Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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- 78 -COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2PurposeVehicle Repair StationVeterinary ClinicVeterinary HospitalWarehouseAny other purpose not specified in thisTableMinimum Number of Parking Spaces5 spaces plus 1 space per 90mZ of net lettablearea1 space per 25m2 of net lettable area1 space per 25m2 of net lettable area1 space per 90mZ of net lettable areaSufficient spaces to accommodate the amountof vehicular trafk likely, in the opinion ofCouncil, to be generated by the particulardevelopment4.3.2 Carparking Standards(a)(b)Carparking spaces, access aisles, driveways and turning areas shall bedesigned in accordance with Australian Standard 2890 as illustrated inFigure 1.Approval of any design not conforming to these standards shall be at thediscretion of the City Planner.(c)(i)(ii)Where an access driveway provides access to a maximum of 10parking spaces, the minimum width of the driveway shall be 3.6metres.Where an access driveway provides access to more than 10 parlungspaces, the minimum width of the driveway shall be 5.4 metres.(iii) In the case of existing driveways, Council may approve a narrowerwidth of driveway but in no case shall a driveway be less than 3metres wide.(d)(i)(ii)Where a parking space is contiguous to a wall, column or otherobstruction on one side, the minimum width of the space shall be 2.8metres.Where a parking space is contiguous with a wall, column or otherobstruction on both sides, the minimum width of the space shall be 3metres.(e)(0(g)Except as specified in Table 2, tandem parking will only be permitted wherethe minimum number of parking spaces required for the use are providedother than in tandem.Where a parking area is permitted up to the boundary of a property, a dwarfwall or wheel stop shall be provided to prevent overhanging of vehiclesbeyond the property boundary.Access to all parking areas shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.1metres.

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- 78 -COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2PurposeVehicle Repair StationVeterinary ClinicVeterinary HospitalWarehouseAny other purpose not specified in thisTableMinimum Number of Parking Spaces5 spaces plus 1 space per 90mZ of net lettablearea1 space per 25m2 of net lettable area1 space per 25m2 of net lettable area1 space per 90mZ of net lettable areaSufficient spaces to accommodate the amountof vehicular trafk likely, in the opinion of<strong>Council</strong>, to be generated by the particulardevelopment4.3.2 Carparking Standards(a)(b)Carparking spaces, access aisles, driveways and turning areas shall bedesigned in accordance with Australian Standard 2890 as illustrated inFigure 1.Approval of any design not conforming to these standards shall be at thediscretion of the City Planner.(c)(i)(ii)Where an access driveway provides access to a maximum of 10parking spaces, the minimum width of the driveway shall be 3.6metres.Where an access driveway provides access to more than 10 parlungspaces, the minimum width of the driveway shall be 5.4 metres.(iii) In the case of existing driveways, <strong>Council</strong> may approve a narrowerwidth of driveway but in no case shall a driveway be less than 3metres wide.(d)(i)(ii)Where a parking space is contiguous to a wall, column or otherobstruction on one side, the minimum width of the space shall be 2.8metres.Where a parking space is contiguous with a wall, column or otherobstruction on both sides, the minimum width of the space shall be 3metres.(e)(0(g)Except as specified in Table 2, tandem parking will only be permitted wherethe minimum number of parking spaces required for the use are providedother than in tandem.Where a parking area is permitted up to the boundary of a property, a dwarfwall or wheel stop shall be provided to prevent overhanging of vehiclesbeyond the property boundary.Access to all parking areas shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.1metres.

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