Gaz F5 The Western Alliance - Vaults of Pandius

Gaz F5 The Western Alliance - Vaults of Pandius

Gaz F5 The Western Alliance - Vaults of Pandius

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WHAT EVERY CHARACTER LEARNS GROWING UP“Be bold. Be bold, but not so bold, lestthat your heart’s blood should run cold.”– A common admonition from mother tochild.<strong>The</strong> history <strong>of</strong> the Dale is well-documentfrom AC 735 onward. That is the date inwhich Essurian colonists settled the Daleand Ghyr to the east. Any studiouscharacter is freely aware <strong>of</strong> the eventsover the intervening 265 years.Otherwise, what characters learn <strong>of</strong> thepast is <strong>of</strong>ten encapsulated in nurseryrhymes or songs. Here is a collection <strong>of</strong>rhymes that are common across thekingdoms. “Where are you, BrotherJack?” is meant to be sung.<strong>The</strong> Crimson Ettin <strong>of</strong>Khavasz(On the mythic monster)<strong>The</strong> Crimson Ettin <strong>of</strong> KhavaszOnce terrorized the lands.And he'll come around once more,When the wee bairns do bad.He'll beat you and bind you,And then eat you for sure.Tis certain, ye be good,Gabrionus himselfWould quiver and quakeAnd the bishop cry to Od.Good Cador Hen(On the expulsion <strong>of</strong> theBishop at Roagendoch)Good Cador Hen wore a happy grin,And smiled with what he had to say.<strong>The</strong> feathers did fly, the bishop did cry,And the Roags danced all day.He summoned the harp,He summoned the pipe,He summoned them all with glee.And merriment ran for hours on end,For all <strong>of</strong> the north to see.Spots and Spots and Spots(On a bad outbreak <strong>of</strong> chicken pox)I went to the Vicar,I went to the King, but sawSpots and Spots and Spots.I went to the open field, and stillSpots and Spots and Spots.I went to the forest edge, fell illSpots and Spots and Spots.Now here I am in the ground, withSpots and Spots and Spots.<strong>The</strong> Legionnaire(On the Thyatian occupation)<strong>The</strong> Legionnaire went to the Dale,Upon Gabrionus’s command.Stood tall as a wall, wind in his face,And gladius in his hand.<strong>The</strong> Legionnaire loved the Dale,And proved the eagle might’.Moved heaven and earth, the watersrebirth’d,And set the kingdoms right.Shiny, Pretty(On the Prism Wars)Shiny, Pretty, Shiny Pretty, how Idream <strong>of</strong> you.Shiny, Pretty, Shiny Pretty, nowFifteen’s seven and two.Little Mary Hawkins(On the future queen’s choice<strong>of</strong> a Roag husband)Little Mary Hawkins sat in a chair,Eating her favorite delight.Her father said please,Even down on his knees,But the court was sent afright.Where Are You,Brother Jack?(On the 6 th <strong>of</strong> Klarmont Battle)Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my friend?<strong>The</strong> rain is falling,And I am calling,On the Fields Burthgledd.Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my son?Too many did I see today,On the Shores <strong>of</strong> Taralon.Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my friend?<strong>The</strong> hail is falling,And I am calling,On the Fields Burthgledd.Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my dad?<strong>The</strong>y say that you once were here,But I was just a lad.Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my friend?<strong>The</strong> leaves are falling,And I am calling,On the Fields Burthgledd.Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my wife?<strong>The</strong> children have been crying,But now there is no strife.Where are you, Brother Jack?Where are you, my friend?<strong>The</strong> snow is falling,And I am calling,On the Fields Burthgledd.Round the Chapel(On the disappearance <strong>of</strong> childrennear the Great Olde Woode)Round the Chapel, all three times,Against the sun, hear my rhyme,Round the Chapel, not again,<strong>The</strong> Elf-King's come to take with him.3

HISTORY AS THE IMMORTALS KNOW IT<strong>The</strong> early history <strong>of</strong> the lands <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> mirrors that <strong>of</strong>neighbors such as Ghyr. As part <strong>of</strong> theHill and Dale, the region was once at theedge <strong>of</strong> the old Arctic Circle and thecontinental ice cap. <strong>The</strong> Great Rain <strong>of</strong>Fire that devastated the world fourmillennia ago left the Dale in roughly thesame latitude relative to the newplanetary axis, but local settlements weredestroyed.<strong>The</strong> Dancing IceFollowing the catastrophic effects <strong>of</strong>the Great Rain <strong>of</strong> Fire, glaciers movedacross the region in their search for thenew north. <strong>The</strong> Dale was not totally free<strong>of</strong> glaciers until 600 BC – 2400 yearsafter the Rain.<strong>The</strong> region was heavily covered duringthe first half <strong>of</strong> that period. Briefopenings in the west were occupied by anow-forgotten race <strong>of</strong> man thateventually gave rise to small chieftainstates.This state <strong>of</strong> affairs was overturnedbetween 1800 and 1700 BC. Glacialmovements had produced a large gapbetween the ice sheets that provided adirect route from the Borean Valley in thewest and the Ghyran Piedmont and otherareas in the east.It was through this path that thehumanoids <strong>of</strong> Loark’s Great Hordeentered the northern lands andsubsequently Norwold and the KnownWorld. <strong>The</strong> local humans were displacedby the wave, and some horde groupsremained in the area. Kobolds settled theParthenal, while others settled along thelength <strong>of</strong> the Ghyran Piedmont. <strong>The</strong>humanoids’ presence also prompted earlyRoags to travel north and settled inGhyr’s Clearwater Valley.<strong>The</strong> Dale was again sealed <strong>of</strong>f from thewest ca. 1500 BC by ice sheets receedingfrom the Wildlands in the south. Thissecondary coverage reached its maximumextent in 1200 BC when the new icesheets met the pre-existing one. Only theLake Dolcimer area remained free at thistime.Just as quickly as it came, the ice left,and the main Dale was fully open by 800BC.Newcomers<strong>The</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> the Hill and Dalequarreled infrequently, but equilibriumwas quickly reached in the region. <strong>The</strong>later additions <strong>of</strong> Parthenal elves andhumans and Denagothians did little toupset this balance.<strong>The</strong> humans and elves who came to theParthenal hailed from the Realm <strong>of</strong>Forenath, an elf-human nation in theWildlands territory. A strange diseasehad wracked that Realm and induced afratricidal paranoia between the races.Those who made it across the Swamp <strong>of</strong>the Beast settled the hills but neverestablished a larger, national identity.<strong>The</strong> Denagothians came later to theGhyran Piedmont after findingthemselves on the losing end <strong>of</strong>escalating conflicts with the Lothenarelves <strong>of</strong> the Denagothian Plateau.Even the Alphatians made a briefappearance in the east. It was during onethe Empire’s periodic expansions that theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Alinor was established. <strong>The</strong>kingdom might have had a greaterpolitical impact on the region – had itsurvived the magical raising <strong>of</strong> itsmountain chains. <strong>The</strong> act generatedearthquakes that destroyed the kingdomand made other physical alterations to theShattered Plateau.Alphatian survivors fled back to theirhomeland, ventured further west, or wereabsorbed into the local populations. Thislast group was Alinor’s true legacy to theregion, and their earth-based sorcery waspreserved by the native humans withwhom they lived. In time, remnants <strong>of</strong>the earth-magic were folded into theancestral faith <strong>of</strong> the Roags, and theirdruidic tradition was born.<strong>The</strong> Dominion <strong>of</strong>MaggorathAround 200 AC, a new transformativepower swept into the north in the guise <strong>of</strong>a Denagothian named Maggorath.<strong>The</strong> warrior forged a loose empireanchored at the hills within the Swamp <strong>of</strong>the Beast. One <strong>of</strong> Maggorath’s firstdiplomatic stratagems was allying withthe kobolds <strong>of</strong> Parthenal. <strong>The</strong> warlord’ssuccessors pushed the Dominion’s reachinto the Hill and Dale, which placed theempire at odds with the Parthenal elves.<strong>The</strong> Dominion’s legacy was mixed.<strong>The</strong> Maggorathans introduced advancedgovernmental elements as their holdingsgrew, and their influence spread a version<strong>of</strong> Idris worship that unified the disparateraces. This semi-racial harmony remainsin the Dale today. Elves were anexception to this inclusion, and theParthenali withdrew deeper into the hillsand the Great Olde Woode.Following a pattern similar to othernations where Idris-worship waspermitted, Maggorathans slowly preyedupon their pagan neighbors physicallyand spiritually, and they becameabominable in the eyes <strong>of</strong> theirneighbors.In the middle Fifth Century AC, theIcereach Barbarians began speaking <strong>of</strong>He Who Watches, and within ageneration, an inspired warrior led a waragainst the Dominion that ultimatelyresulted in its collapse in AC 530.<strong>The</strong> Essurian Eagle<strong>The</strong>re was no successor power to theDominion, and the populations <strong>of</strong> the Hilland Dale persisted in a tranquil life. <strong>The</strong>Roags moved west into the northernFlatlands above the Kaganus and as farwest as Havaburn.In 735, King Telles <strong>of</strong> Essuriacommissioned the formation <strong>of</strong> coloniesin the north. Essuria was the majorpower on the Denagothian Plateau at thistime. <strong>The</strong> Essurian settlements began inthe Ghyran Piedmont and proceededoutward into the Dale. <strong>The</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Ghyrprospered as the trade juncture for theHill and Dale.Faith in He Who Watches fanned outover the population, spurred by bothEssurian support and the heroic tales <strong>of</strong>the paladin Jason. Minor roadways werecommissioned along the Kaganus toconnect the far-flung towns and villages.Fifty years after Essuria first enteredthe north, a Thyatian adventurer aidedEssuria and the Wyrmsteeth dragons instopping a cabal known as the OnyxRing. This adventurer was GiovanniAugustus, an Isle <strong>of</strong> Dawn <strong>of</strong>ficer in theImperial Legion who would one day wearthe crown himself.4

HISTORY AS THE IMMORTALS KNOW ITAt the start <strong>of</strong> the Prism Wars were thefollowing kingdoms: Ghyr, Temaraire,Mork, Greendale, Deep Hollow, Faltings,Dauphins, West Haven, Havaburn, theScarlet City, the Verdant City,Nortopolis, the Cerulean City, Bethfield,and Snowden. Other communities wereindependent, but they did not aggrandizethemselves.Nortopolis and the Scarlet City were ajuggernaught that pushed east. OnlyDauphins managed consistent victoriesagainst their forces. <strong>The</strong> war quickly ledto consolidations throughout the region.Five years into the Wars, clergy <strong>of</strong> HeWho Watches presented Qasmar <strong>of</strong> Ghyrwith the Heartstone, a prismatic ruby.<strong>The</strong> Heartstone allowed Qasmar to seethe true nature <strong>of</strong> his fellow nobles, andhe was able to surround himself withgood and loyal men.Even with the Heartstone, victory wasby no means assured for Ghyr and herallies. <strong>The</strong> death <strong>of</strong> Frederick I <strong>of</strong>Nortopolis was unable to deter thatkingdom, and the Scarlet City reachedthe walls <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. <strong>The</strong>ir preoccupationwith the east proved to be their undoing.West Haven and Dauphins were able tocut supply lines in the Greendale regionand trap the combatants.<strong>The</strong> Prism Wars concluded on thebloody fields near Galencourt, a townnear Ghyr. Afterwards, the kings <strong>of</strong> thenorth pledged themselves to Qasmar.During the celebrations <strong>of</strong> Armistice inGhyr, the Heartstone was stolen by theMaster Thief, Dahnakriss. It was neverrecovered.<strong>The</strong>re services required elsewhere, thefinal Legion unit left the north bearingthe kingdoms’ final duties. It disappearedin the Northern Wildlands, and thefreedom buyout never reached ThyatisCity. <strong>The</strong> Empire never learned whatbecame <strong>of</strong> their former colonies.Armistice and the<strong>Alliance</strong> War<strong>The</strong> next two decades were quiet ones,but several important changes didtranspire. <strong>The</strong> first was the formalmerger <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis and the Scarlet Cityinto a single political entity under RobertI. Robert engineered this feat bymarrying <strong>of</strong>f his son Engelbert to a halfgiantessprincess.<strong>The</strong> other important change was theleadership turnover in the kingdoms.Ever ruler, save King Claudius <strong>of</strong>Snowden, passed away during theseyears, and the heirs were thinking <strong>of</strong> newambitions.When Prince Ganto succeeded Qasmarin Ghyr, only Greendale, Deep Hollow,and West Haven renewed their allegianceto Ghyr. <strong>The</strong> other kingdoms were heldto be in rebellion, but the new king didnot press his claims against them. It isunknown if such action would haveprevented the conflicts that afflicted thewestern kingdoms soon after.To eastern powers, the <strong>Alliance</strong> or DaleWar was more <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> limitedengagements intermixed with brief shows<strong>of</strong> force over many years, but it resultedin a strengthening <strong>of</strong> Dauphins andNortopolis. And it all began with theruler <strong>of</strong> Taralon.Historians refer to the documents as theTaralon Letters – a set <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficialcorrespondences from Queen Mabd I <strong>of</strong>Taralon to several Roag populations,including those at Brest and the IvoryCity. <strong>The</strong> letters were requests for awestern alliance <strong>of</strong> Roags under theTaralon League. Dauphins interceptedthese letters and construed them as a callto war.Before cooler heads prevailed,Dauphins had marched on Brest,angering West Haven. <strong>The</strong> matterworsened as brigands used Faltings as abase <strong>of</strong> operations against Deep Hollowand Greendale. Rerprisals soonfollowed.Faced with this response, Dauphinscaptured Balais from the Taralon Leagueto prevent a repeat <strong>of</strong> its homefront siege.It then contended with its eastern front.Taralon lost its other ally, the CeruleanCity, when conflicts with Bethfield andSnowden forced the city to join withNortopolis. Against this strongerbacking, Bethfield relocated its court toRoagendoch.As the two strongest powers, Dauphinsand Nortopolis agreed to an alliance, buttheir incursions into the east wereblunted, and the two nations retired fromthat front.On the 6 th <strong>of</strong> Klarmont, AC 980, thebloodiest battle <strong>of</strong> the War transpired. Arag tag force from Snowden annihilatedtheir Cerulean opponents on the fields <strong>of</strong>Bethfield. Thousands fell, and theCeruleans are still affected by the defeat.Snowden’s control over the region wasacknowledged in return for a ceasation <strong>of</strong>hostilities and membership in the newalliance.<strong>The</strong> war continued for another threeyears. West Haven, still angered overBrest, joined with Taralon in trying toretake Balais, but Dauphins defeatedthem. Bereft <strong>of</strong> its former allies, Taralonwas forced into the humiliation <strong>of</strong> joining“its” <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>. As a furtherpeace condition, Queen Mabd was forcedto abdicate.6

HISTORY AS THE IMMORTALS KNOW ITDauphins took the war to West Havenbefore it, too, joined the <strong>Alliance</strong>. Atwar’s end, West Haven had lost Serleans,Sorchester, and the lives <strong>of</strong> King Edwinand the crown prince.Almost as an afterthought, Roagendochjoined the <strong>Alliance</strong> to protect winteringrights for affiliated nomads.Recent Years<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>’s first joint task cameafter undead began appearing in the west.Provisioned post houses were set up, aswere plans for patrols. <strong>The</strong>y evencooporated in salting and denuding theland in an attempt to deny the feedingundead forms any sustenance.It has been seven years since then, butwandering undead forms occasionallyappear in the western nations.Ghyran TimelineBC 3000: <strong>The</strong> Great Rain <strong>of</strong> Fire.BC 2400: Humans established culture tothe west and north <strong>of</strong> the Dale.BC 1723: Around this time, the humanculture retreated into Norwold andparts north to escape Loark’s GreatHorde. Many kobolds stayed in theParthenal.BC 1600: Early Roags and humanoidssettled the Hill, the lands east <strong>of</strong> theDale.BC 900: Humans and elves fled toParthenal to escape the fratricide inthe southern Realm <strong>of</strong> Forenath.BC 300: In the far east, the AlphatianKingdom <strong>of</strong> Alinor incorporated localbarbarian nations.BC 260: Raising <strong>of</strong> the Alinor Chain anddestruction <strong>of</strong> Alinor. <strong>The</strong> ShatteredPlateau achieved its current condition.Local populations reasserted controlover their affairs, while survivingAlphatians joined the barbarians,returned to Alphatia, or migratedwest.AC 200: <strong>The</strong> Denagothian Maggorathformed in the swamps to thesoutheast.AC 220: Maggorath concluded treatieswith the Parthenal kobolds.AC 250: <strong>The</strong> Dominion <strong>of</strong> Maggorathextended into the Hill and Vale. Thisled to conflicts with the Parthenalelves and humans.AC 400: Idris traditions were absorbedinto the Roag belief system.AC 460: First mentions <strong>of</strong> He WhoWatches from the North.AC 485-530: <strong>The</strong> Dominion <strong>of</strong>Maggorath was challenged byfollowers <strong>of</strong> He Who Watches until itcollapsed. Dale communities kept tothemselves.AC 735: Essurian colonies began tospread into the Hill and Dale.AC 785: Giovanni Augustus and theOnyx Ring adventure. Through hiscompatriots, Giovanni learned manytales about the surrounding lands.AC 800: Gnomes joined the peoples <strong>of</strong>the north.AC 852: Essurian colonies were grantedregional autonomy. <strong>The</strong> corruptionby the Cult <strong>of</strong> Idris was limited to theeast.AC 896: Chateau d’Ambervilledisappeared in the Known Worldnation <strong>of</strong> Glantri.AC 898: New immigration wavepeacefully hit Glantri.AC 900: Gabrionus IV, new emperor <strong>of</strong>Thyatis, began aggressivecolonization attempts worldwide.<strong>The</strong> Idrisian faith resurged along theGhyran Piedmont.AC 903: Thyatian Legionnaires reachedGhyr. Ghyr readily joined Thyatis inexchange for military assistance.AC 904: A Thyatian Legion marched duenorth from Glantri to Havaburn.AC 907: Thyatian settlers traversed theeastern Northern Wildlands.Representatives <strong>of</strong> many KnownWorld groups accompanied them.AC 908: Thyatian forces completed theirconquest <strong>of</strong> Provincia Gurrania.AC 910: Additional water from theKaganus was diverted to LakeDolcimer.AC 912: Construction begun on TaralonChannel.AC 914: Gabrionus V takes the throneand lets the Thyatian military decline.AC 915: Thyatian legionnaires andsettlers passed through Wendar intothe Northern Wildlands.AC 920: Completion <strong>of</strong> the TaralonChannel earthworks. Other regionallakes begin to receive additionalwaters.AC 925: Nearly exterminated by theforces <strong>of</strong> the Shadow Lord, Lothenarelves were granted sanctuary at Ghyr.AC 927: Thyatian Legionnaires in transitto Ghyr aided Wendar in the Wizards’War. Formation <strong>of</strong> the WittanCouncil in the Great Olde Woode.AC 928: Thyatian Legionnaires defeatedDenagothians in Almarea Forest, apart <strong>of</strong> the Wildlands.AC 930: Explorers to the Borean Valleybrought back tales <strong>of</strong> immense,deathly still cities. Subsequentexpeditions did not return.AC 933: Discoveries <strong>of</strong> a new type <strong>of</strong>gemstone capable <strong>of</strong> holding magic.AC 936: Recall <strong>of</strong> the Legions.7

HISTORY AS THE IMMORTALS KNOW ITAC 937: More prismatic lodes werediscovered in the east.AC 938: A single Legion remaining toguard the peace. Squabbles escalatedamong the Gurranian lords, and manyproclaimed themselves kings.AC 940: <strong>The</strong> Prism Wars. <strong>The</strong> ScarletCity accosted Deep Hollow. PrinceGanto <strong>of</strong> Ghyr routed Denagothianwarriors at Temaraire.AC 941: Greendale defeated theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Mork. <strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Nortopolis controlled Magnitania, andthe Scarlet City captured Faltingsbefore entering Deep Hollow.AC 942: Dauphins defeated Nortopolisfor control <strong>of</strong> the Sentaburgh region.Sherrick, Thosh, and Southpoolpledged to Greendale.AC 943: West Haven asserted authorityover the Havaburn region. Landsbury,Serleans, Balais, and Taralon formedan alliance against Dauphins andNortopolis. <strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Bethfield skirmished with theCerulean City. <strong>The</strong> forces <strong>of</strong> theScarlet City and Faltings took Thoshand Southpool.AC 944: Nortopolis beat the Scarlet Cityfor the control <strong>of</strong> the Verdant City.Dauphins conquered Faltings. <strong>The</strong>Taralon League besieged Dauphins,but the city was relieved by WestHaven. Joint forces by Nortopolisand the Scarlet City overran DeepHollow, Greendale, and Mork.AC 945: Ghyr united communities fromGalencourt to Temarairie and up theClearwater Valley. West Havenannexed Wexham.AC 946: <strong>The</strong> Quiet Year.AC 947: <strong>The</strong> Nortopolitan and ScarletArmies captured Galencourt andmuch <strong>of</strong> the Ghyran<strong>Western</strong> Forest.West Haven conquered Landsburyand Serleans. Brest allied with WestHaven.AC 948: West Haven, Dauphins,Snowden, and Bethfield agreed to analliance with eastern Ghyr. Inresponse, the Cerulean City joined theTaralon League. Nortopolitanscaptured Vhimagorg and the Sorrows,while Scarlet forces besieged Ghyritself.AC 949: Prince Ganto repelled Ghyr’sattackers and reclaimed the Sorrowsand Vhimagorg. West Haven andDauphins relieved Deep Hollow.Inhabitants <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woodeliberated Thosh and Southpool.AC 950: During the epic Battle <strong>of</strong>Galencourt, Ghyr’s allies, includingWest Haven and Dauphins, prevailed.<strong>The</strong> kings <strong>of</strong> the all the northernrealms pledged their allegiance toGhyr. <strong>The</strong> last Thyatian Legionwithdrew from Ghyr.AC 964: Ganto became King <strong>of</strong> Ghyr.Greendale, Deep Hollow and WestHaven renewed their allegiance, butthe other kingdoms did not.AC 970: Interception <strong>of</strong> the TaralonLetters results in the first skirmishing<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Alliance</strong> War.AC 971: Dauphins’ knights capturedBrest. West Haven protested.AC 972: Brigands from Faltings annoyedDeep Hollow and Southpool. DeepHollow launched reprisals.AC 973: Greendale captured Thosh.AC 974: Dauphins captured Balais.Snowden and Bethfield harried theCerulean City.AC 975: <strong>The</strong> Cerulean City left theTaralon League and added its stripe tothe Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors.Dauphins beat back Deep Hollow atFaltings.AC 976: <strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colorslaunched attacks against Bethfieldand Snowden. Bethfield relocated itscourt to Roagendoch.AC 977: Dauphins finally expelledGreendale from Thosh. <strong>The</strong>independent Ivory City joined theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors.AC 978: Dauphins and Nortopolis agreeto a formal alliance.AC 979: Nortopolitans won a pyrrhicvictory at Shotburn. Dauphins raidedSouthpool and threatened Greendale.Knights from Mork and Galencourtcountered the invaders.AC 980: Cerulean forces fought againstSnowden and Taralon over Bethfield.Snowden secured its claim by joiningthe <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.AC 981: Taralon and West Haven failedto retake Balais. Taralon agreed tojoin the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.AC 982: Dauphins captured Serleans andSorchester.AC 983: West Haven joined the <strong>Western</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> as did the court atRoagendoch.AC 985: Undead began to appear on theborders <strong>of</strong> the western kingdoms.AC 988: Snowden and West Haven werebesieged by undead hordes. <strong>Alliance</strong>members responded to the threat.AC 990: Rumors <strong>of</strong> a land <strong>of</strong> the deadcirculated. An <strong>Alliance</strong> patrol systemwas set in placed.AC 991-993: <strong>Alliance</strong> membersestablished a denuded warning stripalong the edge <strong>of</strong> the Borean Tier.AC 1000: Time <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Gaz</strong>etteers.AC 1001-2: Death <strong>of</strong> King Ganto <strong>of</strong>Ghyr and the Quest for theHeartstone.8

GEOGRAPHY<strong>The</strong> Land<strong>The</strong> locals refer to the larger region <strong>of</strong>the north as the Hill and Dale inrecognition <strong>of</strong> its topographic formation.It lies below the Arctic Circle, andwinters are brutal.<strong>The</strong> Dale itself is an expansive, gentlysloping plateau between the BoreanValley, to the west, and the ShatteredPlateau, to the east. <strong>The</strong> plain has severalzones that correspond to the shiftingclimatological biomes.<strong>The</strong> Plains <strong>of</strong> Khavasz is a term used byolder populations for the eastern region<strong>of</strong> the Dale – roughly the trianglebetween the Scarlet City, Brest, andGreendale. <strong>The</strong> region sports lightlyarable or pastoral land, excellent accessto mineral water, and occasional woodstands.<strong>The</strong> central and northern parts <strong>of</strong> theDale are called the Flatlands. Thisincludes all <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> ManyColors and some areas south <strong>of</strong> theKaganus. A few isolated hills rise abovethe shrubs, but they do little to diminishthe validity <strong>of</strong> the region’s name. <strong>The</strong>land is still adequate for pastoral use, butagriculture is limited to the waterways.Those living in the interior can raiseenough for themselves, but little more.Tree stands are rare, but clusters <strong>of</strong> shortpines are spotted in the Flatlands. <strong>The</strong>fauna <strong>of</strong> the Plains <strong>of</strong> Khavasz and theFlatlands can be found in the individualentries <strong>of</strong> various kingdoms.<strong>The</strong> Strathgledd is intermediategrassland transitioning into the northerntundra. <strong>The</strong> infrequent bush mixes withthigh-high grasses and tails, and latersedges. Pastoral activities are forced touse a greater amount <strong>of</strong> land, and mostinhabitants are at least semi-nomadic.Sedentary residents must make do withsmall beans, roots, and the abundantfungi for sustenance. For a representativefauna, see the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> LowlandRoags.Southwest <strong>of</strong> the Strathgledd is a rockydesert region. No one knows if thedesertification is natural or not, but thegravel and salt from the region were usedin creating buildings and the Borean Tierstrip.<strong>The</strong> Shonak Tundra marks the end <strong>of</strong>the Dale. <strong>The</strong> tundra’s permafrostcontinues for hundreds <strong>of</strong> miles into theArctic before reaching the permanentsnow and ice region.Shonak Tundra: insect swarm, normaland giant reindeer and carribou, giantarctic bee, polar bear, grizzly bear (eastonly), robberfly, tiger beetle, giant woodspider, snow leopard, wolf, owlbear,white dragon, hill and frost giant,yellow/white pudding, white rhagodessa,arctic wolf, yowler, ice wolf, snow owl,baldandar (south only), wychglow, whitedragonfly, wyvern, frost zombie, kobold,spectral hound, frost salamanderHills<strong>The</strong> Dale is outlined by threecontiguous hill lines. Evidence <strong>of</strong> recentglacial movement is common in all <strong>of</strong> thehills.<strong>The</strong> eastern Roaguncal stretches far intothe frozen north. Because <strong>of</strong> itspicturesque rising tier-like appearance,the hills are also known as the Staircase.<strong>The</strong> upper portion <strong>of</strong> the Roaguncal leadsto the Shattered Plateau. Onlywildflowers, weeds, and berry producingshrubs cover the land. <strong>The</strong> region nearthe Kaganus’s source waters is volcanic.Steam vents and geysers are morefrequent than lava flows, but the latterdoes occasionally happen. Sulfur, salt,zinc and other minerals are easily mined.<strong>The</strong> valuable prismatic stones are foundhere, too.Roaguncal: normal reindeer (openterrain only), giant arctic bee, giantcentipede, robber fly, tiger beetle, oilbeetle lava ooze, boneless, fyrsnaca, redworm, giant crab spider, steam weevil,polar bear, grizzly bear, snow leopard,wild goat, rust monster, white dragon,colddrake, hill and frost giant, wild man,rock golem, orcs, bullette, gargantuan,spectral hound, frost salamander, ice wolf<strong>The</strong> Hills <strong>of</strong> Parthenal are a forestedridge running from the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Greendale in the east to the BoreanValley. <strong>The</strong> primary chain runs east towest, but numerous hilltops and valleysinterrupt the general pattern. Altitudemeasures around 1,500 feet in the eastand 800 feet in the west at the juncturewith the Borean Tier. <strong>The</strong> southernportion is particularly chaotic withsecondary ridges bulging upward. Unlikethe Roaguncal, the Parthenal sports treesfrom the large boreal forest system thatincludes the Great Olde Woode. <strong>The</strong>Hills <strong>of</strong> Parthenal and the Roaguncalmerge with the larger Ghyran Piedmontabout 100 miles east <strong>of</strong> Lake Dolcimer.Ownership <strong>of</strong> the Parthenal is <strong>of</strong>tendisputed between Greendale, the GreatOlde Woode, and various independenttribes <strong>of</strong> elves and kobolds.Hills <strong>of</strong> Parthenal: normal and giant elk,caecilia, giant centipede, purple worm,giant slug, normal rattlesnake, giantwood spider, rhagodessa, insect swarm,grizzly bear, lynx, fallow deer, dire wolf,normal owl, normal bat, giant skunk,giant toad, metamorph, fungoid, kobold,bugbear, gnome, elf, wight, bullette, giantsnail, giant crab spider, frogfolk (southonly), troll (rare, south only)<strong>The</strong> Borean Tier is the third hillyregion. It is a parallel formation to theRoaguncal, and it leads from the Daledown into the fabled Borean Valley. <strong>The</strong>Tier continues north and south. <strong>The</strong>hills’ pattern more closely resembles theParthenal, and those traversing it willencounter peaks and valleys along theway. <strong>The</strong> western edge <strong>of</strong> the Tier hasbeen salted and laid waste by the <strong>Alliance</strong>to limit food sources for the undead.Borean Tier: robberfly, grey pudding,clear jelly, fungoid, gargantuan zombie,gargantuan skeleton, gargantuan ghoul,gargantuan spectre, dark-hood, ghoul,elder ghoul, vapor ghoul, wight, agarat,nightmare, lesser nightmare, giant crow,skeleton, zombie, nightshade (presentlyunknown)A fourth hill system exists, but much <strong>of</strong>it now rests under the waters <strong>of</strong> theTaralon Channel. See the MistyKingdom <strong>of</strong> Taralon for details.9

GEOGRAPHY<strong>The</strong> Great Olde Woode andthe Parthenal<strong>The</strong> heart <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woode isancient. It was formed soon after theGreat Rain <strong>of</strong> Fire, and at its furthestextent the forest stretched from theClearwater Valley <strong>of</strong> Ghyr to the middle<strong>of</strong> the Borean Valley. At its smallest,only a few stands survived amid thecrawling glaciers that traveled the region.<strong>The</strong> continental treeline runs 200 milesto the north, but as a practical matter, theGreat Olde Woode is the northernmostlarge-scale arboreal habitat. <strong>The</strong> portionnorth <strong>of</strong> the hills was known historicallyas the Grindol. Today most consider theParthenal, the <strong>Western</strong> Forest, and theClearwater Forest as bodies distinct fromthe Great Olde Woode.<strong>The</strong> northernmost forest is taiga – smallstature needle trees over a highly acidicsoil. <strong>The</strong>re is no undergrowth despiteabundant sunlight. In the main forest,firs, and pines mix with a few hardwoodssuch as the rowan tree. <strong>The</strong> trees aretightly packed, and travel can be tedious<strong>of</strong>f beaten trails.<strong>The</strong> name “<strong>Western</strong> Forest” has been asource <strong>of</strong> constant miscommunication inthe north. Essurians gave the name to theforest west <strong>of</strong> Ghyr, while Thyatiansthought that it meant the body aroundpresent day West Haven. Unfortunately,this homonymous pair continues to thisday.Waterways<strong>The</strong> most important waterway is theKaganus River. It originates fromunderground springs beneath theShattered Plateau, and the river alreadypossesses a high volume once it entersthe Dale. <strong>The</strong> mineral rich water feedsseveral retention lakes. <strong>The</strong> majority <strong>of</strong>these lakes are natural, but some areartificial works from the Thyatian period.References exist for different segments<strong>of</strong> the Kaganus. <strong>The</strong> Upper Kaganusextends from the twin hill feeds to theDolcimer diverter. <strong>The</strong> Lower Kaganusgoes from Dauphins to West Haven. <strong>The</strong>intermediate portion is the MiddleKaganus.<strong>The</strong> Taralon Channel is the largestartificial water retention. It was formedby blocking the original river that feed tothe Borean Valley and diverting the waterinto holding channels. As the river wasnever undammed, the Taralon Channelhas been slowly rising and swallowing upthe area.South <strong>of</strong> the Parthenal is the Swamp <strong>of</strong>the Beast. It is the largest swamplandsystem in Brun and perhaps all <strong>of</strong>Mystara. <strong>The</strong> Parthenal kobolds believeit was once the burial wallow for a greatgiant who arose during the Dance <strong>of</strong> Ice(the period <strong>of</strong> glacial migrations). Forfurther information on the swamp, see<strong>Gaz</strong> F3 and <strong>Gaz</strong> F4.Surrounding Lands<strong>The</strong> Ghyran Piedmont is east <strong>of</strong> thejuncture between the Parthenal Hills andthe Roaguncal. This region is the hometo the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. East <strong>of</strong> theFlatlands is the the Shattered Plateau andeventually the Broken Chain andThundering Peak Mountains.<strong>The</strong> tundra to the north belongs to theShonak tribelands. Humans, kobolds,and others that have adapted to life in theArctic Circle live there.Southward, one encounters theNorthern Wildlands <strong>of</strong> the GenallethValley. This is the ancestral home <strong>of</strong> theParthenal elves and humans.<strong>The</strong> Borean Valley is immediately tothe west. Once responsible for birthingthe humanoid hordes, the Borean Valleynow is a source for an undead threat.Climate andEnvironmental NotesWinter is a deadly serious matter in thenorth. Temperatures can dip below -30°Farenheit in the exposed areas north <strong>of</strong>the Great Olde Woode. Highs aretypically only 5°, though rare good daysdo rise above freezing. <strong>The</strong>se relativelywarm temperatures are borne uponsoutherly winds. <strong>The</strong> trees in the GreatOlde Woode and Parthenal Hills retainsome heat, and the region is 4-8° warmer.Snowfall is heavy in the west (19.7inches per month) and somewhat less inthe east. On the winter solstice, daylightlasts 4 ½ hours in West Haven, butRoagendoch is dark all day.<strong>The</strong> winter season lasts 4 months, fromEirmont 15 to Thaumont 15. Wintertimelingers in the more northernly locations.<strong>The</strong> remainder <strong>of</strong> Thaumont is the“brutish spring.” <strong>The</strong> weather hoverswithin 3 degrees <strong>of</strong> freezing. <strong>The</strong> Daledoes not get the constant precipitation <strong>of</strong>Ghyr, but the period is still wet.Preparatory work in the fields must bedone during this period, so that plantingcan be done on the first <strong>of</strong> Flaurmont.Spring covers Flaurmont to Klarmount14. Spring is a dry time in the Dale.Sudden shower bursts contribute only 1.8inches per month, and temperatures run40° to 65°F in West Haven. Places northlose a degree every 75 miles.Summer weather is restricted to onlynine weeks in the south. Temperaturessoar to 65°-95°, and it is <strong>of</strong>ten muggywith thunderstorms. Roagendoch’ssummer is seven weeks at 47°-75°.Autumn is the true gem <strong>of</strong> the north.Beginning Fyrmont 22, the temperaturedrops to a comfortable 55°-70° range,and the humidity subsides. In the GreatOlde Woode, the deciduous hardwoodsintermixed with the pines begin to turn,painting the whole north in a cacophony<strong>of</strong> greens, yellows, and reds. Autumnrainfall comes from easterly windsblowing ice <strong>of</strong>f the Icereach. Frost firstappears around Svirftmont 20.Other Locations<strong>The</strong> Old Death: <strong>The</strong> Old Death is asite north <strong>of</strong> the Ivory City that predatesthe Great Rain <strong>of</strong> Fire. Neither theresidents <strong>of</strong> the Ivory City nor the freeLowland Roags go near it for fear <strong>of</strong>disturbing the ancient spirits. Anunhealthy aura permeates the region, andthe deaths <strong>of</strong> some early discoverers wereblamed on the ruin. Some technologicalremnants survive (e.g. robot tigers),waiting for the command to rebuild theworld, but the primary residents are acoalition <strong>of</strong> twisted creatures.Old Death: ochre jelly, blast spore,giant black widow, giant shroud spider,mummified cyborg, rat, baldandar, Crone<strong>of</strong> Chaos, revener, rust monster,automatons, mek, robot tiger (ambergolem), proto-humanoids (mud golem)10

SOCIETYRaces<strong>The</strong> populations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> come from myriad stock. All <strong>of</strong>the major races, plus several <strong>of</strong> the minorones, can be found in the north.Humans<strong>The</strong> most numerous humans are theRoags. <strong>The</strong>y are a hardy race thatpredates other humans, occupying broadswaths <strong>of</strong> the hills, Great Olde Woode,and the north. Highland Roags inhabitthe Roaguncal, while the Lowland Roagslive a semi-nomadic existence in theStrathgledd grasslands. <strong>The</strong> LowlandRoags are futher divided into those loyalto Roagendoch and the Free Roags <strong>of</strong> theeast. No particular designation exists forcivilized and Great Olde Woode Roags.Roags stand 4-6 inches shorter onaverage. <strong>The</strong> men have thick beardsbraided or left in tangled fury. Jokesabout “giant dwarves” have led toaltercations far out <strong>of</strong> proportion to theslight. Northern trbes use thick wool andfur clothing (350 cn, 5gp, AC6) to keepout the winter chill. Lighter wool jerkinsare pulled out for the brief summer.A Roag custom that has been adoptedthroughout the Dale is that <strong>of</strong> the Johnnycake(the West Haven term). A youngman or woman who leaves home isgiving a sieving cup with which toretrieve water (a test <strong>of</strong> ingenuity – Ed.).<strong>The</strong> mother then bakes the Johnny-cakeusing the water. <strong>The</strong> child is given achoice <strong>of</strong> the entire cake and the mother’scurse, or half <strong>of</strong> the cake and a blessing(a test <strong>of</strong> wisdom and character – Ed.).For simiplicity, Deno-Essurian is acatch-all for those whose ancestors camefrom the Denagothian Plateau. Thisincludes the Ghyrans. <strong>The</strong> Thyatianphrase Personae Gurrani is used in thesame broad sense. Deno-Essuriansexhibit a wide range <strong>of</strong> appearance (see<strong>Gaz</strong> F2 Denizens <strong>of</strong> Denagoth or <strong>Gaz</strong> F4<strong>The</strong> Hidden Treasure <strong>of</strong> Ghyr).Thyatians and other Known Worldersround out the <strong>Alliance</strong>’s humanpopulation. West Haven has a largenumber <strong>of</strong> Glantrian anglaise, whileAveroignians have had significantinfluence on Dauphins, Serleans, Balaisand Brest.Civilized men keep their hair length inproportion to their age. Hair is closelycropped until majority (18), after which itis gown out half an inch per decade.Facial hair is either shorn or kept neat.Proper women wear some form <strong>of</strong> haircovering. This ordinance is frequentlyignored by women <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Crowns and coronets are acceptablecovers for noblewomen, and soldieringhelmets are appropriate for femaleadventurers, and it has become fashionamong court ladies to design fancifulheaddresses.Furs are an important element <strong>of</strong>wardrobes for both sexes. Lesser-valuedpelts (beaver, wolf, or elk) are used bycommoners. Those <strong>of</strong> higher station usewolf, bear, ermine, sable, and mink.Summer dress is light, nominally made<strong>of</strong> an undershirt or blouse and shortsbeneath a leather jerkin or jacket andtrousers. Women substitute a bodice andskirt.Demihumans andHumanoidsElves: Three different elvish groupsexist in the north. <strong>The</strong> Lothenar are thesmallest, numbering only a few dozensurvivors <strong>of</strong> a terrible war with theShadow Lord <strong>of</strong> Denagoth.<strong>The</strong> Parthenal elves (and humans) aredescendants <strong>of</strong> those who fled thedisintegration <strong>of</strong> the legendary realm <strong>of</strong>Forenath in the Wildlands. SomeParenthali have joined the community <strong>of</strong>the Great Olde Woode. <strong>The</strong>y have a coolrelation with the Vyalians but acceptedtheir Lothenar cousins.Parthenal and Lothenar elves arenormally single-classed and favor fighteror thief over spellcasting classes.280 Vyalian Foresters remained in thenorth after the recall. <strong>The</strong>y attempt toteach their native cousins Heimsleidh,Ilsundal’s philosophy, but they do nothave access to Trees <strong>of</strong> Life.Dwarves: <strong>The</strong>re are Taralon Channelenclaves <strong>of</strong> Buhrohur dwarves who camewith the engineering cohort <strong>of</strong> theLegion.Halflings: Halflings are the leastcommon standard race. 230 hin reside inthe north, mostly in West Haven. <strong>The</strong>Leehan shortfolk have recently openedtrade with the Hill and Dale, and onenever knows where the next ShadyDragon Inn francise will open.Gnomes: Since the destruction <strong>of</strong>Torkyn Falls 500 years ago, gnomes haveslowly migrated into the north. Whiletheir integration into other regions wasgenerally smooth, the gnomes inParthenal have earned a sour reputation.<strong>The</strong>se Forest Gnomes initiated a viciouswar against kobold villages, and theyseem particularly vulnerable to thenihilistic allures <strong>of</strong> the Idrisian cult.Gnomes have had a better time in DeepHollow and the Scarlet City, but theyshare the pathological fear <strong>of</strong> dragonscommon to all northern gnomes.Humanoids: <strong>The</strong> kobolds are theoldest extant population <strong>of</strong> the Parthenal-Dale region. Over time they inhabitedterritory territory from the Swamp <strong>of</strong> theBeast to well north <strong>of</strong> the tundra. <strong>The</strong>ywere taken aback by the gnomes’ recentaggression, unaware <strong>of</strong> the bloody history<strong>of</strong> the Hardanger Range.Other humanoids settled the Hill andDale because <strong>of</strong> pressures in Denagothand Norwold. Goblins, hobgoblins,bugbears, and hill giants are present inmost kingdoms and are prominent in theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors.<strong>The</strong> Hillbans are an orc-dominatedmeta-group that inhabits the ShatteredPlateau. <strong>The</strong>y sit apart from the Dale’spopulations.Hill GiantsThough the largest humanoids, hillgiants are <strong>of</strong>ten overlooked in censuses.Nearly all early hill giants accompaniedLoark out <strong>of</strong> Urzud, but they quicklybroke away on the Horde’s trek. Todaythey are found neigh-exclusively in a“7”-like distribution beginning in the<strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, cutting across thesouth <strong>of</strong> the Great Bay, and down theNorwold coast to the Northern Reaches.<strong>The</strong> hill giants who exist in the Dale areculturally intertwined with the Roags andthe other humanoids <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Many Colors. <strong>The</strong> traditional occupation<strong>of</strong> hill giants was that <strong>of</strong> a herder andtanner, but with the advent <strong>of</strong> highercivilization, hill giants may pursue11

SOCIETYdifferent avenues.<strong>The</strong> average hill giant stands 12 feet talland weighs 1600-2600 pounds. Because<strong>of</strong> their great girth, hill giants have anendothermic inertia that allows them tobrave the harsh elements <strong>of</strong> the north.<strong>The</strong>y do not have resistance, per se, but ahill giant would succumb to winter longafter a human would.Hill giants have two great fears. <strong>The</strong>first is chicken pox. <strong>The</strong> childhooddisease is lethal to hill giants, and anyoutbreak creates a panic. <strong>The</strong> secondgreat fear is <strong>of</strong> things bigger thanthemselves. Hill giants are used to beingthe largest kid on the block, and they feelthreatened by the presence <strong>of</strong> greaterbeings, particularly true giants. One <strong>of</strong>the cruelest curses ever placed upon a hillgiant caused the victim to see everything– every blade <strong>of</strong> grass or butterfly – astwice his own size.Hill giants also harbor a jealousytowards humanity. <strong>The</strong>y are so close andyet so far removed from that craved-fornormalcy, and they are keenly aware <strong>of</strong>that disconnect. This also causes hillgiants to shy away from pan-humanoidgroups. Dale giants are more at peacewith this than are wilder ones, and onlythe rare specimen acts on these feelings.Half-Giants and EttinsHill giants are reproductivelyincompatible with the other beastmandescendedraces. <strong>The</strong>re are no halfgiant/half-trolls,for instance; however,there are records and modern examples <strong>of</strong>human-giant pairings. Every successfulpairing has been between a male giantand a female human who possessedmagical abilities. Likely, a spell <strong>of</strong>conception was involved.Half-giant children are all female andare statistically human. <strong>The</strong>se ladies arestatuesque (6 to 7-foot), shapely, andwith better than average intelligence andstrength. Half-giantesses are cross fertilewith both parent stocks. Sons are therace <strong>of</strong> the father, while daughters arealso half-giantesses.<strong>Alliance</strong> folklore, and Roag lore beforethat, speaks <strong>of</strong> the Ettins: legendary twoheadedgiants. As with all legends, thereis a kernel <strong>of</strong> truth. Ettins do exist onMystara, but they are not a distinctbreedable race. Rather, ettins are aparticular form <strong>of</strong> conjoined-twins uniqueto hill giants. <strong>The</strong> ontologicaldevelopment <strong>of</strong> the ettin’s second head isakin to polyp budding – completelyunlike twinning in humans.<strong>The</strong> most commonly accepted reasonfor the ettin-ization <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fspring is animbalance <strong>of</strong> nutrients given to the childduring gestation, but some maintain it iscaused by a peculiar sickness oravariciousness <strong>of</strong> one or both parents.One out <strong>of</strong> 100 births yields anettinized child. Healthy, separate twinsare unheard <strong>of</strong>. <strong>The</strong> physiology <strong>of</strong> theettin does not always align properlyduring development, and half <strong>of</strong> all ettinbirths die within the first month <strong>of</strong> life.Another quarter perishes by the teenageyears from compromised health.<strong>The</strong> remaining ettins are capable <strong>of</strong>surviving into their adulthood, thoughthey are afflicted with disabilities. Ettinsstand two feet shorter than their peers,and suffer -2 adjustments in Dexterity,Wisdom, and Constitution. Each headhas its own Intelligence, Charisma andpersonality. [Wisdom is “joint” in thesense that the body-mind intuition mustwork together to do anything –Ed.]Social Standing<strong>The</strong> basic social division is commoner,nobleman, and royalty. <strong>The</strong> noblemanclass is further separated into the courtlord (inc. squires, ladies-in-waiting, andpages), and ranked nobles. Lords whohave been granted title to land have apecking order over the basic court lord,but “landed lords” is not recognized as adistinct level <strong>of</strong> nobility.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> recognizes three rankednobles: baron, count and duke, though themeanings behind the titles differ fromtheir normal usage.A baron oversees a large settlement(village or town <strong>of</strong> 250), a countcommands a company <strong>of</strong> 15 knights <strong>of</strong>renown, and a duke is in charge <strong>of</strong> amajor battlement (armed force <strong>of</strong> at least100 men-at-arms supported by 150civilians). Existing duchies were onceindependent kingdoms that fell during thePrism and <strong>Alliance</strong> Wars.An individual may hold multiple titles,sometimes for the same real estate, andthe titled noble must meet allrequirements for those positions. It iseven possible for different titles to beconferred by different monarchs (e.g.Galencourt in Greendale).Barons, counts, and dukes may parcelout their personal or titled lands tosubordinants. <strong>The</strong>se individuals arealways recognized as lords or knights.Knighthood sits apart from the basicnobility. Traditionally, it was grantedupon the completion <strong>of</strong> a heroic quest inwhich the individual established hismartial prowess. Today it is increasinglycommon for knighthood to be awardedon vouching by other knights and nobles.Only the king or queen may grant thisstatus. Those knighted are expected toparticipate in grand melees and jousts.Knights <strong>of</strong> Renown are those individualswho have achieved well earned praise fortheir feats (9 th level). For an in-depthlook at knighthood in the north, see <strong>Gaz</strong>F4 <strong>The</strong> Hidden Treasure <strong>of</strong> Ghyr.Religion<strong>The</strong> Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr <strong>of</strong>ficially hasecclesiastical jurisdiction over not onlyGhyr but also Greendale, Deep Hollow,and the nations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Actual Church influence diminishes awayfrom the City <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. Other religions,except for the Cults <strong>of</strong> Idris and Stodos,are permitted, if not welcomed.<strong>The</strong> Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr<strong>The</strong> Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr is dedicated to thewisdom accrued from followers <strong>of</strong> HeWho Watches. At the head <strong>of</strong> the Churchis the Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. Druidic faith,once a staple <strong>of</strong> the north, is vieweddimly by the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. <strong>The</strong>“naturalism” aspects <strong>of</strong> druidism strikemost Watchers as too close to Idrisiannihilistic hedonism. Divisions <strong>of</strong>emphasis and interpretation do existwithin the Church.<strong>The</strong> central tenet <strong>of</strong> the Church is thatHe Who Watches observes one’s deedsand heart as they go through life, seekingthose moments <strong>of</strong> truth and justice. In itsview, angels and fiends play a role in theworld, and Idris is the worst <strong>of</strong> the cruel12

SOCIETYtemptresses by letting people act as ifthere were no consequences to choicesand decisions.In the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, the only placeto receive ecclesiastical training is atDauphins. <strong>The</strong> seminary also providesgeneral and theological education forthose with lay ambitions. Upongraduation (C3), the seminarian mustchoose to join the priesthood or become atemplar (adventuring cleric). Thisdecision is irrevocable.Below the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Ghyrare the bishops who administer largepopulation areas. Every capital exceptRoagendoch has its own black-robed andskullcaped bishop, as do some <strong>of</strong> thelarge towns and villages. <strong>The</strong> Council <strong>of</strong>Bishops elects the new Archbishop andapproves the Archbishop’s nominees forbishopry.Priests (C3+) handle the dailyministrations to the congregations.Particularly small communities or thoseout <strong>of</strong> the way may be beyond theattention <strong>of</strong> the bishops. Local priests areeither self-appointed or serve at thedirection <strong>of</strong> the Archbishop.Monestaries and nunneries are anotheravenue for devoted men and women.<strong>The</strong>se operate independently, and therestudents are known as friars. Monks andnuns are generally held below a templar.Tithe: 5 copper bits/ mo for laymenSeminarian Costs: 15 copper bits/moPriesthood Salaries: 5 silver bits/moplus 5 coppers for every year <strong>of</strong> serviceBishopric Salaries: 20 electrum bits/ moplus Priesthood SalariesPriesthood Privileges: Members <strong>of</strong> theclergy have basic housing provided bythe Church. Communities <strong>of</strong>ten providetheir local priests with foodstuffs.Roag MacCullanRoag Maccullan is the oldest faith <strong>of</strong>the humans <strong>of</strong> the region, and it is sharedby goblins and other humanoids. At itscore, Roag Maccullan is a druidic beliefsystem, but it has evolved away from theconventional interpretation <strong>of</strong> that term.<strong>The</strong> death aspect <strong>of</strong> nature is stressedmore than in other druidic traditions.Whether this is a function <strong>of</strong> environmentor Idrisian influence is unknown. <strong>The</strong>secret rites <strong>of</strong> the druids evolved from theearth-magic <strong>of</strong> the sorcerers that survivedAlinor’s destruction, and are thus moreelemental than vegetative in nature.Principal mythological figures areGharma, or the Lady <strong>of</strong> the Forest, andthe intrusive fairy warrior Od (or Wod).<strong>The</strong> druids pique the Ghyran clergy byequating He Who Watches with Od.All races are seen as brothers born <strong>of</strong>the earth, and they see no separationbetween themselves and the land. Manyfollowers adorn their bodies with tribaltattoos, and they traditionally dancenaked under the full moon, even in thewinter time.<strong>The</strong>re are two “political” strains <strong>of</strong>Roag MacCullen, and both call for a pan-Roag nation. <strong>The</strong>re is an underlying anti-Watcher element to both movements.<strong>The</strong> first is led by Carwen, Heirophant <strong>of</strong>the Great Olde Woode, while the secondis supported by the Mabds <strong>of</strong> Taralon.Carwen’s strain emphasizes theconnectedness <strong>of</strong> life and death and areturn to the “old ways.” <strong>The</strong> Taralonsect is politically matriarchal, andemphasizes water, earth, and airelemental teachings.Clerics <strong>of</strong> Roag MacCullan also existindependent <strong>of</strong> the movements describedabove. <strong>The</strong>y are most prevalent amongthe Lowland Roags.Other Faiths and Traditions<strong>The</strong> Cult <strong>of</strong> Idris currently has limitedimpact in the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> outside <strong>of</strong>the gnome populations. A large minority<strong>of</strong> Known Worlders maintain theirancestral faiths, particularly Thyatians.Societies andOrganizations<strong>The</strong> High College: <strong>The</strong> High Collegeis a network <strong>of</strong> magic-users that trainspeople in the magical arts. Due toChurch restrictions placed on wizards,the most senior members are wanderers.Apprentices (1 st to 5 th level) accompanytheir masters on these journeys, therebyensuring that they have a full idea as towhat wizardry in the north entails. <strong>The</strong>wandering is less strictly inforced in the<strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, and nobles mightretain the services <strong>of</strong> a personal magist.Requirements: Except hedge wizards, allmagic-users in the north areautomatically members <strong>of</strong> the HighCollege. A student can leave his or herapprenticeship at any time. <strong>The</strong> Collegeis led by a High Master who is selectedfor lifetime appointment by the mostsenior wizards. Masters, those <strong>of</strong> namelevel, mark their status by high collaredrobes. Magicians are not accepted intothe High College.Cost: None/ nonePrivileges: Access to advanced trainingduring apprenticeship. Food and othernecessities are provided by the master.Members <strong>of</strong> the High College have goodrelations with the druids.Responsibilities: Apprentices endure anindentured servitude to their master.Members must police the wizardcommunity and prevent further distancewith the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr.For more information on the HighCollege, see <strong>Gaz</strong> F4 <strong>The</strong> HiddenTreasure <strong>of</strong> Ghyr.<strong>The</strong> Thieves’ Guild: Dahnakriss’sunderworld network stretches fromTemaraire to the Borean Valley and evento Leeha. <strong>The</strong> guild performs traditionalthieving activities and serves as a spynetwork for foreign interests –particularly Idrisian interests. Phillip <strong>of</strong>Marabone and Olwynn the White-Handsrun the western guild and recruit locally.Requirements: recruitment onlyCost: None/20% <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>itsPrivileges: No freelancer hassles,eventful employment opportunitiesHindrances: Criminal status.LanguageA number <strong>of</strong> languages can be heard inthe north. Those that are most importantfor the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> are listed below.Thyatian: Thyatian is the courtlanguage for every northern kingdomsave the Lowland Roags in the farnorthwest.Roag: Roag is a multiracial languagespoken in the west. <strong>The</strong> most commonspeakers today are hill giants. Old Roagserves as the cant <strong>of</strong> local druids.13

SOCIETYEssurian: Learned scholars maintainthe Essurian language, sometimes calledGhyrian. <strong>The</strong> mages <strong>of</strong> the High Collegeuse Essurian as a cant.Barkyip: This is the common koboldtongue in the Hills <strong>of</strong> Parthenal.Elvish (Lothenar, Vyalian,Parthenal): With only a few dozenspeakers, the Lothenar dialect isconsidered dead. Parthenal is maintainedby independent groups <strong>of</strong> elves andfellow humans in Parthenal and the GreatOlde Woode. Elves in the “civilized”areas have the Vyalian accent.Gnomish: Gnomes have made theirway into the region. Preservation <strong>of</strong> theracial language is waning except in the<strong>Western</strong> Forest.Hymsprach: Commonly known toother races as Giantish, Hymsprach is thelanguage for all true giant-folk in thenorth (fire and larger).Meggaran: This is a multiracial,Denagothian-based language spoken inthe Swamp <strong>of</strong> the Beast.Shonak: This is a human languageheard on the tundra to the north.Hillbanic: This is the multiraciallanguage <strong>of</strong> the Hillban tribes. It issometimes referred to as Skeleton BoneOrcish.A smattering <strong>of</strong> other Known Worldlanguages accompanied Thyatian.Econonomics andGovernanceDespite the Thyatians’ best efforts, theycould never get the northern kingdoms toabandon the Essurian bit system. Forsimplicity, one bit is equal in weight toone standard coin. <strong>The</strong> Scarlet City andDeep Hollow mine copper, while silvercan be panned in parts <strong>of</strong> the Kaganus.No gold lodes have been found anywherein the north, so any gold bits are fromforeign sources. A zinc-nickel alloymade in several communities serves thedenominational role <strong>of</strong> a half-copper, butoutside nations will not accept it. Barteris also very common.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is even moreremoved from the outside world than isGhyr, but some nascent trade is filteringfrom the east. Leehan speculators arecertain to appear in the next few years.See the sections on individual nations fortheir particular economic situations.Except for the Lowland Roags, eachkingdom’s ruler is nominally advised bya Royal Council composed <strong>of</strong> the rankednobility, a Church representative, andministers and knights <strong>of</strong> the regent’schoosing. Local governance is left toseneschals and other proxies. Sheriffs orbailiffs are appointed by the local lord.Taxation schemes are currently uniformacross the north. <strong>The</strong> remainder <strong>of</strong> localfunding derives from fines and tolls.Counts ordinarily <strong>of</strong>fer their company’sservice for one month, but those in the<strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> have recently begun tosubmit scutage (shield payment) equal tothe Duke’s fee in lieu <strong>of</strong> service. Subfeudallords do not pay the titled chargeto the crown; however, their liege maydemand some form <strong>of</strong> compensation tocover their own costs.Tax Amt. AssessedSubject <strong>of</strong> Lord 6 cb Monthly… <strong>of</strong> Ranked Lord +3nb MonthlySales (on business) 3nbper sbAnnual(Late Fall)National Tax 6eb Sum. Sol.Titled Land 100 eb AnnuallyBaron/Duke 150 eb AnnuallyThose living outside <strong>of</strong> a lord’s domaingenerally pay only the king’s tax, butsupport for local constabulary can be ashigh as 15 coppers per month in smallareas. Individuals with multiple chargesmust meet each obligation in full.Crime and Punishment<strong>The</strong> criminal codes <strong>of</strong> the kingdoms arelargely identical to that found in Thyatisand Karameikos in the Known World.Three important innovations reflect thelocal history <strong>of</strong> the region.Branding is used for thieves and thoseconvicted as worshippers <strong>of</strong> Idris andStodos. Worshippers also forfeit allpossessions and holdings. <strong>The</strong>punishment <strong>of</strong> the cults is not as active inthe <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Next, adultery is punished by a week inthe stockade for both participants.Wintertime convictions are punished inthe late spring. Adultery with the queen,or the king if his position is by consort, isconsidered treason punishable by burningat the stake.Appeals to Trial by Combat are onlyused in the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights.Generic Military UnitsSeveral similar military units appear inthe <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> nations. <strong>The</strong>seforces are listed here for commonreference.Typical Count’s CompanyPersonnel: 15 mounted knights, 15mounted men-at-armsNon-combat Personnel: 15Leadership: Banner knight (F9)Troop Class: EliteBR 212Typical Baron’s CompanyPersonnel: 1 mounted knight, 10 men-atarms,15 soldiersNon-combat Personnel: 3Leadership: Banner knight (F9)Troop Class: Below AverageBR 52Typical Independent CompanyPersonnel: 20 soldiers or 20 archersNon-combat Personnel: 0 to 10Leadership: Banner man-at-arms (F3)Troop Class: Below AverageBR 54 (64)Typical Town GuardTown Guards will only participate inlocal defense. Town guards do not existat a location if a military unit is listed asperforming constabulary duties.Personnel: 25 F1 with swordLeadership: F3Troop Class: PoorBR 23Typical MilitiaSuch a militia can be put together within2 weeks from neighboring homesteadsand town residents. A militia will onlyparticipate in local defense.Personnel: 50 normal men and elvesLeadership: F3Troop Class: UntrainedBR 1014

THE KINGDOM OF WEST HAVENInspiration: Chaucerian EnglandRuler: King Limakhan I HawkinsOverview: West Haven is a modernkingdom whose cultural identity is tied tothe Known World. <strong>The</strong> Glantriananglaise have had a pr<strong>of</strong>ound role inestablishing the character <strong>of</strong> the kingdom,particularly Wexham and Landsbury.<strong>The</strong> nation is situated in the southwest<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Alliance</strong> near the Borean Tier andthe Wildlands. West Haven rose toprominence during the Prism Wars underQueen Mary and King Caradoc.In contrast, the <strong>Alliance</strong> War provedcostly. <strong>The</strong> kingdom lost its king andcrown prince as well as Brest, Sorchester,and Serleans. <strong>The</strong> current king,Limakhan, has slowly rebuilt WestHaven to a position <strong>of</strong> strength.Today the nation is beset by themachinations <strong>of</strong> external lords, such asPhillip <strong>of</strong> Marabone, and an internalthreat in the guise <strong>of</strong> Warden ErnstZiegler. <strong>The</strong> annoying gnome-koboldfrictions <strong>of</strong> the south have the potential todraw in the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> the Great OldeWoode and the Hills <strong>of</strong> Parthenal.<strong>The</strong> undead coming from the west andsouthwest are the greatest danger to WestHaven’s survival. No one hasdetermined the cause for their presence,but it is no longer rare to hear <strong>of</strong> theirhabitation in abandoned buildings orwoods.<strong>The</strong> kingdom has three subfiefdoms:the Baronies <strong>of</strong> Wexham and Lansbury,and the County <strong>of</strong> Havaburn.HolidaysLady Hawkins Day (Yarthmont20): This day commemorates MaryHawkins rejection <strong>of</strong> a suitor chosen byher father in favor <strong>of</strong> the Roag leader,Caradoc. On this day, young ladies areallowed to choose any eligible escort forthe festival dance.MilitaryWest Haven currently has 23 knights <strong>of</strong>renown and 30 knights bachelor in itsservice. Half owe fealty to Havaburn,and the remainder serves King Limakhandirectly. <strong>The</strong> Garrions defend WestHaven in conjunction with one countyand two baronial companies. <strong>The</strong>Garrisons doubles as the town guard forthe capital.<strong>The</strong> Garrisons <strong>of</strong> West HavenPersonnel: 36 mounted knights, 50mounted men-at-arms, 100 soldiers, and100 archersNon-combat Personnel: 60Leadership: Warden Ernst Ziegler (F10)Troop Class: GoodBR 125SettlementsWest Haven: <strong>The</strong> eponymous capitalhas a population composed <strong>of</strong> 3,000Known Worlders, 25 elves, 100 kobolds,10 dwarves, 200 halflings, 1,000 Roags,and 1,050 Deno-Essurians. It sits on theshores <strong>of</strong> Lake Cairn and was establishedearly by the Thyatians as a sistercommunity to Havaburn. It quickly grewinto the dominate center <strong>of</strong> the southwest.<strong>The</strong> elven contingent serves as wardens<strong>of</strong> the nearby forests, but they are not part<strong>of</strong> the military. Interestingly, the elveshave been aided by the expert knowledge<strong>of</strong> the kobold community. West Havenproduces winter squash, fish, potatoes,and hunters bring in various game.Wexham: <strong>The</strong> baronial seat and itsenvirons are peopled by 200 KnownWorlders, 10 Vyalian elves, 50 gnomes,400 Roags, and 100 Deno-Essurians.Wexham preexisted as a Roagcommunity built atop an oldercivilization’s ruin, but its current guisewas conceived by an Anglaise traveler,the Earl <strong>of</strong> Wexham. Marginally isolatedfrom the rest <strong>of</strong> the north, Wexham bearsthe brunt <strong>of</strong> West Haven’s undeadincursions. Members <strong>of</strong> the gnomishcommunity <strong>of</strong>ten enter into the no-man’sforest for scuffles with the kobolds <strong>of</strong>West Haven.Havaburn: <strong>The</strong> hamlet <strong>of</strong> Havaburncontains 300 Known Worlders, 700Roags, 25 elves, and 200 Deno-Essurians. Havaburn is the oldestsettlement in the southwest. WestHaven’s success drained Havaburn <strong>of</strong>many <strong>of</strong> its residents. It was revitalizedas a military headquarters during thePrism and <strong>Alliance</strong> Wars.Krythonia: Krythonia (200 KnownWorlders, 500 Roags, and 100 Deno-Essurians) is a Roag settlement that alsosuffered under West Haven’s creation,but later immigrants infused a new lifeinto this cattle village. Krythonia is part<strong>of</strong> the County <strong>of</strong> Havaburn, but there isno subinfeudination <strong>of</strong> the village (i.e. itis not a barony).Lansbury: Lansbury (700 KnownWorlders, 50 dwarves, 100 Deno-Essurians) was created by the Thyatiansduring the massive earthworks projectthat resulted in the Taralon Channel.Today, most residents fish or crab,though some raise goats and cattle in thesouthern grass knolls. <strong>The</strong> people <strong>of</strong>Lansbury are bewildered by the oddbehavior <strong>of</strong> the Baroness, Lady Angela.Smaller communities: Anadditional 1,000 people live within thekingdom’s borders. Most are in the southaround Lake Cairn and the RiverKagunus. A lesser number reside nearLansbury. Only a handful <strong>of</strong> homesteadsline the interior trailways.In total, the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> West Havenholds 10,100 individuals (5,000 KnownWorlders, 50 Vyalian elves, 50 gnomes,50 dwarves, 200 halflings, 3,100 Roags,1,550 Deno-Essurians, and 100 kobolds).EconomyWest Haven is the only kingdom in thenorth that was able to implement an<strong>of</strong>ficial coinage over the traditionalEssurian-bit system. Copper and silverare panned out <strong>of</strong> the Kaganus and gointo the penny and the crown,respectively. Some Thyatian coins stillcirculate, but coins <strong>of</strong> other metals arenot minted.Relations with OtherNationsFavorable: West Haven maintainsgood relations with Deep Hollow andGreendale in the extreme east. Mosttrade has been coordinated by Lansbury’sdwarven community. Preservatives andcure-dried meats are exchanged forprecious stones and horses.Friendly: West Haven is on fair termswith Snowden. Despite the proximity <strong>of</strong>the two kingdoms, there is little trade –mostly annual timber shipments for coin15

THE KINGDOM OF WEST HAVENor mutton.Neutral: West Haven is indifferent tothe Kingdoms <strong>of</strong> Lowland Roags andMany Colors. It is studiously neutral inregards to the 200 Knights and Ghyr.Unfriendly: West Haven has poorrelations with the Great Olde Woode andTaralon. Taralon is blamed for startingthe <strong>Alliance</strong> War that cost West Havenhalf <strong>of</strong> its holdings and for stirring upreligious strife. Difficulties with theGreat Olde Woode stem from thegnomish-kobold conflict and land-userights.Animals and MonstersSettlements and the GeneralInterior: cow, goat, pig, oxen, falcon,fungoid, brownie, kobold (south only),gnome (south only), human, elf, halfling,dwarf (north only), doll golem, snowgeese, chicken, crow, skeleton, zombie,ghost, ghoul, wight, lesser banshee, lesserphantom, possession, pooka<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> Forest: normal andgiant elk, giant centipede, rattlesnake,giant wood spider, lynx, dire wolf,normal and giant owl, normal bat, giantskunk, gnome, kobold, skeleton, zombie,ghoul, wight, ghost, fungoid, quail,pheasant, turkey, giant ermine and mink,grizzly bear, pernicorn, falcon, smallgreen dragonTaralon Channel: giant crab,phygorax, spectre, clear jelly, weed eel,robberfly, water weirdPersonalitiesKing Limakhan: F4. When the<strong>Alliance</strong> War erupted, Limakhan was thesecond son <strong>of</strong> King Edwin Hawkins.Edwin and his eldest son were slain in thefighting, and the coronation <strong>of</strong> Limakhanwas recognized only after West Havenaccepted membership in the <strong>Alliance</strong>. Inthe intervening years, Limakhan hasstrove to be a just king. <strong>The</strong> King hasfive children: three daughters (Beatrice,Anne, Arelina) and two young sons(Harold, Joseph).Princess Arelina: NW. Arelina is theyoungest daughter <strong>of</strong> King Limakhan.<strong>The</strong> sixteen year-old is shedding herdemure nature and will grow into a hottempered, commanding, and sharptonguedwoman. Arelina’s hair is longand brown, which stands out against hergowns <strong>of</strong> West Haven blue.Ernst Ziegler: F10. Ziegler is theWarden <strong>of</strong> the Garrisons, a position thatcombines the generalcy with certaindomestic oversights. Ziegler hails from aline <strong>of</strong> Hattian footmen, though hismother is anglaise. A stalwart defender<strong>of</strong> West Haven, the Warden harborsresentments toward King Limakhan andhas been plotting a coup.Penelope <strong>of</strong> West Haven: C12,Int7, Con8, C. Penelope is the Bishop <strong>of</strong>West Haven and an older lady whoexudes timeless beauty and grace.Outside <strong>of</strong> her <strong>of</strong>ficial duties, the Bishopkeeps to herself, abandoning the formalblack garb <strong>of</strong> her <strong>of</strong>fice for a flatteringtan. She favors the Monks <strong>of</strong> Temaraire(see <strong>Gaz</strong> F4), and views her personalpr<strong>of</strong>its are a sign <strong>of</strong> favor from He WhoWatches. Penelope’s armor is gilded,and rumors circulate that she holds afiend in bondage. She would not partake<strong>of</strong> Ziegler’s coup, but neither would sheoppose it without explicit orders from theArchbishop.Equipment: club+2Angela Fletcher, Baroness <strong>of</strong>Lansbury: NW. Angela is the granddame <strong>of</strong> the lake communities, but hermental stability has deteriorated since themysterious death <strong>of</strong> her husband, the lateBaron Jessup. Angela is convinced thathe was murdered, and she <strong>of</strong>ten scrawls“murder” on the walls <strong>of</strong> the city, hopingto draw out the killers. Despite theoverall mental decline, Angela remainsvery perceptive to small details.Charles Thatcher, Baron <strong>of</strong>Wexham: F2. Charles is the first Baron<strong>of</strong> Wexham, though he prefers the title“Earl.” <strong>The</strong> baron gained control overthe region 30 years ago for service toKing Edwin I. He encouraged gnomishsettlements to the south and west <strong>of</strong>Wexham, hoping they would producesome technical marvels to combat therising undead problem. Those hopeshave been lost, as the gnomes seem moreintent on harassing the kobolds in WestHaven.Bors, Count <strong>of</strong> Havaburn: F7.Bors’s family led Havaburn before theThyatians’ arrival, after which they wereexiled. Bors’s father reasserted thefamily’s authority after the withdrawal.Bors was the Warden <strong>of</strong> the Garrisonsduring the last war, and he was relieved<strong>of</strong> those duties in its aftermath. <strong>The</strong>Count is loyal to the kingdom, but theloss <strong>of</strong> his position still stings. Now 62,Bors is trying to reacquire Sorchesterthrough marriage.Rusak: Magician 13 (alternatively,MU4). Rusak is a master illusionist thatplies his trade among the westernkingdoms. He has a prickly sense <strong>of</strong>honor, and those who cross him will findthemselves victims <strong>of</strong> a humiliatingrevenge. Rusak is driven by the need forfame and fortune. During his travels, themagician <strong>of</strong>ten adopts specific guises,such as Kirkenny <strong>of</strong> Loch Glenfirg, astudent <strong>of</strong> Magister Throrogast in Balais– who is himself another guise <strong>of</strong> Rusak.Turef: NM. Turef is a loyal servant tothe royal family. He dotes on PrincessArelina as if she were his own.Petr<strong>of</strong>: F10, N, Str 17, Int8, Cha 7.Petr<strong>of</strong> is a lieutenant in the Garrisons.Despite many years <strong>of</strong> service, Petr<strong>of</strong>found it difficult to rise in the militaryleadership. Warden Ziegler has beenmanipulating this slow, outcast soldier,and he now has his complete trust.Equipment: Sword+2, shield+2,arrows+2, horn <strong>of</strong> blasting.16

THE KINGDOM OF WEST HAVENBerklai: F4, Int 16 (6 in AC5). Berklaihails from Landsbury where he earned areputation as a duelist. He cuts a dashingfigure with his feathered hat, light armorand a buckler shield opposite his saber.Awas: Magician8, Str8, Dex 17. Awasis an accomplished magician in WestHaven who specializes in targeting tricksand <strong>of</strong>ten employs a bullseye lantern inhis routine. He adds to the illusion bydonning an eyepatch over his (functional)left eye and leaning upon a quarterstaff.Equipment: dust <strong>of</strong> disappearance.Triak: C5, Dex 17, Con 16. Triak is theassistant to Bishop Penelope and runsmost <strong>of</strong> the day-to-day tasks <strong>of</strong> theclergy. He is an earnest man who worriesthat the bishop may need to be replaced.Equipment: splint mailPenchuri: T4, N, Dex 18. Penchuri isa half Thyatian-half Darokinian roguewanted by the <strong>The</strong>ives’ Guild in Ghyr forunauthorized activities that resulted in theloss <strong>of</strong> a smuggling cell. Now alone inthe west, Penchuri is trying to become abetter man.Equipment: boots <strong>of</strong> elvenkindKuat: F3 (Ranger3). Kuat is a Roagfrom the Great Olde Woode. Adventureand the desire for knighthood broughthim into the lands <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Alliance</strong>, and heis slowly learning the ways <strong>of</strong> a “true”fighter.Equipment: cloack <strong>of</strong> elvenkind, studdedleather, hawkSaudura: M3, N. Saudura is a minorhedge wizard who lives with her blackcat outside <strong>of</strong> Wexham. She views theworld as conspiring against women, andthe spinster occasionally wears a falsebeard and poses as a man on travels.Teman: C4, Cha8. Teman is a Deno-Essurian templar <strong>of</strong> He Who Watches.She is <strong>of</strong>ten mistaken as a man due to hercropped hair and masculine attire. Shemaintains the use <strong>of</strong> the Essurianceremonial head guard and incense stick.Ambil: T3. Ambil is a young thief fromHavaburn with a knack for escapingcapture. <strong>The</strong>re is a standing warrant forhis arrest in Sorchester, but the bounty istoo low to interest hunters.Equipment: ring <strong>of</strong> protection +2, oil <strong>of</strong>slipperinessRusak’s Vision (Levels 1-7)This is a series <strong>of</strong> basic to mid-expertadventures caused by the machinations <strong>of</strong>Rusak and Warden Ziegler. <strong>The</strong>characters begin at West Haven or one <strong>of</strong>the other settlements during a LadyHawkins Day festival.Charlatan: <strong>The</strong> characters are in WestHaven for the festival. Much <strong>of</strong> theaction comes from negotiating the socialwaters <strong>of</strong> the festival: food fights andscuffles between gnome and koboldchildren, pursuit by infatuated maidens,commoner tourney list options (archeryand wrestling), and thieves. <strong>The</strong>entertainment is provided by Rusak –actually an illusory Rusak. <strong>The</strong> magicianposes as another street performer, busilyfleecing the people with the aid <strong>of</strong>accomplices while the illusory versionacts on stage. <strong>The</strong> festival is meant to bea roleplaying opportunity, but ultimatelythe characters should realize (or beinformed) that someone is robbing thepeople and put a stop to it. Interferencewith his accomplices will earn Rusak’sire.Return <strong>of</strong> the Undead: While inWest Haven or Wexham, the party comesacross a funeral procession for an oldlady that died. Numerous graves havebeen disturbed, and the family worriesthat robbers will strike their dame. <strong>The</strong>yhire the party as guards for the graveyard.Grave robbers have been working thearea on behalf <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> Rusak’s alteregos, but lesser corporeal undead havewandered into the area. Worse, ghoulsare feeding at the graveyard.<strong>The</strong> Kidnapping <strong>of</strong> PrincessArelina: Word spreads quickly thatsomeone has kidnapped Princess Arelina.Ziegler’s forces have the culprits trappedin an abandoned home (the House <strong>of</strong>Towers) in the southern woods. <strong>The</strong>kidnappers, Jahat and Jelek, threaten tokill the princess if the army moves onthem. This event has been orchestratedby Ziegler and Rusak. <strong>The</strong> partyspecifically has been hired to rescue theprincess, but the house is stocked withregional monsters and undead from theprevious encounter. If the characterssucceed, Ziegler’s actions would seemprudent. If they fail, one piece <strong>of</strong> theroyal family is removed and theprincess’s death will be on the heads <strong>of</strong>the party. Ziegler will “kill” Rusakshould he be captured, but Jahat andJelek will be bound over for execution.She Wrote “Murder”: Assuming theparty rescued Arelina, part <strong>of</strong> theirreward is a vacation to Lansbury. LadyAngela has been busy scribbling“Murder” on the town walls. Herchamberlain believes Baron Jessup’sdeath was accidental, but he hires theparty to investigate and hopefully easehis lady’s troubled mind. Others thinkthat the writing on the wall is a goodidea, and the spirit <strong>of</strong> Lord Jessup hasplans <strong>of</strong> his own.Framed!: <strong>The</strong> party has garned fame,and Rusak is ready to humiliate them.Using his illusory powers, he frames theparty for several crimes in Havaburn andKrythonia, including murder. <strong>The</strong>re islittle hope <strong>of</strong> the party proving theirinnocence, and they must escape thekingdom.Rusak’s Revenge: With the heroes <strong>of</strong>West Haven gone, Warden Ziegler planshis palace coup. In a year or so, theWarden will kill the royal family. Rusakmakes it appear that the party wasresponsible and that the king electedZiegler as his successor. <strong>The</strong> only royalsurvivor, Princess Arelina, witnessed thehorror and has fled the palace. Rusak andseveral accomplices, including Phillip <strong>of</strong>Marabone, now hunt her. And their pathruns back to the party who must save thehaughty princess.Arelina’s War: Arelina has beensecured from her persuers, but the coup isfar from put down. <strong>The</strong> determinedprincess begins to raise an army. Thiswar is open-ended, and Arelina’s victoryis not assured, even with the party’ssupport. <strong>The</strong> army is initially loyal toZiegler. Personal entreaties can bringLansbury to Arelina’s side, but Wexhamand Havaburn see a civil war’s long termweakening. If the war continues toolong, the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights willmove in to establish peace, somethingthat may be forced by Phillip <strong>of</strong>Marabone, or his family.17

THE MISTY KINGDOM OF TARALONInspiration: sub-Roman periodcoupled with a resurgence <strong>of</strong> druidicculturesRuler: Queen Mabd IIOverview: Many could be excused forforgetting that Taralon existed. <strong>The</strong>kingdom occupies an “island” within theTaralon Channel. Mists and fogsconstantly roil across the water’s surfaceand obscure distant glances <strong>of</strong> thekingdom. Only the baleful shepherd’spipes give evidence to the land’spresence.Originally, Taralon was hilly landoccupied by a few Roag shepherds. Asthe Thyatian earthwork projecttransformed the land, it and other smallerislets separated from the region.Those who settled Taralon soughtescape from outside hassles. This sense<strong>of</strong> removal continues to this day, and thepeople hide their secrets as well as themists hide Taralon.<strong>The</strong> kingdom was forged by thelegionnaire Nemius and his wifeMawgren. <strong>The</strong> land was initially part <strong>of</strong>an association with other Channelcommunities – the Taralon League.Membership changed during the Wars,and today, the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Taralon isrestricted to the Channel interior.<strong>The</strong> next ruler, Mabd I, was part <strong>of</strong> asecret resurgence in Roag MacCullen.<strong>The</strong> movement was particularly strongamong the Roag women, and it wasmarried to a matriarchal vision.Adherents increasingly viewed theKnown World faiths and that <strong>of</strong> He WhoWatches as threats, but their minoritystatus forced them to compromise with orconvert the outsiders.Taralon precipitated the <strong>Alliance</strong> Warwhen Mabd I sent letters <strong>of</strong> alliance toseveral communities. During the war, thequeen surreptitiously urged followers <strong>of</strong>Roag MacCullen everywhere to fight theKnown Worlders and the Ghyran priests.As a peace condition, Mabd I was forcedto abdicate in favor <strong>of</strong> her daughter.HolidaysLost Souls Day (Ambyrmont 28):On this day, the people mourn those whohave died in the last year. Small candleboats are placed in the Channel to lightthe way for souls who need help movingforward. Many <strong>of</strong> these boats make theirway to Lute Point before extinguishing.MilitaryToday there is only a small company <strong>of</strong>soldiers deployed. None are knights.<strong>The</strong> men spend half their time bolsteringthe royal herders and tillers.<strong>The</strong> Royal Company <strong>of</strong> TaralonPersonnel: 50 men-at-arms, 100 soldiers,and 50 boltmen, 50 archersLeadership: Captain (F7)Troop Class: Below AverageBR 67SettlementsTaralon: 800 Known Worlders, 75dwarves, 100 Roags, and 100 Deno-Essurians inhabit the capital, Taralon. Itsits atop the remnants <strong>of</strong> the local hillcomplex from which the Channel wascarved. Despite the small population, thetown is well defended. Shepherds andgoatherds are common occupations.Corugan: Corugan (100 KnownWorlders, 200 Roags, and 100 Deno-Essurians) is a small fishing villageopposite Snowden. <strong>The</strong> village sits atopthe only land capable <strong>of</strong> grazing cattle, sothe residents also maintain about 35 head.Smaller Settlements: Piker’s Ferryis a small settlement (30) that handlestrade and travel to Balais. <strong>The</strong> remaining800 subjects <strong>of</strong> the Misty Kingdom workthe waters.Other Places <strong>of</strong> InterestLute Point: Lute Point is a rockyoutcrop in the north near the CeruleanCity. Drowning victims in the northernChannel <strong>of</strong>ten wash up here, as do thecandle boats on Lost Souls Day.Angwenness: This is the region <strong>of</strong> thesouthwestern marshlands. Undead havebeen sighted here recently.EconomyTaralon uses the Essurian bit-system <strong>of</strong>precious metals, but most trade is throughbarter. <strong>The</strong> royal income is only 20% incurrency, with the remainder in the form<strong>of</strong> goods and services.<strong>The</strong> productive capacity <strong>of</strong> Taralonrests with the herders and fishers. Fish,wool, mutton, and goat’s milk are theprimary exports. <strong>The</strong> land is incapable <strong>of</strong>supporting massive agriculture, and thereis little infrastructure for other industries.<strong>The</strong> Taralonians have developed onething that stands them apart from the rest<strong>of</strong> the north: the creation <strong>of</strong> harpists,pipers, and bardic colleges. <strong>The</strong> dwarvencommunity in Taralon has beenimportant in this development, despitetheir “Known World” taint.Relations with OtherNationsFavorable: Taralon is very welldisposed towards the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Lowland Roags. <strong>The</strong> Queen Mother senta wagon <strong>of</strong> goods to Roagendoch whenshe heard <strong>of</strong> the tarring and feathering <strong>of</strong>its bishop.Friendly: Both the Queen and theQueen Mother have been makingovertures to the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> the GreatOlde Woode. <strong>The</strong>y are looking oncemore to create an alliance. Queen MabdII has also developed a correspondencewith the Duke <strong>of</strong> Mork in Greendale.Because <strong>of</strong> the kingdom’s dwarvenminority, Taralon has made an effort towork with Deep Hollow. <strong>The</strong> Queen isparticularly interested in obtaining some<strong>of</strong> the prismatic stones coming fromDeep Hollow’s mines.Neutral: Taralon is neutral towardsSnowden and the Kingdoms <strong>of</strong> ManyColors and 200 Knights. Taralon’sdefensive position is precarious at themoment, and the queen cannot afford toanger these neighbors.Unfriendly: Taralon is at odds withWest Haven. It also does not care forGreendale or Ghyr.Animals and MonstersTaralon Channel: weed eel,robberfly, clear jelly, slime worm, giantleech, giant freshwater slug, giant catfish,giant crab, water weird, phygorax,banshee, spectre, phantom, kal-maru(ship’s bane), water elemental, nixie(unique)18

THE MISTY KINGDOM OF TARALONAngwenness Bogs: robberfly, waterweird, banshee, spectre, skeleton,zombie, clear jelly, spectral hound,fungoid, bogle, slime wormCentral Highlands: sheep, cow,goat, earth elemental, bogle, whitedragon (passing), bogle, sidhe, dire wolf.PersonalitiesQueen Mabd II: DR9, N. As part <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> peace settlement,Mabd II replaced her mother as ruler <strong>of</strong>Taralon. Her birth was a cause <strong>of</strong> somegossip as her parents were never wed.<strong>The</strong> current queen is more shrewd in theways <strong>of</strong> modern politics than was hermother, but she is committed to the samedream <strong>of</strong> a Roag-druidic matriarchy.Mabd, the Queen Mother:Druid16, N. <strong>The</strong> former queen lives inthe palace under house arrest, but sheholds sway with a sizeable portion <strong>of</strong> thepopulation. She tries to “help” herdaughter increase Taralon’s position andbring about the expulsion <strong>of</strong> outsiders.Mabd’s reign began shortly after thePrism Wars’ conclusion. Rumorspersisted during the Armistice that shehad sired a child while in the east, but noone has ever been able to substantiatethis.Kenwyn, Prince: NM. Kenwyn is theonly child <strong>of</strong> Queen Mabd II. His motherand grandmother were greatlydisappointed that he was not a daughter.His personal and royal growth neglected,the prince has no sense <strong>of</strong> himself.Bishop Price: C7. Price is the rankingmember <strong>of</strong> the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr in thekingdom. In addition to his clericalduties, Price keeps tabs on the QueenMother’s machinations for ArchbishopL<strong>of</strong>tos. Price does not yet suspect MabdII, an oversight which may prove fatal.Olwynn the White-Hand: T12, N,Cha8. Olwynn is a 6’ tall man whoseblond hair streaks gray. Wearing thecity’s dark green cape and yellow coat,he fancies himself a displaced noblemanfrom the Verdant City. Once he was aranking member the <strong>The</strong>ives’ Guild, butdisagreements with the Master Thiefcompelled the White-Hand to leave Ghyr.Olwynn then built up a small networkthat operates in Taralon, Snowden, andRoagendoch. He recently agreed tosubordinate his activities to theleadership <strong>of</strong> Philip <strong>of</strong> Marabone.Olwynn is distrustful <strong>of</strong> the clergy, but heis true to his word.Equipment: dagger+2Balin, Earth-son: D5, C. Balin is amember <strong>of</strong> the Taralon dwarvencommunity under the sway <strong>of</strong> the QueenMother. He has abandoned his faith inKagyar for Roag MacCullen. He is atroublemaker, but he has successfullyrecruited several disenchanted dwarves.Meredith: NW. This dispossessednoble girl works as a scullery maid.Disguised in her noble garb, she caughtthe eye <strong>of</strong> Kenwyn during a recent ball.Meredith seeks a return to nobility, aprince at her side, and her father’sapproval.Enara: NW. Enara is a 15 year-oldpeasant girl who was almost drowned byMabd I as a newborn to avert a propheticvision wherein Enara saved or destroyedthe Taralon royal line. A local fisherfound her floating in the Channel nearLute Point and raised her as his own.Maiden <strong>of</strong> the Lake: <strong>The</strong> Maiden <strong>of</strong>the Lake is a nixie who resides in theChannel. She grants wishes to those whoresist her temptations, but at the price <strong>of</strong>a curse. <strong>The</strong> Maiden combs her hair witha golden comb with a pearl handle.<strong>The</strong> Secrets <strong>of</strong> Taralon(Levels 1-7)In this arc, the story begins innocentlyenough as the search for a lost girl, buther disappearance was not happenstance.<strong>The</strong> Queen Mother’s plots rise to fruition,and the party are wild cards in thisconflict.<strong>The</strong> Lost Child: With winter fastapproaching, a young child has run <strong>of</strong>finto the Angwenness. Strange shapes arewalking in the mists, and the girl hides ata strange stone structure, waiting forrescue. Carved within the stone are threecircles joined.<strong>The</strong> Setting Son: Lost Souls Dayapproaches, and a festival in the capital isheld beforehand. <strong>The</strong> local priest invitesthe party and introduces them to theBishop. <strong>The</strong>y can also meet Meredithand the Prince, although meeting theMabds may prove difficult. Festivitiesare frayed as bogles let loose on thecelebrants, thieves steal royal items, anda silent hunter seeks Kenwyn.Enara: the Queen Mother has learnedthat Enara lives. She sends the child toan ally to have her killed, but the partyintercepts the execution orders. <strong>The</strong>ymust safeguard the child, and discoverher destiny.From the Dragon’s Maw: A maidenwas almost drowned by her sister, astudent <strong>of</strong> the Queen Mother. Now thedamsel is guarded at the waters’ edge bya dragon waiting to feast.<strong>The</strong> Bishop’s Request: BishopPrice quietly asks the party to look intothe symbol <strong>of</strong> the joined circles that theydiscovered on their first adventure. Butnosing into elemental matters can bedangerous.<strong>The</strong> Soul Cages: As Bishop Priceponders what the party has brought him,the PCs are beseeched to help with theMaiden <strong>of</strong> the Lake and free thosecaptive in her Soul Cages – but theMaiden might be able to help deal withthe Mabds.A Troublesome Priest: <strong>The</strong> QueenMother has reached her limit with theBishop and sends assassins to hisresidence. <strong>The</strong> party can try to preventthe murder or recover his last messagesto L<strong>of</strong>tos and get word out to the otherkingdoms that trouble brews behind themist. All while the Queen declares themcriminals and mobs wander the streets.19

THE KINGDOM OF SNOWDENFriendly: West Haven is a limited tradepartner for Snowden (mutton and coin fortimber), but the two nations have alwayshad a cordial relationship. As a counterbalanceto the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors,Snowden has been cultivating arelationship with the court at Dauphins.A royal marriage could cement this.Neutral: In times past, Snowden andTaralon were close allies, but Mabd I’sactions and subsequent anti-Watcherprograms put King Claudius’s rule over aprimarily Roag population in jeopardy.Snowden has little interaction with Ghyrand Deep Hollow in the east or theinhabitants <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woode. Itis studiously neutral towards theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors.Unfriendly: <strong>The</strong> dispensation <strong>of</strong>Bethfield is a sore point betweenSnowden and Roagendoch. Relationshave further soured over Cador Hen’sexpulsion <strong>of</strong> the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr.Animals and MonstersTaralon Channel: weed eel,robberfly, clear jelly, slime worm, giantleech, giant freshwater slug, giant catfish,water weird, kal-maru (ship’s bane),water elemental, nixie (unique, seeTaralon)Bush Flatlands: insect swarm(summer only), shaggy auroch, snowleopard (winter only), falcon, pig, cow,goat, wychglow, fungoid, kobold, goblin,hobgoblin, bugbear, yowler, arctic wolf,ice wolf, grouse, giant ermine and mink,white and blue dragon (passing), ghost,ghostly horde (Bethfield), possession,arctic fox, arctic hare<strong>Western</strong> March: skeleton, zombie, icezombie, ghoul, frost salamander (winteronly), white dragon (passing), agarat,fungoid, grouse, snow geese, arctic fox,arctic harePersonalitiesKing Claudius: F3, N. Claudius hasruled Snowden since the Prism Wars.Despite his age, he maintains his physicalvigor, but his mental and emotionalfaculties are slowly eroding. He adoreshis three daughters, but he fears that theydo not love him in return. His Roag wife,Alina, died <strong>of</strong> the flu thirteen years ago.Princess Sylvia: NW. At 23, Sylviais the youngest daughter <strong>of</strong> Claudius, andthe one who most loves her father. Shedoes not care for the idea <strong>of</strong> an arrangedmarriage, but Sylvia knows that Snowdenneeds help if it is to continue to exist.Princess Cordelia: MU4 (WiseWoman 4), C. Cordelia is the eldestchild <strong>of</strong> Claudius. She craves control <strong>of</strong>the entire kingdom behind a vaneer <strong>of</strong>sweetness, and she is willing to kill kithand kin to achieve it. Cordelia isbetrothed to Lamerok <strong>of</strong> Bethfield.Princess Megan: Rake1, N. Megan isthe King’s middle child. She resemblesher late mother, and is always the belle <strong>of</strong>the ball. <strong>The</strong> 24 year old currently has acrush on Fallon, Captain <strong>of</strong> the Guard.Lamerok <strong>of</strong> Bethfield: F8.Lamerok is a knight bachelor in serviceto King Claudius. For the last threeyears, he has served as regent atBethfield. Lamerok is concerned aboutaggression from the Cerulean City. Heloves Cordelia, but he is blind to theambitions <strong>of</strong> the princess.Sir Fallon, Captain <strong>of</strong> theGuard: F10. Fallon is in charge <strong>of</strong> thedefense <strong>of</strong> the town <strong>of</strong> Snowden and thewestern march. <strong>The</strong> knight finds Meganattractive and her dowry even more so.Reyns, Lord Chamberlain: NM.Reyns coordinates the domestic affairsfor King Claudius. He is a loyal servantto the family.Trystan: T7, C. Trystan is theillegitimate son <strong>of</strong> the Lord Chamberlain.Though his father accepted him yearsago, Trystan nurses a deep grudge againsthis father and the King who employshim.Dame Elaine: F7. Dame Elaine is aknight bachelorette who currentlyoversees the Outriders. She suffersnightmares stemming from an encounterwith an agarat two summers ago andwakes in cold sweats. She is loyal to thekingdom, but she is ready to be done withthis tour and retire to Snowden.Bishop Kay: C6. Bishop Kay is theranking priest in the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Snowden. He corresponds <strong>of</strong>ten withBishop Price, his counterpart in Taralon.Kay is not above hiring adventurers toharass the Lowland Roags to the north,but he would disavow any knowledgeshould they be caught.Brother Bevis: C2, Str8. Bevis is a talland lean monk with a well-groomedbeard. Beneath his dark robes rests chainmail. <strong>The</strong> 29 year-old monk is merciful,and he studied at Dauphins before beingsent to Snowden. Despite his incompletetraining, Bevis has helped many <strong>of</strong> theBethfielders to see the light <strong>of</strong> He WhoWatches.Gwynne Cutpurse: T6, Int7, Dex17.Gwynne is an attractive ficture <strong>of</strong> theSnowden taverns, quietly slitting thebottom <strong>of</strong> drunkards’ purses. Her auburnhair drapes heavy bangs over herforehead, hiding the branded “T”. Thisscar came courtesy <strong>of</strong> the hated jailers atBalais. Gwynne has green eyes, and<strong>of</strong>ten wears sky-blue and gray garments.Equipment: sling+1<strong>The</strong> Madness <strong>of</strong> KingClaudius (Levels 1-8)<strong>The</strong> pressures and threats to Snowdenhave slowly been eroding the stability <strong>of</strong>King Claudius. Trystan plays on thesefailings to turn the royal family againstone another. As the party grows instature, they can come to see the madnessand either avert disaster or rectify thematter.<strong>The</strong> 6 th <strong>of</strong> Klarmont: In honor <strong>of</strong> the20 th anniversary <strong>of</strong> the battle, KingClaudius orders inordinately lavishcelebrations including a reenactment.21

THE KINGDOM OF SNOWDENBut Trystan switches the Cerluean actorswith mercenaries who will ruin thefestivities and endanger everyone.<strong>The</strong> Kidnapping <strong>of</strong> PrincessSylvia: King Claudius considersmarrying his youngest daughter to PrinceFrederick <strong>of</strong> Dauphins. This is apotential threat to Sir Fallon, Cordelia,and Trystan, and one <strong>of</strong> them arranges forher kidnapping in Balais. Evidence is leftindicting the chamberlain or anotherinnocent target, and King Claudius thinksthat perhaps Sylvia faked the incidentherself. Bishop Kay asks the party toinvestigate, and their first stop should bewith the tavern wench Gwynne Cutpursewho can point the party in the rightdirection.A Cold Death: An Outrider patrol hasreached Snowden with news <strong>of</strong> anundead sighting. <strong>The</strong> Black Guard hasbeen mobilized, to confront the horde.Unfortunately, a few specimen approachfrom a different route, and the party is allthat stands between them and the people<strong>of</strong> Snowden.Patrolling the Outerlands: SirFallon arranges for the fighters to receiveman-at-arms status or bachelorhoods, asappropriate, in recognition <strong>of</strong> theirservice to Snowden. He futher arrangesfor the party to sign on for a tour with theOutriders, hoping that the undead candispose <strong>of</strong> these heroes.Outcast <strong>of</strong> Sylvia: Sylvia has beenexiled by her father, as has the LordChamberlain. He then divides his landsbetween his daughters Megan andCordelia. It’s a short road to theCerulean City, but a lot can happen. <strong>The</strong>party must ensure the princess is escortedsafely to the border.Two Weddings and a Funeral:Convinced that only Cordelia and Meganare worthy daughters, he agrees to theirmarriage to Lamerok and Fallon,respectively (or perhaps a PC). <strong>The</strong> spirit<strong>of</strong> the king’s late wife has started to walkthe halls and threatens to disrupt theprecedings. <strong>The</strong> party must put her spiritto rest as they dig deeper into the politics<strong>of</strong> Snowden.Dragon Hunt: King Claudius has splithis realm between Cordelia and Megan.He wants to spend his time huntingdragons in the west and asks the party toaccompany him. Someone ensures thatthe king gets all <strong>of</strong> the excitement forwhich he had hoped.<strong>The</strong> Bastard’s Gambit: Frictionsbegin to arise between the new royalcouples and with Claudius. <strong>The</strong> partymust decide which <strong>of</strong> three power blocksto support and prevent the rise <strong>of</strong> Trystan.A wildcard is Princess Sylvia who maymarry one <strong>of</strong> the Fredericks and bring aforeign army into the Kingdom.Call <strong>of</strong> the Wild(Levels 1-7)This adventure arc is for characters in theneighboring Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Lowland Roags(see the next section).<strong>The</strong> party begins as part <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> thenomad tribes among the Lowland Roags.Humanoid and giant characters arecertainly appropriate. <strong>The</strong> harsh troubles<strong>of</strong> the wild lead the characters toRoagendoch and beyond as Laodegan ismade heir to Cador Hen.Wolf Pack: <strong>The</strong> characters are part <strong>of</strong>group moving north into the Strathgleddafter the thaw <strong>of</strong> late spring. <strong>The</strong>characters must protect their herds <strong>of</strong>sheep and aurochs from wolves and othergrassland predators.Buzz Fear: With summer approaching,the standing water pools have come aliveas larval dragonflies and other insectsready for adulthood. <strong>The</strong>se nuisances arenothing compared to the giant arctic beescoming out <strong>of</strong> the ground, and they needfood.<strong>The</strong> Test <strong>of</strong> Rivals: <strong>The</strong> Day WithoutNight can prove to be a heartache for theyoung men and women. Hurt feelingsfrom the celebration lead to a challengeto race into the deep north and retrievepolar bear pelt and meat. Complicatingmatters, during this time <strong>of</strong> year, thepolar bear’s fur is brownish, and thecharacters can easily confuse a grizzly fortheir intended quarry. During their hunt,the PCs may sight dragons in thedistance.Eye to the Clouds: <strong>The</strong> tribe’s pathcurves into the west as autumn arrives,and the party comes across a strangeman, Claudius Cloudgazer. <strong>The</strong> wizardis studying the clouds as a means <strong>of</strong>finding the the legendary World End’sWell. But Claudius isn’t the only onesearching – a murderous baldandar islooking too. <strong>The</strong> party must save themage from the illusory fiend.<strong>The</strong> Winter <strong>of</strong> Discontent: <strong>The</strong>previous adventure drew the party far <strong>of</strong>fthe tribe’s standard route, and an earlywinter separates them. <strong>The</strong>ir only hope isto reach one <strong>of</strong> the provisioned posthouses and huddle down. <strong>The</strong> charactersaren’t the only ones seeking shelter.Wild animals, undead, and one or moredragons call this post house home. Ifthey can survive the winter, the party willhave to journey to Roagendoch beforebeing able to locate their tribe.<strong>The</strong> New Tribe: <strong>The</strong> spring thaw hasreleased the party from their frozenentombment. After reachingRoagendoch, they learn that their band issomewhere to the east and having troublewith a Free Roag band led by a large hillgiant. <strong>The</strong> party can accompany PrinceLaodegan in dealing with this force.Victory could lead to another bandpledging to Cador Hen, while defeatcould cost them their family. Thisadventure can be developed into acampaign to bring Roag tribes under theauthority <strong>of</strong> Roagendoch.Ione’s Choice: Cador Hen hasdecided to marry Ione and Laodegan, buthis daughter refuses. <strong>The</strong> king expelsMark and places Ione under house arrest.Ione want to escape to the south. <strong>The</strong>party can help the princess escape to thesouth (West Haven), or help Laodeganget her back. Other nations will certainlytake interest in the affairs <strong>of</strong> the LowlandRoags.22

THE KINGDOM OF LOWLAND ROAGSInspiration: Gododdin kingdoms andCatuvellauni tribeRuler: Cador IIIOverview: <strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> LowlandRoags is a nation with loosely definedborders upon the western Strathgledd, asystem <strong>of</strong> grasslands and meadows belowthe tundra line. In the native Roagtongue, the kingdom is known as theRoagen Sur Kith. Most <strong>of</strong> its residentsare semi-nomadic humans andhumanoids, and the borders are thegeneral range limits <strong>of</strong> their wanderings.<strong>The</strong> eastern extensions <strong>of</strong> the Strathgleddare held by Roag tribes who do notrecognize the authority <strong>of</strong> Roagendoch.This kingdom is unique in the north.Its court language is Roag, not Thyatian,and the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr has no standing.<strong>The</strong> last bishop sent to Roagendoch wastarred and feathered. Goblins, kobolds,and hill giants live among the namesakeRoags.Permament and semi-permanent homesare dug into the ground, and rocks arebuilt up around the hovel. <strong>The</strong> structureis topped <strong>of</strong>f with a peat ro<strong>of</strong>. <strong>The</strong>sedomiciles can be quite extensive despitetheir crudity <strong>of</strong> construction, and they canfeature flock pens, chimneys, and storagechambers. Wintering in one <strong>of</strong> theseshelters in an unpleasant experience, butone will survive the bitter cold.<strong>The</strong> first King Cador was the DucesRoagarium during most <strong>of</strong> the Thyatianperiod. Cador I made an effort tomodernize his fellow Roags whilekeeping their heritage intact. <strong>The</strong> firstcourt was at Bethfield. <strong>The</strong> king diedduring the Prism Wars, and his son,Cador II, continued to straddle thecultural divide.This belief in a merged identity was notinherited by Cador II’s son. Cador Hen,the current king, increasingly rejectedKnown World and Ghyran influences asa prince and later as king. By the time <strong>of</strong>Bethfield’s abandonment in the <strong>Alliance</strong>War, he was committed to a purelyRoagish nation.<strong>The</strong> current capital, Roagendoch, sitsupon the Arctice Circle, and it washistorically a site <strong>of</strong> religious importancefor the Roag druids. When a new bishopwas sent by the Church a few years ago,Cador Hen tarred and feathered the poorpriest and outlawed the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr.Holidays<strong>The</strong> Day without Night: On the day<strong>of</strong> the summer solstice, Roagendoch hasno nighttime. Various fertility rituals areinacted on this day.<strong>The</strong> Night without Day: Similarly,Roagendoch experiences no daylight onthe winter solstice. A brief outdoordance is conducted au naturel to revivethe sun for the next year.MilitaryRoagendoch maintains a moderatecompany for defense, but in times <strong>of</strong> warthe kingdom can draw upon the Roagtribes.<strong>The</strong> Lowland Roags CompanyPersonnel: 5 F3 (longsword, chain), 150F1 (short sword, heavy hide/AC6), 10goblins (short bow, hide), 25 kobolds(light crossbow), all with daggerLeadership: Laodegan (F3)Troop Class: Below AverageBR 42<strong>The</strong> Lowland Roags HostPersonnel: 10 F3 400 F1, 50 goblins, 75kobolds, 25 hill giants (clubs)Leadership: Fin Tor (F17)Troop Class: Below AverageBR 67Settlements and SitesRoagendoch: Roagendoch is the onlylarge scale settlement in the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Lowland Roags. 1500 human Roags livealongside 100 goblins, 200 kobolds, and40 hill giants. Most raise shaggy aurochin the southern half <strong>of</strong> the kingdom andare absent during the summer and fall.<strong>The</strong> Kingdom’s remaining 1500 Roags,200 goblins, 300 kobolds, and 160 hillgiants are either fully nomadic or live inisolated homes dug into the ground. <strong>The</strong>nomads provision the watch posts in thenorth during their travels.During summer they go as far north asthe central Shonak Tundra (beyond themap) where polar bear hunts arecommon. Spring and fall see numerousclashes between the Lowland Roags andthe nomads <strong>of</strong> Snowden or the free roags<strong>of</strong> the east. During winter, the nomadsreturn from their journeys and may eventake shelter further south in the Kingdom<strong>of</strong> Many Colors. <strong>The</strong> residents movetheir livestock into their domiciles toavoid the winter freeze.<strong>The</strong> World End’s Well: This magicwell is hidden in the far reaches <strong>of</strong> thekingdom. Those seeking humbly mayfind the three founts <strong>of</strong> wisdom (threedisembodied heads) that grant blessingsand curses. Also, seekers may find a keyto their future (e.g. a transformed prince).<strong>The</strong> path to the Well is guarded by razorhedges that move <strong>of</strong> their own accord anda terrible wolf <strong>of</strong> massive proportions.Economy<strong>The</strong> kingdom is dependent on the shaggyauroch and sheep herds for food andclothing. All transactions are conductedthrough barter – Essurian bits andImperial coins are worthless to theLowland Roags.Relations with OtherNationsFriendly: <strong>The</strong> Lowland Roags arefriendly to the royal court at Taralon, thefolks <strong>of</strong> the Ivory City, and theinhabitants <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woode.This owes mostly to a common Roagheritage.Neutral: <strong>The</strong> kingdom has little care forany <strong>of</strong> the nations south <strong>of</strong> the Kaganus.It maintains studious neutrality towardsthe Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors to preservewintering rights for the nomads.Unfriendly: <strong>The</strong> dispensation <strong>of</strong>Bethfield has been a sore point betweenthe Lowland Roags and Snowden. <strong>The</strong>latter has held the village in regency for aquarter century. <strong>The</strong> kingdom is also atodds with the free Roags <strong>of</strong> the east whorefuse to join the kingdom.Hostile: <strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> LowlandRoags is hostile to Ghyr andrepresentatives <strong>of</strong> the Thyatian Empire.<strong>The</strong> Lowlanders resent that they couldnot be left alone during the occupationand had their culture stripped away.23

THE KINGDOM OF LOWLAND ROAGSAnimals and MonstersYear-round: goblin, kobold, hill giant,shaggy auroch, thick wool sheep, arcticfox, arctic hare, snow owl, snow geese,yowler, snow leopard, dire wolf, arcticwolf, ice wolf, frost zombie, spectralhound, ghost, white dragon, crystaldragon, yellow/white pudding, baldandar,agaratSpring Only: wyvern, giant arctic beeSummer Only: robberfly, dragonfly,tiger beetle, fungoid, giant arctic beeAutumn Only: grizzly bear (rare)Winter only: normal and giant reindeerand caribou, polar bear (rare), apparition,frost giant (once every 10 years), Shonakhunters, frost salamander, lupin (rare)PersonalitiesCador Hen, King <strong>of</strong> the LowlandRoags: Cador III rules this wild landfrom the stone castle at Roagendoch.King Cador Hen (literally, Old KingCador) is angered at the world. His twoeldest children were believed killedduring the evacuation <strong>of</strong> Bethfield,leaving him with only his daughter, Ione.Cador Hen has since remarried, and hetakes great pride in his step-son,Ladogen.<strong>The</strong> Roag nationalism <strong>of</strong> Cador Hen isone generated by the romantic myth <strong>of</strong>the manly noble savage <strong>of</strong> the north.Ironically, this myth was the product <strong>of</strong>Thyatian writers whose works Cador readas a child. In the short term, both theMabds <strong>of</strong> Taralon and Carwen, theHeirophant <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woode, arelikely allies for the king. Should theyprove successful, however, their alliancewould not likely hold.Goddau, Queen <strong>of</strong> the LowlandRoags: F2. Goddau was the widow <strong>of</strong> aprominent Roag chief. She marriedCador Hen ten years ago and settled herpeople at Roagendoch. She has littlepatience with Ione, whom she considersprissy. Laodegan is her son by her firsthusband.Ione, Princess: C1. Ione rebelsagainst her father’s vision <strong>of</strong> a Roag onlyworld, and she is a secret follower <strong>of</strong> HeWho Watches. Ione has long brown hair,and she insists on combing out anytangles and curls that might hint <strong>of</strong> a wildRoag woman.Her father wishes her to marryLaodegan, but she intends to marry hersweetheart, Mark. This could put her inharms way, and escape to the south maybe her only hope. An exiled or escapedIone would willingly join any Church <strong>of</strong>Ghyr or Thyatian movement to “restore”the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Lowland Roags to thefold.Laodegan, Prince: F3 Laodegan isthe ambitious stepson <strong>of</strong> Cador Hen. Hehas proven himself in skirmishes with theFree Roags in the east, and Laodegan ispopular among the people. <strong>The</strong> princejealously loves Ione, and he will brook nointerference with his intended marriage.Even <strong>of</strong>fers from princesses <strong>of</strong> othernations would be rebuffed.Balen and Bagdemus: F4, T3.<strong>The</strong>se sons <strong>of</strong> Cador Hen were believedlost during the <strong>Alliance</strong> War. <strong>The</strong>re wereactually kidnapped and now live inSerleans as the sons <strong>of</strong> Benar.Benar: <strong>F5</strong>. Benar was once captain <strong>of</strong>Cador Hen’s guard, but was banishedafter the disasters against the CeruleanCity. Benar kidnapped Cador’s sons,Balen and Bagdemus. He now resides inSerleans as a weaponsmith.Mark: T1, Str16, Dex16. <strong>The</strong> childhoodsweetheart to Princess Ione, Mark is askilled apprentice to a local lock- andironsmith. Mark cares nothing for status,and he would be content with a peaceful,simple life.Claudius Cloudgazer: MU2 (orHakamon). This hedge wizard learnedthe dwarvish tongue in his native home<strong>of</strong> Deep Hollow. Like other Roags,Claudius is a short man (5’3”). <strong>The</strong> 29year old is cautious, and his watery blueeyes silently speak <strong>of</strong> hurt – a mourning<strong>of</strong> his brother who died fighting theeastern Roags. <strong>The</strong> Cloudgazer has spenthis last few years searching for the Wellat the End <strong>of</strong> the World.Equipment: wand <strong>of</strong> trap detectionAmbrose the Celt: C1, Int7. <strong>The</strong>solid Ambrose is deeply devoted to theinterracial brotherhood <strong>of</strong> RoagMacCullen. Armed with nothing morethan leather armor and a club, Ambrosewould never do more than knock anopponent out.Mildthryth the Mild: C11 (or Dr11),Int7. Mildthryth is a woman <strong>of</strong> averageappearance who braids her brown hair ina short cap. She is the senior priestlyfigure in Roagendoch, but one cannot yetspeak <strong>of</strong> a Church <strong>of</strong> the Lowland Roags.Now 35, she wears crimson robes withwhite stripes at the collar, hem, and cuff.Equipment: mace+2Barnabas Bladecutter: T2, Int7,Wis16, Dex16, C. Barnabas is a foulindividual, equally at ease killing a manor looting his dead body. His upper lip islined by a thin moustache, and he wearsbrown and buff clothing. Southerntroubles have forced Barnabas into theStrathgledd.Equipment: hand axeFinn Tor: F17, Str19. Finn Tor is achampion among the Roags that work theStrathgledd. His fabled strength rivalsthat <strong>of</strong> a giant. He fought on behalf <strong>of</strong>the Cerulean City during the Battle <strong>of</strong>Bethfield but retired north to raise sheep.Finn maintains a small hovel two daysnorth <strong>of</strong> Roagendoch where he lives withhis wife. Finn Tor has answered the callagainst the western undead, the northernShonak and frost giants, the easternRoags, and the Cerulean City.AdventuresSee page XX for the adventure arc“Call <strong>of</strong> the Wild” for an example <strong>of</strong> amini-campaign in Roagen Sur Kith.24

THE KINGDOM OF 200 KNIGHTSInspiration: Brittany and Englandunder Henry II, Canterbury TalesRuler: King Thales IIOverview: Militarily, the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>200 Knights is the strongest <strong>of</strong> the Dalekingdoms. It was successful againstothers in both the Prism and <strong>Alliance</strong>Wars. Its common name derives fromthe 200 chargers which won control atthe Battle <strong>of</strong> Faltings. <strong>The</strong> number <strong>of</strong>knights (bachelor and <strong>of</strong> renown) hasfluctuated over the years, but twohundred is a good estimate for theaverage.<strong>The</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial name <strong>of</strong> the realm is theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Dauphins. It is one <strong>of</strong> thetwo major players within the <strong>Western</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> – the other is Nortopolis.<strong>The</strong> kingdom occupies the Flatlandsbetween the the Kaganus and the GreatOlde Woode. <strong>The</strong> Channel communitiesand Brest were added during the <strong>Alliance</strong>War. <strong>The</strong> large area within the royalborders is relatively empty.Communities cling to the waterways orthe timber line. Few individualshomestead in the western interior, thoughmore do so east <strong>of</strong> Brest.A newly crowned Thales II wasunwilling to pledge to King Ganto uponthe latter’s ascension to the throne <strong>of</strong>Ghyr. With the exception <strong>of</strong> WestHaven, the other nations quicklyfollowed suit.<strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights was alsoresponsible for initiating the <strong>Alliance</strong>War after intercepting the Taralon lettersto Brest and the Ivory City.<strong>The</strong> cavalier tradition is strong in thekingdom, though neighboring Greendale(see <strong>Gaz</strong> F4) is considered the pinnacle<strong>of</strong> the mounted knight. Dauphins’knights spend much <strong>of</strong> their timeparticipating in tourneys at home andabroad, or dealing with troubles from theGreat Olde Woode or the giants north <strong>of</strong>the Kaganus.HolidaysChargers’ Day (Ambyrmont 14):On this day, the kingdom celebrates thevictory over Faltings in 945. Jousts andtourneys occur kingdom wide, though thefestivities are toned down in the east.MilitaryDauphins is able to field a large host <strong>of</strong>troops should war again come to theDale. Among the forces are four baronialcompanies (Serleans, Balais, Brest andSorchester), and two Count’s Companies(Sentaburgh and Thosh). A hill giant andfive bugbears augment the ThoshCompany (Elite, BR 225), whileSentaburgh has two hill giants (Elite, BR240). None <strong>of</strong> these units are used asconstabulary forces.Philip <strong>of</strong> Marabone, the Baron <strong>of</strong>Balais, has built up a second unit for bothdefense and possible <strong>of</strong>fense. <strong>The</strong>Second Balais Guard is supplemented byengineering crews for three fixed lightcatapults and two ballistae.<strong>The</strong> Second Balais GuardPersonnel: 1 Knight <strong>of</strong> Renown, 3Knights Bachelor, 5 men-at-arms, 10soldiers, 15 pikeman, 20 boltmen, 15archers, 4 hill giantsLeadership: Captain (F9)Troop Class: GoodBR 107<strong>The</strong> Faltings Company resides in asmall keep just to the west <strong>of</strong> thecommunity. Answering directly to KingThales II, day to day control rests withthe Lord Regent. <strong>The</strong> Company does agood job at defending against incursions,but it has had difficulty preventingraiders from slipping into Deep Hollowand Greendale. <strong>The</strong> keep maintains asingle trebuchet.<strong>The</strong> Faltings CompanyPersonnel: 15 Knights <strong>of</strong> Renown, 15Knights Bachelor, 15 men-at-arms, 50soldiers, 50 archers 20 hill giantsLeadership: Lord Regent (F10)Troop Class: ExcellentBR 157<strong>The</strong> Royal Army <strong>of</strong> Dauphins is theking’s personal army. At any given timehalf <strong>of</strong> the Army is on duty. <strong>The</strong> rest aregiven leave. Dauphins is defended by 3trebuchets, 2 heavy fixed catapults, and 3ballistae.<strong>The</strong> Royal Army <strong>of</strong> DauphinsPersonnel: 50 Knights <strong>of</strong> Renown, 30Knights Bachelor, 50 mounted men-atarms,25 men-at-arms, 200 soldiers, 300archers, 20 hill giantsLeadership: King Thales II (F14)Troop Class: EliteBR 185<strong>The</strong>re are two other military units inoperation within the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200Knights. A large number <strong>of</strong> knights andheroes are retired or errant. In times <strong>of</strong>great crisis, they would <strong>of</strong>fer assistance.<strong>The</strong>y are good naturedly known as theBrothers Jack.25

THE KINGDOM OF 200 KNIGHTS<strong>The</strong> Brothers JackPersonnel: 20 Knights <strong>of</strong> Renown, 35Knights Bachelor, 35 men-at-arms, 70soliders, 10 hill giants, 25 bugbearsLeadership: Banner Knight (F11)Troop Class: AverageBR 100<strong>The</strong> Sarke Mercenaries are the lastmajor unit in the kingdom. Thismercenary troop is unique in that allmembers are Ochalean. <strong>The</strong>y wereoriginally brought in as a support unitduring the Thyatian period and never left.<strong>The</strong>y have worked for several kingdomsover the last 60 years, but the SarkeMercenaries have refused to integrateinto the society. <strong>The</strong>ir dependents travelwith them, and they encamp outside thecommunities, derisively termed SarkeTown. Currently, the organizationresides a day’s ride from Sentaburgh.<strong>The</strong> Sarke MercenariesPersonnel: 50 swordsmen, 50 archers, 50pikemen, 10 clerics, all in laquered woodarmor (AC5)Dependents: 250 women and childrenLeadership: Commander (F8)Troop Class: GoodBR 117SettlementsDauphins: Dauphins is the capital <strong>of</strong>the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Two Hundred Knights.It rests on the eastern bank <strong>of</strong> the LowerKaganus a few miles past the artificialdiverter. 3,200 Known Worlders, 50dwarves, and 25 halflings are joined with1,000 Roags, 4,000 Deno-Essurians, and150 hill giants. <strong>The</strong> last wereinstrumental in creating the earthworkproject.Sentaburgh: Sentaburgh sits at acritical position along the MiddleKaganus. <strong>The</strong> trade between the twohalves <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom, and withNortopolis, passes through Sentaburgh.Today 200 Known Worlders live among600 Roags, 1,000 Deno-Essurians, and 50giants.Faltings: By right <strong>of</strong> conquest duringthe Prism Wars, the King <strong>of</strong> Dauphinsholds the title <strong>of</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Faltings.Neither Thales I nor Thales II has seen fitto give their regents permanent status.<strong>The</strong> village <strong>of</strong> Faltings occurs soon afterthe Dolcimer splits from the Kaganus.Those wishing to enter Deep Hollow,such as raiders, must go through thiscommunity. 200 Known Worlders, 700Roags, 1,000 Deno-Essurians, and 200hill giants thrive here.Thosh: Thosh is an old Roagsettlement that predates Maggorath.Many homesteads dot the taiga andforests to the south. Thosh andSouthpool coordinate all trade transpiringbetween the Kingdoms <strong>of</strong> Two HundredKnights and Greendale. <strong>The</strong> village ishome to 1,250 Roags, 300 Deno-Essurians, 10 giants, and –55 bugbears.<strong>The</strong> villagers are noted for producing finecarpets.Brest: 300 Known Worlders, manyAveroignians, work with 300 Roags,1,200 Deno-Essurians, 40 giants, and 40bugbears in this lakeside town.Balais: Balais is an important porttown on the Taralon Channel. 500Known Worlders, 200 Roags, 800 Deno-Essurians, and 35 giants live in thevillage.Serleans: Serleans is a settlementbetween Balais and Lansbury that inrecent years has grown from a handful <strong>of</strong>homesteads to 1,000 human souls. 400Known Worlders, 100 Roags, and 500Deno-Essurians fish the waters, raisecrops, or tend to livestock. Serleans isdeveloping a reputation for exquisitefood preparation.Sorchester: Sorchester was once apart <strong>of</strong> West Haven, but it was cededafter the fighting two decades ago. <strong>The</strong>village is still mostly Roag and Deno-Essurian (700 and 600, respectively).<strong>The</strong>re are also 200 Known Worlders.Others: Besides those locales listedabove, there are numerous smallersettlements for Roags (3,150), Deno-Essurians (5,600), giants (1,440), andbugbears (95). Deno-Essurianspredominate along the rivers, while theothers occupy the interior or the forestregions.EconomyDauphins uses the Essurian bit system,but Thyatian and West Haven coins areaccepted. King Thales is considering aconversion to a royal mint, but he has notimplemented such a plan thus far.Relations with OtherNationsFavorable: Thales would be veryfavorable to a Thyatian return to theregion – provided the center <strong>of</strong> powermoves from Ghyr to Dauphins.Friendly: Snowden is regarded well, ifsomewhat remotely. A possible marriagebetween Frederick and Sylvia could beseen as a prelude to war for the CeruleanCity.Neutral: West Haven has been both anally and an enemy in the past, soDauphins treats its neighbor with aguarded eye. Despite working togetherto end the <strong>Alliance</strong> War, the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Many Colors is the obviouscounterbalance to Dauphins in Dalepolitics. <strong>The</strong> kingdom is indifferent toGhyr and the Lowland Roags. Taralon isa neutral trading partner, but Thales doesnot fully trust Mabd II or the QueenMother.Unfriendly: Faltings is a problem withrelations with Deep Hollow andGreendale. Raiders continue to use thevillage as a route into those lands. <strong>The</strong>reis further rivalry with Greendale onwhich kingdom has the best mountedknights. <strong>The</strong> residents <strong>of</strong> the Great OldeWoode sometimes raid settlements orkidnap children. <strong>The</strong> incidence is toolow to organize for war – yet.Animals and MonstersTaralon Channel: weed eel,robberfly, clear jelly, slime worm, giantleech, giant freshwater slug, giant catfish,giant crab, phygorax.<strong>The</strong> Flatlands: shaggy auroch (east),insect swarm (south), cow, goat, pig,normal falcon, coltpixy (south), faedorne,dragonne (south), colddrake (DeepHollow only), brownie, faerie, fungoid,hill giant, cloud giant, kobold, goblin,gnome, dwarf, elf, wraith, amber golem,bullette (south), doll golem (settlements26

THE KINGDOM OF 200 KNIGHTSonly), giant boar (south), oxen, yowler(winter only), ice wolf (winter only),pheasant, hawk, crow, giant ermine andmink, randara, lesser banshee, lesserphantom, ghost, possession, ghoul,apparition, vision, ghostly horde,gargoyle (Dauphins and Serleans only),automatons (with magicians only),magen (Dauphins only), bone and woodgolem, hellhound, ettin (east and south)PersonalitiesThales II, King <strong>of</strong> 200 Knightsand Duke <strong>of</strong> Faltings: F14, N.Thales was a clear winner from the<strong>Alliance</strong> War. <strong>The</strong> king’s rule has been apositive one for his subjects, and theyhave prospered in both agricultural andindustrial activities. While he cares forall <strong>of</strong> his children, Frederick is his pride.He expects war to break out once more innext two decades, but whether is theambitions <strong>of</strong> Taralon, Nortopolis orsomething else, he does not know.Queen Katherine: MU5, Alchemist1 st circle. Katherine is a strong willedwoman <strong>of</strong> Averoignian ancestry. Now45, she has given Thales two sons,Frederick and Reynard, and a daughter,Camille. Katherine is a patron <strong>of</strong> arts,including the sumptuous cooking inSerleans.Frederick, Prince: <strong>F5</strong>, Cha17.Frederick is a dashing prince with hisfather’s build and his mother’s grace. Noexpense has been spare in his royal andmilitary training, and he already has areputation as solid jouster. King Thalesis considering a marriage betweenFrederick and Princess Sylvia <strong>of</strong>Snowden, but he is still weighing herdowry.Reynard, Prince: NM. <strong>The</strong>adolescent prince is eager to see the “realworld” and escape from the hustle <strong>of</strong>courtly life at Dauphins. Cloistered bythese experiences, the young prince isoverly trusting <strong>of</strong> people.Camille, Princess: NW. Camille is achild <strong>of</strong> 5. To the heartbreak <strong>of</strong> herparents, Camille still does not speak, anddoctors and priests have been unable tohelp her.Philip <strong>of</strong> Marabone, Baron <strong>of</strong>Balais: Rake8, C, Cha16, Dex 17.Philip is the Baron <strong>of</strong> Balais and thesecret head <strong>of</strong> the regional Thieves’Guild (answering to Dahnakriss theMaster Thief). <strong>The</strong> nobleman’s preferredpractice is to seduce noble ladies for laterblackmail. Philip’s primary ambition isto be elevated to Duke <strong>of</strong> all the Channelcommunities. <strong>The</strong> baron maintainscontacts with the Magister Throrogast(Rusak) and Ernst Ziegler, Warden <strong>of</strong> theGarrisons in West Haven.Equipment: ring <strong>of</strong> regeneration,displacer cloakThrorogast, Magister: Throrogast isone <strong>of</strong> many guises <strong>of</strong> the illusionistRusak (see West Haven). As Throrogast,he is a functionary <strong>of</strong> Dauphins whohandles contracts and some court cases.Kirkenny <strong>of</strong> Loch Glenfirg, a student <strong>of</strong>the Magister, is another <strong>of</strong> Rusak’sguises.Mousette, Baroness <strong>of</strong> Serleans:Magician 7. Lady Mousette has an exoticaura about her, an effect she has spent alifetime cultivating. Drawing ontraditions <strong>of</strong> her Averoignian, Nuari,Traladaran, and Roag heritage, she is theconsummate fortune teller andspiritualist. Her appeal was enough tobecome wife to the late baron, but herforecasts landed her husband in a graveduring the <strong>Alliance</strong> War. Lady Mousettesees the con-man in Phillip <strong>of</strong> Marabone,and she is immune to his charms.Richard Halsy, Baron <strong>of</strong>Sorchester: F7. Richard was a knightduring the <strong>Alliance</strong> War who led thecampaign against West Haven. Hisreward was the captured town <strong>of</strong>Sorchester. Now a gentle grandfather,Richard must decide who to follow in hisplace. <strong>The</strong> Baron respects his neighbor,Count Bors.Heddwyn, Baron <strong>of</strong> Brest: hillgiant 7. Heddwyn was responsible forsecuring Brest after the exposure <strong>of</strong> theTaralon letters. His heavy-handednessled to protests from West Haven.Heddwyn is still a gruff giant, andrulership has only added to his irritation.Almuric, Count: <strong>F5</strong>. Almuricinherited the counthood at Sentaburghfrom his father. <strong>The</strong> court at Dauphinshas never permitted a baronial grant toSentaburgh, so Almuric’s family hasnever been able to fully tax the tradepassing through the village. Almuric hasrecently instituted a turnpike on the roadto Nortopolis to recover some <strong>of</strong> this lostmoney.Pellinore, Count: F16. CountPellinore is one <strong>of</strong> the most distinguishedknights in the history <strong>of</strong> the kingdom. Heholds a keep near Thosh, a gift from theking. His last great quest was the rescuefrom rogue giants <strong>of</strong> the Lady Lane, nowhis wife.Janette du Balais et Norgledd:F10, C, Cha 16, Int 16. Janette is thecurrent Lord Regent <strong>of</strong> Faltings, a postshe has held for three years. Her familycontrols parcels <strong>of</strong> land in both Balaisand Norgledd. <strong>The</strong> latter is a tract east <strong>of</strong>Balais. Janette is a willing victim <strong>of</strong>Phillip <strong>of</strong> Marabone’s seductions. Withonly a few years left as Lord Regent,Janette must cash in on the opportunity.She freely allows raiders to enter DeepHollow and Greendale for a cut.Thoref: F9, C, Wis8. Thoref is a knight<strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights. Heearned his spurs battling the giant knights<strong>of</strong> the north. He cares little for theobligations <strong>of</strong> his stature, but Thorefloves its privileges. Today he roams thewestern region <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Alliance</strong>.Equipment: sword+3, girdle <strong>of</strong> giantstrength.Gavin Strongbow: F6, Int4, Wis6,Con5, C. Gavin is a shady character whohas ties to the <strong>The</strong>ives’ Guild. Hesuffered injuries during Ghyr’s DesertWar a few years ago that have had alasting impact on his health and mentalwell being. Gavin refuses to take <strong>of</strong>f hisconical nasal helm in the presence <strong>of</strong>others, ashamed <strong>of</strong> his scars. Prior to hisinjuries, Gavin had won fame by holdinga pass against nine Den Brute warriors.Lancelin Open-hand: F11, Str17,Con 7, Dex 8, C. Lancelin was a night <strong>of</strong>Dauphins for many years before hedisappeared into the Great Olde Woode.Rumors say he married an elf while there,but now he works as a mercenary. <strong>The</strong>former knight has brown hair, is cleanshaven, and weighs 207 lbs. A spreadfingeredgauntlet graces his red cape.Equipment: broadsword +1, +3 vs.enchanted creatures27

THE KINGDOM OF 200 KNIGHTSFleur the Rose: Magician 6(originally MU4), Str8. <strong>The</strong> young Fleurhails from a Flatlands homestead, but shenow resides in Brest where she picked upthe bugbearish accent <strong>of</strong> Roag. Shefavors sleight <strong>of</strong> hand magic, but she iskeen to learn true magic. Whenperforming, she dons bright yellow orgreen clothes with a trademark flamepetalledrose on the left breast.Equipment: ring <strong>of</strong> fire protectionVychan the Little: F2, Wis 6, Dex7.Vychan is a lightly armed fighter who issensitive to his short stature. Because <strong>of</strong>an incident in Deep Hollow, Vychandespises orcs and the dark. A bright redcloak hugs his shoulders.Cordelia the Cleric: C3, Int7, C.Cordelia is a young (25) and moodycleric who recently graduated fromseminary at Dauphins. She is now apriest <strong>of</strong> the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr at Faltings.She has little taste for combat, and wouldtend to the wounded instead.Aiden Ablefingers: Int4, T1. Aidenis a short (5’4”) man who exudesinnocence beneath his fair hair. Hecomports himself as a fighter, and claimsto be a forester from the Great OldeWoode. Whatever the truth <strong>of</strong> the claim,Aiden is a skilled hunter with the javelin.Lyle Stafford: Rake4. Lyle is a happygo-luckycoward who enjoys stealingother men’s wives and daughters, coin, orfood. This ordinarily gets him run out <strong>of</strong>town. He has a nominal friendship withPrince Frederick, and the king frowns onthis influence.Miss Tayke: Magician 9, C. MissTayke is a woman in her mid thirties inSerleans. She is no longer an activeperformer, but she was once known forexquisite mechanical tricks and puppets.She retired following a horrible accidentwhen children interfered with an act.Now she sneaks out on the streets to givetreats to good children and to kidnap thebad. Those taken are placed in a twistedfun-house. <strong>The</strong> children who fail toescape are eaten.Jack: T18. While Count Pellinore mayhave been the greatest knight <strong>of</strong> therealm, Jack was its greatest adventurer.He has traveled the Hill and Dale, theParthenal Hills and the Great OldeWoode, the Swamp <strong>of</strong> the Beast, and theclouds themselves. He remains fit andalert, but those days <strong>of</strong> high adventure arepast. Jack is happy to sit in his cottagebetween Brest and Thosh, and sup onchicken soup. Those who crave tales <strong>of</strong>fanciful journeys, or need advice for theirown, should locate Jack.Equipment: cloak <strong>of</strong> invisibility, shoes <strong>of</strong>swiftness, sword <strong>of</strong> cleavingLord Felix Vulpine: Rake 5/Werefox7, C. <strong>The</strong> charming Lord Felix is a ladykiller– literally. <strong>The</strong> remains <strong>of</strong>numerous farm maidens and scullerymaids litter his manor near Brest, but he’slooking to move up in society.Jan the Knight <strong>of</strong> Thosh: NM.Jan is an old, blind knight who is beingcuckolded by his squire, Digory.Grogg, Togg, Bruna, Oly, andGalff: <strong>The</strong>se are cloud giants whosefloating castle stays in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> theDale. Togg is married to Oly, whileGalff is the son <strong>of</strong> Grogg and Bruna.<strong>The</strong>y are fed by a flock <strong>of</strong> regeneratingsheep. <strong>The</strong> giants also keep several gianthawks for hunting, and giant cat (Tabby,5HD) who keeps the keep clear <strong>of</strong> giantrats. <strong>The</strong> giants enjoy a good game <strong>of</strong>whistlespit.For the Love <strong>of</strong> a Maiden(Levels 1-7)As young adventurers, the party has littleto their names, but the plight <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> ayoung woman puts them on the path t<strong>of</strong>ame and the hazards that that entails.<strong>The</strong> Odd Little Man: <strong>The</strong> betrothed<strong>of</strong> a local nobleman has revealed that sheis plagued by a strange creaturedemanding her hand or child. Only thesecret the villain’s riddle (perhaps askingfor his name –examples: Tim Tit Tot,Terrytop) will safeguard the noble’s wife.He asks the party to solve the problembefore it is too late. Whether fey, fiend,or gnome, the creature inhabits the localwoods, but others in the village <strong>of</strong> Brestmight be able to <strong>of</strong>fer some assistance.Be Not So Bold: <strong>The</strong> noble hasthrown a banquet in honor <strong>of</strong> the party,and the entertainment is provided byFleur the Rose. In attendance is thecharming Lord Felix Vulpine, who takesa liking to either the Rose or a femalecharacter. Will his secret be revealed, oris the young lady doomed to be his nextvictim?Giant, the First: Baron Heddwyn hastaken note <strong>of</strong> the characters, and in hisgruff manner, he commends them to thecourt <strong>of</strong> Dauphins. Enroute, the partydiscovers that Sentaburgh is beingharassed by Cameron, a large giant fromthe east. Count Almuric asks the party tohandle this menace, but little does thecount know that Cameron’s vengefulcousins, Blunderbore and Boran, have anenchanted castle in the woods and apenchant for taking noble ladies.A Knight on the Town: Word <strong>of</strong>their deeds precedes the characters atDauphins, and they are invited to a royalball at which they will be lorded. But theparty begins early, and the mischievousLyle Stafford might just get thecharacters hung before the celebrationsbegin. <strong>The</strong> social hazards only increaseas Phillip <strong>of</strong> Marabone prowls the ball.<strong>The</strong> Witch <strong>of</strong> Serleans: On a tour <strong>of</strong>the Channel communities, the party isapproached by a begrieved woman inSerleans whose wayward son has gonemissing. Is Miss Tayke at it again, or issomething else afoul?Giant, the Second: Baron Richardhas invited the PCs to Sorchester.Apparently, a two-headed giant has beencausing problems, and the baron need’sthe party’s help. But there is more thanone ettin involved, and not all are guilty.<strong>The</strong> party must sort through the cunning,the scared, the dim, and the viscious andreturn peace to the barony.Prince Reynard and the SilverStaircase: <strong>The</strong> prince has disguisedhimself with the cloak <strong>of</strong> the King’sMaster <strong>of</strong> Horses and escaped to thetown. <strong>The</strong>re he obtains a magic urn thatcreates a Silver Staircase leading to acloud giant castle. <strong>The</strong> king asks thenewly returned heroes to find hiswayward son. [This adventure may bereplayed at other levels using the classicbeanstalk and the retrieval <strong>of</strong> the bag <strong>of</strong>gold, the hen that lays golden eggs, andthe golden harp – Ed.] Successful partieswill be hailed throughout the realm andknighthoods are likely.28

THE KINGDOM OF MANY COLORSInspiration: Fairy tales, War <strong>of</strong> theRoses and Henry VIRuler: King Robert II SulwythOverview: <strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> ManyColors takes its name from the nationalflag that bears colored stripesrepresenting the various towns that joinedwith, or were conquered by, Nortopolis.<strong>The</strong> country is <strong>of</strong>ficially recorded as theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis and the ScarletCity.<strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors boaststhe most diverse racial composition <strong>of</strong> thenorth as well as the largest number <strong>of</strong>civilized hill giants. This racial harmonyis contrasted with the bickering amongthe ruling family and other noble houses.<strong>The</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> Robert II’s crown is indispute, as he was the nephew <strong>of</strong> hispredecessor, Engelbert I. Engelbert’sonly son, Aethylbert, died during the<strong>Alliance</strong> War, and his daughter, Mildryth,was only 17 at the time <strong>of</strong> his death.Unlike the other nations in the Dale,every major settlement was at one pointan independent kingdom. <strong>The</strong> PrismWars saw the consolidation <strong>of</strong> thecommunities directly north <strong>of</strong> theKaganus. <strong>The</strong> Cerulean and Ivory Citieswere added in the <strong>Alliance</strong> War.<strong>The</strong>re are relatively few traditionalknights within the Kingdom, and they areconcentrated around Nortopolis. <strong>The</strong>institution still exists, but the extremevariety <strong>of</strong> size in its citizens hasdiscouraged use <strong>of</strong> the cavalier model.<strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors claims alarge swath <strong>of</strong> territory, but control <strong>of</strong> theinterior is nonexistent. Eastern Hillbansand Free and Lowland Roags all pull intothe area at different times <strong>of</strong> the year.Understandings have been reached withthe Free and Lowland Roags, but theHillbans and Highland Roags are aproblem for the Scarlet City.<strong>The</strong> Kingdom was formed from theguile <strong>of</strong> Frederick I. A Hattian native tothe Dale, Frederick was theadministrative assistant to the governor atthe time <strong>of</strong> recall. He took initiative andproclaimed himself King <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis.His dreams <strong>of</strong> empire died with him onthe fields <strong>of</strong> Galencourt in 947.His son Robert maintained control andfurther pressed against Ghyr before beingdefeated by Prince Ganto at the secondbattle <strong>of</strong> Galencourt. He cemented thethe union <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis and the ScarletCity by marrying his son Engelbert to thehalf-giantess princess <strong>of</strong> the Scarlet City.A newly crowned Engelbert I was in nomood to bow down to Ganto upon thelatter’s ascension, and the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Many Colors did not repledge to Ghyr.Engelbert was succeeded by hisnephew, Robert II, 13 years ago. <strong>The</strong> son<strong>of</strong> Victor Sulwyth has proven capable,but auguries suggest that the ursupationwill drive the kingdom to ruin. Robert IIinitially imprisoned his cousin, Mildryth,but he quickly repented, and sent her tothe Cerulean City.<strong>The</strong>re are now four potential claimantsto the throne: Robert’s children,Frederick, Madoc, and Sarabeth, and theyoung son <strong>of</strong> Mildryth, also namedFrederick and conceived illegitimatelyduring a Day Without Night celebration.Holidays<strong>The</strong> Day <strong>of</strong> Silliness (Sviftmont16): On this day, people do odd things,like trying to rake the moon from a pond,jump into trousers, or hoisting cows ontothe ro<strong>of</strong>. It is a good natured practice, ifodd.<strong>The</strong> Safety Dance: This dance is heldafter the second week <strong>of</strong> no snow, asdetermined locally. It is a Roagcelebration <strong>of</strong> unity, and guests areexpected to participate. “But if you don’tdance, then you’re no friend <strong>of</strong> mine” is acommon scold to the shy and lazy. <strong>The</strong>term “Safety Dance” came about when avisitor questioned the wisdom <strong>of</strong> a dancewhere creatures ranging in size fromkobolds to giants participate together, alltrying not to step on one another.MilitaryEach City has its own army, butMagnitania contributes to the Army <strong>of</strong>Nortopolis. Local defense is theparamount issue for each force, butreadiness varies from the Scarlet City(high) to the Ivory City (low). All cityforces double as constables.<strong>The</strong> Royal Army <strong>of</strong> NortopolisPersonnel: 25 Knights <strong>of</strong> Renown, 25Knights Bachelor, 50 mounted men-atarms,50 men-at-arms, 200 soldiers, 100archers, 100 kobold crossbowmen, 25bugbears, 50 goblin archers, 50hobgoblins, 25 hill giantsLeadership: Banner Knight (F9)Troop Class: GoodBR 118<strong>The</strong> Royal Army <strong>of</strong> the Scarlet CityPersonnel: 75 hill giants, 150 goblinarchers, 10 kobolds, 10 soldiers, 25gnomesLeadership: Regent Penbray (HG6)Troop Class: GoodBR 96<strong>The</strong> Verdant CompanyPersonnel: 15 hill giants, 20 goblinarchers, 20 bugbears, 25 soldiersLeadership: Duke Gareth (C7)Troop Class: Below AverageBR 58<strong>The</strong> Cerulean GuardPersonnel: 25 men-at-arms, 100 soldiers,50 kobolds, 20 bugbears, 50 goblins, 20hobgoblins, 10 hill giantsLeadership: Duke Brody (F12)Troop Class: AverageBR 86<strong>The</strong> Militia <strong>of</strong> the Ivory CityPersonnel: 50 hill giants, 100 hobgoblins,100 goblins, 20 kobolds, 25 soldiers;20% with magical abilities, 30% withspellcasting abilityLeadership: Kerra the White (Ko8)Troop Class: FairBR 84SettlementsCerulean City: Ecuman, theCerulean City, is a ringed citadel on theshores <strong>of</strong> the Taralon Channel. Likeneighboring Bethfield, the modern citywas built atop a Roag settlement duringthe Channel expansion. <strong>The</strong> CeruleanCity continues to influence the smallChannel communities that dot the way tothe Kaganus. <strong>The</strong> people <strong>of</strong> the Cityinclude 150 Known Worlders, 1000Roags, 200 Deno-Essurians, 600 goblins,29

THE KINGDOM OF MANY COLORS400 kobolds, 300 hobgoblins, 100bugbears, and 150 hill giants. Smiths,tanners, herders, and fishers are theoccupations <strong>of</strong> most residents. <strong>The</strong>Ceruleans have not psychologicallyrecovered from the 6 th <strong>of</strong> Klarmont Battle(see Snowden).Ivory City: <strong>The</strong> Ivory City sits in thenorth apart from the other towns <strong>of</strong> theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors. It isindifferent to its inclusion in theKingdom, and it rarely sendsrepresentatives to the court at Nortopolis.Consequently, it has no baronial or ducaldesignation. <strong>The</strong> 500 Roags, 1000goblins, 200 kobolds, 500 hobgoblins,and 500 hill giants are self sufficient, andmany suspect they have a hiddenindustrial capacity. <strong>The</strong> residents <strong>of</strong> theIvory City do have knowledge <strong>of</strong> the OldDeath, but they do not share this withothers. Thyatians did not learn <strong>of</strong> theIvory City’s existence until late in theoccupation, and they never bothered totake the quiet settlement.Scarlet City: <strong>The</strong> Scarlet City <strong>of</strong>Rothmegryd has existed since the time <strong>of</strong>Maggorath. <strong>The</strong> City was one <strong>of</strong> the lastlocations conquered by the Thyatians. Itwas responsible for initiating the PrismWars, but its population has dwindledsince its incorporation into the Kingdom<strong>of</strong> Many Colors. A recent infusion <strong>of</strong>gnomes have helped the Scarlet Cityestablish a new mine operation. <strong>The</strong>reare 200 gnomes, 200 Roags, 700 goblins,200 kobolds, and 600 hill giants living inthe Scarlet City.Verdant City: <strong>The</strong> Verdant City,Argylon, is home to 20 gnomes, 200Roags, 100 Deno-Essurians, 200 goblins,200 bugbears, and 100 hill giants. It wasestablished shortly after Ghyr byEssurian colonists, and it was an earlyprize in the Prism Wars. <strong>The</strong> Citysurvives as an agricultural center as wellas a trade hub in the east, and the townoutline is dominated by the water millsalong the Kaganus.Magnitania: Magnitania is theThyatian name given to a peaceful hillgiant settlement on Lacus Gabrionus(also Thyatianized). Today, it is stillprincipally a giant community (400). 100Known Worlders, 20 gnomes, 100 Roags,and 100 hobgoblins have joined them infishing, farming, and cutting timber.Nortopolis: Nortopolis is the capital<strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors and thelargest city <strong>of</strong> the north. <strong>The</strong>re are 800Known Worlders, 60 gnomes, 4,500Roags, 800 Deno-Essurians, 800 goblins,1,000 kobolds, 500 hobgoblins, 600bugbears, and 250 hill giants who live inthe former imperial center.Others: It is estimated that another500 Roags, 100 goblins, 700 kobolds,200 hobgoblins, 100 bugbears, and 175giants are scattered along the Kaganusand Taralon Channel or in the interior.Overall, the kingdom holds 1,050 KnowWorlders, 300 gnomes, 7,000 Roags,1,200 Deno-Essurians, 4,000 goblins,2,000 kobolds, 1,500 hobgoblins, 1,000bugbears, and 2,175 hill giants.Economy<strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Many Colors uses theEssurian bit system and barter. It is theonly nation in the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> thatcontains a prismatic mine. <strong>The</strong> mineextracts a crystal lode.Relations with OtherNationsFriendly: Despite occasionaldifficulties arising from the CeruleanCity, Nortopolis has decent relations withRoagendoch and the Free Roags.Neutral: West Haven and the GreatOlde Woode are too remote for anymeaningful relations. Taralon and theKingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights are potentialrivals, but that has not soured things yet.No one knows how Nortopolis wouldreceive Thyatis.Unfriendly: <strong>The</strong> animosity inheritedwith the Cerulean City limits anygoodwill with Snowden. Relations havenever been good with Greendale or Ghyr.Hostile: <strong>The</strong> kingdom, specifically theScarlet City, has a bitter history withDeep Hollow, the Hillbans, and theHighland Roags.Animals and MonstersRoaguncal (the Staircase): giantarctic bee, giant centipede, robberfly,tiger beetle, oil beetle lava ooze,boneless, fyrsnaca, red worm, steamweevil, polar bear (rare, winter only),snow leopard (rare, winter only), wildgoat, rust monster, white, crystal and bluedragon, colddrake (near Scarlet Cityonly), hill giant, wild man (Roag), orc,gargantuan, spectral hound, frostsalamander, ice wolf (winter only),dragonne (summer only), bullette, ettinTaralon Channel: weed eel,robberfly, clear jelly, slime worm, giantleech, giant freshwater slug, giant catfishFlatlands: shaggy auroch, insectswarm (summer only), snow leopard,cow, goat, pig, normal falcon, faedorne,dragonne, colddrake (southeast only),fungoid (along Kaganus and the TaralonChannel only), hill giant, cloud giant,kobold, goblin, gnome (south and east),amber golem (Ivory City only), giantboar, oxen, yowler, ice wolf, pheasant,hawk, crow, giant ermine and mink,baldandar (north), lesser banshee, lesserphantom, ghost, apparition, vision,ghostly horde, automatons (withmagicians only), ettinPersonalitiesRobert II, King <strong>of</strong> Nortopolisand the Scarlet City: F3, N. Robertsaw limited action in the last two years <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Alliance</strong> War, but he was able toparlay that into support for his crowning.<strong>The</strong> 35 year old king knows that he is notthe equal <strong>of</strong> King Thales II at Dauphins,but he is ambitious, perhaps too much so.Queen Mary: NW, Cha 17, Wis6, Int6.Robert fell in love with Mary’s beauty,but her simple-mindedness wears on theking. He <strong>of</strong>ten sends her on travels justto be rid <strong>of</strong> her.Frederick, Prince <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis:Rake5, C. <strong>The</strong> 20 year-old prince isskilled in the ways <strong>of</strong> court, if not thebattlefield. Frederick is imperious withthose <strong>of</strong> low station, and he does not takewell jokes at his expense.Madoc, Prince <strong>of</strong> Magnitania:NM, Wis8, Int7. Robert’s 16 year-oldson is a good hearted young man who hasinherited some <strong>of</strong> his mother’s slowness.Sarabeth, Princess <strong>of</strong> Roags:NW, Int16, Wis16. Robert’s third childwas unexpected, and her title as Princess<strong>of</strong> Roags is an odd choice that has yet to30

THE KINGDOM OF MANY COLORSbe understood. Turning 15 this year,Sarabeth is likely to develop into a modeleducated noblewoman, but her blue eyeswatch and detect what others overlook.Mildryth, Duchess <strong>of</strong> the ScarletCity: NW. Despite her title, Mildrythhas never set foot in the Scarlet City.Today she lives on the opposite side <strong>of</strong>the country at the Cerulean City. Thoughnot under house arrest, she is watched byagents <strong>of</strong> the king. By all accounts,Mildryth is content with her life and withher 6 year-old son. Also namedFrederick, the boy is derided as theBastard in Nortopolis’s circles.Gareth, Duke <strong>of</strong> the VerdantCity: C7, N. Gareth was a priest with theChurch <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. <strong>The</strong> Archbishopgranted Gareth release to assume hissecular duties when his brother died.Because <strong>of</strong> the poor relations betweenNortopolis and Ghyr, Gareth is suspectedas a foreign agent by Robert.Wenna Penbray, Regent <strong>of</strong> theScarlet City: hill giant 6. InMildryth’s absence, Wenna has beenaccorded leadership <strong>of</strong> the Scarlet City.<strong>The</strong> giantess is a cousin to the duchess,though not to the king. Development <strong>of</strong>the prism mine and protection against theHillbans are the regent’s primaryconcern, but she secretly supports raidersinto Deep Hollow and Greendale andhopes to receive title to the city.Brody <strong>of</strong> Ecuman, Duke <strong>of</strong> theCerulean City: F12. Brody is a proudRoag and a proud follower <strong>of</strong> He WhoWatches – a combination that seems notto sit well with his neighbors to the northnor to the south. Brody was one <strong>of</strong> thefew Ceruleans who survived the 6 th <strong>of</strong>Klarmont battle, after which he replacedhis father and accepted the status <strong>of</strong>Duke.Kerra the White: Kobold8/Shaman3/Wokani3. Kerra is the closest thing to aleader at the Ivory City. In her youth,Kerra stumbled on to the secrets <strong>of</strong> theOld Death. She has spent her lifepreparing her fellows for what may comefrom the north.Apris the Wondrous: MU1, Int16,Con7, Dex7, Cha6, C. Apris is a short(5’3”) and spunky young wizardapprentice who left her master for theexcitement <strong>of</strong> adventure. Apris’sprincipal flaw is her obstinate need toalways go her own way. That attitudemay reduce her life expectancy.Equipment: wand <strong>of</strong> secret door detectionStanis the Brief: hill giant 1, Str 10,Con 8, Dex10. Stanis is a very short hillgiant – in fact, he is as short as a gnome.In older times, such a runt would havebeen put down, but his parents held himas a precious gift. Stanis now serves asKing Robert’s jester. He has angered thequeen by telling jokes that she cannotunderstand, and she occasionally sendsfunctionaries to harass the little giant.Stanis is accompanied by a well-groomedgiant rat, and his greatest foe is the giantspider.Humbert the Large: C7, Str5,Cha15, C. Humbert is a short but stoutman (5’4”, 186 lbs) with a deep resonantvoice and red hair. Grey vestments markhis membership in the Order <strong>of</strong> Friends, asmall, heretical monastic order <strong>of</strong>Watchers dedicated to the good life andpersonal gain. <strong>The</strong> Order <strong>of</strong> Friends wasa spin-<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the Temaraire Monestary inGhyr, and has no representative with theCouncil <strong>of</strong> Bishops.Equipment: mace+1A Matter <strong>of</strong> Perspective(Levels 1-7)This arc is designed with giant charactersin mind, but other character types can bebe involved or serve as the focus <strong>of</strong>attention. <strong>The</strong> arc concerns the Kaganuscommunities and the impact <strong>of</strong> WennaPenbray’s angling to increasing herstature. It takes the party from theVerdant City to halls <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis andthe hills <strong>of</strong> the Scarlet City.Whack a Dwarf: Raids against DeepHollow have generated a formal responseto the new Verdant Duke from thatkingdom and Greendale. Duke Garetharranges a special tourney for people’schampions to settle grievances with agrand melee replacing the traditionaljoust. <strong>The</strong> dwarves decide to level theplaying field, and arrange for many pits,tunnels and traps. Party members aretapped as people’s champions and mustwin the tourney.Stanis and the Spider: <strong>The</strong>victorious characters are invited to thecourt <strong>of</strong> King Robert, where they meetthe jester, Stanis. Stanis’s performanceenrages Queen Mary, she loudly ordershis death, and he flees for sanctuary. <strong>The</strong>characters must negotiate the small world<strong>of</strong> the castle majority, rescue Stanis fromhuman and arachnid hunters, andconvince the queen to rescind her order.<strong>The</strong> Unselfish Giants: Followingher latest outburst, the king sends his daftwife on another travel. <strong>The</strong> party isrewarded (for one or both prioradventures) with a garden stretch inMagnitania. Local children pester theparty to play in the garden. Whetherthere by permission or trespass, thechildren are kidnapped by several winteryelementals (Snow, Frost, the North Wind,and Hail). Prince Madoc is among thosetaken. <strong>The</strong> characters must rescue thechildren and beat back the threat <strong>of</strong>eternal winter.Scarlet Fever: King Robert has cometo value the party, and he asks them tojoin his escort to the Scarlet City. Thiscoincides with an increased Hillbanraiding presence. Hillbans attack thecity, searching for a forgotten yellowdiamond, but they’ll settle for a ransomedking. Regent Wenna and the party mustrescue Robert from the Hillbans cavecomplex.<strong>The</strong> Dragons’ Maws: Robert hasrewarded his rescuers, though Wenna hasasked for “nothing as yet.” Returning toNortopolis, the king learns that a mixedflock <strong>of</strong> dragons have laid over in theFlatlands, and they are devastating theauroch herds. <strong>The</strong> party must head intothe north and deal with this hungerdrivenmenace.Head in the Clouds: It has beensome time since Mary was sent awayfrom the court, but she returns – with achild in tow. <strong>The</strong> dim queen named theboy Nothing As Yet until he could beproperly blessed in the presence <strong>of</strong> bothparents. At the same time, giantbeanstalks have risen up around LacusGabrionus. Robert sends the party tohandle the cloud giants.Nothing As Yet: see page 47.31

THE GREAT OLDE WOODEInspiration: Fairy Tales, pre-RomanBrythonic tribesRuler: <strong>The</strong> Wittan CouncilOverview: <strong>The</strong> true Great Olde Woodeis a forest that stretches from Ghyr in theeast to the Borean Tier in the west, andthe cold-clime cypresses <strong>of</strong> the Swamp <strong>of</strong>the Beast to the short pine taiga. Mostfolks today restrict the term to mean onlythat part <strong>of</strong> the forest north <strong>of</strong> theParthenal Hills.<strong>The</strong> forest floor is littered with standingstones quarried from deep in theParthenal and dragged to their presentlocations. <strong>The</strong> meaning <strong>of</strong> these stones(sacred, historic, etc.) varies fromlocation to location and race to race.<strong>The</strong> residents <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>do not venture deeply into the Great OldeWoode. Ghost stories terrorize children,but adults <strong>of</strong> a certain age rememberwhen those tales were all too real. Eventhrough the Thyatian occupation, wordcame <strong>of</strong> violent, pr<strong>of</strong>ane acts within theheart <strong>of</strong> the woods. <strong>The</strong>se acts includedkidnapping and devouring children, andvarious sacrifices.<strong>The</strong> Parthenal elves referred to theregion as the Grindol, and they did notenter the region until the combinedharassment <strong>of</strong> Maggorath and theParthenal kobolds drove them north.Roags and allied humanoids were alsomaking their way into the forest. <strong>The</strong>senewcomers clashed with one anotherbeneath the shady pines and rare rowanhardwoods.<strong>The</strong> darkness <strong>of</strong> the forest came fromits inhabitants, but none more so than therandaras. No one is certain how theseshapeshifters came to be here, but theirfondness for sentient flesh colored theimagination <strong>of</strong> everyone around the GreatOlde Woode. Sacrificial elements cameto be incorporated among local RoagMacCullen druidism, and they still persistin some traditions.During lean times, the Roags are knownto abandon their younger children in theforest wilderness. It is a necessarycruelity sanctioned by the druids.<strong>The</strong> seminal event that forged themodern Great Olde Woode was theformation <strong>of</strong> the Wittan Council at Hagh.<strong>The</strong> human, humanoid, fey, and elvenraces came together to expel the randaras.With the randaran threat reduced, theCouncil persists as a forum <strong>of</strong> discussion.Inter-group conflicts have mostlysubsided, but newcomers <strong>of</strong>ten perturbthe balance.During the Prism Wars, the WittanCouncil permitted forces from WestHaven and Dauphins to pass unmolestedto Ghyr, and some individualsaccompanied those forces.Holidays<strong>The</strong> Roags and some <strong>of</strong> the humanoidscelebrate the solstices in the same fashionas in the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Lowland Roags.Individual groups have other celebrationdays <strong>of</strong> their own.Military<strong>The</strong>re are no true military units in theGreat Olde Woode. Those responding toincidents will vary from one event to thenext, and not even a full invasion couldmobilize all available warriors.Settlements and PlacesHagh: Hagh is a large fortress deepwithin the confines <strong>of</strong> the Great OldeWoode. It serves as a capital <strong>of</strong> sorts –representatives <strong>of</strong> the different tribes meton the equinoxes. No one actuallyinhabits Hagh. It is a relic <strong>of</strong> the worldbefore the Great Rain <strong>of</strong> Fire with astrange stone structure that hasdilapidated after millennia <strong>of</strong> erosion.[No lost technology can be recoveredfrom Hagh – Ed.].Foredhon: This elven village <strong>of</strong> 90Parthenalli occupies the end <strong>of</strong> the beatentrail from West Haven. Those wishing toreach Southpool or parts east would needguides.Brookmere: This village (east <strong>of</strong> themap, see <strong>Gaz</strong> F4) has <strong>of</strong>ten changedhands between the elves and the kobolds.Today, it is the home <strong>of</strong> 80 Parthenalelves, 10 Lothenar elves, and 20 Vyaliansaffiliated with the Great Olde Woode.Stilldhon: This is the home <strong>of</strong> thelast <strong>of</strong> the Lothenar. Merely 38 elves liveat this outpost in the Parthenal Hills (east<strong>of</strong> the map, see <strong>Gaz</strong> F4).Censused together, the Great OldeWoode holds 100 Vyalian elves, 48Lothenar elves, 1000 Parthenal elves,1000 Parthenal humans, 300 gnomes inthe east, 3,500 Roags, and two dozen hillgiants and 600 bugbears in the north.<strong>The</strong> number <strong>of</strong> fey creatures in the forestis unknown, and the druids think they arenot always present.EconomyAll transactions are conducted throughbarter. Those living adjacent to thecivilized kingdoms and who interact withthem would accept bits and coins.Relations with OtherNations<strong>The</strong> residents <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woodeare largely indifferent to the outsideworld and the various kingdoms <strong>of</strong> theHill and Dale with three exceptions.Taralon: Druidic elements among theRoags have been receptive to the Mabds<strong>of</strong> Taralon.200 Knights: kidnappings and theftsby some small groups have createdproblems with this nearest neighbor.Parthenal: <strong>The</strong> Parthenal is the region<strong>of</strong> greatest interaction. Parthenal elvesand humans who live in the central hillsdo not affiliated with the Wittan Councilas do those at Foredhon and othersettlements. <strong>The</strong> hill dogs (kobolds) areconsidered a menace that has been riledup by the western gnomes. This has notearned the gnomes much appreciation.Animals and Monstersnormal and giant elk, tiger beetle, giantwood spider, lynx, wolf, normal falcon,normal and giant owl, magpie, giantporcupine, coltpixy, Hsiao, werefox,small and huge green dragon, wooddrake,kobold, pernicorn, shambling mound(east), fungoid, giant centipede,robberfly, owlbear, metamorph, gnome(west), elf, carrion crawler, giant snail,giant rattler, giant hunting spider, grizzlybear, pheasant, quail, stirge, fungoid,giant ferret, unicorn, lesser banshee,randara, drake (all forms), dryad,brownie, pooka, ghoul (west), skeleton(west), zombie (west), wight (west)32

THE GREAT OLDE WOODEPersonalitiesPluto, King <strong>of</strong> the Fairies: pixie23. Pluto’s fairy realm intersects with theGreat Olde Woode during the full moon.He and his drakes are committed tohunting randaras and bogles during thesevisits.Proserpina, Queen <strong>of</strong> theFairies: sprite 30. <strong>The</strong> wanderingspouse <strong>of</strong> Pluto, she has been known toget mortals in trouble with her fetchingcharm. She <strong>of</strong>ten appears as a full grownwoman, but she is not a sidhe.Sir Oliphant: Hill giant 18. Oliphantis the guardian <strong>of</strong> Proserpina during hervisits to the Great Olde Woode. Whetherit is to keep her safe or mortal men is amatter <strong>of</strong> debate.Sir Thomas <strong>of</strong> Dauphins: P10. SirThomas is a chaste knight from the city<strong>of</strong> Dauphins who has fallen for thebeauty <strong>of</strong> Queen Proserpina. He hasdedicated his life to a quest to win herhand in marriage.<strong>The</strong> Brown Bear <strong>of</strong> the OpenGlen: pooka 15. <strong>The</strong> Brown Bear is asubject <strong>of</strong> King Pluto who remains on themortal world. He guides those on noblequests and gives a comeuppance to thefoolish and haughty.Carwen: Druid 28, N. Carwen is theMyrrdin, or hierophant, <strong>of</strong> the druidicorders in the Great Olde Woode. He hasno truck with the matriarchal ambitions<strong>of</strong> the Mabds <strong>of</strong> Taralon, but he doeswish to see a revitalized Roag traditionand the casting out <strong>of</strong> the upstartWatchers. By virtue <strong>of</strong> his position, hesits upon the Wittan Council.Misha the Blind: gnome5/shaman 2.Misha represents the western gnomes atWittan. Misha lost his sight throughinjuries while fighting kobolds.Minariel: EF 5. Minariel speaks for theParthenal humans and elves at Wittan.Her primary concern is bringing more <strong>of</strong>her elven cousins into the fold andfighting the southern kobolds.Rhun: bugbear2. Rhun is the bugbearrepresentative to the Wittan Council.Rhun sees the lives his fellow bugbearshave been having in Thosh, and he thinksmodernization might not be a bad idea.Trefor: F8. <strong>The</strong> Roag representativesupports the raiding taking place inSorchester and Brest, and most <strong>of</strong> thoseinvolved are part <strong>of</strong> his clan group.Dinsdale: hill giant 4 (ettin). Dinsdaleis an ettin who represents both ettins andnormal hill giants, with each headspeaking for a different group.AdventuresMost <strong>of</strong> the adventures given here can beused as one-<strong>of</strong>f (and occasionally silly)excursions for natives to the Great OldeWoode or for outsiders. <strong>The</strong> last five aregiven as possible campaign directionswith the Woode as the primary, seriousfocus.Away From Home Alone: you andyour siblings are left in the Great OldeWoode to fend for yourselves, where youcome across a house owned by a giant,his human wife, and their daughters. <strong>The</strong>characters must see through the family’scharm, survive the night-time bashingand escape over the Bridge <strong>of</strong> One Hair.A local lord/nobleman/clan head asks thecharacter(s) to return to the giant’s homeand successively retrieve his sword, purseand ring.A Bitter Couple: <strong>The</strong> party comesacross a foolish man being beaten by hiswife. <strong>The</strong>y ask the party to reverse hismisfortunes, get back his gold (lost over asuccession <strong>of</strong> bad barters), and preventlocal thieves from killing him.Three Little Orcs: Three quietHillban orcs have settled in the Woodenear Shanklin, a hamlet near Thosh.<strong>The</strong>y are being terrorized by a large wolf,and no one is willing to help. Can theparty save the orcs’ chinny, chin chin?<strong>The</strong> Three Bugbears: Thief!Someone has broken into the cottage <strong>of</strong> abugbear family in the north. With thelittle tyke crying, mama and papabugbear ask the party to retrieve theirstolen goods. But was the perpetrator thegolden-haired girl, or the old crone?Death <strong>of</strong> the Maiden: A girl hasbeen killed by her wicked step-mother,and her spirit bird asks the party toretrieve several items so that she mayavenge herself and rest in peace.<strong>The</strong> Great Fire: Some challengescannot be resolved by strength <strong>of</strong> arms.Lightning from a summer storm ignitespart <strong>of</strong> the Woode in a fire that threatensto claim untold lives. <strong>The</strong> party mustsave the people, the animals, andthemselves while striving to limit theextent <strong>of</strong> damage.Three Bottles to Heal the Lord:A nobleman, or even a royal, has fallenill, and only three healing bottles canremedy him. <strong>The</strong> Brown Bear may knowa secret to the bottles’ retrieval.Disappearing Children: A randarahas kidnapped several children from one<strong>of</strong> the local settlements. Can the partyfind and rescue the children before theyare eaten?Kate the Bold: Kate’s sister has hadher head replaced by a sheep’s, while alocal nobleman’s sick son is entranced byfairies. Can the party help Kate restorethem both?Pooka in Boots: A pooka in theshape <strong>of</strong> an adorable kitten inhabits afarm house. For a bit <strong>of</strong> wine, the pookawill take the party on an adventure to rida castle <strong>of</strong> a dragon and giant mage.<strong>The</strong> Gnome-Kobold Problem:<strong>The</strong> conflict between the gnomes and thekobolds has excited the entire koboldnation. <strong>The</strong> hill dogs do not limit theirreprisals to the gnomes, attacking theParthenal elves and the Great OldeWoode encampments. Externalsympathies and antagonisms drive thesouth into true war.Brotherhood <strong>of</strong> Three Elves: <strong>The</strong>Vyalia, Parthenal, and Lothenar elveshave strikingly different experiences andoutlooks. Can the Vyalians modernizetheir cousins, or will they be rebuked bythe independent and grieving clans?Heirophant: Carwen’s push fordruidism ascendant brings the Woodeinto the political arena <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>, and it may tear the Woodeasunder.<strong>The</strong> Dying <strong>of</strong> the Forest: <strong>The</strong>Forest is dying <strong>of</strong> an inexplicable cause.<strong>The</strong> characters must quest to find the rootcauses and save their home.<strong>The</strong> Randaran Sanction: <strong>The</strong>randaras have returned to the Great OldeWoode, and a war for the forest and thefairy realm is unavoidable.33

PERSONALITIESHeroes and HeelsIl Pantero Nero: Magician 27. <strong>The</strong>Black Panther is perhaps the greatestmagician to have ever lived. Ashapeshifting dynamo, he is a devotedservant <strong>of</strong> He Who Watches who travelsthe Dale upsetting the plans <strong>of</strong> witches.Paulinus Ravenfriend: MU9, Str6,Con7, Dex7, Cha17, C., Paulinus is aneasily tanned man, clean shaven withlight brown hair. Paulinus is a seniormember <strong>of</strong> the High College, but he is<strong>of</strong>ten at odds with Umberto the Ugly(Master <strong>of</strong> the High College) andWalwynn <strong>of</strong> Stonehill – a communitynear Ghyr. He travels with a raven, andthe image <strong>of</strong> the bird graces the leftbreast <strong>of</strong> his scarlet attire. When conflictarises, Paulinus is more interested insaving his own skin.Equipment: ring <strong>of</strong> animal controlMorag the Grim: E9, C. Morag is aVyalian elf who has gone native. He nolonger associates with other elves, andhas adopted a Roag name. <strong>The</strong> slenderand attractive elf wears black and darkblue. He rarely smiles. Morag changeshis mind <strong>of</strong>ten and can be indecisive incombat.Equipment: “Sleepmaker” sword +2Jack Milford: F3. Jack is a con-manwho trades on his service in the <strong>Alliance</strong>War, but he never says for which sides hefought.Jahat and Jelek: F3 and F4, N. Jahatand Jelek are mercenaries that work inthe <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>. Jahat employs thelongsword and crossbow, while Jelekuses the shortsword and crossbow.Ludovicus the Long: C10, Con5, C.This bald, 6’7” giant wears crimson robesover gilded armor. Ludovicus lovesmoney, and he was defrocked forpilfering the donation c<strong>of</strong>fers. He <strong>of</strong>tenclaims, “Gods help those who helpthemselves,” but no one knows whichpower continues to help Ludovicus, buthe makes his living selling indulgencesand pawn <strong>of</strong>f fake and real relics.Fairleaf: EM5, Int 16. Fairleaf is aParthenal elf who lives in the easternsection <strong>of</strong> the Great Olde Woode nearGreendale. <strong>The</strong> silver-haired maiden istimid and easily frightened.Parindes: MU9, Int17. Parindes is aDenagothian wizard working with thegreen dragon Viridis. <strong>The</strong>y work onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the Onyx Ring syndicate andthe Shadow Lord <strong>of</strong> Denagoth tocomplete the destruction <strong>of</strong> the Lothenar.Brothers Willendall: M7 each.Should these three troublemakers survivethe Northern Wildlands, they couldstumble on to the <strong>Alliance</strong>. Randall isleader and cousin to the other two.Wendall is loyal to his brother, Stendhall,but that is not reciprocated. <strong>The</strong>Willendalls were expelled from theGlantri School <strong>of</strong> Magic.Caius Lineus: Rake11. Caius is anambassador <strong>of</strong> Thyatis, and he will headthe imperial delegation to the kingdoms<strong>of</strong> Provincia Gurrania.Renia: F7. Renia is a loner with causeto despise soldiers. She wears a gold ringwith the emblem <strong>of</strong> a kingfisher, and sheis secretly questing to find clues to thefate <strong>of</strong> her kin and the mysteries <strong>of</strong> herown origin. <strong>The</strong> deadly truth is thatRenia is an heir to the throne <strong>of</strong>Gabrionus V. Her quest thus far has ledher to the town <strong>of</strong> Sylvair (Wendar), buther path will bring her into the north.Equipment: chain mail +2.<strong>The</strong> Autumn Knight: <strong>The</strong> AutumnKnight is a servant <strong>of</strong> He Who Watches.He periodically tests the worth <strong>of</strong> theWatcher’s followers and combats thedirect influence <strong>of</strong> the champions <strong>of</strong> Idris.He is a neutral figure among the druids.LJN NotablesThis list includes characters made famousthrough the LJN toy line for AdvancedDungeons & Dragons (1 st edition).Grimsword, Molliver, Hawkler, and Drexappeared in XL-1 <strong>The</strong> Quest for theHeartstone, and the others are alsoconsidered part <strong>of</strong> the Mystaran extendedfamily. <strong>Gaz</strong> F4 covers the other LJNcharacters. Your campaign may freelyuse these characters with the <strong>Western</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> or Ghyr, or you may run them inparallel or isolation.Molliver: T8, Dex16, Con16, Cha17.<strong>The</strong> beautiful Molliver is an experiencedadventurer around the Taralon Channel.From Lansbury to Snowden andBethfield, she has been a thorn in the side<strong>of</strong> Phillip <strong>of</strong> Marabone, the regional head<strong>of</strong> the Thieves’ Guild.Equipment: boots <strong>of</strong> levitationHawkler: Forester6, Dex16. Hawkler isa valiant forester trained by the Vyalianelves in the Great Olde Woode. Hestands as a testament to what the KnownWorld elves can bring to their neighborsand to the other elves.Grimsword: F7, Str15. Grimsword isfearsome knight in the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> ManyColors. He is rarely in that nation,however, as he travels the region toterrorize the knights <strong>of</strong> other kingdoms.His helm is riveted to give the impression<strong>of</strong> a jack-o-lantern grimace.Equipment: Sword+1 energy drain, flailDrex: F6, C. Drex is a strong and fearedmercenary <strong>of</strong> Denagothian extraction.He was cashiered from the Ghyranmilitary for actions taken during theDesert War.Equipment: leather+1, medusa skullshieldPulvereye: Pulvereye is the cyclopticchieftain <strong>of</strong> a band <strong>of</strong> Hillbans.Cyclopses are not normally encounteredin this part <strong>of</strong> the world, and some thinkhe is a cursed hill or cloud giant. Mostlikely, he comes from a small cyclopeangroup in the Thundering Peaks beyondthe Shattered Plateau. Pulvereye’sequipment is marked by the emblem <strong>of</strong> aone-eyed spider.Aurelia: E3. Aurelia is an elvenforester <strong>of</strong> the Vyalia clan. She staysnear the Great Olde Woode.Caruso: EF1. Caruso is a rare half-elffrom the Great Olde Woode. By custom,he was sent out <strong>of</strong> the community to seekhis own fortune and home.Garn Gray <strong>Gaz</strong>e: Gn3/Wo2. GarnGray <strong>Gaz</strong>e is a bizarre little gnomeillusionist-thief who travels the north insearch <strong>of</strong> answers to unasked questions.Despite his good nature, he wears out hiswelcome quickly.Filaree: ED3. Filaree was an outcasthalf-elf maiden, who was adopted by afemale half-elf druid <strong>of</strong> Roag MacCullen.Mandoom: Hill Giant 4. This goodwarrior wields a sledge hammer againstthe Hillban raiders. [Note: Mandoom wastowering in original LJN artwork, but notan actual giant – Ed.]34

CREATING CHARACTERS IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEMuch <strong>of</strong> the information in this section isderived from GAZ F4 <strong>The</strong> HiddenTreasure <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. While differencesexist between the national characters <strong>of</strong>the region, they are demographically tiedto one another and to the the kingdoms <strong>of</strong>the Hill (Ghyr, Greendale, Deep Hollow).Available CharacterClassesAll <strong>of</strong> the standard human classes anddemihuman racial classes are available.<strong>The</strong> Thyatians imported the forester andrake classes into the region.If permitted by the referee, nonstandardoptions include gnomes (earth),low-level druids, and kobolds, andgoblinoids. Wise women and hakomonlikecharacters are acceptable among thewild Roags.Two new classes, the hill giant and themagician, are also available, subject tothe approval <strong>of</strong> the referee.Demographic Optionsin the Dale<strong>The</strong>re are many options for humancharacters. In declining order, they are:Roag, Known Worlder (Thyatian,anglaise, Averoignian, etc.), and Deno-Essurian. Roags dominate in the northand within the Great Olde Woode. <strong>The</strong>anglaise are prominent in West Haven,while the Averoignians heavily influencethe Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights. Deno-Essurians favor the east along theKaganus. A small contingent <strong>of</strong>Ochaleans forms the Sarke MercenaryTroop, but they ordinarily do notadventure.<strong>The</strong> majority <strong>of</strong> magic-users are KnownWorlders or Roags, clerics are likelyGhyran nationals, and druids are neighexclusively Roags. <strong>The</strong>re are, however,no class restrictions with any groups.A final, isolated group <strong>of</strong> humans arefound alongside the Parthenal elves.Arcane or clerical magic is unknown tothese humans, but a few have becomedruids. <strong>The</strong>y are restricted to thenorthern Parthenal and southern GreatOlde Woode.Vyalians are the best option for elvesthat interact with the <strong>Alliance</strong>. Vyaliansare traditional fighter-mages (foresters).<strong>The</strong> five dozen extant Lothenar elves arelimited to the the extreme easternParthenal (not shown on the map) or thecity <strong>of</strong> Ghyr. All are <strong>of</strong> adventuringstature. Parthenal elves are insulatedfrom the <strong>Alliance</strong> by the Hills <strong>of</strong>Parthenal and the Great Olde Woode.<strong>The</strong> overwhelming majority <strong>of</strong> Lothenarand Parthenal elves are single classfighters or thieves. See Realm <strong>of</strong> Wendaror <strong>The</strong> Northern Wildlands for specificson handling single-class elves in OD&D.Dwarves <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> areeither clanless or belong to the Durwhyrclan – a branch <strong>of</strong> the Buhrohur groupthat rules Deep Hollow. A few Evefildwarves (see <strong>The</strong> Hidden Treasure <strong>of</strong>Ghyr) visit the <strong>Alliance</strong> nations, but noneare native.Gnomes in the north have no formalclan structure. <strong>The</strong>y appear in all thekingdoms save that <strong>of</strong> the LowlandRoags. Resident halflings are clanless.Language in the DaleIn selecting a character’s startinglanguage(s), consider the followingclassification scheme. <strong>The</strong> two primarylanguages are a dialect <strong>of</strong> Thyatian(Ghyrian Thyatian) and Roag. Secondarylanguages include those languages thatcould be spoken in the home: KnownWorld tongues (Traladaran, Averoignese,etc.) and Denagothian Plateau languages.Tertiary languages are generallylanguages from satellite populations(Barkyip, Gnomish, Hillbanic,Hymsprach, Meggaran, the brutelanguage Denag, and Icreach Barbarian).Alphatian and Ochalean should be treatedas Tertiary languages.Initially, human and halfling charactersmust elect to learn a primary languagebefore taking a secondary one, and asecondary language before a tertiary one.<strong>The</strong> primary language <strong>of</strong> Wild Roags isRoag; for everyone else it is Thyatian.Note that druids and magic-users arerequired to have language skills in OldRoag and Essurian, respectively.Dwarves and elves from the KnownWorld use the standard languagepackages. Those native to the north havemodifications to these lists.North-born Durwhyr dwarves have aninitial language package <strong>of</strong> Dwarvish,Thyatian, Gnomish, and either Roag orHillbanic.Native Vyalian elves speak Elvish,Dwarvish, Thyatian, and Roag. LothenarElves speak Elvish (Lothenar), Essurian,Denagothian, and the brutish languageDenag. Finally, Parthenal elves knowElvish (Parthenal), Barkyip, and two <strong>of</strong>Gnomish, Roag, and Meggaran.Starting SkillsA character’s background shouldinform his initial skill choices. In the boxbelow, appropriate choices are listed.<strong>The</strong> DM is free to augment or ignorethese suggestions.Human, Nobility: one <strong>of</strong> riding (horse),needlepoint, etiquette, dancing (courtly),or music (any)Human, Commoner: one <strong>of</strong> labor,agricultural, pr<strong>of</strong>essional or craftsmanskill, music (bardic – Taralon only)Wild Roag: two <strong>of</strong> herding, hunting,survival (subarctic plains or shatteredhills), nature lore, sewing, cooking,tanner, or astronomyElf: two <strong>of</strong> meditation, tracking, forestlore, regional history (last required <strong>of</strong>Lothenar elves)Dwarf: two <strong>of</strong> signaling (yodeling),metallurgy, prismatic studies, combatengineering, engineering, or a craftsmanskillFighter: two <strong>of</strong> bravery, riding (horse),grooming (horse), or an armor- orweapon-crafting skillCleric: Honor and a history (<strong>of</strong> the north)skillMagic-user (and Druid): two <strong>of</strong>:herbalism, alchemy, animal empathy,prismatic studies, nature lore, orhypnotismThief: two <strong>of</strong> survival (terrain), tracking,signaling, appraisal, and bargaining.Humanoids (General): as either ahuman commoner or Wild RoagMagic-Users and Druids also must beable to converse in either Essurian or OldRoag, respectively. If the character’sintelligence does not cover the language,he or she must apply a skill choice to35

CREATING CHARACTERS IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEpurchase it. Picking up the cant languagemay be delayed until 5 th level, but it mustbe taken by then. Skills for hill giantsand magicians are covered in the nextsection.ArmorIn the northern realms, heavier armorchoices are favored. Average soldierswill don banded mail, men-at-arms (F3+)will employ plate mail, and knights <strong>of</strong>renown and paladins are adorned in fullsuit armor. Other armor types are left tothe clergy, archers, thieves and thedestitute. Wild Roags prefer hides (AC6-8) and leather armor.Squires wear only leather armor inrecognition <strong>of</strong> their status as non-warriorservants. Honorable knights and soldierswill not accost a leather-clad personbeyond the archer ranks.NamesWhat follows is a list <strong>of</strong> names thatcapture the cultural feel <strong>of</strong> the Dale. Thislist is not exhaustive, and players can optto choose other names.Demihumans follow the conventionsused elsewhere in the world (ex. <strong>Gaz</strong> F3),though many Parthenal elves (andhumans) use evocative descriptors suchas Mistdancer.Most Ghyran and Roag names resembleEnglish, Welsh, and Irish names from theArthurian period. Names with clearFrench influences have been sub-groupedas Averoignian-Ghyran, and those <strong>of</strong>more recent English vintage as Roaganglaise.Brythonic, Breton, Cornish,and Welsh names, or other pre- or sub-Roman cultures <strong>of</strong> Britain, are perfect forRoags or speakers <strong>of</strong> the humanoidlanguages.Essurian and Denagothian names taketheir inspiration from fantasy literatureand cinema. <strong>The</strong>y have no real-worldcultural basis, but each has a distinctivestyle. For name examples, see <strong>Gaz</strong> F2.Goblinoids draw on both Roag andhumanoids naming traditions, though theoccasional Denagothian name is heard inthe southeast. Parthenal kobolds relystrictly on traditional humanoid names(GAZ 10 Orcs <strong>of</strong> Thar).Ghyran, Male: Abel, Aggravayne,Aithan, Aiden, Alfred, Almuric, Arthur,Bevis, Blamoure, Bleobris, Bowmarc,Brastius, Carados, Claudius, Cradilment,Dagonet, Dahnakriss, Deeth, Donal,Drex, Dynadan, Hector, Egbert, Galahad,Ganto, Gareth, Gavin, Helyn, Hernox,Horatius, Howell, Juhel, Kay,Keyhydyns, L<strong>of</strong>tos, Lucas, Ludovicus,Lyonel, Malidryn, Marhaus, Melyodas,Morganoure, Nentres, Palomides, Pellas,Pellias, Pellinore, Qasmar, Quintain,Reyns, Sean, Safere, Telles, Tharadodus,<strong>The</strong>odoric, Torre, Tristram, Turlough,Ulphius, Umberto, Uryens, Uther,Vespen, VorlinGhyran, Female: Alana, Apris,Arwen, Aurelia, Beladore, Cordelia,Dione, Elaine, Fione, Gwyneth,Gwyneviere, Helyane, Igraine, Ione,Iseult, Isode, Leahra, Laura, MorganAveroignian-Ghyran, Male:Agglovale, Ambrose, Angwyschaunce,Bedivere, Clarivaunce, Claude, Clement,Charles, Ector, Evelake, Gawain,Gorlois, Harold, Joseph, Lancelin,Lancelot, Mellyagrounce, Mercious,Percivale, VychanAveroignian-Ghyran, Female:Anne, Beatrice, Camille, Elizabeth,Guinevere, Isabelle, Magdelene, Marie,Mercion, Mateline, Sophora, YvonneRoag, Male: Aled, Aneurin, Angwyn,Arthus, Asclabor, Atawn, Badouin,Bagdemagus, Balan, Ban, Bari,Barnabas, Berwyn, Bevan, Bledig, Bors,Brandegoris, Brecon, Brychan, Bryn,Brynmor, Cadan, Cadell, Cadogan,Caerwyn, Cador, Caradoc, Cledwyn,Cranog, Cynfor, Dafydd, Delwyn,Derwent, Dewi, Dillon, Dyfan, Dylan,Dornar, Elgan, Emlyn, Emrick, Emrys,Emyr, Gawen, Gaheris, Gerens, Gethin,Glyn, Gwilym, Gwyn, Harenbili,Heddwyn, Heilyn, Helake, Helyas, Huw,Idres, Idwal, Jacca, Jory, Jowan,Kenwyn, Lamerok, Laodegan, Llewellyn,Lot, Lyn, Mabon, Madoc, Mark, Merlin,Mordred, Morgan, Olwynn, Pedrog,Penrith, Penwyn, Perran, Rees, Rhun,Sawyl, Segwerydes, Sonnagh, Sulwyn,Talan, Tangwyn, Tecwyn, Teulyddog,Twedwr, Trefor, Uwayne, Walwyn,Wenlock, Wid, VortigenRoag, Female: Aderyn, Alana,Aneira, Angharad, Angwen, Ariene,Arweena, Awsta, Aylwen, Berwyn,Beryan, Bethan, Betrys, Beljan,Berthildis, Blodwen, Branwen, Briallen,Brigana, Bronwen, Bryn, Caitlin, Carys,Catrin, Ceinwen, Chesten, Crewenna,Denw, Dilys, Ebrel, Eiddwen, Eira,Eirwen, Enya, Eseld, Eurwyn, Fione,Gladys, Glenda, Gwen, Gwendolen,Gwenhyvar, Goneril, Gwawl, Gwynne,Gwrygon, Gwyneth, Goddau, Hafwen,Heledd, Helyane, Ione, Kerra, Kew,Leera, Lowenna, Mabd, Mair, Megan,Mellyn, Metheven, Mildthryth, Mirva,Modron, Morfudd, Morgan, Morgawse,Morrigan, Morveren, Morwenna, Nerys,Nyfain, Rhiamon, Rhiannon, Rhieinfellt,Rhonwen, Rowena, Sowena, Tamsyn,Tecca, Tegwen, Tregereth, Tyfdill,Wenna, YstradwelRoag-Anglaise, Male: Aeron, Alan,Albert, Bernard, Bertran, Bowen, Brit,Broderick, Brody, Christopher, Conway,David, Davy, Dewey, Dewitt, Digory,Dinsdale, Edgar, Edmund, Egbert,Ethelbert, Evan, Felix, Floyd, Frederick,Ge<strong>of</strong>frey, Giles, Glen, Griffith, Henry,Hopkin, Howell, Jack, Idris, Ives, Kenan,Lloyd, Maddock, Martin, Meredith,Merrick, Owen, Perry, Penrose, Powell,Price, Reese, Robert, Romney, Thomas,Trevor, WynfordRoag-Anglaise, Female: April,Carrie, Cordelia, Elowen, Eva, Heddy,Jenifer, Jenna, Kensa, Kerensa, Loveday,Maeve, Susanne, Sylvia, Melanie, Regan,Rhonda, Rosen, Tammy, Tegan,WinifredRoag SurnamesRoags traditionally did not use surnames,but they began to adopt the practice underKnown World influence. One method isto use the following prefixes with a placeor personal name: Ros (Heath), Car(Camp), Lan (Churchyard), Tre(Homestead), Pol (pool), or Pen (Head).Additionally, some novel surnameshave gained in popularity along theKaganus: Angove, Bell, Boden, Bray,Burrows, Collis, Cass, clews, Crocker,Drew, Ellery, Fenton, Goninan, Hawke,Hutchens, Keast, Lawry, Mayne, Odgers,Oliver, Perrin, Roberts, Thorne, andWarren.36

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEHill Giants<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is one <strong>of</strong> the fewregions <strong>of</strong> Mystara that boasts both wildand civilized hill giants, and they arepresented here as an optional characterclass for your game.Like other powerful creature-types, hillgiant chararcters present game-balanceissues. To make the character moreenjoyable with the possibility <strong>of</strong> earlyadvancement, the hit dice level and armorclass are reinterpreted. Here, a NormalMonster hill giant is less powerful thanthe statistics pr<strong>of</strong>ile found in the ExpertSet or Rules Cyclopedia, but the tw<strong>of</strong>orms have equal average hit points.In addition, hindrances have beenintroduced that are not part <strong>of</strong> thestandard hill giant.Hill GiantPrime Requisite: Strength andConstitution.Attribute Roll Modifiers: +3Str, +4Con;-3Int, -2Dex, -2Cha, -2WisAttribute Limits: Str 16/20, Dex 3/18,Con 16/20, Int 3/16, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/16Scores <strong>of</strong> 19 or 20 have adjustments +4and +5, respectively.Hit Dice: 3d8 at Normal Monster, and anadditional 1d8 per level up to 9th level(max. 12d8). Constitution adjustmentsapply per die. Starting at 10th level, +2hit points per level, and Constitutionadjustments no longer apply.Armor: Heavy hide (750cn, +1AC);large or tower shield only.Weapons: Armaments are large scalemodels <strong>of</strong> ordinary weapons that cause anextra die <strong>of</strong> damage. <strong>The</strong>re are no giantbows or crossbows.Combat and Save Progression: AsFighter <strong>of</strong> same level. Giants receive a+2 bonus to Death Ray and Paralysissaves, and suffer a -2 penalty to Wandsand Spells.Special Abilities: Smash, sweep,hurling, slam, natural AC.Special Hindrances: phobias, to hitpenalty, small world problemsSpellcasting: Hill giants may becomeshamans or wokani (limit 8 th and 6 thlevel, respectively).Starting Skills: two <strong>of</strong> cooking,sleeping, drinking, herding, labor,intimidate, and tanning (leatherwork).Weapon Mastery: Begin with mastery<strong>of</strong> all bludgeoning weapons and thedagger. <strong>The</strong> giant receives additionalchoices as per a non-fighter.Smash: At first level, a hill giant mayuse the smash Fighter Option. At thecost <strong>of</strong> -5 to hit and loss <strong>of</strong> initiative, thegiant may add his entire strength score tothe damage. Smash may not becombined with multiple attacks.Sweep: At 5 th level, a hill giant mayattack all persons (allies as well) within10 feet in the forward half-circle arc.Opponents must be no taller than 8 feet.Hurling: the giant may throw largerocks.Slam: An opponent is thrown into theground or ceiling. Damage is discussedfurther in the Hurling subsection.Natural AC: An adult hill giant has anatural AC <strong>of</strong> 6 due to the toughness <strong>of</strong>its skin, and receives a +2 bonus againstattacks by opponents 7 feet tall or shorterdue to reach.Phobias: Hill giants must save againstfear when in the presence <strong>of</strong> chicken poxand creatures at least 16 feet tall.To Hit Penalty: Hill giants suffer a -1penalty when attacking humans, elves ororcs, -2 against dwarves and goblins, and-3 attacking Halflings, gnomes orkobolds.Small World: Giants have difficultynegotiating a human-centric world. Hillgiants require a 6 foot width for passageand ceilings <strong>of</strong> 15 feet to avoid slumping.At the referee’s discretion, a giant may beforced to perform a dexterity check toavoid breaking something, getting stuck,etc.Growing Up GiantHill giants do not belong. That is thefundamental reality that every hill giantfaces over the course <strong>of</strong> his or her life.<strong>The</strong>y are not human, but neither are theytrue giants.On Mystara, they are the largest <strong>of</strong> the“Urzudian” humanoids that includekobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears,orcs, ogres and trolls. <strong>The</strong>se racesdescend from the ancient beastman linethat settled in the ruins <strong>of</strong> Urzud.As the largest specimens, they arephysically able to dominate the others,but there is no record <strong>of</strong> their leadershipin wild interracial groups. <strong>The</strong> hill giants<strong>of</strong>ten occupy the “champion” role in suchsettings as a means <strong>of</strong> garneringacceptance.Hill giants are used to being the largestindividuals in an encounter, so their sense<strong>of</strong> power is shaken in the presence <strong>of</strong> thetrue giant races (all save hill and stone).When faced with a true giant (or anothercreature over 16 feet tall), a hill giantmust save vs. spells or suffer fear as perthe cause fear spell. <strong>The</strong> giant also loses2 points <strong>of</strong> wisdom and morale. Thisimpact lasts for the duration <strong>of</strong> theencounter plus one additional hour.Fear is also caused by the chicken pox,but there is no loss <strong>of</strong> wisdom.Optional Rule: A hill giant who hasbeen in contact with chicken pox mustsave against disease (-10 penalty) orcontract the disease. Death results withina week.Giants <strong>of</strong>ten live in small family groupsin wilderness areas far from each other.<strong>The</strong>se wild giants gather semi-annuallyfor celebrations <strong>of</strong> 50-200 giants. <strong>The</strong>segiants live in cave complexes or foresthovels. Tanning hides and treating fursare the traditional skills <strong>of</strong> giants.Civilized giants live in cottages withceilings 15-20 feet in height. <strong>The</strong>y donot participate in the wild hill giantconclaves, opting instead for thecelebrations <strong>of</strong> their home countries.Giant children resemble human ones, ifa bit bigger. <strong>The</strong> abilities <strong>of</strong> young giantsdevelop gradually. Like humans, giantsbegin their teenage years at 13, whenthey stand five tall and have some skill.A hill giant gains a foot per yearafterward until adulthood at 20. Adultsstand 10-14 feet tall (9+1d4 feet +1d12inches).Weight gain is 25 pounds per annum inthe early years but exceeds 200 pounds atthe end <strong>of</strong> growth. Adult weight gain cancontinue for some years afterward.<strong>The</strong> skin begins to thicken at age 15,improving AC one point per year untiladulthood. <strong>The</strong> reach benefit kicks in at37

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCE18 and 20. Skills are gained at ages 13,15, 17 (young adult) and 20.Ability scores also change as the giantmatures. To approximate the change,apply the following cumulativeadjustments to the ability scores.Age ClassTeenager (13)1HD, -4400XPTeenager (15)1HD, -3300XPYoung Adult2HD, -2200XPAdult3HD, 0XPAbilityAdjustmentsStr-6, Wis -4,Con -4, Int-3Str+2, Wis+1,Dex +1, Int+1,Con+1Str+2, Wis+1,Con+1, Int+1Str+2, Wis+2,Dex-1, Int+1Con+2SkinAC9876*15 year-olds and Young Adults can hurlrocks for 1d6 points at ranges 10/20/30and 20/40/50, respectively, but theycannot slam an opponent.Mature (40) giants gain a point wisdomand intelligence, but lose one fromdexterity and constitution.Elder (55) giants lose 2 points <strong>of</strong>strength and constitution, but gain onepoint <strong>of</strong> wisdom. Elders must perform aconstitution check each year forworsening <strong>of</strong> faculties/eyesight, and a roll<strong>of</strong> 20 means death <strong>of</strong> old age.Hurling<strong>The</strong> basic hurling distance is calibratedfor throwing a 20-pound (200cn) rockand causing 3d6 points <strong>of</strong> damage.Distance and mass are inverselyproportional, so a 50 pound object maybe thrown for 40 yards. A large human(200 lbs) could be tossed up to 10 yardsaway.When throwing different sized objects,assume 4d6 for inanimate objects over 50pounds and 5d6 for objects over 100pounds. Animate objects tend to havepoor aerodynamic properties and onlycause half damage.Giants may pick up smaller opponentsand throw them to the ground. This iscalled a slam. To perform a slam, thegiant must spend one round grabbing hisvictim (normal attack roll, no armorbenefit). <strong>The</strong> slam occurs automaticallythe next round.<strong>The</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> damage caused by a slamis harmonized with falling damage wherethe height, in feet, is set by the weight <strong>of</strong>the victim, in pounds. This weightincludes all equipment carried.Height = ( 3000 / weight ) + 10Weight Range Damage301+ lbs 1d6151-300 lbs 2d6101-150 lbs 3d676-100 lbs 4d661-75 lbs 5d651-60 lbs 6d6A giant may also throw the victim intoceiling. He suffers one fewer die per full10 feet <strong>of</strong> ceiling height above 10 feet(i.e. a 30-foot ceiling reduces damage by2 dice), but the next round the characterfalls from that height. Characters thrownaway suffer only half the number dice(min. 1d6).Giant EquipmentAs a general rule <strong>of</strong> thumb, hill giantequipment scales to inflict an extra dice<strong>of</strong> damage and quadruple encumbrance.<strong>The</strong> encumbrance multiplier forhammers, clubs, and maces is x5. Stavesand lancing equipment has anencumbrance multiplier <strong>of</strong> x3.Thus, a hill giant hand axe weighs 120cnand inflicts 2d6 plus strength, while amace weighs 150cn and causes 2d6 plusstrength.Giant-sized polearms are too prone tobreaking and are not made. Likewise,giant bows and crossbows do not exist.Improvising, a giant may use a ballista asa human might a heavy crossbow.<strong>The</strong> production <strong>of</strong> these items requires 8times the material and labor, and 10 timesthe cost. Most hill giants limitthemselves to what they can make forthemselves. Tree trunks from the taigamake excellent hill giant staves, and thegiants are renowned hide workers.Encumbrance rates are set for a 960pound capacity.Move Encumbrance0 (0) 9601+cn15 (5) 6401-9600cn30 (10) 4801-6400cn45 (15) 4001-4800cn60 (20) 3201-4000cn75 (25) 2401-3200cn90 (30) 1601-2400cn105 (35) 801-1600cn120 (40) 0 – 800cnHill Giant Progression ChartLevel XP HD HurlingTeenager -4,400 1d8 10/20/30YoungAdult-2,200 2d8 20/40/50Normal0 3d8 30/60/100Monster1 4,400 4d8 30/60/1002 12,600 5d8 30/60/1003 30,600 6d8 35/60/1004 65,600 7d8 35/60/1005 135,600 8d8 35/60/1006 275,600 9d8 40/60/1007 415,600 10d8 40/60/1008 555,600 11d8 40/60/1009 695,600 12d8 40/60/10010 835,600 +2 45/65/10011 975,600 +2 45/65/10012 1,115,600 +2 45/65/10013 1,255,600 +2 45/65/10014 1,395,600 +2 45/65/10015 1,535,600 +2 50/70/10516 1,675,600 +2 50/70/10517 1,815,600 +2 50/70/10518 1,955,600 +2 50/70/10519 2,095,600 +2 50/70/10520 2,235,600 +2 50/70/10521 2,375,600 +2 55/75/11022 2,515,600 +2 55/75/11023 2,655,600 +2 55/75/11024 2,795,600 +2 55/75/11025 2,935,600 +2 55/75/11026 3,075,600 +2 55/75/11027 3,215,600 +2 55/75/11028 3,355,600 +2 55/80/11529 3,495,600 +2 55/80/11530 3,635,600 +2 55/80/11531 3,775,600 +2 55/80/11532 3,915,600 +2 55/80/11533 4,055,600 +2 55/80/11534 4,195,600 +2 55/80/11535 4,335,600 +2 55/80/11536 4,475,600 +2 60/85/12038

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEMagiciansReal magic in the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is asubdued affair, with enchantment andillusory spells the norm. In fact most“magic-users” are not true wizards butrather magicians and charlatans playingto the crowds. <strong>The</strong>ir on-stage personaecan be humorous, mysterious, or stoicallysilent, and their art ranges from escapeartists, mentalism, prestidigation, andillusion. Snake-oil salesmen,carnivalists, and spiritualists are alsogrouped under the magician rubric.Magicians know that the success <strong>of</strong> anact rests not just with the feats beingperformed but with the sell. A skilledmagician can take the simplest trick,draw out the entire process, and leave heraudience satisfied with the show. And,<strong>of</strong>ten as not, while the children delight intrying to find the string holding a floatingpen, the magician delights in pickingtheir parents’ pockets. It is a living, afterall.It is also a calling. Magicians want thefame <strong>of</strong> the performer and the notoriety<strong>of</strong> executing a new feat, and they guardtheir secrets jealously. A few evenmaster real magic.Typically, magicians are not theadventuring type. <strong>The</strong>ir hit dice andattack progression are far less than those<strong>of</strong> the standard classes; however, they candevelop familiarity with many weaponsas a part <strong>of</strong> their stage act. <strong>The</strong>ir uniquesuite <strong>of</strong> skills and hindrances makemagicians ideal for games with a heavyemphasis on role-playing.MagicianPrime Requisite: Intelligence, Dexterity,Wisdom and Charisma. To cast truemagic, a magician needs 13 in all four.Hit Dice: 1d4 plus Constitutionadjustments every two levels, up to 9 th .<strong>The</strong> magician gains +1 hp for eachskipped level and for every level over 9 th ,but Constitution adjustments do notapply.Armor: None.Weapons: Weapon options favor thosesuited for performance, but a few areutilitarian: dagger, staff, blowgun, net,flaming oil, holy water, thrown rock,sling, whip, normal sword, any missileweapon, hand axe, club, blackjack,throwing hammer, crossbow, bola,shortbow, and lasso.Combat Progression: As a Normal Manat first level, +1 to hit every 6 levels.Save Progression: As a Thief.Special Abilities: Performance magic,thieving abilities, true magic.Special Hindrances: none beyond thecharacter’s poor combat capabilitiesStarting Skills: Craft (Magic Trick), one<strong>of</strong> Acting, Persuasion, Storytelling, JokeTelling, Hypnotism, or Soothsaying, andone <strong>of</strong> Animal Handling, Blind Shooting,Escape Artist, Juggling, Herbalist,Alchemy, or Cheating.Weapon Mastery: Begin with threemastery slots. Additional mastery slotsare earned as per a non-fighter.Performance Magic: <strong>The</strong> characterknows several stagic magic tricks withwhich to earn his living.Thieving Abilities: <strong>The</strong> magician has thePick Pocket skill and two other thiefabilities (player’s choice). <strong>The</strong>character’s skill grows as per a thief.Other skills may be purchasedindividually at the rate <strong>of</strong> one Thief levelper skill or magic trick slot.True Magic: A capable magician canperform real magical spells starting at10 th level.Magic Items: A magician may use anymagic item except scrolls that areavailable to thieves and magic-users. Amagician cannot learn from magic-userscrolls or spellbooks but can learn fromanother magician’s notes.<strong>The</strong> PerformanceFor the magician to earn his two bits, theaudience must be appreciative <strong>of</strong> theperformance. An act can last a round(pulling the coin from behind a child’sear), or it can last an hour. Performancesover an hour tend to lose audiences, eventhose <strong>of</strong> great magicians.<strong>The</strong> required skill options are the Craftskill, one communication skill, and onemethod skill.To determine the success <strong>of</strong> aperformance, use the formulae below.Base abilityA = sum <strong>of</strong> pre requisite adjustmentsB = magician levelBase ability = A x BSkill abilityC = slots spent on best comm. skillD = slots spent on best method skillSkill ability = C + DRoutine LevelTrick value = trick level x minutes used*Routine Level = sum <strong>of</strong> all trick values*Performance =(skill x routine) +base+1d20<strong>The</strong>re is a minimum value <strong>of</strong> 1 for Aand B. Excessive time on the routine oran individual trick is penalized.<strong>The</strong> score is reduced if a trick is playedout for more minutes than trick level + 5.<strong>The</strong> Performance is dropped 5 points perextra minute. <strong>The</strong> score is reduced if theoverall routine lasts over 60 minutes.<strong>The</strong> penalty is 15 points per extra minute.Example:Fleur the Rose is a 6 th level Magicianwith +1 bonuses for Int and Cha, four 1 stlevel tricks, three 2 nd level tricks, and one3 rd level trick. She has spent two slotseach <strong>of</strong> her highest performance skills.Fleur wants to use every trick for themaximum length <strong>of</strong> time, but wants tospend 10 minutes on the 3 rd level trick(she needs the practice).Her base score is 12, her skill score is 4,her routine level is 96, and the routine39

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCElasts 55 minutes. Assume the dice rollgave 14.Fleur’s Performance is 410, but she ispenalized 30 points for going long on thelast trick. Her final score is 380. Thisscore helps Fleur in her pr<strong>of</strong>essionalgrowth.Score Rating GP XP0-25 Ridiculous 0 026-50 Poor 1 151-100 Fair 5 10101-250 Adequate 15 25251-500 Amusing 25 50501-1000 Entertaining 50 1001001-2500 Wonderful 100 5002501-5000 Fantastic 500 10005001+ Legendary 1000 2500According to her score, Fleur gave anamusing performance and earned 50XP.At her next performance, she can chargethe host 25 gp. Those who do not haveorganized performances, like streethustlers, gain half the money at the time<strong>of</strong> performance.Magicians who given an Entertaining orWonderful Performance gain a + 1reaction from those in the audience for amonth. Fantastic performances earn a +2reaction, and Legendary earn +3.<strong>The</strong> Economic LifeIt takes money to make money, and thisis no less true for magicians. Doves andrabbits must be fed, milk and eggs mustbe purchased, and assistants given wages.Below is a list <strong>of</strong> common costsassociated with magicians. Numbers inparentheses are monthly upkeeps.Rabbit, Dove .......................5gp (1gp)Duck ..................................15gp (3gp)Milk.............................................. 2cpEggs, Half dozen ...........................3spScarf ............................................15spScarf, Silk..................................... 4gpWand .............................................5spFloral bouquet ...............................3spTonic ingredients (10 vials).......... 1gpCrystal Ball................................. 50gpCards, Deck ...................................4spHat.................................................6spPo<strong>of</strong> Smoke (5 uses)..................... 1gpBasket, Large.............................. 10gpChest.............................................6gpRings.............................................2gpRings, Large .................................5gpBox, Saw ....................................15gpBox, Mirror ..................................6gpBox, Clear ..................................10gpBox, Disappearing ......................20gpCurtain..........................................5gpGuillotine....................................60gpGuillotine, Hand .........................15gpGuillotine, Finger .......................10gpMechanical Marionette. 250gp (10gp)String (100 feet)............................ 3spDove pan.......................................4gpDuck pan.......................................8gpTable, stand ..................................3gpTable, cloth................................... 4spFlash paper (50 uses)....................3gpAssistants receive 1 share to themagician’s 10 shares. This includesanything purloined during the act.Training an assistant costs 1gp/trick used.Real magic costs 1 gp in materials perlevel per use.Magic TricksTricks levels 1 to 3 are mundane sleight<strong>of</strong> hand and do not involve any magic inthe normal game use <strong>of</strong> the term. Someadvanced, but non-magical, tricks exist at4 th level and above; however, most higherlevel tricks are true magic. To develop anew trick a magician must either inventthe trick (cost and time as normal spellresearch), learn them from anothermagician (quarter cost) or take them fromanother’s notes (half cost).Magicians are noted for their magicalstyles (e.g. a mentalist vs. an illusionist).<strong>The</strong>se styles are similar to magicalschools, but magicians may develop theirmastery in any and all styles.To be eligible to learn a magical trick,the character must know a trick in thatstyle <strong>of</strong> the preceeding level. Forexample, to learn a 6 th level mentalisttrick, one must know at 5 th level mentalisttrick.<strong>The</strong> styles are: Escape Artist (freedomand resistance), Dynamo (fire andlightning), Illusionist (sight and sound),Seer (knowledge and contact),Prestidigitator (production andtransformation), Kinetic (force), and theGeneralist/Naturalist style. If a mentalisttrick is preceeded by a successfulhypnotism check (preceding round), avictim’s save, if any, is penalized by -3.Mundane TricksWhat follows is a listing <strong>of</strong> various stagemagic acts that may be familiar to thereader. This list is by no meansexhaustive, and players are encouraged tocome up with routines for their owncharacters.Rope TricksIn this set, ropes are tied together, cut,and rejoined. In <strong>The</strong> Sliding Knot (1),the magician ties two ends <strong>of</strong> ropestogether, cuts the rope, and slides theknot <strong>of</strong>f the rope, leaving a large piece <strong>of</strong>rope and the knot. With the HattianRopes (3), one forms four rope hoops,cuts them, and changes rope sizes.Cups TricksCup tricks involve an array <strong>of</strong> cups withhidden items appearing, disappearing, ortransforming. <strong>The</strong> infamous Shell Game(1) hides the pea or coin underscrambling cups. <strong>The</strong> hiding object canbe replaced in the Shell Game withSwitch (2). Cups and Balls (2) is aclassic where balls pass through cup tops.Multiple balls are introduced during thetrick. A 3 rd level version introduces largesize objects (like 5 small balls becomingone giant ball).Card TricksCard Games range from Three CardMonte (Follow the Queen) (1), to PickAny Card (2) where the magicianidentifies or locates that card, and Deck<strong>of</strong> Picked Cards (3) where the entire decktransforms into that picked card. WithHunting the Jack (1), the magicianshuffles the decade until the Jack is“caught” between kings.Pan TricksIn pan tricks, the magician acts as ifbaking a cake. When flame is appliedand the lid is removed, out jumps ananimal. <strong>The</strong>re are Dove Pans (2) andTurkey Pans (3). <strong>The</strong> Rabbit Pulled from40

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEHat (1) trick is a related technique.Partitioned Apprentice Tricks<strong>The</strong> lovely apprentice is placed in a box,cut apart and then reassembled. Sawsand other implements may be used.<strong>The</strong>re are many variations to this routine.<strong>The</strong> simple Saw Box (2) makes aseparation at the waist, while theadvanced version (3) has the lady danceand respond with her legs. <strong>The</strong> ThreeCut Saw Box (4) adds a greater degree <strong>of</strong>difficulty. <strong>The</strong> Stretched Apprentice (3)entraps the lady in a special stockade thatpulls her hands, feet, and head alongslides (the only body parts visible). <strong>The</strong>Partioned Column (5) is an advancedversion that allows the head, torso, waist,and legs to rotate independently and bemoved out <strong>of</strong> the column.Wand Tricks<strong>The</strong> magician’s wand transforms ortelescopes. <strong>The</strong> Telescoping Wand (1)expands and contracts by a factor two.<strong>The</strong> Wand Bouquet (2) replaces the wandwith flower, while the Wand to Milk (3)replaces the wand with pourable milk orsand.Mirror Box TricksMirror Boxes are special boxes used tocause small objects to disappear orreappear. Rabbits and doves are goodsecondary objects (2). Clear Boxes havea higher level <strong>of</strong> difficulty (3).Carnie Tricks<strong>The</strong>se tricks are <strong>of</strong>ten performed as part<strong>of</strong> a carnival or circus. Arrow Catch (2),Shot Taking (4), Catching a Sling Bulletin the Teeth (3), Fire Eating (1), SwordSwallowing (2), and Dagger or Axe Toss(2, 3 if blindfolded or spinning wheel, 4if both) are common.Levitation TricksIn levitation tricks, objects are seeminglyheld al<strong>of</strong>t by magical force. Floating Pen(1) dangles a pen or stick in the air.Traveling Coin (2) moves a coin fromone stack to another. Raised Apprentice(3) levitates the apprentice or balancesher on the edge <strong>of</strong> a chair.Phase TricksPhase tricks have objects interpenetratingone another. This can be aPen through Card or Coin (1), Bolt in theArm (2), the dangerous Shot with Arrow(4), <strong>of</strong>ten with scarf trail), or DrilledLance (5) where a lance or other longobject is drilled through the magician orapprentice, who can then be hoisted. Aspecial subgroup is the Guillotine Trickswhere a fast blade passes through aFinger (1), Hand (2), or Head (3) but iscapable <strong>of</strong> cutting objects below.Switchout TricksSwitchouts involve slieght <strong>of</strong> hand whereobjects are replaced. Cup Tricks and PanTricks are some examples. Grandpaslove to pull a Nickel Behind the Ear (1),but magicians can reveal MultiplyingEggs (2) between their fingers. AConsumed Egg to Chick (4) has themagician swallow an egg andregurgitated a chick.Milk TricksIn Poured Milk (2) the magician poursmilk into a rolled up paper, where itvanishes. In Milk Cups (3) Milk ispoured from a small cup to larger one(filling it) repeatedly until the last cupcan be emptied into all <strong>of</strong> the previouscups.Paper TricksPaper Tricks involve the cutting,restoration, and relocation <strong>of</strong> identifiablepaper. <strong>The</strong> Paper in Fruit (3) is aparticularly interesting one where a slip<strong>of</strong> paper has a corner ripped, is burned,and then is found in the center <strong>of</strong> a piece<strong>of</strong> fruit.Escape and Disappearing TricksNo holds can bar the magician. He canescape Cuffs (1), Straightjackets (2), andbeing Strung Up (3). <strong>The</strong> mostdangerous stunt is the Water Escape (5)where the artist is bound in cuffs,straightjacket, and chains, placed in awaterfilled container, and locked in.Apprentice and magician can be made todisappear by a Box (1), Curtain (2), orCollapsing Box (2). Swords are thrust atan entrapped artist in the Basket <strong>of</strong>Swords (3). Doing a person switch withany escape or disappearance act adds 1 tothe level.Other TricksRing Tricks involve linking andunlinking closed hoops (2). <strong>The</strong>legendary Trapeze Artist (5) has anunattatched doll, perfectly balanced andproportioned, that can perform on a twobar trapeze without fail. Flash (1) is astandard trick where a burst <strong>of</strong> flameoccurs.Magical TricksBelow are magical spells commonly usedby advanced magicians. A few areinappropriate for performances (e.g.Supernova), but most can be incorporatedinto a routine. <strong>The</strong> spells are grouped bystyles. Spells followed by “(M)” aredescribed below.Generalist/Naturalist4 th – Detect Magic, Snake Charm5 th – Dispel Fog (M), Precipitation (M)6 th – Growth <strong>of</strong> Plant, Growth <strong>of</strong> Animal,Speak with Animal7 th – Summon Animal, Remove Curse,Contingency8 th – Dispel Magic, Control Wind9 th – Word <strong>of</strong> Recall, Wizardry, WishKinetic4 th – Floating Disc, Snatch (M)5 th – Levitate, Hold Portal6 th – Wizard Lock, Hold Person, AnimateObject7 th – Animate Dead, Telekinesis8 th – Hold Monster*, Move Earth, Fly9 th – Reverse Gravity, Crush (M)Mentalist4 th – Suggestion (M), Slumber (M),Remove Fear*5 th – Charm Person, Sleep, Confusion6 th – Mass Charm*, Feeblemind7 th – Dance, Geas*8 th – Charm Monster, Magic Jar9 th – Alter Person (M), Juggernaught (M)41

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEEscape Artist4 th – Detect Danger, Slip Bonds(M), FindTrap5 th – Resist Cold, Resist Fire, Knock6 th – Water Breathing, Haste*7 th – Protection Form Normal Missiles,Survival8 th – Protection from Poison, Teleport9 th – Timestop, Gate*Dynamo4 th – Chill (M), Produce Fire, DouseFlame* (M), Faerie Lights5 th – Light*, Heat Metal, ControlTemperature 10’6 th – Wall <strong>of</strong> Fire, Ball Lightning (M)7 th – Protection from Lightning, Wall <strong>of</strong>Ice8 th – Fireball, Lightning9 th – Battery (M), Supernova (M)Illusionist4 th – Faerie Lights (M), Obscure,Ventriloquism5 th – Mirror Image, Invisibility,Phantasmal Force, Light*6 th – Faerie Fire, Disguise (M)7 th – Project Image, Hallucinatory Terrain8 th – Massmorph, Mass Invisibility9 th – Impersonate (M), Unreality (M)Seer4 th – Analyze, Predict Weather, KnowAlignment*5 th – Detect Invisible, Locate Object,Wizard Eye6 th – ESP*, Find the Path7 th – Clairvoyance, Speak with Dead8 th – Precognition (M), Commune,Truesight9 th – Prophecy (M), LorePrestidigitator4 th – Entangle, Clothform, SummonObject5 th – Sticks to Snakes, Warp Wood,Create Water6 th – Lower Water, Create NormalAnimal7 th – Create Normal Monster, TeleportAny Object8 th – Polymorph Any (M), CreateMagical Monster9 th – Shapechange, Create Any MonsterNew SpellsSnatchLevel: 4Duration: 1 round per levelRange: 20 feetEffect: pull or push objects 1 pound orless<strong>The</strong> magician can “yank” small objectsfrom a distance, move coins and glassesalong a table, and perform other marvels<strong>of</strong> movement.CrushLevel: 9Duration: 1 round per levelRange: 45 feetEffect: one victim crushedThis powerful verson <strong>of</strong> the hold spellactually crushes its victim, causing 10d6points <strong>of</strong> damage per round. <strong>The</strong> victimmay attempt to save against paralysis forhalf damage in that round. If themagician’s concentration is broken, hemay reestablish control the next round, ifthere is remaining duration.SuggestionLevel: 4Duration: until executedRange: 5 feetEffect: victim performs one act on trigger<strong>The</strong> mentalist places a hidden suggestionin the victim’s subconscious that isactivated on a designated trigger. <strong>The</strong>victim’s single action must be executablewithin 5 rounds <strong>of</strong> the trigger.SlumberLevel: 4Duration 4d4 turnsRange: 25 feetEffect: one individualThis version <strong>of</strong> the sleep spell affects asingle individual whose Hit Dice or levelis less than or equal to magician’s level +4 (strength). A save is permitted, but it ispenalized by the difference in hit dice andstrength.Alter PersonLevel: 9Duration: PermanentRange: 25 feetEffect: one individual<strong>The</strong> magician permanently alters thevictim’s personality to one <strong>of</strong> themagician’s choosing. <strong>The</strong> mentalist mayspend any number <strong>of</strong> rounds reinforcingthe spell. <strong>The</strong> victim has an initial +5bonus to the save, but this is penalized -1for each round <strong>of</strong> reinforcement. If thespell is interrupted, the accrued penalty isreduced by half. Remove curse cannotreverse this change, but dispel magic can.JuggernaughtLevel: 9Duration: 20 minutesRange: 5 feetEffect: one individual<strong>The</strong> victim is so convinced <strong>of</strong> his or herinvulnerability that he or she actuallybecomes an unstoppable juggernaugt.Missiles and melee weapons bounce <strong>of</strong>fthe victim, as do most spells andenvironmental hazards. <strong>The</strong>juggernaught is susceptible to mentalassaults. Preparation time is 5 minutes.Slip BondsLevel: 4Duration 1 round + 1 round/levelRange: SelfEffect: removal <strong>of</strong> bindings<strong>The</strong> escape artist can remove one bindingplaced upon the character each round.This includes robes, chains, weights,straight jackets and the like, but it doesnot cover room locks. Bindings areremoved beginning with the outermostand working inward.ChillLevel: 4Duration: concentrationRange: 30 feetEffect: 1 victim<strong>The</strong> victim suffers 1 point <strong>of</strong> colddamage per round until a save is made(each round) or concentration is broken.BatteryLevel: 9Range: 30 feetDuration: 10 roundsEffect: absorbs energy<strong>The</strong> dynamo captures and dissipatesenergy attacks. This includes magical,cold, heat, and lightning attacks. Unlike42

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEa Dark Lord’s energy Containment,Battery does not work with life-deathmagic or other spells without an explicitenergy component. For previously castspells like Wall <strong>of</strong> Fire, treat Battery asDispel Magic.SupernovaLevel: 9Range 300 yardsDuration: 1 round per magician levelEffect: release <strong>of</strong> energy<strong>The</strong> dynamo unlocks all <strong>of</strong> the energyarounding him in a terrifying, pulsatingwave. Those within 300 yards must saveagainst Death Ray or be blinded. Anyonewithin 30 yards suffers 5d6 pressuredamage, 5d6 magical damage, and 10d6heat damage each round (save vs DeathRay, Spells, and Dragon Breath for half).Damage decreases one die for every 30yards.Faerie LightsLevel: 4Duration: 2 rounds per levelRange: 40 feet + 10 feet per levelEffect: 1d4 lightsThis spell produces up to 4 moveablelights capable <strong>of</strong> illuminating an area, butnot as brightly as a light spell.Precipitation*Level: 5Duration: 1 round per levelRange: 20 feet per levelEffect: light rainRain covers an area whose diameterequals to 30 feet + 10 feet/level. <strong>The</strong>reverse (Evaporation) removes 1 gallon<strong>of</strong> water per level over an equivalentarea. This spell is identical to the fairyspell <strong>of</strong> the same name, but magiciansmay not use the dehydration attack.DisquiseLevel: 6Duration: 1 dayRange: SelfEffect: change form<strong>The</strong> illusionist can take the form <strong>of</strong> anyhuman, humanoid, or demihumanethnicity. <strong>The</strong> illusion affects all senses,alters the magician’s accent, and cannotbe dispelled by touch. This spell doesnot grant skills, special abilities, orlanguages, nor can it be used toimpersonate a specific person.ImpersonateLevel: 9Duration: 1 dayRange: SelfEffect: Adopt IdentityWith a minimum <strong>of</strong> 40 hours <strong>of</strong> study,the illusionist can assume the identity andappearance <strong>of</strong> specific individual. <strong>The</strong>illusionist can replicate any taskperformed by or language spoken by thesubject during the period <strong>of</strong> observation.UnrealityLevel: 9Duration: 1 hour +5 minutes per levelRange: 1 mileEffect: MisperceptionUnder this spell, reality – as viewed bythe victims – becomes completelydisconnected. Animals talk, weaponsbend rather than penetrate, people shatterif they fall, and other preposterous ideasabound. Those who make a save againstspells -3 see through the unreality, butvictims are completely at risk to thewhims <strong>of</strong> the illusionist – subject to thereferee’s approval.Polymorph AnyLevel: 8<strong>The</strong> presitidigitator may use any <strong>of</strong> thepolymorph spell.PrecognitionLevel: 7Duration: 1 turnRange: 10 milesEffect: gain insight into the future<strong>The</strong> character using Precognition entersinto a trance (1 turn duration). <strong>The</strong>character must have in mind a particularindividual, place, or up-coming event t<strong>of</strong>ocus the power. <strong>The</strong> informationgleaned is similar to a series <strong>of</strong> imagesviewed without context. <strong>The</strong> DM mustdetermine the nature <strong>of</strong> the images andany game mechanic consequencesappropriate to those images.ProphecyLevel: 9Duration: PermanentRange: GlobalEffect: Reveal or set in motion future<strong>The</strong> seer produces an allegorical story inthe future or rhyme that will come topass. Conditions and triggerrequirements must be set in the prophecy(Ex. the monster will be slain by a mannot born <strong>of</strong> woman). Prophecies cannotbe used for self-enrichment oradvancement. <strong>The</strong> DM is free todisallow the contents <strong>of</strong> the prophecy,and the player need not be informed <strong>of</strong>this decision (a Fool’s Vision).Douse Flame*Level: 4Duration: 1 round per levelRange: 50 feetEffect extinguish small flames<strong>The</strong> magician extinguishes small, nonmagicalflames such as candles andlamps. <strong>The</strong> reverse <strong>of</strong> the spell,matchstick, ignites candles and lamps.Dispel FogLevel: 5Duration: permanentRange: 20 feet per levelEffect: remove fogThis spell removes both natural andmagical fog.Ball LightningLevel: 6Duration: 1 round per levelRange: 180 feetEffect: 1 ball per 5 levels<strong>The</strong> dynamo produces multiple balls <strong>of</strong>electrical energy. <strong>The</strong> lightning ballsmoves 120 feet/rd to chosen spots andthen move randomly. <strong>The</strong>y cause 1 pointper level <strong>of</strong> electrical damage. <strong>The</strong>re is a10% chance <strong>of</strong> a ball coming to rest on aspot and causing fire.43

SPECIAL RULES IN THE WESTERN ALLIANCEMagician Progression ChartLevel XP 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th1 0 2 - - - - - - - -2 1,000 4 - - - - - - - -3 2,000 4 1 - - - - - - -4 4,000 4 2 - - - - - - -5 8,000 4 3 - - - - - - -6 16,000 4 3 1 - - - - - -7 32,000 4 3 2 - - - - - -8 64,000 4 3 3 - - - - - -9 120,000 4 4 4 - - - - - -10 180,000 4 4 4 1 - - - - -11 240,000 5 5 4 2 - - - - -12 300,000 5 5 5 2 1 - - - -13 360,000 5 5 5 3 2 - - - -14 420,000 5 5 5 3 3 - - - -15 480,000 6 5 5 3 3 1 - - -16 540,000 6 5 5 3 3 2 - - -17 600,000 6 5 5 3 3 2 1 - -18 660,000 6 6 5 3 3 3 2 - -19 720,000 6 6 5 3 3 3 3 - -20 780,000 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 - -21 840,000 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 1 -22 900,000 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 2 -23 960,000 7 7 7 5 5 5 4 3 -24 1,020,000 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 3 -25 1,080,000 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 3 -26 1,140,000 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 -27 1,200,000 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 -28 1,260,000 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 129 1,320,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 4 230 1,380,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 331 1,440,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 432 1,500,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 433 1,560,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 534 1,620,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 535 1,680,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 636 1,720,000 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7Other Game Systems<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is useable for gamesystems other than OD&D. Here areguidelines for translation.For First Edition, Paladins and cavaliersexist in the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> 200 Knights andWest Haven. Wild Roags supportbarbarians, and bards can be found inTaralon. Druids are in Taralon and theGreat Olde Woode. Thief-acrobats arelimited to the Channel communities andDauphins. Human and elven rangers arepart <strong>of</strong> the Vyalian trainining program.<strong>The</strong> Illusionist may be used as asubstitute for the magician. <strong>The</strong> monkclass is inappropriate, as are psionics.Under Second Edition AD&D, thefollowing kits: academician, acrobat,adventurer, adviser, animal master,archer, astrologer, axe for hire, bandit,barbarian, berserker, battlerager, beggar,buffoon, burglar, cartographer, cavalier,celtic bard, celtic druid, charlatan,chevalier, cutpurse, diplomat,entertainer,envoy, errant, expatriate, explorer, fence,gallant, giant killer, gypsy bard, hedgewizard, herbalist, huntsman, jester,jongleur, locksmith, mercenary, minerowdy, myrmidon, natural philosopher,noble, pardoner, patrician, peasant hero,preacher, savage, scout, seeker, shaman,squire, trader, undead slayer, villagedruid, wilderness warrior, and witch.Good choices for a specialist wizard areEnchantment/Charm and Illusion, butInvokers and Abjurers are not rare.For campaigns under 3.xE, it isrecommended that you use the prestigeclass option for paladins. <strong>The</strong> sorcerer isa perfect character choice among thenative northern populations, and it can beused in parallel with the Roag MacCullendruids. Sorcerers suffer the same culturalantagonism with the Church <strong>of</strong> Ghyr asdo druids and, to a lesser extent, themagic-users <strong>of</strong> the High College. <strong>The</strong>High College does not admit sorcerers. Itis recommended that dwarven charactersnot be permitted to cast arcane magic.44

NEW MONSTERSMonstrous creatures are uncommon butnot rare within the northern kingdoms.<strong>The</strong> majority <strong>of</strong> encounters are withnormal or large animals, but dangerousfoes wander in from the surroundingareas. Regional lists are provided in theGeography section and within thedescriptions <strong>of</strong> the individual kingdoms.Some AD&D creatures not normallyassociated with Mystara appear in thelists. This fauna was established by theLJN product line. Of particular note isTiamat (see Adventures). Unlike othergame settings, Tiamat on Mystara istreated as a group <strong>of</strong> five distinct, hugechromatic dragons. See <strong>Gaz</strong> F4 forfuther details.Strange OneAC 5HD 5*Move 120 (40)Attack 2 slaps or whineDamage 1d10x2 or specialNo.1(1)AppearingMorale 10Alignment N/CIntelligence 8XP Value 300Habitat Isolated Homesteads<strong>The</strong> Strange Ones are not a part <strong>of</strong> thenatural world and are perhaps feycreatures specific to the north. <strong>The</strong>y onlyappear to individuals or small groupswhom they have been sent to kill.A Strange One has a fun-house mirrorappearance with greatly distorted bodyparts. His or her head, hands, shoulders,hips, knees, and feet are huge relative anormal personal. <strong>The</strong> neck, arms, waist,thighs, and calves are similarly shorterand thinner than normal.Strange Ones do not converse, but theymay stop to listen to a speaker for a time,even one who they have been sent after.<strong>The</strong> standard attack is by slapping withthe two large hands, but a Strange Onemay also emit a disturbing whine. Thiswhine (“Aih-h-h wee-e-e-moul”) acts hasa hold person or cause fear spell(referee’s choice).<strong>The</strong> Crimson EttinAC -3HD 26*****Move 150 (50)Attack 2 clubs or 2 spellsDamage 4d4x2 or specialNo.UniqueAppearingMorale 11Alignment CIntelligence 16XP Value 20,000Habitat Prison PlaneChildren <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> ManyColors have long been scared by the tale<strong>of</strong> the Crimson Ettin, a fearsome creature<strong>of</strong> unbridled hunger and cruel intellect.Unfortunately, the nightmare is true.<strong>The</strong> Crimson Ettin is unique: a threeheadedgiant who was so ravenous he atethrough his mother’s womb. <strong>The</strong> beastwas finally subdued by other giants andsomehow trapped within a fairy-builtprison plane.<strong>The</strong> Crimson Ettin quickly conqueredhis new home and remade it in his image.He learned arcane and clerical abilites(his right and left heads, respectively) inaddition to his martial development. Hehas the capabilitites <strong>of</strong> a 27 th level magicuserand cleric (or druid). <strong>The</strong> giant nowawaits his release and return to the Dale.<strong>The</strong> realm <strong>of</strong> the Crimson Ettin is filledwith two-headed beasts. Each head bearsfour horns. <strong>The</strong>se animals chargetrespassers, but those who can show nowfear (treat as a cause fear spell) will gounmolested.In melee the Crimson Ettin attacks witha large club in either hand. This iscoordinated by his central head. From adistance, his left and right head castappropriate spells. <strong>The</strong> Crimson Ettinhas learned how to interwine his handmotions to cast spells simultaneously.His prized possession is his silverwand. This wand can put victims intosuspended animation, turn them to stone,or disintegrate them.Only a prismatic stone (the YellowDiamond <strong>of</strong> Release), left at a particularhill-lock in the Flatlands on the night <strong>of</strong>the full moon, will break the seal on theEttin’s realm. From that point forward,he will be able to freely merge his fairyrealm with Mystara on nights <strong>of</strong> the fullmoon.<strong>The</strong> Ettin enjoys playing games withhis food, and he might engage in riddlingbefore devouring someone.BogleAC 8HD1d6**Move 150(50)Attack Dagger or specialDamage 1d4 or specialNo.1d4(1d4)AppearingMorale 6Alignment CIntelligence 12XP Value 7Habitat AnywhereBogles are evil exiles from the fairycourts whose abilities affect the minds <strong>of</strong>those they encounter.When a bogle moves, its form seems tojump or shudder. Anyone watching abogle for six (6) rounds will havedifficulty focusing their eyes for the rest<strong>of</strong> the day (-2 to hit in melee, -4 to hitwith missile). Those attacking a bogleautomatically suffer this penalty. <strong>The</strong>bogle can also teleport without fail up to150 yards.<strong>The</strong> creature can see invisible objectsbut cannot, itself, turn invisible. Threetimes a day, a bogle can cast confusion orfeeblemind. Once per day, it can performa Mind Freak.In a Mind Freak, the bogle presents itsvictim with an image or conceptimpossible to comprehend. Often, thisattempt is in the form <strong>of</strong> a riddle orpuzzle (-4 to save with object). A victimthat fails his save against spells acts as ifgeased to understand and solve theproblem. This can lead to reckless andlife-endangering acts on the part <strong>of</strong> thevictim.45

MAGICAL ITEMSStanding StonesStanding stones are huge, shaped stonesthat rise from the ground. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>of</strong>ten areerected to mark sacred or magical places.This is especial true when multiple stonesare arranged to produce a larger structure.An individual stone weighs 1 to 25 tonsand stands 5 to 30 feet tall. <strong>The</strong>transportation <strong>of</strong> such rocks is a majorendeavor requiring the efforts <strong>of</strong>numerous individuals.A single standing stone is called amegalith (a shaped slab or a taperingobelisk). A trilithon is formed when threestones are placed in the form <strong>of</strong> a gate.Large sites <strong>of</strong>ten use several megalithsand trilithons to from circles or horseshoes.In the north, a few stand stones arefound in the Flatlands, but the vastmajority occurs in the Great Olde Woodeor the northern Hills <strong>of</strong> Parthenal.<strong>The</strong> following are examples <strong>of</strong> standingstones.Boundary Markers: <strong>The</strong> stones markthe borders <strong>of</strong> a sacred or political area.Sacred markers <strong>of</strong>ten represent a circle <strong>of</strong>trees.Natural Observatory: <strong>The</strong> stonesserve as an archeo-astronomicalcalculator. <strong>The</strong> position <strong>of</strong> the stoneshelps locate eclipses, equinoxes, andother celestial events. A circle is onepossible configuration, but fields <strong>of</strong>stones, many under 5 feet, can occurindependently or in conjunction withcircles. Creating a natural observatoryrequires two skills: astronomy andengineering (-4 to each roll). <strong>The</strong> actualquarrying and shaping <strong>of</strong> stones requireslabor (-4) or stone carving.Monuments: <strong>The</strong> stones mark thelocation <strong>of</strong> treasure or the burial sites <strong>of</strong>notable historical figures. A megalith <strong>of</strong>this type was placed on the fields <strong>of</strong>Bethfield to commemorate those whodied on the the 6 th <strong>of</strong> June Battle.Magical Standing Stones:Standing stones may become magicalthrough association with druidic or feyrites, Immortal intervention, or via thenormal process used to create magicalitems. Common powers associated withstanding stones are shown below. <strong>The</strong>referee is free to choose the powers fromthe list or substitute other powers. Add+1 to the roll for trilithons.Powers <strong>of</strong> Standing Stones (d4)1 Petrified Entity2 Stone Guardian3 Peaceful Stones4 Speaking Stones5 Trilithon GatePetrified Entity: <strong>The</strong> stone is actuallya huge being--<strong>of</strong>ten a giant or titan-- thathas been so weathered and overgrownwith moss or ivy over the years itsoriginal humanoid form is no longerdiscernable. It radiates magic and mayreturn to life if a dispel magic or stone t<strong>of</strong>lesh spell succeeds. <strong>The</strong> restoredcreature may be grateful or hostile to itsattacker, depending upon its personality.Stone Guardian: Once per day, thesteward <strong>of</strong> the stone, a druid, can orderthe stone to come to life for one turn perlevel <strong>of</strong> the druid. <strong>The</strong> animated stonefights as a 16 HD earth elemental, but ifit leaves the grove it reverts to a normalstone and may not be reanimated untilreturned to the grove--a herculean taskfor the druid. Within the grove, the stonecreature heals at a rate <strong>of</strong> 1 hit point perturn.Peaceful Stones: <strong>The</strong> standingstones exert a calming influence on theearth. No earthquake spells may succeedwithin a radius that measures (in feetfrom the center <strong>of</strong> the stone or cluster) adistance equal to the number <strong>of</strong> stones inthe circle. Since no earthquakes orvolcanic eruptions occur in this area,peaceful stones <strong>of</strong>ten stand nearvolcanoes or faults. Removing themcould spell disaster for nearby forests andtowns!Speaking Stones: Any druid cancompel stones in the grove to speak (asper (AD&D or 3E) Stone Tell). Thispower may be repeatedly invoked, but thestones speak for no more than threerounds per day.Trilithon Gate: Characters passingunder the stones emerge from anothergate. Characters with a particular gate inmind will reach it; otherwise, they comethrough a random gate. This power canreach any gate in the world, no matter thedistance. Anyone can travel via trilithongate only once per day; it is impossible togo through and return again immediately.Other ItemsPrismatic Stones: <strong>The</strong>se gemstonesare magically resonant, and can moreeasily be imbued with powers. (See <strong>Gaz</strong>F4 for more details).Staff <strong>of</strong> Recording: This ornamentedstaff bears a crystal orb. It records allevents within a 30 foot radius for up to24 hours. <strong>The</strong> staff may only hold theimages <strong>of</strong> one scene at a time.Amulet <strong>of</strong> Emotions: This curseditem projects an illusory transformationaround the wearer that represents his orher emotional state. Example: someoneangry will appear as an ogre.Medallion <strong>of</strong> the Mirror: This is asmall silver mirror set in a frame <strong>of</strong> cheapgemstones. It reveseres the results <strong>of</strong> anydetection spell (1d6+1 charges).<strong>The</strong> Demandes Joyous <strong>of</strong>Wynkyn de Worde: This fabled bookcontains all the riddles that a giant orbogle could ever ask.<strong>The</strong> Braying Ass: When its ears arepulled, coins fall from its mouth<strong>The</strong> Table <strong>of</strong> Plenty: Uponcommand, the table will present a feast.<strong>The</strong> Stick <strong>of</strong> Banging: <strong>The</strong> stickwill beat a designated target or group <strong>of</strong>targets until commanded to stop.<strong>The</strong> Harp <strong>of</strong> Conviction: This harpis made from the breastbone and hair <strong>of</strong> amurdered maiden and will play itself atan appointed time, explaining its story,revealing the killer, and then breaking.<strong>The</strong> Book <strong>of</strong> Sable and Iron: Thisbook is bound by chain and needs an ironkey. It speaks <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> allexistence, and how other worldlycreatures might be summoned andcontrolled.<strong>The</strong> Alchemist’s Table: <strong>The</strong> table’sapparati can change copper to gold andlead to silver.<strong>The</strong> Mirror <strong>of</strong> Everything: Thismirror can see anywhere in the world.<strong>The</strong> Whispering Shell: Those whoput the shell to their ear can hear thewords <strong>of</strong> anyone in the world.46

ADVENTURESA Matter <strong>of</strong> Perspective(Continued from page 31)Nothing As Yet: Wenna demands thenew princeling, and Robert is happy to berid <strong>of</strong> yet another heir – for a price.Robert’s political ambitions need to befulfilled, and he needs the Scarlet City’sArmy. Hastings, the <strong>of</strong>fending DeepHollow, or the troubled Snowden are allpotential acquisitions. Meanwhile,Wenna seeks to marry <strong>of</strong>f a half-giantessdaughter to Duke Gareth, and a sobbingQueen Mary wants the return <strong>of</strong> herchild. In this open-ended scenario, theparty must negotiate the political waters,participate in battle, and possible asserttheir own authority.Region-Wide AdventuresWe have already seen adventure arcsfor each <strong>of</strong> the kingdoms <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> and for the Great Olde Woode.Those adventures were independent <strong>of</strong>what was happening elsewhere in theDale, but they could easily beintertwined. For example, you could run“Rusak’s Vision” (West Haven) throughFramed! and then partake <strong>of</strong> one-<strong>of</strong>fadventures in the Great Olde Woode andthe 200 Knigthts’ arc “For Love <strong>of</strong> AMaiden” before returning for Rusak’sRevenge.An element <strong>of</strong> instability will likelyhave been introduced in one or morekingdoms, and this adventure section willmake no attempt to shoe-horn previousarcs’ resolutions. This section includesstorylines that could occur anywhere orinvolve the region as a whole.<strong>The</strong>re is a great deal <strong>of</strong> flexibility builtinto these ideas, and the referee shouldfeel free to interlace the mini-campaignsor insert his or her own arcs. Levels areeasily adjustable.Though not used here, one possible arcstructure is the domino-campaign, wherethe final resolution <strong>of</strong> each adventuredepends upon the completion <strong>of</strong> thesubsequent adventure. All <strong>of</strong> theadventures are (relatively) quicklyresolved in reverse order at theconclusion <strong>of</strong> the last adventure.<strong>The</strong> Seven Curses <strong>of</strong> Lady Grey(Levels 8-14)Lady Grey is an eligible noblewomanwho is afflicted by seven fiendish curses.<strong>The</strong> curses have twisted the sweet womanmaking her wrathful, prideful and greedy.Lady Grey may hail from any nation, andher present residence need not be thesame. Family members beg thecharacters to intercede. In this minicampaign,errant characters travel the<strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> to undo the anchors <strong>of</strong>her curses and can win the hand <strong>of</strong> LadyGrey and other noblewomen ornoblemen. <strong>The</strong> adventures may becompleted in any order.Giant, the Third: <strong>The</strong> curse <strong>of</strong> wrathis anchored to the body <strong>of</strong> the ettin Felland Foul. <strong>The</strong> adventure begins as acousin <strong>of</strong> Fell and Foul holds captiveseveral commoners and nobles in hiscave or castle. <strong>The</strong> death <strong>of</strong> his cousinrousts the ettin for revenge.<strong>The</strong> Wages <strong>of</strong> Sin: <strong>The</strong> defrockedbishop, Ludovicus the Long, is sellingindulgences in the village. He also hassome relics for those with a bit to spare.This is nothing new for the exclergyman,but now he has some unholycompanionship in his work, the sprit <strong>of</strong>avarice.Lazy Jack: Childe Jack is a lazy,unwise boy, unlikely to succeed in lifeuntil the curse <strong>of</strong> sloth is banished.Jack’s mother begs the party to take theboy under its wing and raise him right. Ifthey succeed, he might just cure themalady <strong>of</strong> Princess Camille with a welltimedlaugh. [Note: Childe and Burd areterms equal to young Master and Miss –Ed.]Foolish Apprentice: <strong>The</strong>anchoring spirit <strong>of</strong> pride has convinced amagic-user apprentice that he cansummon great spirits, but the lad or lasscannot control them. <strong>The</strong> party mustdefeat the otherworldly forces and makethe apprentice see the errors <strong>of</strong> pride.<strong>The</strong> Maiden Quest: Guided by thespirit <strong>of</strong> lust, a knight has wronged amaiden, and he has one year in which tosolve her riddle or be hanged. <strong>The</strong> partymust help the man overcome his desiresand learn the answer to the mindbogglingriddle.<strong>The</strong> Green Wyrm: A sorcerous stepmotheris envious when step-daughter’sbeauty is recognized by a knight beforeher own. With the power <strong>of</strong> envy, sheimprisoned the knight and transformedBurd Melanie into a dragon that nowroosts at the Lonesome Heugh (Rock).<strong>The</strong> party must free Melanie and removethe anchoring spirit.Humbert is Hungry: Gluttonycould find no better friend than Humbertthe Large. <strong>The</strong> cleric spreads his mirthand cheer, dangerously depleting localfood stores. Will the village starve, orcan the party satiate the ravenous horde?Even after all the anchors have beensevered, Lady Grey herself must bereleased before the journey is complete.A Shady Assortment(Levels 15-18)Leehan Halflings are examining whereto put new franchises <strong>of</strong> the ShadyDragon Inn, and the <strong>The</strong>ives’ Guildwants a piece <strong>of</strong> the action. From theScarlet City to Snowden and Wexham,the speculative shortfolk are shadowedand cajoled. This arc can easily beinserted between “War <strong>of</strong> theUnderworld” and “<strong>The</strong> Idrisian Way”(see <strong>Gaz</strong> F4).Small Details: <strong>The</strong> representatives<strong>of</strong> the Shady Dragon Inn hire the famousparty as guides to the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.<strong>The</strong> group wishes to visit several citiesand town, and each <strong>of</strong>fers its own perils.Gwynne Cutpurse <strong>of</strong> Snowden mayprove a useful contact.<strong>The</strong> Miller Maid: As <strong>of</strong>fers arebeing made, the daughter <strong>of</strong> a VerdantCity miller, and franchise candidate, isfound drowned. Was it an accident, foulplay from a competing interest, orsomething closer to home?Guild War: Shady Dragon Inns havebeen sited, but those without thefranchise are bitter. Recent losses inleadership in the east and west permit theaggrieved to wage a vendetta, and firesplague the inn constructions.<strong>The</strong> Wyrm <strong>of</strong> Idris: Even after themerchant conflicts are eased, trade routesfor the inns are imperialed. Malypir, alarge blue dragon <strong>of</strong> the Onyx Ring,47

ADVENTURESseeks to control the prismatic stone tradein Deep Hollow and the Scarlet City.She organizes the Orcs <strong>of</strong> the SkeletonBone, a tribe within the Hillbans, andother foul beasts to control the roads andall travel around the Kaganus headwaters.Once Upon a Starlight Fall(Levels 19-24)While upon the Strathgledd, ClaudiusCloudgazer witnessed a series <strong>of</strong> fallingstars in the the east and the west, and theauguries <strong>of</strong> Mildthryth the Mild suggestgreat troubles will plague the north - atime <strong>of</strong> disease, undead, and strangehorrors that begin harmlessly enough.Earthshaker!: It is festival time inthe west, when the lumbering shapeappears on the horizon. It is theEarthshaker – a colossal mechanical manpiloted by the Earthshaker gnome clan.A former West Haven roustabout, Milos,has returned home from his travels withhis new companions. Poor Milos wantsto recruit members for his new greatcircus, but the regional powers want hismechanical man, and the local gnomeswant help against the Parthenal kobolds.<strong>The</strong> characters are stuck in the middle <strong>of</strong>it all.All You Zombies: In the wake <strong>of</strong>the Earthshaker come hordes <strong>of</strong> undeadfrom the Borean Tier and beyond.Whatever their differences and internaldivisions, the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> mustwork together to fight back the menacebefore all is lost.Battle <strong>of</strong> the Birds: <strong>The</strong> fields <strong>of</strong>the Dale are littered with corpses thatmust be disposed <strong>of</strong>. Hundreds <strong>of</strong> crows,large and small, fill the air and the fields.<strong>The</strong>y are soon joined by owls and raptors<strong>of</strong> every desription. <strong>The</strong>ir aerial tumblethreatens to wreck the settlements.Worse, it threatens to attract hungrydragons near the inhabitants.<strong>The</strong> Deadly Pox: A deadly illness issweeping the north, and giants areparticularly susceptible. <strong>The</strong> super-strain<strong>of</strong> chicken pox could be a final legacy <strong>of</strong>the zombie invasion, or it could be theprecursor <strong>of</strong> something worse. <strong>The</strong>characters must find a cure for the poxbefore it is too late.<strong>The</strong> Old Death: Kerra the White hassummoned the party to the remote IvoryCity. <strong>The</strong> audience unusual in itself,Kerra reveals her secrets <strong>of</strong> what is onlyknown as the Old Death. With warmachines, the undead, and plague havingtouched the lands, old protocols areactivated. Meks, protohumans, and otherlost horrors emanate from the Old Death,now at the control <strong>of</strong> the baldandars.<strong>The</strong> Thyatian Eagle(Levels 25-29)This mini-campaign is shared with theKindgoms <strong>of</strong> Ghyr, Deep Hollow andGreendale. <strong>The</strong> Empire <strong>of</strong> Thyatis hasfinally recalled that it once had dominionover Provincia Gurrania. <strong>The</strong> Empire isin dire need <strong>of</strong> new sources <strong>of</strong> income,and representatives have been sent to theformer colonies to demand levies.Loyalties to the Empire can completelyreorder the <strong>Alliance</strong> and the kingdoms tothe east.48

ADVENTURESDemand <strong>of</strong> Allegiance: <strong>The</strong>Courts <strong>of</strong> the north have received noticethan an envoy from Thyatis, CaiusLineus, will be arriving in due course.<strong>The</strong> characters are tasked with escortingthe visitors through the north. Tourneysand fairs are held at various points duringthe visit, showcasing the prowess <strong>of</strong> thenorthern kingdoms. When the Thyatiansmake their demands, the characters musthelp their leaders decide the fate <strong>of</strong> thekingdoms and ensure the safety <strong>of</strong> theirThyatian guests. Outcast princes andprincesses (such as Sylvia, Arelina, andIone) might leverage allegiance for aid intheir return to power.<strong>The</strong> Secret Heir: Reacquiring oldpossessions is not Thyatis’s only goal. Acompetitive imperial line exists in theform <strong>of</strong> the adventuress Renia. Renia hasreached the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, convertedto He Who Watches, and is now courtedby the Cerulean Duke. Roag MacCullenfollowers do not wish to see her rise, nordo factions <strong>of</strong> the Thyatian contingent.Assassination attempts and frame-upsabound. Others, affiliated with theunderground Order <strong>of</strong> the White Drake,will support her. It is up to the party tosave the lost princess and help herdiscover the final clues to her buried past.Roag Rebellions: <strong>The</strong> decisionover rejoining the Empire can split theentire north as old allegiances andanimosities rear their heads. Roagsacross the north will refuse the Thyatianyoke. At a minimum, civil war will eruptin Greendale, the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> ManyColors, and Taralon. Dauphins, too,might be imperiled. An emergentalliance <strong>of</strong> Roagendoch, the Mabds <strong>of</strong>Taralon, and Carwen <strong>of</strong> the Great OldeWoode would split the <strong>Alliance</strong> andthreaten Dauphins and Nortopolis. <strong>The</strong>characters must undertake diplomaticmissions to secure new alliances for thecoming conflicts and put out what firesthey can.<strong>The</strong> Lost Standard: <strong>The</strong> court <strong>of</strong>Ghyr has summoned that kingdom’s bestknights to find the Lost Eagle Standardbefore the war arrives. <strong>The</strong> other royalcourts, and some <strong>of</strong> the provincial ones,quickly follow suite. <strong>The</strong> filching exbishop,Ludovicus the Long, may holdthe key to the quest, but can the partyafford his price?<strong>The</strong> Faltings Rebellion: <strong>The</strong> face<strong>of</strong> the north is irrevocably altered as openwar breaks out over the Thyatian Empire.<strong>The</strong> Regent <strong>of</strong> Faltings makes a bid forindependence from Dauphins, and ignitesthe larger conflict. Augmenting theThyatian-side is a Legion arriving inWest Haven and flyers <strong>of</strong> the RAFcoming over the Icereach Range in theeast. For an even more expansiveconflict, wildcard elements from theKingdom <strong>of</strong> Denagoth, Leeha, Alpha, thebarbarians, the humanoid communities,and even Wendar could all becomeinvolved in a pan-northern conflagration.Victorious characters may receive greattitles <strong>of</strong> their own, while the vanquishedmay be stripped <strong>of</strong> what they have.<strong>The</strong> Three Fredericks(Level 30)This single shot adventure can be usedas the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the “Thyatian Eagle”or used some years later. With theupheaval in the north, a new crop <strong>of</strong>leaders take the thrones at variousstations. Among the leaders (or clearheirs) are Frederick <strong>of</strong> Dauphins,Frederick <strong>of</strong> Nortopolis, and Frederick,the (now grown) Bastard <strong>of</strong> the CeruleanCity. Courtly intrigue plays out as thethree Fredericks set themselves up as thestrongest leader <strong>of</strong> the north. Frederick<strong>of</strong> Nortopolis inherits his father’s ruthlessambition, and has his siblings and cousinarrested. Which Frederick will the partysupport? Or will they challenge for theirown supremacy?<strong>The</strong> Crimson Ettin(Level 31-36)At some point in the last few years, theYellow Diamond <strong>of</strong> Release saw the light<strong>of</strong> the moon, and the locks on the prisonrealm <strong>of</strong> the Crimson Ettin were broken.<strong>The</strong> ravenous beast is preparing for hisreturn and punishment <strong>of</strong> the ScarletCitizens, the fairy-kin <strong>of</strong> the Great OldeWoode, and others who were complicit inhis incarceration.Giant, the Fourth: <strong>The</strong> powerstruggles <strong>of</strong> the past have given way to astabilized Dale, and peace has held forsome time. A castle suddenly appearsupon the Plains <strong>of</strong> Kavasz (or otherlocale). It is home to the terrible, foreigngiant Gartigantua (<strong>of</strong> any type), and hismagic-wielding associate. <strong>The</strong> giantbetrays knights and ladies, transformingthem into beasts. Upon a dragon-drawnchariot, Gartigantua steals a royal ornoble daughter and transforms her into awhite hind. <strong>The</strong> party must storm thecastle, guarded by all manner <strong>of</strong> creatures(such as griffons), and restore thereleased beasts.<strong>The</strong> Dark Tower: Noblekidnappings continue, now under Cauld,the self proclaimed Bogle Champion.Heroes <strong>of</strong> the north must locate his DarkTower (accessed only from a hillockduring the full moon), survive the oddrules <strong>of</strong> his fairy realm, and end hismenace.Earth, Wind, and Water: Threestrains <strong>of</strong> Roag MacCullen exist,paralleled by the three elements featuredprominently in its magical rites. <strong>The</strong>Mabds had sought (and might still seek) athird druidess to complete their owntriad. Now the three seem to no longercooperate. As divisions within the Roagtraditions unravel alliances, the elementsseem to rise up for their ownconfrontations. Earthquakes, tornadoes,river overflows and disappearances taketheir toll, while elemental powers warand support Roag factions.<strong>The</strong> World End’s Well: Too manycalamities have struck for this to be acoincidence. <strong>The</strong> heroes <strong>of</strong> the northmust locate the World End’s Well todiscover the cause <strong>of</strong> the new troubles.Tree <strong>of</strong> White Blossoms: <strong>The</strong>Three Founts <strong>of</strong> Wisdom have revealedthe Crimson Ettin’s hand in this. Todefeat him, the party must first locate theTree <strong>of</strong> White Blossoms and Silver Fruit.It is a belief among hill giants, that if agood giant is buried beneath a tree, it willblossom white the next spring. <strong>The</strong>burial tree <strong>of</strong> one truly good giant alsobore silver fruit, according to legend.<strong>The</strong> characters must find the tree andcollect the fruit, but no one knows if thestory is even true.49

ADVENTURESInto the Crimson World: Strangetwo-headed beasts have been ravagingthe countryside, and people have beendisappearing – food for the CrimsonEttin. Sarabeth, Princess <strong>of</strong> Roags, or thecharacters’ loved ones are among thosemissing. Armed with magic made fromthe silver fruit, the party must enter thegiant’s world and defeat him before all islost.Other Adventures<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is brimming withenough adventures to keep a campaignbusy for a long time, but there are a fewother opportunities for excitement thatshould be mentioned.<strong>The</strong> Bastard Heir <strong>of</strong> Taralonand Ghyr: Rumors persisted some timeago that Mabd I had sired a child in theeast. <strong>The</strong> veracity <strong>of</strong> this claim is open tothe referee, but if chosen, it can be usedto connect Taralon with Ghyr. Ghyr’sadventure path ends with the ursupation<strong>of</strong> the throne by a stranger. This figurecould be the child <strong>of</strong> Mabd and eitherGanto or Qasmar.<strong>The</strong> Impossible Tasks: <strong>The</strong>characters are given seeminglyimpossible tasks such as cleaningmassive stables, draining lakes, andgetting eggs from tall trees.<strong>The</strong> Golden Castle: A lad has wonthe hand <strong>of</strong> noble maiden with the aid <strong>of</strong>three powerful imps residing in a magicsnuff box. <strong>The</strong> lad’s snuff box andgolden castle disappear, and the partymust help him recover the castle or hismarriage is annulled. To find the castle,the party must visit the King <strong>of</strong> All LittleMice, the King <strong>of</strong> the Frogs, and the King<strong>of</strong> the Birds.<strong>The</strong> Peerage: This Ghyr adventure arccovered conflicts between Greendale andthe western giants. This mini-campaigncan be recast from the <strong>Alliance</strong>perspective, putting Count Lyonel in hisplace, and aiding the eastern elves againstthe dragon Viridis.Tiamat: As described in <strong>The</strong> HiddenTreasure <strong>of</strong> Ghyr, Tiamat is five ancient,huge dragons that were released at theend <strong>of</strong> the Avenger’s War. <strong>The</strong> dragonsterrorize not only Ghyr but the Dale andother parts, as well.LJN Adventures<strong>The</strong> LJN characters that appear in thiswork have three mini-campaign concepts.One deals with the eastern region, asecond with the Taralon communities,while the third focuses on troubles in theGreat Olde Woode.<strong>The</strong> Cyclopean Problem: <strong>The</strong>cyclops Pulvereye has organized theHillbans to lay claim to the Flatlands andthe Scarlet City. Mandoom stands in theway <strong>of</strong> the horde, but he will not beenough. Word has been sent to hire theSarke Mercenaries, but Grimsword isalso in Sentaburgh, troubling the localknights, and the grating Garm Gray <strong>Gaz</strong>eis troubling everyone. In the end, all thatmight turn the tide is divine intervention– in the form <strong>of</strong> a young titan.Molliver’s Twist: Molliver is oncemore troubling the Thieves’ Guild aroundthe Taralon Channel. But can she escapewith knowledge <strong>of</strong> plans for the ShadyDragon Inn franchises? <strong>The</strong> mercenaryDrex hunts the thief, and her onlyprotector might be the outcast half-elf,Caruso.In the Thick <strong>of</strong> It: Problems arearising in the eastern Parthenal, as theresidents <strong>of</strong> the Swamp <strong>of</strong> the Beast andkobolds pressure the eastern settlements.Can Hawkler and his Vyalian companion,Aurelia, work with the half-elvendruidess, Filaree, to avoid a plague <strong>of</strong>frogmen?For further development, Drex andGrimsword are the most accessiblevillains at a human level, while Hawklerand Molliver are the best known <strong>of</strong> theheroes. All four characters appear aspotential party members in the Quest forthe Heartstone, and there is nothing toprevent them from journeying east.Likewise, the other characters can appearelsewhere.In the LJN arcs included with <strong>Gaz</strong> F4,“Deeth’s Virtue” and “War <strong>of</strong> theUnderworld” are the two mostappropriate for the <strong>Alliance</strong> LJNcharacters.Adapting Published AdventuresRQ1 Night <strong>of</strong> the Walking Dead can beused in either West Haven or Snowden.<strong>The</strong> Great Olde Woode is a suitablesetting for N2 Forest Oracle. C4 ToFind a King and C5 Bane <strong>of</strong> Llywelyncould also be used, but the lost Llywelynis a Roag hero and not a former king.Timing the AdventuresIf your campaign operates under themeta-story in the Wrath <strong>of</strong> the Immortals,the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is not an <strong>of</strong>ficialpart <strong>of</strong> the events that rock the south.However, it is a perfect site to play outcompeting imperial interests betweenThyatis and Alphatia. <strong>The</strong> ThyatianEagle campaign, anticipated to occurafter Emperor Thincol passes away, canbe run during his reign.CM5 Earthshaker! involves a pair <strong>of</strong>dominions in Norwold. As presentedhere, the giant mechanical man passesthrough the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> first.Possible routes into Norwold includejourneying into the deep north beforerounding the mountains, the Leehan Trailrecently established north <strong>of</strong> Ghyr, ortraveling down the Ghyran Piedmont,curling around the Icereach into thebarbarian lands, and ending up in theWyrmsteeth region. Alternatively, thecircus can head south to Wendar andGlantri.<strong>The</strong> Idrisian SphereIf you enjoyed this work, be sure tocheck out the other entries in the IdrisianSphere collection, available free fordownload from the <strong>Vaults</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pandius</strong>.<strong>Gaz</strong> F1 Realm <strong>of</strong> Wendar<strong>Gaz</strong> F2 Denizens <strong>of</strong> Denagoth<strong>Gaz</strong> F3 <strong>The</strong> Great Northern Wildlands<strong>Gaz</strong> F4 <strong>The</strong> Hidden Treasure <strong>of</strong> Ghyr<strong>Gaz</strong> <strong>F5</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>50

THE IDRISIAN GRIMOIREIs this stuff canon? Is it canoncompatible? Is it compatiblewith other fan-works?No, this work is not canon. Neither I norany other fan can lay claim to canonicityfor an original work. Only the licenseholder, currently Wizards <strong>of</strong> the Coast,may do so. Even so, the incorporation <strong>of</strong>such items is always at the discretion <strong>of</strong>the referee.<strong>The</strong> gazetteers were written to becompatible with the canon majority andseveral other fan-created works, but it isnot so with all other works. Even worksthat were used in the production <strong>of</strong> agazetteer may have been altered for betterintegration. Specific canonicityquestions are addressed later.What is “Canon?”Those new to Mystara and its history canbe bewildered at times with “canon”-talk.A “canon” is a set <strong>of</strong> texts recognized asauthoritative for an activity ororganization. In the context <strong>of</strong> RPGworlds, the term is nearly synonymouswith “<strong>of</strong>ficial product.”Mystara has several distinct sets <strong>of</strong>canon that represent different productioneras. Many <strong>of</strong> the contradictions thathave arisen in the <strong>of</strong>ficial products areunderstood better by known to whichcanon group a product belongs.<strong>The</strong> Moldvay/Cook/Mentzer canon ismade up <strong>of</strong> the boxed rule sets (BECMIfor short) and almost all modules. In theMCM sources, the world outside <strong>of</strong> thecivilized “Known World” region is verywild and empty <strong>of</strong> governmental forces.X11 and the seminal B10 and X10modules were part <strong>of</strong> this era.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gaz</strong>etteer-era canon included all <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Gaz</strong>etteers (save <strong>Gaz</strong>14), the Dawn <strong>of</strong>the Emperors boxed set, three <strong>of</strong> theCreature Crucibles (PC1-3), and ahandful <strong>of</strong> late modules. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gaz</strong>etteerswere a revolutionary step in gaming aids,and the benchmark products <strong>of</strong> the midlateeighties. <strong>The</strong> previous adventuresX10 Red Arrow/Black Shield and X13Crown <strong>of</strong> Glory were arbitrarily placed inthe distant future.This was succeeded by the HollowWorld/Early Challenger-era canon. Inaddition to the Hollow World and theWrath <strong>of</strong> the Immortals boxed sets, therewere the DDA, HWA, and HWQadventures, three Hollow Worldgazetteers, and <strong>Gaz</strong>14 <strong>The</strong> AtruaghinClans. Product focus during this eradrifted away from mortal characters to anexpansive host <strong>of</strong> Immortals who wereinvariably involved in all activities in thegame world.Concurrently, the supervisor for theproduct line, Bruce Heard, contributed aseries <strong>of</strong> articles in Dragon Magazine.“Voyage <strong>of</strong> the Princess Ark”, the“Known World Grimoire”, and severalone-<strong>of</strong>f articles on dragons, rakastas andother Mystaran fixtures make up this set.While not technically part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficialproduct line, the articles were and still areconsidered a proper canon set, and theywere fundamental in shaping whatfollowed. <strong>The</strong> Heard canon renderedseveral modules (X4-6 and X9)incompatible or reset them to the distantpast and made Heldann an advancedgeopolitical player.<strong>The</strong> Almanac era continued the metastorylinegiven in Wrath <strong>of</strong> theImmortals, and provided a highly detailedoutline <strong>of</strong> how the game world was toevolve over the next four years. Thiscoincided with the approaching transitionto the 2E game system. At this time, thegame world finally received its name,Mystara. This era also saw the release <strong>of</strong>Champions <strong>of</strong> Mystara – a boxed setbased somewhat on the “Voyage <strong>of</strong> thePrincess Ark” that completely reworkedthe Sind Desert and the Serpent Peninsula– and PC4 Night Howlers – a guide forlycanthropic characters and a farewellthrowback to the <strong>Gaz</strong>etteer line. <strong>The</strong>setwo items are part <strong>of</strong> the Late Championline.<strong>The</strong> final, abreviated canon set was forthe adaptation to the 2E game system. Itwas marked by poor development thatproduced several canonical problems.<strong>The</strong> Red Steel sub-line by Tim Beach wasa revisioning <strong>of</strong> the “Voyage <strong>of</strong> thePrincess Ark” articles on the SavageCoast. Red Steel was noteworthy for asuperior production effort, an internallyconsistent setting presentation, and fullintegration into the 2E system, but it wasquickly discontinued. Red Steel differedfrom the Heardian view <strong>of</strong> the wallara(single-sex lizard folks vs. fine-scaledAborigines) and Bellayne rakasta (feudalJapanese vs. Elizabethan England).Is Mystara tied to DaveArneson’s Blackmoor?Blackmoor shortly preceeded Greyhawkas the D&D game’s first publishedcampaign world. Due to internalfrictions, TSR continued without Mr.Arneson, and Blackmoor was shelved.When the gazetteers were firstproduced, a decision was made (bywhom I do not known) to give a tip <strong>of</strong> thehat to Mr. Arneson and make Blackmoora part <strong>of</strong> Mystara’s deep past lost as aconsequence <strong>of</strong> the Great Rain <strong>of</strong> Fire. Ina further show <strong>of</strong> improved relations, theDA series <strong>of</strong> modules were released forthe then-current D&D system.As a practical matter, MystaranBlackmoor and Arneson’s Blackmoor areindependent, if parallel, concepts. <strong>The</strong>reare no humanoids in MystaranBlackmoor, for instance – only beastmen.Fans are free to combine information fortheir personal games, and the d20 edition<strong>of</strong> Blackmoor did include some Mystaranelements.Are your elvish names Tolkienin origin? What do these elvishwords mean?Apart from one or two borrowings, theElvish presented in this line is unique toMystara. It is a mix <strong>of</strong> both canonicaland fan-based information. During thecompilation <strong>of</strong> Realm <strong>of</strong> Wendar, Inoticed certain recurring features and“reverse-engineered” the linguisticelements to give names meaning. Hereare some basic Elvish word elements:Genitive suffix: eth (m), ell (f), oth(external, non-elven), ath/all (vowelalteration after i); also used for showingthe embodiment <strong>of</strong> a trait or patrilinealdescent.Accusative prefix: n(V)Nominative/Dative affix: -el-, -il-, -al-,51

THE IDRISIAN GRIMOIRE-ol-City/town/site: -(r)ion (with a personalname, a magnifier)Stand (stead, village; adj. upright): -dhonFortress or keep: -narBeside or against: -(ol)asGold: laurielMist: nimbielUnwanted: lethirDespised: lethirionPlains: sonnolHills: emynDeep: lotheHome: heimSong: leidhNine: noi or neuGiven by: ethinRiver: -il, -inPrecepts or rules: orieMonk: itana, plural itanamNorth: forenMarch or boundary: markInspiring: thalHere are translations <strong>of</strong> different sitesand persons that have appeared in theIdrisian Cycle <strong>Gaz</strong>etteers.Sonnoleth: the region <strong>of</strong> Sonnol (plains)– lit. <strong>The</strong> Plains PlainsLothenar: deep or hidden fortressHeimsleidh: home-songMuil: the Mu/Mur riverDenolas: beside the foreign DenNeuel-ethin-Orie: Precepts given by theNine (the Korrigans)Elanoitanam: the monks <strong>of</strong> the NineForenath: northern regionForenmark: start <strong>of</strong> the northKevareth: the region <strong>of</strong> Kevar (political),- the hills are Emyn Kevar.Why did the Wendarian historyseem to concentrate on theNorthern Wildlands?<strong>The</strong> historical information in <strong>Gaz</strong> F1Realm <strong>of</strong> Wendar did lean heavily on thearea to the north rather than Wendarproper. Various considerations were inplay during production, but one <strong>of</strong> the bigones was wishing to not step on any toes<strong>of</strong> previous contributors. <strong>The</strong>re hadalready been a mini-gazetteer compiledby Thorfinn Tait, plus the older“WenDen” timeline <strong>of</strong> Marco Dalmonteand Shawn Stanley and Ge<strong>of</strong>f Gander’s“Northern Wildlands” timeline. <strong>The</strong> lastwas crucial in providing a structure for anelven-dominanted Wendar.Wendar’s southern reaches were <strong>of</strong>tenoverlooked. Interested fans shouldconsult Marco Dalmonte’s updatedregional timeline. <strong>The</strong> information onThane Duncan can be treated as acompatible element <strong>of</strong> southern history.Is King Gylharen <strong>of</strong> Wendar ahuman or elf?Gylharen’s race was never explicit in X11Saga <strong>of</strong> the Shadow Lord; however, theTolkienesque design <strong>of</strong> that module leftmany with the impression that Wendarwas a human kingdom.<strong>The</strong> module-era view was altered in<strong>Gaz</strong>3 <strong>The</strong> Principalities <strong>of</strong> Glantri byBruce A. Heard, which fixed Wendar aselven. This view was continued throughthe Wrath <strong>of</strong> Immortals/Almanac line.<strong>The</strong> Almanac line described Gylharenas elvish. In an ecumenical spirit, I madethe king human with elvish ancestry – orelvish with human ancestry – as are manyin Wendar. <strong>The</strong>re is minimal impact tothe setting created by changingGylharen’s race if you so choose.Could you use anotherprismatic stone with Wendar’swells <strong>of</strong> power?Yes. <strong>The</strong> only caveat is that the wellsmust be attenuated to the specific stone.King Gylharen did this after the Wizards’War. A well may be attuned to only onestone at a time, and the stone must be inthe interior <strong>of</strong> the power line web.I just examined the map <strong>of</strong>Wendar. Why are there placesand landmarks that were nevermentioned in the gazetteer?Why are some names different?<strong>Gaz</strong> F1 Realm <strong>of</strong> Wendar was written toconform to the original map posted byThorfinn Tait. Mr. Tait has since revisedthe placement <strong>of</strong> a few locations, changedsome <strong>of</strong> the names, and introduced riversthat were entirely absent from theoriginal map. This updated map iscurrently the only one available at the<strong>Vaults</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pandius</strong> – hence the confusion.Additionally, there has been somediscussion about further changes.For those wishing to synchronizenames, here is a current list <strong>of</strong>equivalences and change explanations.Aebryn Lwynn: this village is in the west,between the Shrine <strong>of</strong> the Black Wingand the neighboring hills.Aelythnar: replace with AelthynarAmmalanleth: replace with the newAmmalanethAnorion: the wizard is Anorion, thetower is Antirion, and the surroundingdead land is Antiriath. <strong>The</strong> joint <strong>of</strong>three dead wood hexes (“J”) is 3 hexesSW <strong>of</strong> the Shrine <strong>of</strong> the Silent Hunter.Antirion is the cupped hex.Baamor Woods: equivalent to BaamorothBlynnfare Hall: Bynflaare is correct, andshould be 4 hexes SE <strong>of</strong> the top hill inthe Laughing Woods.Amoleth: Amoleth is 4 hexes due south<strong>of</strong> Bynflaare Hall.Yngvarsvall: <strong>The</strong> village is 4 hexes SW<strong>of</strong> the trade juncture to Lerian’s Tower.Forest <strong>of</strong> Bounty: eq. to Gwenneth ForestEnchanted Forest: eq. to Trindall orLauriathForest <strong>of</strong> Hope: This is a local name thatwill be given by Alfheim refugees.Greatwood: This is a cartographic error,or a future refugee name.<strong>The</strong> Heartlands: This name is notcurrently used.Elthanamir: this village will be settled byAlfheim refugees.Elven Pass: eq. to AelfpassEverway Keep: eq. to AllenarAlvar’s Stead: eq. to AlvardhonHawksgate: eq. to HawksnarKorrigan Forest: <strong>The</strong> Renatic name isGenallwald. Korrigan Forest is arelative new name. Visitors call it theForest <strong>of</strong> 1000 Butterflies.Altar <strong>of</strong> the Korrigans: At present, thisshrine does not exist, but it could beconsecrated.Dawnblossom-Qvar: Qvar is eq. toKavar, Kvar, and Wyrdal (emptyvalley). <strong>The</strong> resident dwarves are odd,and name variations occur.Uumarne: replace with Umarne52

THE IDRISIAN GRIMOIRELake Phyrroe: rep. with Lake FyrromarLaurianta: eq. to Lauriath, LauridhonShadowmere: This ancient place is notsubject to Wendar’s government, but istied to the dragons. FoxwoodShrines: <strong>The</strong> shrine names are fluid, butthe power <strong>of</strong> a particular well isconstant. Alternatively, new wellsmust be tapped periodically.Rivers: <strong>The</strong> region-spanning rivers arefordable their entire length. In winterand summer time, they reduce to smallcreeks or disappear entirely.Didn’t Camla already steal theHeartstone a century ago?<strong>The</strong> backdating <strong>of</strong> the adventure X11occurred in the Almanac-era canon. Aneditorial preference was made to nothistorize adventures whenever possible.This particular decision was supported bysuggestions for running Saga <strong>of</strong> theShadow Lord as a follow-up to Wrath <strong>of</strong>the Immortals using the Alfheim-borneplague as the disaster that strikes Wendar.To balance timelines, the Wizards’ Warwas moved from three decades ago tothree score ago, but the module isotherwise intact.In your history, you have Thyatisorganizing colonies and forcesin Glantri. Did Thyatis havecontrol over the Known World inyour history?No. As in the real world, nations <strong>of</strong>tennegotiate for travel and basing rights fortheir military units. With the permission<strong>of</strong> a friendly Council, Thyatis was able touse parts <strong>of</strong> Glantri, likely Caurenze andNouvelle Averoigne, as a staging area.This corresponds to a period <strong>of</strong> timewhen Glantri was peacefully absorbingimmigrants and the d’Amberville familyhad disappeared. <strong>The</strong> Empire likelyreimbursed Glantri for this usage, andcaravan trains would have traversedDarokin’s toll roads.Where did you get the idea for aThyatian presence in the north?<strong>The</strong>re are two Mentzer-era canonicalarguments for having the Thyatians in thenorth, one <strong>Gaz</strong>etteer-era reason for thetiming <strong>of</strong> their presence, and oneHeardian justification for how it came tobe.X11 references an alliance <strong>of</strong> some sortbetween Wendar and Thyatis, and theinfamous Master’s Set world mapshowed the Empire stretching up intowhat this line calls the Hill and Dale.Now the opening issue <strong>of</strong> the “Voyage<strong>of</strong> the Princess Ark” boldly declared thismap to be wrong, and the narratorattributed it to the joking work <strong>of</strong> aThyatian general. <strong>The</strong> final piece <strong>of</strong> thepuzzle came from the well-documentedcolonization attempts <strong>of</strong> the Empire in900 AC.<strong>The</strong> map was not meant to represent theworld as it was, but to serve as ablueprint for expanding imperial holdings– a plan that ultimately fizzled. <strong>The</strong>genesis <strong>of</strong> the particular general restswith James Ruhland’s Thyatian historyand the Marco Dalmonte’s use <strong>of</strong> same inhis revised regional history.How could Ilsundal murderGenalleth and still be a goodImmortal?Genalleth was bent on reacquiringBlackmoor technology. In this line,Ilsundal was dedicated to destroying suchtechnology as he led his followers on apunishing journey to their eventual home,the Sylvan Realm. From Ilsundal’sperspective Genalleth’s goals were evil,and he had to be stopped. It was a form<strong>of</strong> compassion to allow Genalleth’sfollowers a dignified illusion about hisfate.How much involvement doesIdris have in the Idrisian Cycle?As a mortal, Idris was personallyresponsible for the destruction <strong>of</strong>Forenath and Soreth.As an Immortal, Idris involved herselfin the mortal world only once, amillennium ago, to say “worship me.”From that simple act, more kingdomsfell, abominable acts transpired, countlesslives were lost, the Wildlands weretransformed, and the Lothenar elves werepushed to extinction – all driven bymortal actors.How much involvement does HeWho Watches have in the world?<strong>The</strong>re are no recorded instances <strong>of</strong> hisinvolvement in Mystara, and it is notimplausible to suggest that he does notexist as an Immortal. Unlike other gameworlds, Mystara’s clerical powers can beself-generated by deep belief andcommitment to concepts such asalignment (BECMI and RC supported).Each character, and referee, mut decidefor him- or herself the existence <strong>of</strong> theWatcher.How many dragons are there inthe Onyx Ring?<strong>The</strong> exact number is unknown, but agood estimate is 6-10 large dragons and15-25 small ones. <strong>The</strong> latter are<strong>of</strong>fspring <strong>of</strong> the former. <strong>The</strong>y are foundin every region <strong>of</strong> the Idrisian Sphere andperhaps elsewhere, too.Are the frogfolk <strong>of</strong> the NorthernWildlands related to the Temple<strong>of</strong> the Frog?<strong>The</strong> Temple <strong>of</strong> the Frog was an evil frogworshippingCult in Arneson’sBlackmoor, and one <strong>of</strong> his adventureswas released under that name, DA2. In asci-fi overlap, alien crash survivors tookover the Temple and geneticallycombined humans and frogs, before theywere defeated by Blackmoor’s heroes.One possibility is that the frogfolk <strong>of</strong>the Wildlands are descendants orseedbank <strong>of</strong>fspring <strong>of</strong> individuals whoescaped into the (old) north.Alternatively, they are a newly createdrace.53

THE IDRISIAN GRIMOIREAren’t Strongheart and Mercionsupposed to be rulers <strong>of</strong>Ierendi?Strongheart and Mercion were charactersin the LJN toyline commissioned by TSRto highlight the AD&D game. <strong>The</strong> linedid not particularly take <strong>of</strong>f, but some <strong>of</strong>the characters became iconic within thegaming community, especially Warduke.Several characters appeared in artworkand as NPCs in XL-1 Quest for theHeartstone, and an overlapping set wasgiven statistics in AC1 Shady Dragon Innwith write ups that reflected thecompletion <strong>of</strong> XL-1.X10 Red Arrow/Black Shield listedStrongheart and Mercion as the rulers <strong>of</strong>Ierendi. In various iterations <strong>of</strong> thecanon, X10 has been set at present time(1000 AC), 1200 AC, and 1004 – 1010AC. Military information in X10 wasgenerally adopted in the <strong>Gaz</strong>etteer era,but national leaders not always so. <strong>Gaz</strong>4<strong>The</strong> Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Ierendi had a smallthrow-away line in the monologue <strong>of</strong> atour guide that Figgen and others hadresidences in Ierendi, but Strongheart andMercion were not the rulers.As the Ghyr gazetteer assumes that theHeartstone Quest is to occur in theimmediate future, it provides guidance ongetting the LJN characters to Ierendi intime for the War with the Desert Nomadsin the Wrath Timeline.What is written on the lettersthat Archbishop L<strong>of</strong>tos sends tothe Sorrows nunnery?<strong>The</strong> recipe for chicken soup.Seriously, the L<strong>of</strong>tos Papers wereintentionally left vague for the referee touse as needed for his or her game. <strong>The</strong>papers can detail future calamities (epicor master level), possible signs, secretmagic, multiversal truths, contingenciesin the event <strong>of</strong> death, or news <strong>of</strong> the rest<strong>of</strong> the world. <strong>The</strong>y can contain more thanone thing, so the L<strong>of</strong>tos Papers could be arecurring hook to move your characterswherever their story goes.In the Master-level adventurearc for Ghyr, there was anangel, Joseph <strong>of</strong> Orcathia.Where is Orcathia?Orcathia is a Thyatianized version <strong>of</strong> aGhyran borrowing <strong>of</strong> a Roag loanwordfrom Denagothian. That is to say,Orcathia can be anywhere you wish it tobe. Northern regions near the Hillbans orthe hills along the southern Swamp <strong>of</strong> theBeast are good candidates.Did you use stuff from your owncampaign in producing thegazetteers?I cannot speak for other contributors, butmy answer is a qualified no. A fewEaster eggs were placed in the history <strong>of</strong>Maggorath’s downfall, putting names topre-existing story points. <strong>The</strong>re was alsothis cleric, Joe, who once drank a bottlein Castle Amber… <strong>The</strong> other gazetteersare free <strong>of</strong> these spots, as will be futureones.In a lot <strong>of</strong> the write-ups in thisgazetteer, you used the term“sub-Roman.” What is that?“Sub-Roman” is a term used by somehistorians to describe the period inBritain between the Roman withdrawaland the arrival <strong>of</strong> St. Augustine.Can a hill giant knight competein the tourney field and joust?Duly recognized giant knights maycompete in field lists and grand melees.A host can prohibit a giant’s entry, but itis bad form. To joust, the giant wouldfirst have to find a mount strong enoughto carry him. Jousting is so foreign to thegiant, he suffers a -5 to hit against othergiants and -8 against human-sizedopponents. An opponent can possiblydismount the hill giant only by inflicting40+ points <strong>of</strong> damage.Can my fighter learn somemagic tricks?Yes. <strong>The</strong> magician class can beconsidered a secondary, split-class aswere Merchants and Merchant-Princes.Also, the character could spend a skillslot to gain a magician level. <strong>The</strong>character cannot gain access to thethieving and real arcane skills <strong>of</strong> themagician by using skill slots. Undereither variant, the character gains neitherhit points nor saving throw progressionsin the magician class.How did you determine thelatitude markings on the map?Latitude has been problematic, with<strong>of</strong>ficial global or hemispheric mapsdiffering on their placements <strong>of</strong> thetropics, Arctic Circle, and the equator.Using the Hollow World global map asa guide, 30° North Latitude was set 12miles due south <strong>of</strong> the Silt River in Sind(middle <strong>of</strong> the hex below the marsh).Scale was then set by trying to balancethe Equator tangential to the IzondianCoast and 80° North at Frosthaven’ssouthern point. Simplifying the ratio, onegets 6° for every sixteen 24mph hexes.This is a slightly larger estimate than isfound in the Almanacs, and the Earth’sactual curvature, but it fits the graphicalillustrations well.Incidentally, this method revealed thatthe Gander Davania maps were perfectlongitudinally, but were too compactNorth-South.<strong>The</strong> north shore <strong>of</strong> Norwold’s GreatBay is at 66° north. <strong>The</strong> Arctic Circle isat the top <strong>of</strong> the mountains.Is there any East-Westdistortion in the map?<strong>The</strong> cartographic realism is up to thereferee, but this line assumes that mapsare displayed orthographically (longitudecurves straight up and down) with thelatitudinal distances constant (24 or 8mphalways correct).If you wish to incorporate East Westdistortion, use 4° longitude for every nine24mph columns. At 60°N, the distortion54

THE IDRISIAN GRIMOIREratio is between .68 and .87.Math Alert. <strong>The</strong> exact value dependsupon where you wish to place the“Standard” measure and how muchcylindrical radial expansion you wish touse along the polar axis. No expansion isthe perfect sphere with holes model,implicit in the Hollow World Diagrams,but small expansions permit a smootherwrap into the Hollow World and generatepolar circles (true 90°).<strong>The</strong> no-expansion with the Belcadizstandard has less than 5% errorthroughout the Known World. <strong>The</strong>Zeaburg-Standard with a 100-mileexpansion means less than 10% error inthe Known World and 28% at 60°. <strong>The</strong>Helskir-Standard with a 500-mileexpansion has Known World error <strong>of</strong>25% but there is only 13% error at 60°.What humans created the firstkingdom after the Great Rain <strong>of</strong>Fire?<strong>The</strong> humans who existed around theBorean Tier after the Great Rain <strong>of</strong> Firehave their own story, but you will have towait for upcoming gazetteers to see whothey were and who they became.What happened in the BoreanValley to produce undead?That, too, is a tale reserved for the future,although a more distant one. Mark yourcalendars for October 31, 2008 and stockup on holy water.How many prismatic magicalitems exist?<strong>The</strong>re are four major items known toincorporate prismatic gemstones: theElvenstar <strong>of</strong> Wendar, the Heartstone <strong>of</strong>Ghyr, the Stone <strong>of</strong> Death in Denagoth,and the one-use Yellow Diamond <strong>of</strong>Release in the Dale.Smaller gemstones appear in traditionalmagical devices. <strong>The</strong> magician Rusakhas likely acquired many such gems.What else is on tap for the<strong>Gaz</strong> F line?2007 will concentrate on the lands <strong>of</strong> theNorwold coast from Heldann in the southto fan-created Littonia and Karjaala in thefar north. <strong>The</strong>re will also be an excursioninto the Sea <strong>of</strong> Dread and the legendaryThanegioth Archipelago.Assuming good fortune and sustainedinterest, 2008 will be a wild year,literally. A series <strong>of</strong> Creature Cruciblescovering goatmen, bhuts, geonids,undead, acteons and other monsters willbe interspersed with time spent in the Sea<strong>of</strong> Pearls and the Alatian Sea.Of course these projections are just that,and as has been seen already, theproduction schedule does change.What is so darn special aboutthe NPC Renia that she appearsin almost every gazetteer?Renia appeared as a pre-generatedcharacter in X11 and X13. Her kingfisheremblem is a sign <strong>of</strong> royalty, and the <strong>Gaz</strong>F line ran with the idea that she is <strong>of</strong>royal – rather imperial – birth.She represents a competing line for thethrone <strong>of</strong> Thyatis. When Thincol theBrave seized the imperial thrown in thewake <strong>of</strong> the Alphatian Spike, he purgedthe <strong>of</strong>ficer corps and inexplicably orderedthe extermination <strong>of</strong> the Order <strong>of</strong> theWhite Drakes, a branch <strong>of</strong> the Empire’s“air force.” One theory is that the Orderwas deeply loyal to another line in theimperial family and secreted thosemembers away. Renia now seeksanswers to who she is in the north, as herpast is tied to Gabrionus IV and V. Shewill likely appear as an NPC for futurelocales, as well.Do you have any suggestedreadings or viewings thatcapture the spirit <strong>of</strong> the region?<strong>The</strong> Denagothian Plateau took inspirationfrom various sword and sorcery moviessuch as <strong>The</strong> Beastmaster, but some <strong>of</strong>Robert E. Howard’s Conan storiesgenerate the right level <strong>of</strong> decadentcivilizations in ruins that characterizeEssuria and Denagoth.Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur wasinvaluable in creating Ghyr. It is a bitdry, but it also puts Camelot in thecontext <strong>of</strong> the Roman Empire.<strong>The</strong> feel <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> wasinspired by Shakespeare’s Histories andthe comedies Cymbeline, As You Like It,and the Merry Wives <strong>of</strong> Windsor. Alsoimportant were Chaucer’s CanterburyTales.Numerous diminutia and adventureideas came from English Fairy Tales byJoseph Jacobs (the “Be Bold…” saying isfrom the story “Mr. Fox”), <strong>The</strong> Book <strong>of</strong>Giant Stories by David L. Harrison (giantfears), Celtic Fairy Tales by Neil Phillip,and the short story “<strong>The</strong> Selfish Giant”by Oscar Wilde.Though not used in production <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Gaz</strong>etteers, readers might look up MandaScout’s Boudica Quartet for parallels tothe Roag struggles against the Thyatiansand Ghyrans. Marion Zimmer Bradley’sMists <strong>of</strong> Avalon series is germaine to theMabds <strong>of</strong> Taralon, and the Alphatiansource <strong>of</strong> druidism was inspired by thesynopsis <strong>of</strong> Atlantean contributions.Finally, Michael Jeck’s A KnightsTemplar Mystery series (especially <strong>The</strong>Merchant’s Partner) is good for murdermysteries in a medieval setting.55

VAULTS OF PANDIUS<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>An Un<strong>of</strong>ficial Game Accessory“Fie, Fi, Fo, Fum! I smell the blood <strong>of</strong> a Thyatian!” bellowed thegiant. Alexandra tried to hide behind a column, but to no avail.<strong>The</strong> giant spotted his quarry and covered the distance in threebounds, flinging his coat aside. Alexandra trembled as the giantlowered his massive head to her level. She knew what wouldhappen next.“Milady, may I have this dance.”This is the fifth entry in a series <strong>of</strong> un<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>Gaz</strong>etteergaming aids for enthusiasts <strong>of</strong> the world <strong>of</strong> Mystara.This work covers the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, a collection <strong>of</strong>sparsly populated kingdoms far to the west <strong>of</strong> Norwoldwhere Thyatian ambition failed to take hold.“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>” provides descriptions <strong>of</strong> thehistory, nations, races, and personalities <strong>of</strong> a landwhere the simple tricks <strong>of</strong> the street magician delightthe children, and great giants fill their dreams. But notevery fairy tale has a happy ending, some monsters dolurk beneath the bed, and sometimes the king goesmad.This product also provides guidelines for playing hillgiants and a new performer class, the magician.

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