Fa02 Kontrola za letuf - Úřad pro civilní letectví

Fa02 Kontrola za letuf - Úřad pro civilní letectví Fa02 Kontrola za letuf - Úřad pro civilní letectví


ÚŘAD PRO CIVILNÍ LETECTVÍSEKCE LETOVÁ A PROVOZNÍODBOR OBCHODNÍ LETECKÉ DOPRAVYKontrolní list: Kontrola za letu 2 – 3Checklist:FA02En-route inspection StranaCheck resultChecked Item: S U IC NA Action to be taken:DEPARTURE9. Takeoff Briefing10. Engine Start Procedures11. Taxi Procedures12. Clearance record and readback13. T/O (LVTO) Procedures14. Departure Procedures15. Use of weather radar16. Navigation Procedures17. Fuel monitoring18. OFP entries19. TCAS Procedures20. RVSM Procedures21. MNPS/ETOPS Procedures− Oceanic Clearance Procedures− Check of Accuracy− Retrieval of weather from HF/VHFradio (ETOPS Airports)− NAT communication on HF/VHF− Using of Plotting Chart− RNP 10 Procedures22. Approach Briefing23. Descend Procedures24. Approach Procedures− CAT II Procedures− CAT IIIA Procedures− CAT IIIB Procedures25. Landing Procedures26. After Landing Procedures27. Taxi Procedures28. Parking Procedures29. Secure30. Fill Out of Operational flight plan31. A/C Logbook entries32. Crew DebriefingEN-ROUTEDESCEND, APPROACH AND LANDINGAFTER FLIGHT

ÚŘAD PRO CIVILNÍ LETECTVÍSEKCE LETOVÁ A PROVOZNÍODBOR OBCHODNÍ LETECKÉ DOPRAVYKontrolní list: Kontrola za letu 3 – 3Checklist:FA02En-route inspection StranaCheck resultChecked Item: S U IC NA Action to be taken:FLIGHT CREW ASSESSMENT33. Communication34. Adherence to clearance35. Adherence to SOP36. Use of checklists37. Crew coordination (CRM, MCC)38. DocumentationRemarks:Jméno a podpis inspektora:Inspector‘s name & signature: …………………………………………………………………………

ÚŘAD PRO CIVILNÍ LETECTVÍSEKCE LETOVÁ A PROVOZNÍODBOR OBCHODNÍ LETECKÉ DOPRAVYKontrolní list: <strong>Kontrola</strong> <strong>za</strong> letu 2 – 3Checklist:FA02En-route inspection StranaCheck resultChecked Item: S U IC NA Action to be taken:DEPARTURE9. Takeoff Briefing10. Engine Start Procedures11. Taxi Procedures12. Clearance record and readback13. T/O (LVTO) Procedures14. Departure Procedures15. Use of weather radar16. Navigation Procedures17. Fuel monitoring18. OFP entries19. TCAS Procedures20. RVSM Procedures21. MNPS/ETOPS Procedures− Oceanic Clearance Procedures− Check of Accuracy− Retrieval of weather from HF/VHFradio (ETOPS Airports)− NAT communication on HF/VHF− Using of Plotting Chart− RNP 10 Procedures22. Ap<strong>pro</strong>ach Briefing23. Descend Procedures24. Ap<strong>pro</strong>ach Procedures− CAT II Procedures− CAT IIIA Procedures− CAT IIIB Procedures25. Landing Procedures26. After Landing Procedures27. Taxi Procedures28. Parking Procedures29. Secure30. Fill Out of Operational flight plan31. A/C Logbook entries32. Crew DebriefingEN-ROUTEDESCEND, APPROACH AND LANDINGAFTER FLIGHT

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