Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council

Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council Planning Scheme Provisions (3.9 MB) - Cairns Regional Council
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.-98-The minimum area of land which may be used for a Caravan Parkor a Mobile Home Park is 1.5 hectares.The development shall comply with the provisions ofDevelopment Control Plan 1 "Residential Densities".Landscaped buffers shall be provided to the site frontage and tothe side and rear boundaries of the site. A 15 metre landscapebuffer shall be provided to all boundaries of the site with roadfrontage. All other boundaries shall provide a 6 metre landscapebuffer..The Council may permit, at its discretion, the erection of amanager's or caretaker's residence and where provided inconjunction with such residence an office, kiosk, storagefacilities, recreational buildings or other structures, to within 10metres of a road frontage, where the Council is satisfied that suchstructure or structures would not, by reason of location, design,orientation, or construction materials, have a detrimental effect onthe amenity of the area. Additional landscaping shall be requiredto adequately screen such structures from the road.Consideration may be given to reducing the specified landscapedbuffer widths where existing vegetation or landform satisfies theintent of such a buffer or where the proposal fully details theproposed method of achieving the intent, for example, earthmounding, constructed screening, dense tree planting, etc.(ii).Where it is intended to provide both short and long termoccupancy within a Caravan Park separate areas shall be providedfor each form of occupancy in accordance with a Park layout planapproved by the Council. Where application is made for a newcaravan park or alterations to an existing Caravan Park theapplicant shall provide a plan which clearly indicates the sites andareas proposed for short term occupancy and sites and areasproposed for long term occupancy. A landscaped buffer at least 6metres wide shall be provided between the two areas in order toenhance the amenity of long term occupancy sites.No area or site which has been approved for short term occupancyshall be converted to use for long term occupancy unless theapproval of the Council is obtained and all of the requirements forlong term occupancy sites are adhered to.Lo1 ig Term Occupancy - (Caravan Parks & Mobile Home Parks)The use of any site designated for long term occupancy within aCaravan Park or Mobile Home Park shall be in accordance withthe following provisions.At least 1 sealed car space shall be provided within the areaallotted to each Caravan or Mobile Home site.No part of any caravan or mobile home, or any mexe or otherapproved structure attached or ancillary thereto, or any car space,shall be situated within 2 metres of the side and rear boundariesand 3 metres of the internal road boundary of the area allotted toeach site, except where the Council, at its discretion, may permitthe erection on a site, or adjoining a common boundary, where theCouncil is satisfied that such car shelter would not be reason oflocation, design, orientation, or construction materials, have adetrimental effect on the amenity or internal streetscape of thedevelopment. Not more than one caravan or mobile home shallbe parked or erected at any one time on an area or site so allotted.

-99-Each site shall contain a minimum private open space area, basedas follows on the number of rooms, which in the opinion of theCouncil, may be used as bedrooms:---One and two bedrooms - 20 square metresIn excess of two bedrooms - an additional 10 square metresper additional bedroom.Such areas shall be clear of all buildings, structures and carspaces and may be provided in a maximum of two parcels, with aminimum dimension of 3 metres. All clothes drying facilitiescontained within such areas shall be capable of retraction orremoval so that the areas may be readily useable for privaterecreation purposes. The private open space areas may includethe areas required for setback provisions as outlined above.-Each site shall contain a minimum area of 250m2, with aminimum width of 15 metres and a minimum depth of 16 metres,provided that:---For caravans and mobile homes exceeding 11 metres inlength and 7 metres in width, proportionately larger sitesshall be provided.Sites which are situated on the corner of internal accessroads or adjacent to a pedestrian path or a visitor parkingarea shall comprise an additional 1.5 metres in width.Each site shall be provided with underground services includingdrainage, sewerage connection, waste disposal, water supply,power and telephone to the requirements and satisfaction of theCity Engineer.(iii) Short Term Occupancy - (Caravan Parks)The use of any site designated for short term occupancy within aCaravan park shall be in accordance with the followingprovisions.1 sealed car space shall be provided within the area allotted toeach caravan, cabin or tent site.No part of any caravan or any annexe or other approved structureattached or ancillary thereto, or any car space shall be situatedwithin 1.5 metres of any boundary of the area allotted to each siteand not more than one caravan shall be parked or erected at anyone time on an area so allotted.At its discretion, the Council may permit a certain number of sitesto have:-- A minimum area of 60m2 with a minimum width of 6metres and a minimum depth of 10 metres to cater forcamper vehicles and similar units without annexes; and-A minimum area of 90mZ with dimensions of either 6metres in width and 15 metres in depth or 10 metres inwidth and 9 metres in depth to cater for camper trailerswithout annexes and on-site caravans for hire withoutamexes provided that for on-site caravans exceeduig 3metres in width and 6 metres in length, proportionatelylarger sites shall be provided to maintain 1.5 metre setbacksto all site boundaries.

-99-Each site shall contain a minimum private open space area, basedas follows on the number of rooms, which in the opinion of the<strong>Council</strong>, may be used as bedrooms:---One and two bedrooms - 20 square metresIn excess of two bedrooms - an additional 10 square metresper additional bedroom.Such areas shall be clear of all buildings, structures and carspaces and may be provided in a maximum of two parcels, with aminimum dimension of 3 metres. All clothes drying facilitiescontained within such areas shall be capable of retraction orremoval so that the areas may be readily useable for privaterecreation purposes. The private open space areas may includethe areas required for setback provisions as outlined above.-Each site shall contain a minimum area of 250m2, with aminimum width of 15 metres and a minimum depth of 16 metres,provided that:---For caravans and mobile homes exceeding 11 metres inlength and 7 metres in width, proportionately larger sitesshall be provided.Sites which are situated on the corner of internal accessroads or adjacent to a pedestrian path or a visitor parkingarea shall comprise an additional 1.5 metres in width.Each site shall be provided with underground services includingdrainage, sewerage connection, waste disposal, water supply,power and telephone to the requirements and satisfaction of theCity Engineer.(iii) Short Term Occupancy - (Caravan Parks)The use of any site designated for short term occupancy within aCaravan park shall be in accordance with the followingprovisions.1 sealed car space shall be provided within the area allotted toeach caravan, cabin or tent site.No part of any caravan or any annexe or other approved structureattached or ancillary thereto, or any car space shall be situatedwithin 1.5 metres of any boundary of the area allotted to each siteand not more than one caravan shall be parked or erected at anyone time on an area so allotted.At its discretion, the <strong>Council</strong> may permit a certain number of sitesto have:-- A minimum area of 60m2 with a minimum width of 6metres and a minimum depth of 10 metres to cater forcamper vehicles and similar units without annexes; and-A minimum area of 90mZ with dimensions of either 6metres in width and 15 metres in depth or 10 metres inwidth and 9 metres in depth to cater for camper trailerswithout annexes and on-site caravans for hire withoutamexes provided that for on-site caravans exceeduig 3metres in width and 6 metres in length, proportionatelylarger sites shall be provided to maintain 1.5 metre setbacksto all site boundaries.

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