Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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- 120 -(iv) *Allotments with areas of less than 5000mZ may be approved in cases whereCouncil has entered into an agreement in association with the rezoning of landapproved prior to the gazettal of this Planning Scheme.Allotments in the Residential zone(i)(ii)An allotment at the blind end of a cul-de-sac may have a minimum frontage of 10metres.A subdivision may incorporate rear allotments, provided :the minimum area of the allotment exclusive of the access strip is 600square metres;* the access strip has a minimum width of 4.5 metres.(iii) Council may approve allotments where the fiontage and area of allotments oreither of them is less than the minimum prescribed in order to :facilitate the subdivision of a Dual Occupancy development;facilitate a Green Street development.Allotments in the Medium Density Residential zone(i)Council may approve allotments where the frontage and area of allotments oreither of them is less than the minimum prescribed in order to :facilitate the subdivision of a Dual Occupancy development;facilitate a Green Street Development.Allotments in the Central Business, Business and Commercial zones.(i)Council may approve allotments where the frontage and area of allotments oreither of them is less than the minimum prescribed in order to facilitate thesubdivision of a Dual Occupancy development.Allotments in the Light Industry, General Industry, Flammable Industry andWaterfront Industry Zones.(i)Council may approve allotments where the frontage and area of allotments oreither of them is less than the minimum prescribed where Council considers suchvariation to be acceptable because of the location, size, shape or topography ofthe land proposed to be subdivided and where Council considers that theproposed allotments would be satisfactory for the use or uses permissible withinthe zone in which the land is included or where it considers the allotment orallotments to be created to be more desirable than the existing subdivision layout.(ii) A subdivision may incorporate rear allotments, provided :0the minimum area of that section of the allotment exclusive of the accessstrip is equal to 90% of he minimum prescribed area for an allotment in theparticular zone;the access strip has a minimum width of 6 metres.All proposed allotments in a subdivision shall be provided with suitable access to thesatisfaction of the City Engineer.Where rear allotments are proposed or where practical access is provided by way ofeasement, Council may require a suitable driveway to be constructed within the accessstrip or within the easement to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

- 121 -5.3 Green Street DevelopmentNotwithstanding the minimum standards for area and dimensions of proposed allotments set outin this section, Council may approve a subdivision to create allotments with lesser area anddimensions to provide for an integrated house and land development.Council shall be satisfied that the development is in a location where the subdivision of landinto allotments less than 600 square metres in area will not prejudicially affect the amenity ofthe neighbourhood or result in development out of character with the neighbourhood orprejudicially affect the provision of public utilities or services to the land or to the localitygenerally. In particular, the following requirements shall be satisfied :-(4(b)(c)The parcel of land proposed to be subdivided shall have an area of not less than2000mz;Development shall be subject to a Plan of Development which shall show details of allallotments, roads, building layout and orientation, open spaces and landscaping toCouncil's satisfaction. Such plan shall be identified by a number and date, andsubmitted for Council's approval;In preparing a Plan of Development, the following matters shall be taken into account :.the topography of the landthe shape of the sitethe availability of servicesaccess to the sitehousing demand in the areaexisting and likely future development in the localitythe proposed landscaping and open space areasthe relevant subdivision requirements of this planning schemethe relevant objectives and performance criteria contained within Part B ofAMCORDany policy of Council relating to AMCORDAll buildings shall be designed, sited and constructed, and allotments shall besurveyed, in accordance with the Plan of Development.An integrated housing design and construction programme shall be undertaken as partof the subdivision.An integrated landscaping plan prepared by a landscape architect and approved byCouncil shall be implemented.Where required by Council security to the satisfaction of Council shall be provided toensure completion of an integrated housing development in association with thesubdivision.Special facilities for parking and turning of vehicles shall be provided by thesubdivider in accordance with any policy of the Council.The electricity supply to each of the allotments in the subdivision shall beunderground.No stage development shall be approved unless the Council is satisfied that any stagingshall not compromise the implementation of the overall concept for an integrated houseand land development project.The Council may approve of minor amendments to the Plan of Development providedthat any such amendment shall not include :an increase in the number of dwellings proposed for the site;

- 121 -5.3 Green Street DevelopmentNotwithstanding the minimum standards for area and dimensions of proposed allotments set outin this section, <strong>Council</strong> may approve a subdivision to create allotments with lesser area anddimensions to provide for an integrated house and land development.<strong>Council</strong> shall be satisfied that the development is in a location where the subdivision of landinto allotments less than 600 square metres in area will not prejudicially affect the amenity ofthe neighbourhood or result in development out of character with the neighbourhood orprejudicially affect the provision of public utilities or services to the land or to the localitygenerally. In particular, the following requirements shall be satisfied :-(4(b)(c)The parcel of land proposed to be subdivided shall have an area of not less than2000mz;Development shall be subject to a Plan of Development which shall show details of allallotments, roads, building layout and orientation, open spaces and landscaping to<strong>Council</strong>'s satisfaction. Such plan shall be identified by a number and date, andsubmitted for <strong>Council</strong>'s approval;In preparing a Plan of Development, the following matters shall be taken into account :.the topography of the landthe shape of the sitethe availability of servicesaccess to the sitehousing demand in the areaexisting and likely future development in the localitythe proposed landscaping and open space areasthe relevant subdivision requirements of this planning schemethe relevant objectives and performance criteria contained within Part B ofAMCORDany policy of <strong>Council</strong> relating to AMCORDAll buildings shall be designed, sited and constructed, and allotments shall besurveyed, in accordance with the Plan of Development.An integrated housing design and construction programme shall be undertaken as partof the subdivision.An integrated landscaping plan prepared by a landscape architect and approved by<strong>Council</strong> shall be implemented.Where required by <strong>Council</strong> security to the satisfaction of <strong>Council</strong> shall be provided toensure completion of an integrated housing development in association with thesubdivision.Special facilities for parking and turning of vehicles shall be provided by thesubdivider in accordance with any policy of the <strong>Council</strong>.The electricity supply to each of the allotments in the subdivision shall beunderground.No stage development shall be approved unless the <strong>Council</strong> is satisfied that any stagingshall not compromise the implementation of the overall concept for an integrated houseand land development project.The <strong>Council</strong> may approve of minor amendments to the Plan of Development providedthat any such amendment shall not include :an increase in the number of dwellings proposed for the site;

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