Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

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11-15: the night shift resident rounds on the number of patients >10.>15: the excess patients (over ten) are evenly distributed among theavailable residents including the night shift resident.With the approval and supervision of emergency room attendings, night shift residents areencouraged to seek experiences in the emergency room as time allows.OUTSIDE TELEPHONE CALLS1. All outside telephone calls should be directed to the backup resident.2. Accept outside calls only from these patients:a. MFHC resident or faculty patientsb. Hill Country Clinic Patients3. Advice given over the telephone should be limited and treated withconsiderable caution, given the absence of medical records, no priorknowledge of the patient, and inability to perform a physical exam.4. All conversations with patients should be dictated using the stat line (01),with a copy sent to the clinic providing the patient’s care. The dictationshould also include the following:a. Your name, the doctor dictating the note (who took the patient’scall)b. Patient’s name (use for acct #9999999)c. Patient’s DOBd. Date the of the telephone reporte. Presenting problem or questionf. Any discussiong. Impressionh. Instructions given to patient5. Consider concluding all conversations and documenting in your report thatyou advised the patient that ability to provide medical care over the phoneis limited. Therefore, the patient must go to the Emergency Departmentfor further evaluation of urgent conditions. If the decision is made for thepatient to see their own doctor for follow-up, have them set up the earliestpossible appointment and to seek care at the Emergency Department if theproblem persists, or worsens.6. If the patient needs a refill for pain medications or other controlledsubstances, have them follow-up with their private physician or go to theED. In very rare circumstances, using your judgment, you may fax totheir pharmacy a refill prescription with a limited amount of medication tolast until their clinic re-opens.Page 57 of 153C:\Documents and Settings\dhutak\Desktop\rshb13.doc

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