Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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-7-Relocatable HomeA relocatable dwelling unit or accommodation unit which complies with the provisions ofthe Building Act pertaining to Class I or Class I11 buildings respectively, and which isdesigned to be transported, after fabrication, upon its own wheels, upon removable wheels,or upon a vehicle or trailer.Residential DevelopmentAny development which provides residential accommodation of any form.includes a detached dwelling.The termResidential UseIncludes the use of any premises for the purposes of an accommodation building, agedpersons home, caravan park, caretaker's residence, dual occupancy, detached dwelling,relocatable home park or retirement village or the accommodation component of any hotel,motel or hostel.Risk Reduction PromamA written program which sets out measures to be implemented by an operator against aspecified time frame for the reduction of risk of fatality associated with a particulardevelopment to a level considered acceptable by Council.SchemeThe Planning Scheme for part of the City of Cairns.SetbackThe space, distance or dimension between the frontage of an allotment and the externalwall of an existing or proposed building lying parallel to the frontage. Such space,distance or dimension is determined without reference to an eave, a roof surface or a shadestructure over an unenclosed balcony.Any land over which subdivision is proposed or on which development is carried out or isproposed to be carried out whether such land comprises the whole or part of one allotmentor more than one allotment if each of such allotments is contiguous with the other oranother of such allotments.Site CoverageThe largest area of a site occupied by a buildingk at any level projected on to a horizontalplane and expressed as a percentage of total site area.In the calculation of site coverage, the area occupied by the buildingk shall be calculatedby measuring along the external perimeter of the buildingk including all passageways,staircases and the like. Unenclosed private verandahs, balconies or patios accessible onlyfrom one accommodation unit, hotel room, motel room or the like shall be excluded fromthe calculation provided the depth of the verandah, balcony or patio measured from itsback wall exceeds 1.25 metres but does not exceed 2.75 metres.In all zones, the site coverage shall include all ancillary buildings (eg, restaurants, foyers,reception areas) except where, in the opinion of the Council, such ancillary buildings areconsidered to be outbuildings (garages, carports, pergolas and the like).For developments where several buildings of different storeys are proposed to be erectedon the one site, the applicable site coverage for the entire development will be based on theparticular site coverage requirements for the tallest building.

-7-Relocatable HomeA relocatable dwelling unit or accommodation unit which complies with the provisions ofthe Building Act pertaining to Class I or Class I11 buildings respectively, and which isdesigned to be transported, after fabrication, upon its own wheels, upon removable wheels,or upon a vehicle or trailer.Residential DevelopmentAny development which provides residential accommodation of any form.includes a detached dwelling.The termResidential UseIncludes the use of any premises for the purposes of an accommodation building, agedpersons home, caravan park, caretaker's residence, dual occupancy, detached dwelling,relocatable home park or retirement village or the accommodation component of any hotel,motel or hostel.Risk Reduction PromamA written program which sets out measures to be implemented by an operator against aspecified time frame for the reduction of risk of fatality associated with a particulardevelopment to a level considered acceptable by <strong>Council</strong>.<strong>Scheme</strong>The <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> for part of the City of <strong>Cairns</strong>.SetbackThe space, distance or dimension between the frontage of an allotment and the externalwall of an existing or proposed building lying parallel to the frontage. Such space,distance or dimension is determined without reference to an eave, a roof surface or a shadestructure over an unenclosed balcony.Any land over which subdivision is proposed or on which development is carried out or isproposed to be carried out whether such land comprises the whole or part of one allotmentor more than one allotment if each of such allotments is contiguous with the other oranother of such allotments.Site CoverageThe largest area of a site occupied by a buildingk at any level projected on to a horizontalplane and expressed as a percentage of total site area.In the calculation of site coverage, the area occupied by the buildingk shall be calculatedby measuring along the external perimeter of the buildingk including all passageways,staircases and the like. Unenclosed private verandahs, balconies or patios accessible onlyfrom one accommodation unit, hotel room, motel room or the like shall be excluded fromthe calculation provided the depth of the verandah, balcony or patio measured from itsback wall exceeds 1.25 metres but does not exceed 2.75 metres.In all zones, the site coverage shall include all ancillary buildings (eg, restaurants, foyers,reception areas) except where, in the opinion of the <strong>Council</strong>, such ancillary buildings areconsidered to be outbuildings (garages, carports, pergolas and the like).For developments where several buildings of different storeys are proposed to be erectedon the one site, the applicable site coverage for the entire development will be based on theparticular site coverage requirements for the tallest building.

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