Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas Written Answers. - Parliamentary Debates - Houses of the Oireachtas

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387 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 388[Mr. Hayes.]Tipperary south as a result of the Supreme Courtdecision of 16 February 2005, that the Health Billis unconstitutional; if there is no current estimatefor County Tipperary, when an estimate will beavailable; and if she will make a statement on thematter. [5925/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): My Department is currently studyingthe Supreme Court judgment in detail andwill take on board all the consequences for policyand law arising from the judgment. The detailsof a repayment scheme to address the situationfollowing the Supreme Court decision are currentlybeing finalised and it is only after this thatit would be possible to calculate the money owedby specific area.Nursing Home Charges.136. Mr. P. Breen asked the Tánaiste and Ministerfor Health and Children the estimate ofmoney owed to persons or their families fromCounty Clare as a result of the Supreme Courtdecision of 16 February 2005, that the Health Billis unconstitutional; if there is no current estimatefor County Clare, when one will be available.[5926/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): My Department is studying theSupreme Court judgment in detail and will takeon board all the consequences for policy and lawarising from it. The details of a repaymentscheme to address the situation following theSupreme Court decision is being finalised and itis only following this that it would be possible tocalculate the money owed by specific area.137. Mr. Kelleher asked the Tánaiste and Ministerfor Health and Children if she will consideraccessing the national pensions reserve fund on aonce-off basis to fund the cost of reimbursementof the nursing home charges on foot of theSupreme Court’s decision of 16 February 2005that such charges were unlawful; and if she willmake a statement on the matter. [5928/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): The national pensions reserve fundwas established for the purpose of meeting asmuch as possible of the cost to the Exchequer ofsocial welfare pensions and public service pensionsto be paid from the year 2025 until the year2055, or such other subsequent years as may bespecified, as set out in section 18(1) of theNational Pensions Reserve Fund Act 2000.Section 20(1) of the Act states “the Commissionshall not make any payment from the fund to theExchequer before the year 2025”.My Department is studying the Supreme Courtjudgment in detail and will take on board all theconsequences for policy and law arising from it.The cost of reimbursement will be met from theVote for the health service Estimate. A SupplementaryEstimate to cover the costs will bemoved in due course.Health Services.138. Mr. Connaughton asked the Tánaiste andMinister for Health and Children if her attentionhas been drawn to the dissatisfaction amongmany members of the public with the manner acompany (details supplied) executes its afterhoursmedical doctor service in the north Galwayarea, in parishes (details supplied) in CountyGalway and other areas; if much Exchequer fundingwas invested in the start-up operation of thiscompany; the ongoing cost of this company in2002, 2003 and 2004; and if she will make a statementon the matter. [5938/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): Westdoc is the out-of-hours generalpractitioner-led service which operates on a partnershipbasis between the participating GPs andthe Health Service Executive, western area. Theservice has been operating since December 2002and to date it has received more than 95,000 patientcontacts. Westdoc has 107 general practitionersproviding service to public and privatepatients in counties Galway, Mayo andRoscommon.A patient satisfaction survey, independentlyconducted by the National University of Ireland,Galway in July 2003, found that patient satisfactionwith the Westdoc service is very high. Afurther patient satisfaction survey will be conductedin 2005. The funding provided to the HealthService Executive’s western region for the expansionof out of hours co-operatives since 2000 iscontained in the following table.2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total\0.076 million \0.159 million \2.059 million \2.575 million \2.7536 million \3.5536 million \11.176 millionThis dedicated funding does not include fees paidto participating general practitioners.During a recent visit to Galway, I met a delegationfrom east Galway who expressed concernsabout the operation of Westdoc in theirarea. In particular they raised issues about theconsiderable distances that some people wererequired to travel to access a doctor. My Departmenthas requested the chief officer for theHealth Service Executive, western area to investigatethe matter raised and to reply directly tothe Deputy.Health Service Staff.139. Mr. Neville asked the Tánaiste and Ministerfor Health and Children the number of staffand the number of clerical administrative staff in

389 Questions— 22 February 2005. Written Answers 390each health board area for each year from1995. [5963/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): The latest available information isfor end-September 2004. On this basis, the infor-mation as requested by the Deputy is as set outin the following table. The Deputy may wish tonote that it is estimated that approximately 64%of health services personnel formally classified as“management/administrative” are involved indirect service provision to the public.Total Health Service Staff end-1995 to September 2004 1Date Eastern Midland Mid-Western North- North- South- Southern Western TotalEastern Western Eastern31/12/1995 26,558 3,183 4,850 4,174 4,254 5,960 9,014 6,662 64,65531/12/1996 27,262 3,300 4,904 4,136 4,285 5,850 9,138 6,795 65,66931/12/1997 28,127 3,428 5,173 4,440 4,402 6,098 9,273 6,899 67,84131/12/1998 28,747 3,592 5,399 4,516 4,444 6,266 9,376 7,300 69,64031/12/1999 30,069 3,625 5,532 4,764 4,771 6,661 9,985 7,387 72,79331/12/2000 33,116 3,967 6,201 5,147 5,265 7,439 10,828 8,107 80,07031/12/2001 36,604 4,816 6,904 5,994 6,407 8,015 12,385 9,177 90,30231/12/2002 38,689 5,251 7,364 6,374 6,722 8,579 13,031 9,669 95,67931/12/2003 37,801 5,239 7,750 6,929 6,783 8,860 13,252 9,887 96,50130/09/2004 38,535 5,498 7,922 7,226 6,872 8,627 13,701 9,997 98,379Total Management Administrative Staff end-1995 to September 2004 2Date Eastern Midland Mid-Western North- North- South- Southern Western TotalEastern Western Eastern31/12/1995 3,400 338 544 527 569 675 1,025 826 7,90431/12/1996 3,527 360 581 516 594 646 1,083 866 8,17331/12/1997 3,839 385 648 569 630 729 1,153 889 8,84431/12/1998 4,138 411 723 680 656 771 1,150 951 9,48031/12/1999 4662 443 788 744 720 874 1,330 1,037 10,59931/12/2000 5,265 557 982 876 927 1,036 1,501 1,221 12,36631/12/2001 6,170 731 1,129 1,043 1,223 1,111 1,813 1,495 14,71431/12/2002 6,448 812 1,254 1,216 1,218 1,180 1,993 1,569 15,69031/12/2003 6,388 764 1,303 1,250 1,186 1,282 1,956 1,637 15,76630/09/2004 6,468 845 1,398 1,284 1,212 1,382 2,039 1,661 16,289Source: Health Service Personnel Census.Notes:1 Excludes Home Helps.2 Includes all management/ administrative and clerical personnel.Health Services.140. Caoimhghín ÓCaoláin asked the Tánaisteand Minister for Health and Children if her attentionhas been drawn to the fact that a person(details supplied) has called for an all-Ireland solutionto the shortage of children’s cardiac surgeons;if she has contacted or intends to contacther Northern counterpart with a view to establishinga joint feasibility study into the viability ofsuch a service; if so, the proposed timetable forcompletion of the study; and if she will make astatement on the matter. [5979/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): Under the Health Act 2004, theHealth Service Executive has the responsibility tomanage and deliver, or arrange to be deliveredon its behalf, health and personal social services.This includes responsibility for paediatric cardiacsurgery. It is intended to refer the matter to theexecutive for its views on the suggestion made bythe person referred to by the Deputy.Adoption Services.141. Mr. Stagg asked the Tánaiste and Ministerfor Health and Children the groups awardedgrants by the Adoption Board in 2004; theamount of the grants awarded; the reason PARCand PNPIC (details supplied) were excluded fromgrant aid; and if similar grants are available in2005. [5980/05]Minister of State at the Department of Healthand Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): The AdoptionBoard is an independent statutory body withresponsibility for the administration of the AdoptionActs, 1952 to 1998. My Department has forwardedthis question to the chief executive of theAdoption Board for direct response to theDeputy.

389 Questions— 22 February 2005. <strong>Written</strong> <strong>Answers</strong> 390each health board area for each year from1995. [5963/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): The latest available information isfor end-September 2004. On this basis, <strong>the</strong> infor-mation as requested by <strong>the</strong> Deputy is as set outin <strong>the</strong> following table. The Deputy may wish tonote that it is estimated that approximately 64%<strong>of</strong> health services personnel formally classified as“management/administrative” are involved indirect service provision to <strong>the</strong> public.Total Health Service Staff end-1995 to September 2004 1Date Eastern Midland Mid-Western North- North- South- Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Western TotalEastern Western Eastern31/12/1995 26,558 3,183 4,850 4,174 4,254 5,960 9,014 6,662 64,65531/12/1996 27,262 3,300 4,904 4,136 4,285 5,850 9,138 6,795 65,66931/12/1997 28,127 3,428 5,173 4,440 4,402 6,098 9,273 6,899 67,84131/12/1998 28,747 3,592 5,399 4,516 4,444 6,266 9,376 7,300 69,64031/12/1999 30,069 3,625 5,532 4,764 4,771 6,661 9,985 7,387 72,79331/12/2000 33,116 3,967 6,201 5,147 5,265 7,439 10,828 8,107 80,07031/12/2001 36,604 4,816 6,904 5,994 6,407 8,015 12,385 9,177 90,30231/12/2002 38,689 5,251 7,364 6,374 6,722 8,579 13,031 9,669 95,67931/12/2003 37,801 5,239 7,750 6,929 6,783 8,860 13,252 9,887 96,50130/09/2004 38,535 5,498 7,922 7,226 6,872 8,627 13,701 9,997 98,379Total Management Administrative Staff end-1995 to September 2004 2Date Eastern Midland Mid-Western North- North- South- Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Western TotalEastern Western Eastern31/12/1995 3,400 338 544 527 569 675 1,025 826 7,90431/12/1996 3,527 360 581 516 594 646 1,083 866 8,17331/12/1997 3,839 385 648 569 630 729 1,153 889 8,84431/12/1998 4,138 411 723 680 656 771 1,150 951 9,48031/12/1999 4662 443 788 744 720 874 1,330 1,037 10,59931/12/2000 5,265 557 982 876 927 1,036 1,501 1,221 12,36631/12/2001 6,170 731 1,129 1,043 1,223 1,111 1,813 1,495 14,71431/12/2002 6,448 812 1,254 1,216 1,218 1,180 1,993 1,569 15,69031/12/2003 6,388 764 1,303 1,250 1,186 1,282 1,956 1,637 15,76630/09/2004 6,468 845 1,398 1,284 1,212 1,382 2,039 1,661 16,289Source: Health Service Personnel Census.Notes:1 Excludes Home Helps.2 Includes all management/ administrative and clerical personnel.Health Services.140. Caoimhghín ÓCaoláin asked <strong>the</strong> Tánaisteand Minister for Health and Children if her attentionhas been drawn to <strong>the</strong> fact that a person(details supplied) has called for an all-Ireland solutionto <strong>the</strong> shortage <strong>of</strong> children’s cardiac surgeons;if she has contacted or intends to contac<strong>the</strong>r Nor<strong>the</strong>rn counterpart with a view to establishinga joint feasibility study into <strong>the</strong> viability <strong>of</strong>such a service; if so, <strong>the</strong> proposed timetable forcompletion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> study; and if she will make astatement on <strong>the</strong> matter. [5979/05]Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children(Ms Harney): Under <strong>the</strong> Health Act 2004, <strong>the</strong>Health Service Executive has <strong>the</strong> responsibility tomanage and deliver, or arrange to be deliveredon its behalf, health and personal social services.This includes responsibility for paediatric cardiacsurgery. It is intended to refer <strong>the</strong> matter to <strong>the</strong>executive for its views on <strong>the</strong> suggestion made by<strong>the</strong> person referred to by <strong>the</strong> Deputy.Adoption Services.141. Mr. Stagg asked <strong>the</strong> Tánaiste and Ministerfor Health and Children <strong>the</strong> groups awardedgrants by <strong>the</strong> Adoption Board in 2004; <strong>the</strong>amount <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> grants awarded; <strong>the</strong> reason PARCand PNPIC (details supplied) were excluded fromgrant aid; and if similar grants are available in2005. [5980/05]Minister <strong>of</strong> State at <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Healthand Children (Mr. B. Lenihan): The AdoptionBoard is an independent statutory body withresponsibility for <strong>the</strong> administration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> AdoptionActs, 1952 to 1998. My Department has forwardedthis question to <strong>the</strong> chief executive <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Adoption Board for direct response to <strong>the</strong>Deputy.

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