Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

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each Elective) one month in advance at the latest (earlier for international electives– see below), the resident will be assigned to an in-patient rotation with the usualFPC duties.General Elective Procedure: (see Request for Elective form)Section 1: The resident must identify the experience and develop educationalobjectives that describe what the resident seeks to learn in the experience.Section 2: The resident must obtain the signature and other demographicinformation requested from the supervisorSection 3: The resident must submit the Request for Elective form to theResidency Program Director for approvala. No later than one block in advance of the Away Electiveb. No later than 3 ½ blocks in advance of international electives andelectives if any special scheduling requests involving the healthcenter or call are desired. If not, one block advance is sufficient.c. A copy of this form will be sent to the Chief <strong>Resident</strong>, the <strong>Health</strong>Center and the <strong>Resident</strong>Section 4: The final evaluation must be completed by the supervisor for theresident to receive credit for the rotation. It is the resident’s responsibility to havethe supervisor complete Section 4 Final Evaluation and return this to theresidency office.Additional Criteria for Away ElectivesAway electives require a CV from the preceptor and a description of thelocation (clinic) they will be working at (brochure or copy of web sitepreferable).Additional Criteria for International Electivesi. (Note: The AAFP has information on their website underInternational Travel and <strong>Health</strong> which includes links on travelinformation, insurance, etc.)<strong>Resident</strong> is performing well in competencyareas of patient care, medical knowledge, and practice based learning andimprovement, interpersonal communication, professionalism, systemsbased practice, procedural skills, and is functioning at a level appropriateto training. (Based on residents rotation evaluations, ITE scores, andacademic counseling reports)ii. Faculty quality preceptor available on-siteiii. Medical repatriation insurance is obtained and residentunderstands/accepts the limitations of CHW insurance policiesiv. Specific Rotation goals and objectives established ahead of timev. Fluency in native language or access to bona fide translatorvi. Grand rounds caliber presentation on relevant clinical topic after returnvii. <strong>Resident</strong> bears all costs of travel, housing, food, pre-health screenings andimmunizationsPage 38 of 153C:\Documents and Settings\dhutak\Desktop\rshb13.doc

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