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DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION : CHENNAI 600 025TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM FOR B.E. / B.TECH. / B.Arch.DEGREE COURSES 2011-2012TRANSFER REQUESTED FOR:( √ - Tick the relevant box)WITHIN THE UNIVERSITYAFFILIATED COLLEGESINTERUNIVERSITYTRANSFER1 Name of the Student(in CAPITAL LETTERS)2 Address for Communication(Full Addresses withPostal Pin code)…………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….………………………………………Pin code ………………….Contact Mobile Number of the Student:Email ID: …………………………………………………………3 Month and Year of admission in theFirst year / Direct Second year( √ - Tick the relevant Box)FIRST YEAR (FULL TIME)DIRECT SECOND YEAR (LATERAL ENTRY)MonthYear4 Request for(√ - Tick the relevant Box)TRANSFER(Fill up details in Format I)TRANSFER AND READMISSION(After a break of study) (Fill up details inFormat II)5 Name of the Institution, Branch and Semester in which he / she is studying at presentEven Semester ( II, IV, VI )a)Name of the Engineering College Name of Branch Semesterb)Category of College( √ - Tick the relevant Box below)Name of University to which theCollege is Affiliated(Chennai / Coimbatore /Tiruchirappalli / Tirunelveli / Madurai)GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT AIDEDSELF FINANCINGUNIVERSITY CONSTITUENTCOLLEGEANNA UNIVERSITY OFTECHNOLOGY,………………….……………….

6a)Name of the College, Branch and Semester to which the Transfer is RequestedName of the Engineering College Name of Branch Semesterb)Category of College( √ - Tick the relevant Box below)Name of University to which theCollege is Affiliated(Chennai / Coimbatore /Tiruchirappalli / Tirunelveli / Madurai)GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT AIDEDSELF FINANCINGUNIVERSITY CONSTITUENTCOLLEGEANNA UNIVERSITY OFTECHNOLOGY,………………….……………….7Month and Year of the Even Semester Examinations (II, IV, VI) last appearedMonth Year SemesterUniversity RegisterNumberName of the University8 Reason for requesting TransferUNDERTAKINGI hereby agree for the Transfer / Re-admission cum Transfer, accepting theconditions that the University may prescribe in this regard.I further agree and state that,(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)I shall appear for the equivalent or additional papers, if any, that may beprescribed by the University.I shall diligently and faithfully follow the instructions and curriculum of theCollege to which I am transferred, that are in force time to time;I agree to pay whatever fees that are prescribed by the concerned Universityfor such Transfer.I shall not prefer any claim or right for exemption for any papers whatsoever;I shall not prefer any representation seeking stay of or exempting from theoperation of any part or in full of the conditions to be prescribed by theUniversity / CollegeI am aware that the transfer / Re-admission cum Transfer ordered by DOTE issubject to confirmation by the respective Anna University.Signature of the ParentSignature of the Student

INTER UNIVERSITY TRANSFER – V and VII SEMESTERSNO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE *(To be issued by the University to which the Transfer requested College is Affiliated)We have No objection in granting Transfer to Selvi. / Selvan.…………………………………………………………………….…….. (Name of the Student)who is studying ……………..(Semester) …………………………………………...(Branch)from ……………………………………………………………………….…………………. (Nameof the Parent College) which is affiliated to Anna University, …………….………………………(Name of the Parent University) to……………………………………………………………..………………………………….…………………………………. (Name of the College) whichis affiliated to Anna University, ……………………………. subject to the condition that thestudent has passed in all the examinations pertaining toSemester I to Semester IV / VI conducted by the Parent University.REGISTRAR* Not necessary for III semester Inter University Transfer

The following documents proof is attached:CHECK LISTTransfer of Institution (within the University):Sl.No.Required Documents1) Hall Ticket of latest Even Semester( II / IV / VI ):( √ - Tick the relevant Box)YESNOTransfer of Institution (Inter University):Sl.Required DocumentsNo.1) Hall Ticket( II / IV / VI )2) Marksheet of all previous semesters (eitherXerox or <strong>Downloaded</strong> copy)3) NOC issued by the University to which theTransfer requested College is Affiliated (for V /VII semesters only):::( √ - Tick the relevant Box)YESNOReadmission cum Transfer:Sl.Required DocumentsNo.1) Copy of Lack of Attendance in previous EvenSemester sent to Controller of Examinations2) Mark sheet of previous Even Semester( II, IV, VI )::( √ - Tick the relevant Box)YESNOStation:Date:Signature of the Student

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1 Transfer of Institution will be accorded as per guidelines issued in G.O. (Ms.)No.434, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated:23.10.2008.2 Please refer to the copy of the G.O. hosted in the DOTE Website.3 Transfer Guidelines – High lightsi) Students studying in Government / Aided / Constituent Colleges of Universitywill be considered for Transfer to Government / Aided / Constituent Collegesof University.ii) Students studying in Self Financing Engineering Colleges will be consideredfor Transfer to another Self Financing Engineering College only.iii)iv)Branch Transfer will not be accorded under any circumstances.Transfer will be accorded within the Sanctioned Intake in the respectivebranch of study in the College to which Transfer is requested.v) In case of Inter University Transfer / Autonomous Institutions Transfer thestudent should have secured a pass in all the subjects during the previoussemesters of study.vi)For Inter University Transfer / Autonomous Institutions Transfer duringV and VII semester, NOC from the University to which the Transfer requestedCollege is affiliated is <strong>com</strong>pulsory.4 General Conditions:i) The application shall be considered only if both the Principals furnish theirconsent for the Transfer.ii)iii)The candidate should continue his studies in the present college till thetransfer order is issued for admission to the new college by the Commissionerof Technical Education, Chennai.Mere forwarding of applications for transfer by the Principals with their consentdoes not confer any right and claim by the candidate for such transfer and theCommissioner of Technical Education, Chennai reserves the right to accept orreject or withhold such applications on administrative grounds withoutassigning any reasons.iv) The transfer of a candidate from one Engineering College to another after abreak in study is always subject to fulfillment of the time limit prescribed by theUniversity.v) The Transfer guidelines will be applicable to Readmission cum Transfer also.vi)Applications submitted without the following supporting documents will not beconsidered for processing.a) Transfer (Proof of Hall Ticket for having attended the Even Semesterexamination during April / May 2010).b) Readmission cum Transfer (Proof of Mark sheets for the previous Evensemester appeared and lack of attendance proof for the odd semester inwhich Readmission is requested.)c) Inter University / Autonomous Institutions Transfer (Mark sheets for allthe semesters so far appeared)d) NOC from the respective University in case of V and VII semester InterUniversity Transfer.Inter University / Autonomous Institution Transfer:In case of Inter University / Autonomous Institution Transfer, Transfer will beaccorded only after submission of proof of pass in all the previous semestersexams. The student has to continue in the Parent Institution till the results arepublished and Transfer orders are effected by this office.DOTE WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.tndte.gov.in/

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