Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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- 110-Sites for these larger facilities should be located in or adjacent to theretail or non-retail commercial areas or adjacent to other existing orplanned non-retail uses (such as schools, commnnity facilities etc.)(ii) Child Care Centres may only establish within residentialneighbourhoods if the survival of the facility is not dependant uponattracting patronage from beyond the immediate residential area.Sites for these smaller/local facilities should be located adjacent toother non-residential uses (such as local shop, etc.). This is so as toavoid such uses representing non-residential intrusions into purelyresidential neighbourhoods.(iii) Child Care Centres are encouraged to establish abutting/adjacent tohigher order roads such as distributor/collector roads and sub-arterialroads to ensure any additional traffic movements generated are notsignificant given existing traffic volumes.(iv) Location of Child Care Centres abutting/adjacent to lower order roadssuch as local residential streets is not considered to be suitable.(b)Premises shall not be erected or used for the purpose of a Child Care Centreunless the following requirements are satisfied :-(i)(ii)The minimum site area for a child care centre shall be as follows-*900mz for a Child Care Centre accommodating up to 25 children1,500mz for a Child Care Centre accommodating up to 50children2,000mz for a Child Care Centre accommodating over 50 childrenbut not exceeding 75 childrenThe Child Care Centre building shall be located so as to provide anefficient layout and to minimise adverse effects of the totaldevelopment on adjoining property owners.(iii) In residential zones, Child Care Centres and all associated carparkingand manoeuvring areas, shall be setback 6 metres from the frontproperty boundary.(iv)(v)Setbacks for Child Care Centres located within other areas of the cityshall be a minimum of 3 metres unless otherwise approved byCouncil.With regard to sites that have more than one street frontage, theCouncil may modify this provision to a minimum of 3 metres to anysecondary road frontage.(vi) Within residential zones, all outdoor play areas shall be setback aminimum of 2 metres from adjoining properties, so as to provide alandscape buffer of advanced plant species. Council may allow areduction of this landscape buffer under the following circumstances -where a 2 metre high substantial wall (e.g. a solid brickblockwall) is proposed to be located adjacent to the outdoor play areas,and where there will be minimum disturbance to adjoiningproperties.This is subject to the adjacent land use and the proximity of adjacentbuildings.(vii) All setback areas required shall be fully landscaped to the satisfactionof the City Planner.

- 111 -(viii) The areas to be landscaped with trees, shrubs, lawn and otherlandscape features, shall be designed by a Landscape Architect, and aplan shall be submitted with the building application.(ix) Child Care Centres located within residential areas, shall erect a 1.8metre high solid screen fence on all side and rear boundaries.(x)In all other zones within the city, fencing provisions for Child CareCentres shall be assessed on a specific basis.(xi) Within residential zones, signage shall be limited to one sign. Thesign shall have an area no greater than 2mz.(xii) Signage associated with Child Care Centres located within all otherzones shall be assessed on its merits.(xiii) Signage advising users of the Child Care Centre of access andcarparking shall be provided on site.(xiv) Illuminated signs are only permitted within commercial zones.(xv) All securityhight lighting shall be designated and constructed to thesatisfaction of the City Planner so as to ensure that light emitted fromthe subject land does not, in the opinion of Council, cause nuisance orannoyance to residents in the immediate vicinity or to passingmotorists.(xvi) Hours of operation for Child Care Centres located within residentialzones shall be limited to :Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm (unless otherwiseapproved by Council)(xvii)Hours of operation for proposed Child Care Centres located within allother zones shall be advised to Council at consent application stage.Hours of operation shall be specified by Council at consent applicationstage.(xviii)The applicant must submit information which demonstrates that theroad network is capable of accommodating the additional trafficgenerated by the proposal. Hierarchy, road widths, and configurationwill be relevant considerations.4.7.8 Restricted Premises(a)Restricted Premises shall be designed and constructed to achieve thefollowing objectives :-(i)The display window of the premises shall be completely screened toprohibit viewing into the interior of the premises where goods are ondisplay.(ii) A sign stating "Persons Under 18 Not Permitted" shall be clearlyvisible to the general public and located near the entrance to thepremises.(iii) Public access to the premises shall be limited to the main streetfrontage with one public point of access only to the premises.(iv) One sign not exceeding 3 metres by 0.3 metres advertising thepremises may be erected provided that the sign does not detract fromthe amenity of the locality.

- 111 -(viii) The areas to be landscaped with trees, shrubs, lawn and otherlandscape features, shall be designed by a Landscape Architect, and aplan shall be submitted with the building application.(ix) Child Care Centres located within residential areas, shall erect a 1.8metre high solid screen fence on all side and rear boundaries.(x)In all other zones within the city, fencing provisions for Child CareCentres shall be assessed on a specific basis.(xi) Within residential zones, signage shall be limited to one sign. Thesign shall have an area no greater than 2mz.(xii) Signage associated with Child Care Centres located within all otherzones shall be assessed on its merits.(xiii) Signage advising users of the Child Care Centre of access andcarparking shall be provided on site.(xiv) Illuminated signs are only permitted within commercial zones.(xv) All securityhight lighting shall be designated and constructed to thesatisfaction of the City Planner so as to ensure that light emitted fromthe subject land does not, in the opinion of <strong>Council</strong>, cause nuisance orannoyance to residents in the immediate vicinity or to passingmotorists.(xvi) Hours of operation for Child Care Centres located within residentialzones shall be limited to :Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm (unless otherwiseapproved by <strong>Council</strong>)(xvii)Hours of operation for proposed Child Care Centres located within allother zones shall be advised to <strong>Council</strong> at consent application stage.Hours of operation shall be specified by <strong>Council</strong> at consent applicationstage.(xviii)The applicant must submit information which demonstrates that theroad network is capable of accommodating the additional trafficgenerated by the proposal. Hierarchy, road widths, and configurationwill be relevant considerations.4.7.8 Restricted Premises(a)Restricted Premises shall be designed and constructed to achieve thefollowing objectives :-(i)The display window of the premises shall be completely screened toprohibit viewing into the interior of the premises where goods are ondisplay.(ii) A sign stating "Persons Under 18 Not Permitted" shall be clearlyvisible to the general public and located near the entrance to thepremises.(iii) Public access to the premises shall be limited to the main streetfrontage with one public point of access only to the premises.(iv) One sign not exceeding 3 metres by 0.3 metres advertising thepremises may be erected provided that the sign does not detract fromthe amenity of the locality.

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