National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) Industry Handbooks ... - UNITAR

National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) Industry Handbooks ... - UNITAR

National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) Industry Handbooks ... - UNITAR

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Incineration Handbook<strong>NPI</strong> guide and Reporting formSewage Sludge & Biomedical Waste IncinerationWater Supply Handbook<strong>NPI</strong> guide and Reporting formPotable Water TreatmentWine & Spirits Handbook<strong>NPI</strong> guide and Reporting formWine and Spirits ManufacturingCombustion EnginesSewage & Wastewater TreatmentWool Scouring Handbook<strong>NPI</strong> guide and Reporting formWool ScouringSewage & Wastewater TreatmentZinc Concentrating, Smelting & Refining HandbookTop<strong>NPI</strong> guide and Reporting formZinc Concentrating, Smelting & RefiningIf reporting facilities estimate their emissions using any of the EETs provided in the Manuals, theirdata will be displayed on the <strong>NPI</strong> database as being of 'acceptable reliability'. Similarly, if therelevant environmental authority has approved the use of the EETs that are not outlined in theManuals, the data will also be displayed as being of 'acceptable reliability'. It should beemphasised that the emissions data derived using any EET will have a degree of uncertaintyassociated with it.More information about industry handbooks.WHAT'S NEW | CONTACTS | COMMENTS | SEARCH | DEH DATABASES | PUBLICATIONSDEH HomeACCESSIBILITY | DISCLAIMER | PRIVACY© Commonwealth of AustraliaTopLast Updated: Thursday, 28-Aug-2003 09:47:55 EST

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