Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

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- 34 -3.3 Intent of Zones and Table of Zones3.3.1 Non-Urban ZoneIntentThe intent of the Non-Urban zone is to accommodate larger areas of land whichare either not suitable for more intensive development because of constraintsimposed by topography, geotechnical factors, economic provision of services andthe like or, if they are suitable for some form of development, have not yet beenproposed for development.The nature of the most appropriate form of any development will depend on<strong>Council</strong>'s forward planning intentions as expressed in the Strategic Plan and inrelevant Development Control Plans. Any applications for development will beconsidered in relation to the requirements of these Plans.Detached dwellings and associated uses are permitted.Any development that may be permitted within the zone must not prejudice thefuture orderly development of the surrounding area and must take account of theexisting uses and the preferred future use of the land in the surrounding area.TABLEColumn 1Permitted[as-of-right]DevelopmentColumn 2Permissible Development[requires Town <strong>Planning</strong>Consent]Column 3Prohibited DevelopmentDetached DwellingFamily Day CareLocal UtilitiesParkRelatives' AccommodationAny purpose other thanthose referred to inColumns 1 & 3.Accommodation Units (High Density)Accommodation Units (Medium Density)AirportAutomatic Mechanical CarwashBoarding House (High Density)Boarding House (Medium Density)Bulk Landscape & Garden SuppliesBulk StoreCarparkCaravan ParkCaretakers ResidenceCatering ShopCemeteryChild Care CentreCommercial LaundryCommercial PremisesCommercial ServicesCrematoriumDisplay HomeDual OccupancyEducational EstablishmentFast Food OutletFast Food Delivery ServiceFreight DepotFuel DepotFunction CentreFuneral ParlourGreen Street DevelopmentHardware Store

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