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3VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 | EMPLOYMENTA LIFETRANSFORMEDShandell never had big dreams for herself. Shehas faced poverty, chronic depression and lowself-esteem for most of her adult life. Withoutsupport, she has been isolated and excluded.A year ago, Shandell walked into the <strong>YWCA</strong><strong>Toronto</strong> Women’s Employment Centre, but shehad no idea how much that first step was goingto change her life.Overwhelmed by the obstacles they face, fewof the women the <strong>YWCA</strong> works with believethey can change their lives – although all have adeep desire for change. The <strong>YWCA</strong> Women’sEmployment Centre recognizes this, and notonly provides women with job skills, but alsohelps women build their self-confidence. Itis a holistic process that can do more thanjust help a woman find a job – it can help herchange her life.The experienced staff at the <strong>YWCA</strong> Women’sEmployment Centre first started workingwith Shandell by helping her improve herliteracy skills. She moved on to lessons inmath and, inspired by her progress, she thenenrolled in more courses to get her high schoolequivalency. She also took the EmploymentCentre’s training in Microsoft Office andProfessional Office Administration.Once she was ready for job interviews, <strong>YWCA</strong><strong>Toronto</strong> connected Shandell to the Dress forSuccess program which provided her with awardrobe of business clothes. As Shandellsays, “My yoga pants and jeans no longerreflect how I see myself.”Shandell explains, “After being on a jobinterview, it became clear just how crucialthe <strong>YWCA</strong>’s help has been in my success.Most of all, I was confident because I feltso prepared. It was an altogether new andexhilarating feeling!”Women thrive in <strong>YWCA</strong> employmentprograms.These days Shandell is busy with anew career as an Executive Assistant.She says, “While I am sad to leave theprogram’s team behind, I am very excitedto see just how far the new Shandellcan go.”The <strong>YWCA</strong> offers employment servicesat three locations: 222 Dixon Rd, 3090Kingston Rd. and 3730 Kingston Rd. Formore information on <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong>employment programs, visit our websiteat www.ywcatoronto.org.

4VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 | PHILANTHROPY$35,000 RAISEDBang &OlufsenYorkvilleRun 2011On September 18th, over 500 runnersparticipated in the second annual Bang &Olufsen Yorkville Run. They ran or walkedto raise funds for the No Place Like ElmCampaign and we are thrilled that theytripled last year’s funds with a total of$35,000.Jordan Korenzvit, owner of Bang & OlufsenYorkville (middle), presents the firstinstallment of the proceeds to RosemaryMoodie (right), <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong> BoardPresident and Judy Haber (left), Elm CabinetCommittee member.Many thanks go out to Jordan Korenzvit,owner of Bang & Olufsen Yorkville, for hisongoing support of <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong>.Preparations are already underway for 2012,and we hope to continue to build on thissuccess.For more information on the AnnualBang & Olufsen Yorkville Run and otherways to contribute to the No PlaceLike Elm Campaign, please contactShana Hillman, Campaign Manager,shillman@ywcatoronto.org or 416.961.8101ext. 361.During this season of giving we hopewe can count on your support.To be eligible for a 2011 charitable tax receipt makeyour gift online, by phone (416.961.8101 ext. 352), orby mail (postmarked by December 31).DONATE at www.ywcatoronto.org and receive yourreceipt immediately by email.TaxYear EndReminder

5buildinga familylegacyWhen long-time <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong> supporterJoan Wright read about the Elm CentreCampaign, she knew she had to rally herfamily together to support the project.Joan was so impressed with the modelfor supportive housing that she asked herentire family to make a special gift together.“It wasn’t hard to talk anyone into it,” Joansays. “I just pointed out that this one projectis doing everything we’re interested in. Itsupports women with mental health issues,Aboriginal communities and women-ledfamilies. It was easy to get everyone’ssupport.”Robert and Joan Wright have a deeplyingrained sense of volunteerism andphilanthropy, which they have passed on totheir daughters An, Karen, Janice and Sarah.Joan credits her passion for helping to hermother and grandmother, who were bothactive volunteers. “I had good people tofollow, so I wanted to be a similar example tomy daughters.”VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 | PHILANTHROPYFrom a young girl who attended the<strong>YWCA</strong>’s Camp Tapawingo for six yearsto the woman she is now, Joan has alwaysbeen an enthusiastic <strong>YWCA</strong> supporter andcommunity builder. From inviting homesickinternational students from the universityto join their family dinners, to sitting onthe <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong> board, to working withthe disabled, or to helping with a readingprogram for ESL students in one of <strong>Toronto</strong>’spriority neighbourhoods - Joan has beenpart of building our city.Joan’s nine grandchildren are carrying onthe family’s philanthropic tradition. Shespeaks of one of her granddaughters whohas just returned from volunteering in Africawith hopes of becoming a social worker(and working for the <strong>YWCA</strong> one day) whileanother teaches low-income and newimmigrant children in <strong>Toronto</strong>.Joan says all her daughters andgranddaughters, whether throughvolunteerism, their own philanthropy or theirchosen careers “have that nurturing instinctand interest in helping their community.”Joan wonders, “Isn’t just typical of being awoman?”Joan and Robert Wright with daughters An, Karen Pitre andJanice. Missing is Sarah Hanson Wright who teaches in Ottawa.

GIFT OF QUILTSThe women of the York HeritageQuilters Guild recently donatedsix quilts to the <strong>YWCA</strong>’s Ariseshelter for women and theirchildren fleeing violence.Our heartfelt thanks forthis beautiful gift.waysto giveMake your valuesyour legacy.Include <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong> in yourwill. Ensure your legacy will bethere when women and girlsneed us most.For more information contactCarol Wladyka, Special GivingOfficer, cwladyka@ywcatoronto.org416.961.8101 ext. 327.Third Party EventsHost a party and make adifference in the lives of girlsand women.Rally your friends together andhave a fundraiser. Then donate theproceeds to <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong>.Organize a special <strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong>Support Day at your office, host adinner party at your house, or askfor donations rather than gifts fora wedding, birthday or during theholiday season.For more ideas about how youcan make a difference, contactSarah Lounsbury, Event Specialist,slounsbury@ywcatoronto.org416.961.8101 ext. 318.

Overnight Fix at<strong>YWCA</strong>’s Pape ApartmentsThe heart of the <strong>YWCA</strong>’s Pape Apartment building, thecommunity room, was recently transformed in an allnightrevovation. With the help of well-known interiordesigner, Lisa Canning and contractor Christian Paveyfrom HGTV’s Pure Design, volunteers from Jergens’sMississauga office completed an all-night renovation ofthe community room as part of the launch of Jergens’snew Overnight Fix Moisturizer.beforeafterFollow uswe aremoving!*RETURN undeliverable Canadian addresses to:<strong>YWCA</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong> | 87 Elm Street | <strong>Toronto</strong>, ON M5G 0A840932523

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