Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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- 106-(iii) To provide for convenience, safe and efficient movement of vehiclesand pedestrians within the site as well as to and from the site.(iv) To retain any special local character in the area in which thedevelopment is proposed.(v)To take proper account of the physical character of the site and itssurrounds.(vi) To meet the requirements for carparking, access and loadmg set out in4.3 above.(b)(c)(d)(vii) To meet the requirements for landscaping, fencing and amenity as setout in 4.5 above.(viii) To meet the requirements for the provision of external works andgeneral site development as required by this Planning Scheme.Where a site proposed for business, shopping or commercial developmentcomprises more than one allotment, all allotments comprising the site shallbe amalgamated by survey into one allotment before the development iscommenced, unless otherwise approved by Council.Premises used or intended for the purposes of business, shopping orcommercial development shall comply with the design parameters andrequirements of Development Control Plan 2.If a detached dwelling or other residential development is located on the siteof the proposed development, it shall :(i)(ii)be demolished or removed prior to the commencement of the proposeddevelopment; orbe converted to a building suitable for the proposed use to thesatisfaction of the City Planner; or(iii) be converted to a caretaker's residence or other suitable form ofresidential use to the satisfaction of the City Planner.4.7.2 Development in the Central Business and Tourist Facilities Zones(a)Development in the Central Business zone and in those parts of the TouristFacilities zone adjacent to or in proximity to the Central Business zone shallbe in accordance with the following specific provisions :-(i)A cantilever awning shall be erected over the footpath to the fullfrontage of the site and with a setback of 1 metre from the face of thelcerb unless otherwise approved by Council.(ii) The footpath to the full frontage of the site shall be paved for its fullwidth in accordance with Council's Guidelines unless otherwiseapproved by Council.(iii) Footpaths, verges and medians to the full frontage of the site shall belandscaped in accordance with the provisions of the CBD LandscapeMaster Plan.(iv) Irrigation of landscaped areas shall be provided if a water connectionpoint is available within the site frontage.

- 107-(v)If a water connection point is not available, a contribution towards theconnection of water supply and irrigation shall be paid before thedevelopment is commenced.(vi) Council may accept a contribution in lieu of the construction of theworks. The contribution shall be held in trust and expended only forthe provision of the required landscaping. The contribution shall bepaid before the development is commenced.(vii) Carparking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements ofTable 2 in this Section.4.7.3 Development in the Business and Local Shopping Zone(a)Development in the Business and Local Shopping zones shall be inaccordance with the following specific provisions :-(i)(ii)Where buildings are constructed up to the road alignment, a cantileverawning shall be erected over the footpath to the full frontage of thesite and with a setback of 1 metre fiom the face of the kerb unlessotherwise approved by the Council.The footpath to the full frontage of the site shall be paved for its fullwidth in accordance with Council's guidelines unless otherwiseapproved by the Council.(iii) Proposed buildings or other structures may be erected up to the roadalignment provided that adequate provision is made for carparking tobe clearly visible from the road as required by 4.3.3 above.(iv) Unless otherwise specified in the provisions of Development ControlPlan 2, buildings and other structures may be built up to the side andrear boundaries, provided they comply with all relevant requirementsof the Building Act and the Standard Buildmg By-laws.(v)A minimum area of 10% of the area of the allotment shall be providedfor landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. This area shallnot include any area used for vehicular access, manoeuvring orparking.(vi) Carparkng shall be provided in accordance with the requirement ofTable 2 in this Section.,(vii) Provision shall be made within the site for loadmg and unloadingvehicles.4.7.4 Development in the Commercial Zone(a)Development in the Commercial zone shall be in accordance with thefollowing specific provisions :-(i)(ii)Any proposed building or other structure shall be setback a minimumof 6 metres from the main street frontage of the site and, in the case ofa site having more than one street frontage, a minimum of three metresfrom the other street frontage, unless otherwise approved by Council.Unless otherwise specified in the provisions of Development ControlPlan 2, buildings and other structures may be built up to the side andrear boundaries, provided they comply with all relevant requirementsof the Building Act and the Standard Building By-laws.

- 106-(iii) To provide for convenience, safe and efficient movement of vehiclesand pedestrians within the site as well as to and from the site.(iv) To retain any special local character in the area in which thedevelopment is proposed.(v)To take proper account of the physical character of the site and itssurrounds.(vi) To meet the requirements for carparking, access and loadmg set out in4.3 above.(b)(c)(d)(vii) To meet the requirements for landscaping, fencing and amenity as setout in 4.5 above.(viii) To meet the requirements for the provision of external works andgeneral site development as required by this <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong>.Where a site proposed for business, shopping or commercial developmentcomprises more than one allotment, all allotments comprising the site shallbe amalgamated by survey into one allotment before the development iscommenced, unless otherwise approved by <strong>Council</strong>.Premises used or intended for the purposes of business, shopping orcommercial development shall comply with the design parameters andrequirements of Development Control Plan 2.If a detached dwelling or other residential development is located on the siteof the proposed development, it shall :(i)(ii)be demolished or removed prior to the commencement of the proposeddevelopment; orbe converted to a building suitable for the proposed use to thesatisfaction of the City Planner; or(iii) be converted to a caretaker's residence or other suitable form ofresidential use to the satisfaction of the City Planner.4.7.2 Development in the Central Business and Tourist Facilities Zones(a)Development in the Central Business zone and in those parts of the TouristFacilities zone adjacent to or in proximity to the Central Business zone shallbe in accordance with the following specific provisions :-(i)A cantilever awning shall be erected over the footpath to the fullfrontage of the site and with a setback of 1 metre from the face of thelcerb unless otherwise approved by <strong>Council</strong>.(ii) The footpath to the full frontage of the site shall be paved for its fullwidth in accordance with <strong>Council</strong>'s Guidelines unless otherwiseapproved by <strong>Council</strong>.(iii) Footpaths, verges and medians to the full frontage of the site shall belandscaped in accordance with the provisions of the CBD LandscapeMaster Plan.(iv) Irrigation of landscaped areas shall be provided if a water connectionpoint is available within the site frontage.

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