Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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CONTENTS4. RequirementsResidential Development4. 1-2-GeneralDetached DwellingsRelatives' AccommodationDual OccupancySpecial Residential UseSingle Room OccupancyCaretaker's ResidenceAccommodation Units (Medium Density)& (High Density), Holiday Apartments(Medium Density) & (High Density) &Retirement VillagesHotels (Medium Density) & (High Density)Motels (Medium Density) & (High Density)Boarding Houses (Medium Density) &(High Density), Hostels (Medium Density)& (High Density)Caravan Parks & Mobile Home ParksBusiness, Shopping & Commercial Development4.7.1 General4.7.2 Development in the Central Business &Tourist Facilities Zones4.7.3 Development in the Business & LocalShopping Zone4.7.4 Development in the Commercial Zone4.7.5 Medical Centres4.7.6 Funeral Parlour including Mortuary4.7.7 Child Care Centres4.7.8 Restricted Premises4.7.9 Service Stations4.7.10 Outdoor Sales PremisesIndustrial Development4.8.1 General4.8.2 Specific Site Requirements4.8.3 Dispensations4.8.4 Particular Requirements Relatingto Areas Designated for Industrial Development4.8.5 Particular Requirements Relating to Junk YardsIndoor EntertainmentMiscellaneous Provisions4.10.1 Built Form4.10.2 Access For Handicapped Persons4.10.3 Footpath Queues4.10.4 Lighting4.10.5 Setbacks from Boundaries AbuttingAccess Restriction Strips4.10.6 Temporary Development4.10.7 Trinity Inlet Management Plan4.10.8 Drainage Problem Areas4.10.9 Corner Truncations4.10.10 UnzonedLandPAGE8383858586868788899091939597105105106107107108109109111112112113113113114114115116116116117117117118118118

-3-CONTENTS5. PROVISIONS FOR SUBDMSION AND AMALGAMATION OF LAND5.1 Preliminary5.2 Allotment Size, Dimensions & Access5.3 Greenstreet Development5.4 Staged Subdivision5.5 Corner Truncations5.6 Access Restriction Strips5.7 Easements5.8 Alterations to Public Utilities5.9 Road Design & Construction5.10 Stormwater Drainage5.11 Infrastructure5.1 1.1 Utility Services5.11.2 Water Supply5.11.3 Sewerage5.12 Parks5.13 Retention of Vegetation5.14 Pedestrian & Cyclist Facilities5.15 Subdivision by-Lease5.16 Amalgamation of Land5.17 Group Titles Subdivision6. ADMINISTRATION5.17.1 General5.17.2 Common Property5.17.3 Provision ofAccess & Carparking5.17.4 Lots6.1 Intent and Application of this Section6.2 Matters Applicable to All Applications6.3 Applications for Amendments of the Planning Scheme6.4 Applications for Consent6.5 Combined Applications6.6 Applications for Relaxation or Modification of Scheme Provisions6.7 Applications for Modifications of Applications and Approvals6.8 Applications for Subdivision6.9 Applications for Group Title Subdivision6.10 Applications for Amalgamation of Land Under the Act6.11 Application for Town Planning Certificates6.12 Plans and Reports Required with Applications6.13 Determination of Applications6. with Conditions and Requirements Imposed by CouncilRegister of Existing Lawful Non-Conforming UsesRegister of Existing Lawful Fettered UsesPreservation of Earlier Conditions of ApprovalPAGE119119119121122122123123123123125126126126126127134134135135135135136~~ ~136137139139~~ ~139140141141141141142150150151151151152152154156

CONTENTS4. RequirementsResidential Development4. 1-2-GeneralDetached DwellingsRelatives' AccommodationDual OccupancySpecial Residential UseSingle Room OccupancyCaretaker's ResidenceAccommodation Units (Medium Density)& (High Density), Holiday Apartments(Medium Density) & (High Density) &Retirement VillagesHotels (Medium Density) & (High Density)Motels (Medium Density) & (High Density)Boarding Houses (Medium Density) &(High Density), Hostels (Medium Density)& (High Density)Caravan Parks & Mobile Home ParksBusiness, Shopping & Commercial Development4.7.1 General4.7.2 Development in the Central Business &Tourist Facilities Zones4.7.3 Development in the Business & LocalShopping Zone4.7.4 Development in the Commercial Zone4.7.5 Medical Centres4.7.6 Funeral Parlour including Mortuary4.7.7 Child Care Centres4.7.8 Restricted Premises4.7.9 Service Stations4.7.10 Outdoor Sales PremisesIndustrial Development4.8.1 General4.8.2 Specific Site Requirements4.8.3 Dispensations4.8.4 Particular Requirements Relatingto Areas Designated for Industrial Development4.8.5 Particular Requirements Relating to Junk YardsIndoor EntertainmentMiscellaneous <strong>Provisions</strong>4.10.1 Built Form4.10.2 Access For Handicapped Persons4.10.3 Footpath Queues4.10.4 Lighting4.10.5 Setbacks from Boundaries AbuttingAccess Restriction Strips4.10.6 Temporary Development4.10.7 Trinity Inlet Management Plan4.10.8 Drainage Problem Areas4.10.9 Corner Truncations4.10.10 UnzonedLandPAGE8383858586868788899091939597105105106107107108109109111112112113113113114114115116116116117117117118118118

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