Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

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427 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 428Social Welfare Code.216. Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs if he has set up a workinggroup to review the position of lone parents andrelevant social welfare payments; when the groupwas established; the frequency with which it hasmet; the names of the members of the group;when it will complete its review; and if he willmake a statement on the matter. [5551/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): The Department has been involved ina number of reviews and studies related to theone-parent family payment. These have includedthe Department’s review of the one-parent familypayment, regarding which a report was publishedin October 2001, and participation in an internationalOECD study on reconciling work andfamily life, entitled Babies and Bosses, VolumeII of which contains the findings on Ireland. TheDepartment has also assisted in NESF studies onlone parents. Relevant research has been carriedout under the Department’s family research programmeand by Combat Poverty Agency, theESRI and other bodies in this general area.In November 2004, following discussion at theCabinet committee on social inclusion, it wasdecided that priority be given to specificallyexamining obstacles to employment for loneparents.The aforementioned OECD report shows thatemployment participation among lone parents inIreland is relatively low compared to that in otherOECD countries. Jobless households are particularlyat risk of poverty and the fact that loneparents and their children are among the groupsmost at risk may, in part at least, be attributed tothe relatively low level of employment participation.It was therefore concluded that action inthis area would be a key element in the contextof the special initiative on ending child povertyunder Sustaining Progress.This task was entrusted to the senior officials’group on social inclusion, which reports to theCabinet committee. The senior officials’ grouphas set up a small steering group to examine theissue in detail and prepare a draft report for considerationby the group and, when completed, theCabinet committee. Both the senior officials’group and steering committee are chaired by theDepartment of the Taoiseach, and the secretariatto the latter group is provided by the familyaffairs unit in my Department. The Departmentof Finance and the office for social inclusion inmy Department are also represented on the steeringgroup. Representatives of other Departmentswill participate as necessary.The steering group held its first meetingrecently and will meet on a regular basis with aview to completing its draft report by mid-year.It is expected that the final report will bepresented to the Cabinet committee on socialinclusion in the second half of the year.The report will contain an analysis of obstaclesto employment for lone parents which may arisein current support arrangements, includingincome support, education and training, employment,health, housing and accommodation, withrecommendations on how these obstacles couldbe overcome and what further supports may berequired to facilitate lone parents in taking upemployment, including information provision.Special account will be taken of the findings ofa report that NESC has been commissioned toprepare, under Sustaining Progress, on the possiblemerging the child dependant allowance,CDA, with the family income supplement.A list of the members of the steering group onlone parents is given in Appendix A.Appendix A: Members of Steering Group on Lone ParentsMs Mary DoyleMs Eileen KeoghMr. Michael ScanlonMr. Dermot QuigleyMr. Gerry ManganMs Orlaigh QuinnDepartment of the Taoiseach(Chair)Department of the TaoiseachDepartment of FinanceDepartment of FinanceOffice for Social InclusionOffice for Social InclusionThe secretary to the group is Mr. HeberMcMahon, Department of Social and FamilyAffairs.Work Permits.217. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Maltesenationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5562/05]218. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of nationals ofHungary who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5563/05]219. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Latviannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5564/05]220. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Polishnationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5565/05]221. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Estoniannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to workhere. [5566/05]

429 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 430222. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Lithuaniannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5567/05]223. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Sloveniannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5568/05]224. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Slovakiannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5569/05]225. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of Cypriotnationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit them to work here;and if he will make a statement on the matter.[5570/05]226. Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the number of nationals of theCzech Republic who have applied for PPSnumbers since 1 May 2004 to permit them towork here; and if he will make a statement on thematter. [5571/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 217to 226, inclusive, together.The total numbers of personal public servicenumbers issued to each of the nationalitiesquoted by the Deputy in the period 1 May 2004to 11 February 2005 are as follows:Malta 152Hungary 2,029Latvia 6,885Poland 29,731Estonia 1,842Lithuania 13,439Slovenia 75Slovakia 5,889Cyprus 26Czech Republic 3,503The personal public service number is the citizen’sunique reference number for all dealingswith Departments and public bodies. Personalpublic service numbers are issued automaticallyto children born in Ireland. Others requiring apersonal public service number must apply at oneof the Department’s local offices.When applying for a personal public servicenumber, applicants are asked to complete anapplication form and supply documentation toestablish their identity. Their personal public servicenumbers are usually issued to them, by post,within five days.Social Welfare Benefits.227. Mr. Cregan asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs if a person (details supplied)in County Limerick is entitled to some form ofpayment from his Department to prevent unduehardship; and if he will make a statement on thematter. [5629/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): The person concerned initially madean application to my Department for disabilitybenefit. His application was unsuccessful as hedid not have any PRSI contributions paid in therelevant qualifying period. He subsequentlyapplied for assistance under the supplementarywelfare allowance scheme which is administeredon my behalf by the community welfare divisionof the Health Service Executive.Subject to certain conditions, including a meanstest, the scheme provides for the payment of aweekly allowance to an eligible person whosemeans are insufficient to meet his or her basicneeds and those of his or her dependants.The western region of the Health ServiceExecutive has advised that the person concernedwas refused basic supplementary welfare allowanceon means grounds, as the level of his householdincome is in excess of the supplementarywelfare allowance rate appropriate to his familycircumstances.The executive has further advised that it hassuggested to the person concerned that his partner,who is in employment, should apply to myDepartment under the family income supplementscheme, which provides assistance to families inemployment on low earnings.Social Welfare Appeals.228. Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Socialand Family Affairs the reason the Health ServiceExecutive, southern region, is refusing to pay supplementarywelfare to a person (details supplied)in County Cork; if their appeal against thedecision not to allow them unemployment assistancehas been heard. [5716/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): Payment of unemployment assistanceto the person concerned was terminated by myDepartment in November 2004 on the groundsthat he was not genuinely seeking work. Heappealed this decision to the social welfareappeals office, and an appeals officer will reviewhis case as soon as possible.The person concerned subsequently applied forassistance under the supplementary welfareallowance scheme which is administered onbehalf of my Department by the community welfaredivision of the Health Service Executive. Thesouthern region of the Health Service Executive

429 Questions— 22 February 2005. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong> 430222. Mr. Connolly asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> Lithuaniannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit <strong>the</strong>m to work here;and if he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong> matter.[5567/05]223. Mr. Connolly asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> Sloveniannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit <strong>the</strong>m to work here;and if he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong> matter.[5568/05]224. Mr. Connolly asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> Slovakiannationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit <strong>the</strong>m to work here;and if he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong> matter.[5569/05]225. Mr. Connolly asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> Cypriotnationals who have applied for PPS numberssince 1 May 2004 to permit <strong>the</strong>m to work here;and if he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong> matter.[5570/05]226. Mr. Connolly asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> nationals <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Czech Republic who have applied for PPSnumbers since 1 May 2004 to permit <strong>the</strong>m towork here; and if he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong>matter. [5571/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 217to 226, inclusive, toge<strong>the</strong>r.The total numbers <strong>of</strong> personal public servicenumbers issued to each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nationalitiesquoted by <strong>the</strong> Deputy in <strong>the</strong> period 1 May 2004to 11 February 2005 are as follows:Malta 152Hungary 2,029Latvia 6,885Poland 29,731Estonia 1,842Lithuania 13,439Slovenia 75Slovakia 5,889Cyprus 26Czech Republic 3,503The personal public service number is <strong>the</strong> citizen’sunique reference number for all dealingswith Departments and public bodies. Personalpublic service numbers are issued automaticallyto children born in Ireland. O<strong>the</strong>rs requiring apersonal public service number must apply at one<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department’s local <strong>of</strong>fices.When applying for a personal public servicenumber, applicants are asked to complete anapplication form and supply documentation toestablish <strong>the</strong>ir identity. Their personal public servicenumbers are usually issued to <strong>the</strong>m, by post,within five days.Social Welfare Benefits.227. Mr. Cregan asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs if a person (details supplied)in County Limerick is entitled to some form <strong>of</strong>payment from his Department to prevent unduehardship; and if he will make a statement on <strong>the</strong>matter. [5629/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): The person concerned initially madean application to my Department for disabilitybenefit. His application was unsuccessful as hedid not have any PRSI contributions paid in <strong>the</strong>relevant qualifying period. He subsequentlyapplied for assistance under <strong>the</strong> supplementarywelfare allowance scheme which is administeredon my behalf by <strong>the</strong> community welfare division<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Health Service Executive.Subject to certain conditions, including a meanstest, <strong>the</strong> scheme provides for <strong>the</strong> payment <strong>of</strong> aweekly allowance to an eligible person whosemeans are insufficient to meet his or her basicneeds and those <strong>of</strong> his or her dependants.The western region <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Health ServiceExecutive has advised that <strong>the</strong> person concernedwas refused basic supplementary welfare allowanceon means grounds, as <strong>the</strong> level <strong>of</strong> his householdincome is in excess <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> supplementarywelfare allowance rate appropriate to his familycircumstances.The executive has fur<strong>the</strong>r advised that it hassuggested to <strong>the</strong> person concerned that his partner,who is in employment, should apply to myDepartment under <strong>the</strong> family income supplementscheme, which provides assistance to families inemployment on low earnings.Social Welfare Appeals.228. Mr. Allen asked <strong>the</strong> Minister for Socialand Family Affairs <strong>the</strong> reason <strong>the</strong> Health ServiceExecutive, sou<strong>the</strong>rn region, is refusing to pay supplementarywelfare to a person (details supplied)in County Cork; if <strong>the</strong>ir appeal against <strong>the</strong>decision not to allow <strong>the</strong>m unemployment assistancehas been heard. [5716/05]Minister for Social and Family Affairs (Mr.Brennan): Payment <strong>of</strong> unemployment assistanceto <strong>the</strong> person concerned was terminated by myDepartment in November 2004 on <strong>the</strong> groundsthat he was not genuinely seeking work. Heappealed this decision to <strong>the</strong> social welfareappeals <strong>of</strong>fice, and an appeals <strong>of</strong>ficer will reviewhis case as soon as possible.The person concerned subsequently applied forassistance under <strong>the</strong> supplementary welfareallowance scheme which is administered onbehalf <strong>of</strong> my Department by <strong>the</strong> community welfaredivision <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Health Service Executive. Thesou<strong>the</strong>rn region <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Health Service Executive

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