/q] qDescription File ModificationYou can use these procedures to modify the appropriate description fileand rebuild the SCF device descriptors for your port directory. TheDESCRIPTION FILE MACROS section of the field reference specifiesthe name of the macro you modify/define in the description files toconfigure the field. The value used in the define is chosen from theAVAILABLE VALUES specified for the field.Figure 3-3 Directory Location for Modifying the SCF Description FileMWOS OS9000 PORTS SCFconfig.desOS-9 Device Descriptor and Configuration Module Reference 175

SCF <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Descriptor</strong>s22. word size : 823. RTS state : 03$Which? [?/1-6/p/t/a/w/q] 3irq polling priority : 5New value: 8irq polling priority : 8Which? [?/1-19/p/t/a/w/q] wWhich? [?/1-19/p/t/a/w/q] qDescription File ModificationYou can use these procedures to modify the appropriate description file<strong>and</strong> rebuild the SCF device descriptors for your port directory. TheDESCRIPTION FILE MACR<strong>OS</strong> section of the field reference specifiesthe name of the macro you modify/define in the description files toconfigure the field. The value used in the define is chosen from theAVAILABLE VALUES specified for the field.Figure 3-3 Directory Location for Modifying the SCF Description FileMW<strong>OS</strong> <strong>OS</strong>9000 PORTS SCFconfig.des<strong>OS</strong>-9 <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Descriptor</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Module</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> 175

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