Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

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455 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 456[Éamon Ó Cuív.]Aguisín 2Sliocht as Phlean Forbartha Chontae naGaillimhe i ndáil le ráiteas tionchar teangaLanguage impact statements will be requiredwhere an application is made for two or morehouses, or where an applicant applied for morethan one house in an area. The purpose of aLanguage Impact Statement will be to assessthe likely impact of the proposed developmenton the usage of Irish within the Gaeltacht area.Permission will only be granted where theAuthority is satisfied that the effect of thedevelopment will be beneficial to the usage ofthe language in the area, if permitted.Community Development.273. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his plans forthe enhancement of services provided or fundedby his Department on a county basis; and if hewill make a statement on the matter. [6006/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): I am always seeking toimprove measures and benefits for communitiesacross the range of programmes operated by myDepartment. In the context of a 19% increase inthe Estimates for 2005 for my Department, Ianticipate progress across a range of measuresthis year, including the local and regional drugstask forces, the rural social scheme, and the communitydevelopment programme.Dormant Accounts Fund.274. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the numberof applications received from County Kildare forfunding from the proceeds of dormant accountsin 2005; the funds he has allocated to date orintends to allocate before the end of 2005; and ifhe will make a statement on the matter.[6009/05]Minister of State at the Department of Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Mr. N.Ahern): Decisions on the disbursement of fundsfrom dormant accounts moneys are currently amatter for the Dormant Accounts Fund DisbursementsBoard, an independent body establishedunder the Dormant Accounts Acts. Theboard engaged Area Development ManagementLimited, ADM, to administer the initial round offunding on its behalf which involves the disbursementof up to \60 million from the fund.Following an invitation to groups and organisationsto make applications for funding, over1,600 applications were received by ADM in2004. I understand that 21 of the applicationsreceived were in respect of proposals in CountyKildare. The process of assessing and makingdecisions on these applications is ongoing andnearing completion. In this regard, to date theboard has approved 420 projects for funding totallingapproximately \42 million. Ten of the projectsapproved, involving funding of approximately\1.5 million, are based in County Kildare.Question No. 275 answered with QuestionNo. 7.Drugs Task Forces.276. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the extent towhich he expects to assist those in the fightagainst drugs throughout 2005; and if he willmake a statement on the matter. [6012/05]Minister of State at the Department of Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Mr. N.Ahern): My Department has responsibility forthe work of the 14 local drugs task forces, the tenregional drugs task forces and the young people’sfacilities and services fund. Funding of \31.5 millionis available in my Department to support anddevelop drugs projects through these programmesin 2005.In addition, approximately \20 million in fundingis being provided on an annual basis to mainstreamedLDTF and YPFSF drugs projectsthrough other Departments and agencies.Departmental Funding.277. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he hasexpanded the number of groups or bodies eligiblefor various forms of grant aid from his Department;and if he will make a statement on thematter. [6013/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): There has been no formalexpansion of the number of groups or bodieseligible for various forms of grant aid from myDepartment. However, given my Department’sfocus on communities, particularly those that arevulnerable or under threat, all applications forfunding receive serious consideration.Community Development.278. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the extent towhich he has been able to address the issues ofrural depopulation; if he has come to an understandingwith An Taisce on the issue; and if hewill make a statement on the matter. [6014/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): I refer the Deputy tomy reply to Question No. 93 of 9 November 2004in relation to rural housing.Departmental Funding.279. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the numberof applications for grant aid or other forms of financialassistance received in his Department fromvarious voluntary bodies, groups or agencies in

457 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 458County Kildare in 2005; the number and amountof approvals made to date; and if he will make astatement on the matter. [6015/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): My Department has notadvertised new grant schemes for 2005 as yet.Funding is being continued under existing programmesto bodies such as area partnership companies,Leader groups, community developmentprojects etc.RAPID Programme.280. Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his plans forthe development of the RAPID programme andgroups likely to benefit under that heading; andif he will make a statement on the matter.[6105/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): As I have stated previously,the RAPID programme is now operatingon a number of different levels.Many small-scale proposals from RAPID areasare being dealt with more effectively at locallevel. To support this approach dedicated fundingof \6 million is provided in 2005. These proposalsare being co-funded by the relevant departmentor local agency under a number of categories withbroad levels of funding agreed at national level.I am currently in discussions with my colleaguesregarding co-funding a number of measures for2005 and I hope to make an announcement in thenear future.As regards the larger projects from RAPIDplans that have already been submitted toDepartments, these will continue to be consideredfor funding within existing funding streamsin each Department. However, Departmentswill now deal with a smaller number of projectsand will therefore be in a better position to prioritiseprojects and set out timescales for furtheractions.Work on improving integration and coordinationof service delivery at local level will alsocontinue, as this is a key component of theRAPID programme.Special provision was made by the Governmentfor RAPID areas under the dormantaccounts plan. Discussions are ongoing withDepartments regarding prioritisation of othernon-capital actions included in the AIT plans.Communities in the RAPID areas will benefitfrom the measures that I have outlined.Grant Payments.281. Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food the number of applicants underthe area aid scheme, the suckler cow scheme,slaughter premium, special beef premium and thesheep premium in the years 1997 to 2004; and ifshe will make a statement on the matter.[5547/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The numbers of applicants-applicationsunder the various schemes from 1997 to2004 are set out in the table:1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Suckler Cow Premium 79,823 77,116 74,107 71,080 66,935 64,349 62,905 61,847Ewe Premium 45,768 44,583 43,704 41,209 38,647 36,177 35,099 34,821Special Beef Premium* 212,320 242,341 187,100** 169,095 158,973 173,029 163,702 223,119***New Slaughter Premium* — — — 98,921 97,139 92,686 89,429 83,814Deseasonalisation SlaughterPremium* 32,174 33,774 33,115 — — — — —Area Aid 135,186 132,935 133,874 130,589 129,050 127,546 128,131 131,501†* The figures shown refer to the number of applications received rather than applicants as a producer may submit more thanone application or slaughter animals on more than one date.** In 1997 and 1998 a farmer had to submit a different application for special beef premium under each age bracket ten months,22 months and bulls. A combined application was introduced as and from 1999, hence the large change in the volume ofapplications received.*** Extra applications have been received due to final year of scheme.† As a result of the introduction of the single payment scheme farmers who were not previously required to lodge area aidapplications were required to lodge them in 2004.Factory Closure.282. Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food if, on the closure of Carlowsugar factory, a report from a German consultancyfirm was commented on or used at hermeeting with the company (details supplied); ifthe report will be placed in the OireachtasLibrary; and if she will make a statement on thematter. [5574/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): I understand that Greencoreemployed a consultancy firm. I have not seen thereport of the firm nor was it discussed in mymeetings with the company. Any inquiries aboutthe report would be a matter for the companyitself.Grant Payments.283. Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Agricultureand Food if, in view of evidence given bypersons (details supplied) at the Mahon tribunal,she will re-examine the entitlement of a person

457 Questions— 22 February 2005. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong> 458County Kildare in 2005; <strong>the</strong> number and amount<strong>of</strong> approvals made to date; and if he will make astatement on <strong>the</strong> matter. [6015/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): My Department has notadvertised new grant schemes for 2005 as yet.Funding is being continued under existing programmesto bodies such as area partnership companies,Leader groups, community developmentprojects etc.RAPID Programme.280. Mr. Durkan asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Community,Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his plans for<strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> RAPID programme andgroups likely to benefit under that heading; andif he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong> matter.[6105/05]Minister for Community, Rural and GaeltachtAffairs (Éamon Ó Cuív): As I have stated previously,<strong>the</strong> RAPID programme is now operatingon a number <strong>of</strong> different levels.Many small-scale proposals from RAPID areasare being dealt with more effectively at locallevel. To support this approach dedicated funding<strong>of</strong> \6 million is provided in 2005. These proposalsare being co-funded by <strong>the</strong> relevant departmentor local agency under a number <strong>of</strong> categories withbroad levels <strong>of</strong> funding agreed at national level.I am currently in discussions with my colleaguesregarding co-funding a number <strong>of</strong> measures for2005 and I hope to make an announcement in <strong>the</strong>near future.As regards <strong>the</strong> larger projects from RAPIDplans that have already been submitted toDepartments, <strong>the</strong>se will continue to be consideredfor funding within existing funding streamsin each Department. However, Departmentswill now deal with a smaller number <strong>of</strong> projectsand will <strong>the</strong>refore be in a better position to prioritiseprojects and set out timescales for fur<strong>the</strong>ractions.Work on improving integration and coordination<strong>of</strong> service delivery at local level will alsocontinue, as this is a key component <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>RAPID programme.Special provision was made by <strong>the</strong> Governmentfor RAPID areas under <strong>the</strong> dormantaccounts plan. Discussions are ongoing withDepartments regarding prioritisation <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rnon-capital actions included in <strong>the</strong> AIT plans.Communities in <strong>the</strong> RAPID areas will benefitfrom <strong>the</strong> measures that I have outlined.Grant Payments.281. Mr. Naughten asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> applicants under<strong>the</strong> area aid scheme, <strong>the</strong> suckler cow scheme,slaughter premium, special beef premium and <strong>the</strong>sheep premium in <strong>the</strong> years 1997 to 2004; and ifshe will make a statement on <strong>the</strong> matter.[5547/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): The numbers <strong>of</strong> applicants-applicationsunder <strong>the</strong> various schemes from 1997 to2004 are set out in <strong>the</strong> table:1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Suckler Cow Premium 79,823 77,116 74,107 71,080 66,935 64,349 62,905 61,847Ewe Premium 45,768 44,583 43,704 41,209 38,647 36,177 35,099 34,821Special Beef Premium* 212,320 242,341 187,100** 169,095 158,973 173,029 163,702 223,119***New Slaughter Premium* — — — 98,921 97,139 92,686 89,429 83,814Deseasonalisation SlaughterPremium* 32,174 33,774 33,115 — — — — —Area Aid 135,186 132,935 133,874 130,589 129,050 127,546 128,131 131,501†* The figures shown refer to <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> applications received ra<strong>the</strong>r than applicants as a producer may submit more thanone application or slaughter animals on more than one date.** In 1997 and 1998 a farmer had to submit a different application for special beef premium under each age bracket ten months,22 months and bulls. A combined application was introduced as and from 1999, hence <strong>the</strong> large change in <strong>the</strong> volume <strong>of</strong>applications received.*** Extra applications have been received due to final year <strong>of</strong> scheme.† As a result <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> single payment scheme farmers who were not previously required to lodge area aidapplications were required to lodge <strong>the</strong>m in 2004.Factory Closure.282. Mr. Wall asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food if, on <strong>the</strong> closure <strong>of</strong> Carlowsugar factory, a report from a German consultancyfirm was commented on or used at hermeeting with <strong>the</strong> company (details supplied); if<strong>the</strong> report will be placed in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Oireachtas</strong>Library; and if she will make a statement on <strong>the</strong>matter. [5574/05]Minister for Agriculture and Food (MaryCoughlan): I understand that Greencoreemployed a consultancy firm. I have not seen <strong>the</strong>report <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> firm nor was it discussed in mymeetings with <strong>the</strong> company. Any inquiries about<strong>the</strong> report would be a matter for <strong>the</strong> companyitself.Grant Payments.283. Mr. Sargent asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Agricultureand Food if, in view <strong>of</strong> evidence given bypersons (details supplied) at <strong>the</strong> Mahon tribunal,she will re-examine <strong>the</strong> entitlement <strong>of</strong> a person

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