Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

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463 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 464[Mary Coughlan.]1997 1,300.991998 1,173.841999 Nil2000 Nil2001 Nil2002 NilThe payments awarded to the person namedunder the slaughter premium scheme for theyears 1997-2002 are:1997 Nil — not an applicant1998 Nil — not an applicant1999 Nil — not an applicant2000 103.842001 Nil — not an applicant2002 438.21The payments awarded to the person namedunder the ewe premium scheme for the years1997-2002 are as follows:1997 318.601998 407.881999 708.002000 602.962001 Nil — not an applicant2002 Nil — not an applicantThe only grounds for calculating the single farmpayment using the reference period 1997-99 arewhere force majeure/exceptional circumstancesare accepted as having caused a sudden, unforeseenbreakdown in production, beyond the controlof the producer, and affecting the entire referenceperiod 2000-02.The person named submitted an application forconsideration of force majeure/exceptional circumstanceson 5 February 2004. Having examinedthe circumstances outlined and supportingdocumentation, the single payment unit advisedthe person named that his application did notsatisfy the criteria laid down in Article 40 ofCouncil Regulation EC No 1782/2003.An opportunity to appeal this decision to theindependent single payment appeals committeewas offered to the person named but has not beenavailed of to date.292. Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food when a person (detailssupplied) in County Mayo will receive his REPscheme payment. [5631/05]\\\Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The application for payment in thiscase was received in my Department on 10January 2005 and is being processed in accordancewith the targets set out in the protocol ondirect payments to farmers.293. Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food when a decision on the applicationby a person (details supplied) in CountyKerry to be considered as a new entrant-inheritanceunder the single payment scheme will bemade; and if she will make a statement on thematter. [5749/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The person named submitted anapplication for consideration in respect of theinheritance and new entrant measures of the singlepayment scheme.Following the initial examination of the paperssubmitted the person named was requested tofurnish additional information. This informationhas now been received and both applicationshave been processed. The person named has beensuccessful in respect of both the new entrant andinheritance measures of the scheme. However,the inheritance measure, which is the inheritedentitlements combined with those earned by theperson named in his own right, was more favourablefinancially than the new entrant measure.The person named was notified on the 18February 2005 that the inheritance measurewould be the one reflected in his statement ofprovisional entitlements scheduled to issueshortly.Nitrates Directive.294. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food the obstacles to the publicationof the specifications of earthen bank tanks; whenthese specifications will be published; if sheintends to provide grant aid to this form of storage;and if she will make a statement on thematter. [5832/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): I refer the Deputy to my reply toParliamentary Question No. 400 of 15 February2005.The working group, which is considering thespecification and guidance documents for earthlinedstores has reached an advanced stage in itswork. Some further discussions are taking placethis week. I expect that the expert working groupwill shortly submit its conclusions to my Departmentand to the Department of the Environment,Heritage and Local Government. Considerationwill be given to the working group’s recommendationsparticularly in the context of the implementationrequirements of the nitrates directive.Grant Payments.295. Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food if her Department has received

465 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 466the latest correspondence from a person (detailssupplied) in County Wexford with regard to theoutcome of force majeure; the assistance which isavailable to this person; and if she will make astatement on the matter. [5848/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The person named was notified thathis application for consideration of forcemajeure/exceptional circumstances as a result ofBSE depopulation in 2001 was successful and thathis single payment entitlements would thereforebe based on the two-year average for 2000 and2002.Following this decision the person named submittedan appeal to the independent single paymentappeals committee. In the light of the circumstancesoutlined in the appeal, the singlepayment unit is satisfied that the force majeurecircumstances had a greater impact on the patternof production in 2002 and therefore the year 2002rather than 2001 should be excluded and the twoyearaverage of the years 2000 and 2001 only willbe used in the calculation of the provisional singlepayment entitlements. A certificate of provisionalentitlements reflecting this position will issueshortly to the person named.Milk Quota.296. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food if additional milk quota onhardship grounds will be awarded to a person(details supplied) in County Clare; and if she willmake a statement on the matter. [5866/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): Allocations of milk quota from themilk quota national reserve are granted on thebasis of recommendations from the milk quotaappeals tribunal. The tribunal is a body establishedto consider and advise on applications foradditional quota from individual producers whohave suffered severe hardship in the context ofthe milk quota system.The named person has submitted an applicationfor additional quota on the grounds ofhardship in the current 2004-05 milk quota year.The tribunal examined this application at a recentmeeting and an allocation of additional quota wasrecommended. This allocation has now beenapproved and notification is being issued to theperson and his cooperative.Grant Payments.297. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food when a person (detailssupplied) in County Clare will receive annualpayment for forestry; and if she will make a statementon the matter. [5867/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): Payments of the 2005 forestry premiumwill be made in April of this year.298. Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food the position regarding the singlepayment appeals consideration for a person(details supplied) in County Limerick. [5911/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The person named, having been notifiedthat the circumstances outlined by him didnot satisfy the criteria for forcemajeure/exceptional circumstances under Article40 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1782/2003,submitted an appeal to the independent singlepayment appeals committee.Following a full examination of the circumstancesin the appeal, the findings of the independentsingle payment appeals committee were thatthe original decision taken by my Departmentshould be upheld.However further information relating to theappeal was received after the date of the appealscommittee decision. A full review of the circumstancesof the case including this additional informationwill be carried out by the independent singlepayment appeals committee at its meetingscheduled for 23 February 2005 and the personnamed will be notified shortly of the outcome.Agriculture Appeals.299. Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food if unsuccessful appellants to theagricultural appeals office are notified of theirright of appeal to the office of the Ombudsmanrather than initially to the director of the office;and if she will make a statement on thematter. [5927/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): Unsuccessful appellants are advisedof their right of recourse to the office of theOmbudsman. In addition, under the AgricultureAppeals Act 2001, the decision of an appealsofficer may be reviewed by the Director of AgricultureAppeals, where the legality or factualbasis of the decision is questioned.Grant Payments.300. Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister forAgriculture and Food if farmers who declaredtheir holdings for area aid in order to qualify forthe single farm payment entitlements in 2005 willbe allowed to afforest that land or part of itshould they wish to do so before 1 October 2005;if the ten months period can start from 1 September2004 which would free the land for plantingfrom 1 July 2005; if the start-up date for theten months period is automatically set for 1 Septemberor does the applicant choose a start-update. [5936/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): Farmers will be required to indicateon their 2005 area aid-single payment applicationforms the date from which the ten months retentionperiod for each of their parcels begins. Farmerswill be allowed to choose at most two differentdates in respect of their parcels and those two

463 Questions— 22 February 2005. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong> 464[Mary Coughlan.]1997 1,300.991998 1,173.841999 Nil2000 Nil2001 Nil2002 NilThe payments awarded to <strong>the</strong> person namedunder <strong>the</strong> slaughter premium scheme for <strong>the</strong>years 1997-2002 are:1997 Nil — not an applicant1998 Nil — not an applicant1999 Nil — not an applicant2000 103.842001 Nil — not an applicant2002 438.21The payments awarded to <strong>the</strong> person namedunder <strong>the</strong> ewe premium scheme for <strong>the</strong> years1997-2002 are as follows:1997 318.601998 407.881999 708.002000 602.962001 Nil — not an applicant2002 Nil — not an applicantThe only grounds for calculating <strong>the</strong> single farmpayment using <strong>the</strong> reference period 1997-99 arewhere force majeure/exceptional circumstancesare accepted as having caused a sudden, unforeseenbreakdown in production, beyond <strong>the</strong> control<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> producer, and affecting <strong>the</strong> entire referenceperiod 2000-02.The person named submitted an application forconsideration <strong>of</strong> force majeure/exceptional circumstanceson 5 February 2004. Having examined<strong>the</strong> circumstances outlined and supportingdocumentation, <strong>the</strong> single payment unit advised<strong>the</strong> person named that his application did notsatisfy <strong>the</strong> criteria laid down in Article 40 <strong>of</strong>Council Regulation EC No 1782/2003.An opportunity to appeal this decision to <strong>the</strong>independent single payment appeals committeewas <strong>of</strong>fered to <strong>the</strong> person named but has not beenavailed <strong>of</strong> to date.292. Mr. Ring asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food when a person (detailssupplied) in County Mayo will receive his REPscheme payment. [5631/05]\\\Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The application for payment in thiscase was received in my Department on 10January 2005 and is being processed in accordancewith <strong>the</strong> targets set out in <strong>the</strong> protocol ondirect payments to farmers.293. Mr. Deenihan asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food when a decision on <strong>the</strong> applicationby a person (details supplied) in CountyKerry to be considered as a new entrant-inheritanceunder <strong>the</strong> single payment scheme will bemade; and if she will make a statement on <strong>the</strong>matter. [5749/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The person named submitted anapplication for consideration in respect <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>inheritance and new entrant measures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> singlepayment scheme.Following <strong>the</strong> initial examination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paperssubmitted <strong>the</strong> person named was requested t<strong>of</strong>urnish additional information. This informationhas now been received and both applicationshave been processed. The person named has beensuccessful in respect <strong>of</strong> both <strong>the</strong> new entrant andinheritance measures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scheme. However,<strong>the</strong> inheritance measure, which is <strong>the</strong> inheritedentitlements combined with those earned by <strong>the</strong>person named in his own right, was more favourablefinancially than <strong>the</strong> new entrant measure.The person named was notified on <strong>the</strong> 18February 2005 that <strong>the</strong> inheritance measurewould be <strong>the</strong> one reflected in his statement <strong>of</strong>provisional entitlements scheduled to issueshortly.Nitrates Directive.294. Mr. Naughten asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food <strong>the</strong> obstacles to <strong>the</strong> publication<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> specifications <strong>of</strong> ear<strong>the</strong>n bank tanks; when<strong>the</strong>se specifications will be published; if sheintends to provide grant aid to this form <strong>of</strong> storage;and if she will make a statement on <strong>the</strong>matter. [5832/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): I refer <strong>the</strong> Deputy to my reply to<strong>Parliamentary</strong> Question No. 400 <strong>of</strong> 15 February2005.The working group, which is considering <strong>the</strong>specification and guidance documents for earthlinedstores has reached an advanced stage in itswork. Some fur<strong>the</strong>r discussions are taking placethis week. I expect that <strong>the</strong> expert working groupwill shortly submit its conclusions to my Departmentand to <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Environment,Heritage and Local Government. Considerationwill be given to <strong>the</strong> working group’s recommendationsparticularly in <strong>the</strong> context <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> implementationrequirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nitrates directive.Grant Payments.295. Mr. Kehoe asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food if her Department has received

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