Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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-31 -Where, by virtue of this Scheme -i. development on land, the erection of a building or other structure on land or the useof land may be undertaken or carried out without the Consent of the Council; orii.because of an approval, decision or Consent given by the Council, development onland, the erection of a building or other structure on land or the use of land may beundertaken or carried out;such development, building or use shall nevertheless -(a)be subject to all relevant laws and Local Laws; and(l~) be subject to those provisions of this Scheme which are expressed to apply in suchcases.The obligation of compliance with this Scheme lies upon the applicant or, if there is noapplicant, upon the person undertaking or carrying out or proposing to undertake or carryout development on land, the erection of a building or other structure on land or the use ofland.The Council may, by notice in writing, require the owner of any premises to which anyprovision of this Scheme applies to comply with that provision, or to make an applicationto the Council for an approval decision or Consent required to be given or made by itunder this Scheme.

- 32 -3. DMSION OF THE CITY INTO ZONESThe City is divided into eighteen zones. These zones are identified on the zoning mapsand include all land within the Cairns City local authority area.The Table of Zones outlines the allocation of land uses to each zone as follows :I Column--TABLE 11 - identifies appropriate and compatible uses which are allowed as ofright, subject to compliance with Council's relevant performance standards and alsoknown in the plan as "Permitted Development";Column 2 - identifies uses which are allowed with Council Consent and subject tocompliance with Council's relevant performance standards and any relevantconditions imposed by Council at the time of approval and also known in the planas "Permissible Development";Column 3 - identifies uses which are prohibited and also known in the plan as"Prohibited Development".Table 1 below lists the eighteen zones identified on the zoning maps and outlines theidentifying code letters and colour designations of each zone.CodeLettersName of ZoneColour on Zoning PlansNuHRRMDRTFCBBLSCMLIGIFIWFI0sSRCSPSFNon UrbanHillside ResidentialResidential~~~Medium Density ResidentialTourist FacilitiesCentral BusinessBusinessLocal ShoppingCommercialLight IndustryGeneral IndustryFlammable IndustryWater Front IndustryOpen SpaceSport & RecreationConservationSpecial PurposesSpecial FacilitiesMid BrownPink CrosshatchPinkDark RedTanDark BlueMid BlueLight BlueLight Blue CrosshatchMauvePurpleMauve with Red CrosshatchMauve with Red Zig-Zag HatchDark GreenMid GreenLight GreenYellowYellow with a Red Border and UseNotated in Red3.1 General IntentThe intent of the zones is implemented through the Table of Zones and the zones areintended to provide for :- the orderly growth and development of the City;establishment of an appropriate mix of land uses, generally in accordance with theintent of the zones and the intent of the Strategic Plan;

- 32 -3. DMSION OF THE CITY INTO ZONESThe City is divided into eighteen zones. These zones are identified on the zoning mapsand include all land within the <strong>Cairns</strong> City local authority area.The Table of Zones outlines the allocation of land uses to each zone as follows :I Column--TABLE 11 - identifies appropriate and compatible uses which are allowed as ofright, subject to compliance with <strong>Council</strong>'s relevant performance standards and alsoknown in the plan as "Permitted Development";Column 2 - identifies uses which are allowed with <strong>Council</strong> Consent and subject tocompliance with <strong>Council</strong>'s relevant performance standards and any relevantconditions imposed by <strong>Council</strong> at the time of approval and also known in the planas "Permissible Development";Column 3 - identifies uses which are prohibited and also known in the plan as"Prohibited Development".Table 1 below lists the eighteen zones identified on the zoning maps and outlines theidentifying code letters and colour designations of each zone.CodeLettersName of ZoneColour on Zoning PlansNuHRRMDRTFCBBLSCMLIGIFIWFI0sSRCSPSFNon UrbanHillside ResidentialResidential~~~Medium Density ResidentialTourist FacilitiesCentral BusinessBusinessLocal ShoppingCommercialLight IndustryGeneral IndustryFlammable IndustryWater Front IndustryOpen SpaceSport & RecreationConservationSpecial PurposesSpecial FacilitiesMid BrownPink CrosshatchPinkDark RedTanDark BlueMid BlueLight BlueLight Blue CrosshatchMauvePurpleMauve with Red CrosshatchMauve with Red Zig-Zag HatchDark GreenMid GreenLight GreenYellowYellow with a Red Border and UseNotated in Red3.1 General IntentThe intent of the zones is implemented through the Table of Zones and the zones areintended to provide for :- the orderly growth and development of the City;establishment of an appropriate mix of land uses, generally in accordance with theintent of the zones and the intent of the Strategic Plan;

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