Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

Resident Handbook - UC Davis Health System

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• Senior <strong>Resident</strong>s must be notified of all admissions, pending deliveries, or significantchange in patient status. Any item that requires attending notification (see below)also requires communication with the senior resident. The PGY1 resident shouldprovide this notification immediately after evaluating the patient – sooner inemergent or urgent situations• The senior resident must be notified of all pending deliveries and is expected to bepresent for these deliveriesIt is important for both PGY1 and senior residents to follow these procedures. Failure to followthese procedures may result in cessation of the rotation, possible delay in residencyadvancement, and loss of future elective time while the rotation is made up. It is expected thatall residents will continue to follow the usual attending notification guidelines as outlined below:ATTENDING NOTIFICATION GUIDELINESAttending notification guidelines identify specific criteria that should trigger a phone call by aresident to an attending physician to inform the attending of a change in patient condition. It isexpected that the attending will be notified ASAP, following appropriate assessment andstabilization of the patient if necessary, for the following conditions/ circumstances:1. All Admissions2. Any significant change in condition3. Critical labs that may change the course of action of patient care4. Rapid Response Team call, Code, cardiac or respiratory arrest5. Unplanned intervention or transfer to higher level of care6. Iatrogenic event: serious complication from medical intervention7. Initiation of restraints8. Discharge AMA9. Unanticipated death10. At request of staff member, patient or family memberIn Addition for Obstetrics:1. All imminent deliveries2. All non-labor patients after evaluation prior to discharge3. Any significant or unclear FHT or TOCO that may require urgent evaluation and/ortreatment4. Unexpected blood transfusion pre or post delivery without prior attending knowledge orinstruction5. Fetal demiseIn Addition for Normal Newborns:1. Any concern or complication2. Any potential NICU transferNote: According to hospital Maternity Service Structure Standards normal newborns mustbe seen by attending within 18hrs of deliveryPage 120 of 153C:\Documents and Settings\dhutak\Desktop\rshb13.doc

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