Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

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When making a death pronouncement, the physician should also indicate in a physician’sorder the doctor who will be responsible for completing the death certificate.• Death Certificate Guidelines:o DO NOT PUT "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY FAILURE" or, "Cardio-respiratorycollapse" for the cause of death.o The first line of the "Cause of Death" section is the disease or trauma that causedthe death, e.g. myocardial infarction, NOT common final pathways likecardiopulmonary failure, etc.o The second line is for secondary causes, e.g. Atherosclerotic CardiovascularDisease, traumao The third line is for tertiary causes, if any. The contributing factors can includethings like smoking or diabetes. Please be sure there is documentation for thecause(s) mentioned, and touch base with any faculty person if you have anyquestion about what to include in the certificate. Your attending or Dr. NenaPerry will be happy to help you with any questions.DOCUMENTATION OF RESIDENCY EXPERIENCE:A comprehensive documentation of your residency experience is important to your futurepractice as a family physician. The information you collect will provide a basis of documentationwhen requesting hospital privileges and malpractice. Educational content of you training, boardcertification, as well as experience with specific diagnoses and procedures will all be consideredwhen medical staff membership is granted. For those of you with an interest in outcome analysis,documentation of patient contacts provides an invaluable database. All residents are required todocument procedural experiences using New Innovation on-line procedure logger. In addition,this program should be used to document patients seen in the ICU, SNF, and home visits. Thiswill be used as a source of information for future reference letters, which may be requested byplaces of employment and hospitals from the residency program. It will also be used to providedata to regulatory bodies such as the ACGME and ABFP to confirm we are meeting therequirements for residency education in family medicine.Introduction:DUE PROCESS PROCEDURE FOR RESIDENCY PROGRAMA number of administrative actions may affect the continued participation of a resident inthe residency program. These include, but are not limited to: periodic evaluations; lettersof counseling, warning, admonition, reprimand, and censure; probation; reduction ofprivileges; suspension from the residency program, which may include suspension ofclinical privileges for medical record delinquency, or for other reasons; and dismissal.Page 88 of 153C:\Documents and Settings\dhutak\Desktop\rshb13.doc

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