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The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>Youth visionB3m Story starts on page B1initiatives such as Manana, basedon an abiding belief that Armenia’syoung generation is its greatestnatural resource.One of the highlights of thefundraiser was the screening oftwo films made by Manana students.“We focus on gifted and talentedkids, trying to provide nourishmentand resources for kids whoare just a step away from greatness,”said Antranig Kasbarian,director of the Tufenkian Foundation.“Manana is not just aboutgood filmmaking; these kids aretaught and encouraged to go outinto Yerevan and film the pressingsocial issues that concern ourpeople. It’s about capturing thereal problems, the real issues, andreal joys of living in Armenia today.”Kasbarian also mentioned someof the pioneering aid and developmentprograms undertaken bythe Tufenkian Foundation. Theseinclude the Zankagadun project,which was started in the earthquakezone to provide vulnerablefamilies and youths with job placement,vocational training, and psychologicalcounseling.Another initiative is the Giftedand Talented Scholarship Programin Nagorno-Karabakh.“Karabakh has suffered a tremendousbrain drain and our focus isto provide enough support, soour young talent can see a futurefor themselves living in Karabakhrather than leaving the country,”Kasbarian said.The Tufenkian Foundation alsosponsors programs that promotecivic awareness among children.One such project, in Vanadzor,gives groups of youths the opportunityto meet with the mayor oftheir city and discuss a host of civicand national issues. “This programserves the purpose of showing <strong>Armenian</strong>youths that they are thechange that they wish to be,” Kasbariansaid.Kristi Randall has been associatedwith the Tufenkian Foundationfor ten years. A native of North Dakota,Randall first went to Armeniato work with Habitat for Humanity.She lived in Armenia for five yearsand learned to speak <strong>Armenian</strong>. Shewas introduced to Manana in 1998and was astonished by its students’high level of creativity.“When I entered the organizationI entered another world,” Randallrecalled. “The kids there are so inspiring.They feel empowered andthey are eager to learn.”At the time that Randall firstlearned about Manana, it faceda rent increase it couldn’t afford.Randall approached James Tufenkianto ask if Manana could begiven a space in one of his buildings.After that initial meeting, theTufenkian Foundation became oneof Manana’s primary supporters.Diaspora filmmakerspitch inLast summer, a number of <strong>Armenian</strong>-Americanfilmmakers, includingScreamers director CarlaLeft: TufenkianFoundationsupporter JohnQuinn with hostMark Geragosand JoanAgajanian Quinn.Below: TufenkianFoundationDirector AntranigKasbarian speaksto supporters.Garabedian, taught workshops atManana.At the fundraiser, Garabedianrecalled her impressions and spokeabout how she taught and discusseddocumentary techniqueswith the children. She said she becamefully aware of Armenia’s filmmakingpotential after seeing someof the students’ works, which dealtwith subjects ranging from war tosocial issues and the environment.“Here are these little kids thatare really doing things in a professionalway,” she said. “I felt humbledbecause there, in those films,is the future of Armenia. And I saythat in the most sincere possibleway, because they are not cynicalabout their country; they arethinking and really aware of theirsurroundings.”Gor Kirakosian, who made thesmash hit Big Story in a Small City,also taught a workshop. “It wasvery inspiring to me to see youngkids make such great films,” hesaid. “When I was their age, I wasnot making films like that. I toldthem, when they become famous,they should hire me to work forthem.”Much of the filmmaking equipmentthat Manana students need,including computers, editing software,cameras, and tripods, is donated.Jennifer Garakian, managerof operations and administrationat Sony Pictures, was askedto lend her support. She jumpedat the opportunity to help thechildren and immediately shippedboxes full of television sets, DVDplayers, cables, and software toManana.“Two of the most importantthings to me are to help Armeniaand help children in any capacity,”Garakian said. “I just reallywanted to build a bridge of donationto help such an importantcause.”For the first in its history, Mananawill open its doors to Diasporanyouths this summer, offeringthem filmmaking andphotojournalism classes. Thesummer program will give young<strong>Armenian</strong> children from all overthe world and Armenia a chanceto make creative, social, and intellectualconnections with oneanother. Together they will havethe opportunity to explore thecultural landscape of their homelandthrough the lens of the camera.fconnect:www.mananayouth.orgwww.tufenkianfoundation.comOMNILEVEROUTSOURCING TO ARMENIA* IT, Business Process, Day-to-Day Management* Database and Web Programming* Medical, Clinical Data Management* Financial, Legal Document Processing* Customer Contact, Data CenterContacts: (201) 654-4267, info@omnilever.comEstablished US ClienteleISO 9001:2000 – QUALITY STANDARDBefore you get in your car to nd a piece of property.CALL ME. I FOUND IT YESTERDAY.GREG TUFENKIANY O U R C O M M E R C I A L P R O P E R T I E S S P E C I A L I S T(818) 334-1913G R E G T @ C B C N C O . C O M801 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 180, Glendale, CA 91203 | www.cbcnco.com

B4 The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>Celebrating a rich musical heritageThe Shoghaken FolkEnsemble in SanFranciscoby Alexandra BezdikianStudent organizations hold panel discussion on genocide denialPanel includesJewish speakersby Alene TchekmedyianLOS ANGELES7 – On March 6,the ARF Shant Student Associationand the UCLA <strong>Armenian</strong> GraduateStudent Association (AGSA) hosteda panel discussion to examinegenocide denial from the points ofview of nations that share a commonhistory.Held at the UCLA campus, theevent, titled “Facing Denial: theLast Stage of Genocide,” featuredtwo <strong>Armenian</strong> and two Jewishspeakers, who compared and contrastedmethods of handling andcoping with genocide denial.“The main purpose was to examinethe denial of genocide as beingthe final stage of genocide,” saidLevon Baronian, chairman of theShant Student Association. “Wewanted to draw similarities anddifferences between the denial ofthe <strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide and theJewish Holocaust and also examinewhy the repercussions or responseto these denials have been different,”he added.The panel comprised ProfessorRichard Hovannisian, Chairin Modern <strong>Armenian</strong> History atUCLA; Dr. David Meyers, directorof UCLA’s Center for Jewish studies;Aram Hamparian, executivedirector of the <strong>Armenian</strong> NationalCommittee of America; and JoeyKurtzman, executive editor of theprogressive Jewish website, jewcy.com.Catering to a younger demographic,the panel discussionsought to draw attention to theimportance of persistence and consistentactivism against genocidedenial. “This event is immenselyimportant because not only will itfurther our education about currentand historical genocides, butit also serves as a good reminderabout our community and our effortsto continue to proactively advocateour issues,” said Raffi Kassabian,president of the AGSA.Moderated by Glendale CityClerk Ardashes Kassakhian, thepanel addressed a wide range of issuesincluding the importance ofthe current campaign against thegenocide in Darfur as a catalyst forrecognition of past genocides.Hamparian said he considers thefact that Darfur has become a USpresidential-campaign issue as ahealthy development. “It is part ofwhat [journalist and former BarackObama adviser] Samantha Powerdescribed as the growth of an antigenocideconstituency in America,which is very important becausehistorically the opposition to genocideis a moral opposition, but nowwe have force of politics and forceof voters,” Hamparian said.Along with drawing parallels betweenpast and present genocides,panelists also delved into the reasonsbehind denial and why it iscrucial that activists continue thefight for recognition. Hamparianlisted four reasons why <strong>Armenian</strong>sshould support ongoing genociderecognitionefforts: morality, prevention,deterrence, and rehabilitation.The juxtaposition of these fourpoints raises a moral obligationamong <strong>Armenian</strong>s to continue thecampaign to prevent future atrocities,Hamparian said. “[<strong>Armenian</strong>s]bear a special burden, having seenthe depths of human suffering,” heexplained.“Genocide followed up by a powerfulcampaign of denial, a genocidecommitted with impunity, makesthe world a more dangerous place,”Hamparian continued. “Once wecan get to the day where Turkeyhas ended its denials, we can talkabout the modern consequences ofthat crime. Certainly, we have wornthe burden of that crime; it comeswith population loss, the border iscompromised in terms of the traderoutes, agriculture, and resources.Once Turkey ends the denial, wecan open up about what is owed tothe victims.”Meyers pointed out that ongoingdenial prevents wounded nationsfrom moving forward to constructiveactivities. “If we don’t namecriminal acts, we are somehowparalyzed from preventing it… it isnot just international law that’s important,it’s our own sense of moralresponsibility,” he said. “As descendantsof those who suffered, wehave a particular obligation to notjust trumpet our own victimizationbut to call attention to examples ofgenocide or ethnic cleansing, whereverthey occur.”Shoghaken Folk Ensemble.Hovannisian discussed thestrategic forms of Turkish denial,which have made their argumentsmore credible, as Turks no longerpractice absolute denial. “They usewhat is much more effective,” hesaid. “We have professors in mainuniversities in the United Stateswho are central to the [Turkish]thesis and they do not absolutelydeny,” he said, explaining that thesescholars admit the deaths occurredbut rationalize them by claimingthat they were justified.Hovannisian also urged theaudience to remain optimistic.“There is hope because, on theother hand, we have the Turkishscholars who are challenging theRATES STARTAT ONLY$749PER PERSON,DOUBLEOCCUPANCY• $100 OFF PER STATEROOM ON INSIDE• $200 OFF PER STATEROOM ON OUTSIDE& BALCONY• $400 OFF PER STATEROOM ON SUITESNEW PORTS!7-NIGHT WESTERN CARIBBEANDAY PORT ARRIVES DEPARTSDAY 1 FT. LAUDERDALE 7:00 PMDAY 2 CRUISING - -DAY 3 COZUMEL 8:00 AM 6:00 PMDAY 4 BELIZE 8:00 AM 6:00 PMDAY 5 ROATAN 8:00 AM 3:00 PMDAY 6 CRAND CAYMAN 10:00 AM 5:00 PMDAY 7 CRUISING - -DAY 8 FT. LAUDERDALE 8:00 AM -DEPOSIT OF $300 PER PERSON IS DUE AT TIME OF BOOKING.FINAL PAYMENT DUE: 8/05/08.Cancellation charges per person: 80 days or more prior to sailing: no penalty;79-40 days prior : $300; 39-15 days prior: 50%; less than 14 days prior:no refunds 100%. We strongly recommend purchasing trip cancellation insurance!TRAVEL ARRANGED BY:SAN FRANCISCO7 – On March2, the <strong>Armenian</strong> community of theBay Area was given a remarkablegift. Through the epic melodiesand outstanding musicianship ofthe Shoghaken Folk Ensemble ofArmenia, featuring the hypnotizingvocals of Hasmik and AleksanHarutyunyan, concertgoers hadthe opportunity to rediscover thesoul of their culture and unearththe root of their <strong>Armenian</strong> pride.“Every region has its own culture,music, and folkloric songs anddances,” said Anto Cingoz, an audiencemember. “A concert like this iswonderful because we like to learnthose traditions, our music, so seeingthis is so beautiful.”In the few hours it graced thestage of the Krouzian Hall in SanFrancisco, the Shoghaken Folk Ensemblereminded us simply yet eloquentlythat our people, our stories,our songs, are not only alive andvibrant in the land of our forefathers,but, more importantly, theyare carried with us wherever we go.“My grandparents kept the traditionsof our people alive. Theybrought with them songs anddances and passed them to us,” saidShoghaken member and vocalistHasmik Harutyunyan. “Traditionsare the future for us. For us, it’s tokeep our culture and to let othersknow of its beauty and richness.”Since its formation in 1991,Shoghaken has sought to restoretraditional folk song and danceto an ever-modernizing Armeniaand the rest of the world. With itssoft melodic overtures, bold compositions,and subtle lyricism, theensemble has stepped away frommainstream songs being played inArmenia today, instead returningto those of the past. “It is extremelyimportant for today’s generationto understand where they camefrom,” Harutyunyan said. “Throughus, they will understand the kind ofpeople we are, our pain, what we’vebeen through. Young people in particularneed to know who they areand where they came from.”As a group dedicated to continuingthe legacy of Armenia’srich cultural and musical heritage,Shoghaken features music from theheart of Armenia and stays close totraditional songs and instruments.Combining the authentic soundsof the zurna, dhol, kanon, kamancha,shvi, and duduk, the ensemblebrings forth a vibrant display ofwhere <strong>Armenian</strong> art and culturehave been throughout history. “<strong>Armenian</strong>shave done a lot for theworld’s culture,” Harutyunyan said.In taking its message to the restof the world, Shoghaken has touredthroughout Europe, Russia, and,most recently, the United States,with concerts at Carnegie Hall, theKimmel Center, Cornell University,Dartmouth University, and JFKCenter for the Performing Arts. Fortunatelyfor <strong>Armenian</strong>s in the BayArea, the ensemble’s last stop wasSan Francisco. Roubina Kasparian,chair of the Hamazkayin <strong>Armenian</strong>state narrative and are much moreeffective in combating Turkish denial,”he said.When an audience memberasked why <strong>Armenian</strong>s are so adamantabout achieving recognitionin America, Hamparian alludedto the United States Conventionon Prevention and Punishmentof the Crime of Genocide.“Americans and the internationalcommunity believe that genocideshould be punished and that thevictims should not be the onlyones that bear the consequencesof the crime,” he said. “Those whocommitted the crimes should bearconsequences as well. That’s a basicrequirement of justice.”The Cruise Features Live <strong>Armenian</strong> Music & Dance,<strong>Armenian</strong> Comedy, <strong>Armenian</strong> Dance Lessons, <strong>Armenian</strong>Films <strong>Armenian</strong> Festival Day, Tavlou& Belote Tournaments, <strong>Armenian</strong> LanguageClasses and so much more!TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNTSEXPIRES MAY 1,2008NOTE: OVER 800 RESERVATIONS SO FAR! BOOK YOUR CABINS NOW!CATEGORY Discounted Rate After 5/01/08INSIDE 2 LOWER BEDS / CONVERTS TO QUEENCAT 1 INSIDE $749 $799CAT 2 INSIDE $779 $829CAT 3 INSIDE $829 $879CAT 4 INSIDE $859 $909CAT 5 INSIDE $879 $929OUTSIDE 2 LOWER BEDS / CONVERTS TO QUEENCAT 6 OCEANVIEW WITH WINDOW $979 $1,079CAT 7 OCEANVIEW WITH WINDOW $1,049 $1,149CAT 8A OCEANVIEW WITH BALCONY $1,259 $1,359CAT 8 OCEANVIEW WITH BALCONY $1,299 $1,399CAT 9 OCEANVIEW WITH BALCONY $1,339 $1,439CAT 10 OCEANVIEW WITH BALCONY $1,359 $1,459SUITES Discounted Rate After 5/01/08CAT MS MINI SUITE $1,599 $1,799CAT S SUITE $1,799 $1,999CAT GS GRAND SUITE $2,299 $2,4993 & 4TH CHILD 17 OR UNDER $599 $6993 & 4TH ADULT $699 $799SINGLE RATES7-NIGHT WESTERN CARIBBEAN RATES* ALL PRICES ARE PER PERSON,IN US DOLLARS,BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY,INCLUDES CRUISE,ALL TAXES,AND ACAA REGISTRATION FEE.(AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)PRE & POST-CRUISE HOTEL NIGHTS AVAILABLE AT SPECIAL RATESPlease Note:Educational and Cultural Society ofSan Francisco, was very pleased withthe supporter turnout and overallsuccess of the Shoghaken event.“Being the chair of Hamazkayin, Iwanted to ensure the success of theconcert and introduce more peopleto these exceptionally talented musicians,who surely brought wealthand pride to our culture,” Kaspariansaid. “I really thank them, San Franciscobeing their last city. They reallyperformed well and I’m really proudof them.”In a time when traditional folkmusic has perhaps come and gone,to be replaced with movementslike pop and rock, the ShoghakenFolk Ensemble reminds us all ofwhat was, where we came from,and where we as <strong>Armenian</strong>s are going.With every performance, thegroup proves to the world that the<strong>Armenian</strong> songs of our great grandmothersand fathers are alive andthriving in the hearts and minds ofthose who keep it. Hasmik Harutyunyanbelieves that “if you don’tknow your blood, you can’t feel yourblood; you are nothing. We have tokeep these traditions to pass themon to the next generation.” fHovannisian also said thatthe panel discussion reflects theimportance of collaboration betweenthe <strong>Armenian</strong> and Jewishcommunities to achieve justice.“Without our Jewish scholars orJewish colleagues… we would beway back in the dark ages,” henoted. “They opened the doorsfor us; they have brought us forward.”Hovannisian added that <strong>Armenian</strong>-Genocidedenial stems fromone overbearing source in Turkey.“If you are able to shut down thedenial from Ankara, all of the otherfires that have been lit will immediatelyextinguish themselves,”he said.f• Rates and information are subject to change without notice.Only passengers booking through TravelGroup International will be eligibleto attend any and all ACAA private functions and activities.U.S. GOVT. NOW REQUIRES VALID PASSPORTS FOR ALL PASSENGERS!Please contact us to book your cruise and answer any questions: TravelGroup International at: 561-447-0750or 1-866-447-0750 ext: 108 or 102 or AHC@travelgroupint.com Fax: 561-447-0510 125 SE Mizner Blvd.,#14,Boca Raton,FL 33432 www.armenianheritagecruise.com

The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008B5Walter Karabian celebrates birthday, Film Foundation benefitsby Lory TatoulianWater Karabian is turning 70,and he is using his birthday today,March 15, to raise funds for filmmakerand close friend MichaelHagopian’s latest documentary,Caravans Along the Euphrates. Thefilm will complete the “Witnesses”trilogy, based on nearly 400 interviewsof Genocide survivors. Thetrilogy includes Voices from the Lakeand Germany and the Secret Genocide.Karabian’s altruistic approachto his birthday party is a perfectlyfitting gesture for someone whohas spent much of his life contributingto <strong>Armenian</strong> causes. A manof protean talent, Karabian wearsmany hats, leading the hyphenatedcareer of lawyer, politician, philanthropist,and businessman.Tonight Karabian will celebratehis birthday with his friends at theopulent Astor Classics AutomotiveMuseum and Events Center inAnaheim, California. The party isplanned to be a lavish affair, featuringvintage cars, silent auctions,and a guest roster of prominentnames. In typical Karabian style,the event aims to benefit a projectof profound significance to the <strong>Armenian</strong>people.“I thought I’d use my birthdayparty to help fund this film,” Karabiansaid, referring to Hagopian’swork. “I don’t need any birthdaypresents; let my friends spend theirmoney on something that will reallymake a difference.”The venue itself promises to befestive. The Astor Museum, ownedand operated by broadcasting veteranArt Astor, a good friend ofKarabian’s and a fellow Fresnan,showcases 300 gleaming classiccars, the world’s largest collectionof antique telephones and radios,colorful gasoline pumps, and antiqueslot machines.Partygoers will sip wine andenjoy the copious buffet dinneramidst Howard Hughes’ 1940 CadillacFormal Town sedan, ClarkThe Karabian family on May 10, 1920, in Sanger, Calif., just outside of Fresno. The picture spans 5 generations of theKarabian family. Walter’s mother is seated on the ground, the fourth person down from the right.Gable’s 1936 Jensen Ford soft-top,and Jackie Gleason’s 1950 ChryslerTown & Country “Woody” sedan.Seminal documentariesAmong the numerous organizationsKarabian has been a part of,the <strong>Armenian</strong> Film Foundation,which he co-founded in 1979, hashad a special place in his heart.Since the inception of the organization,he has been instrumental inadvancing its work. In the past 28years, the foundation has producedover 30 films, including Hagopian’sunprecedented documentaries onthe <strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide.“When starting the foundation, itwas incumbent upon us to documentthe stories of the survivorsand use Hagopian’s expertise andskill in filmmaking to chroniclethese first-hand stories,” Karabiansaid. “These stories and documentariesare treasures for future generations.”Karabian and Hagopian, who is 15years his senior, share a storied pastwith distinct parallels. Both grewup in Fresno. Karabian’s family arrivedin California’s Central Valleyin 1896. Hagopian was a toddlerwhen he and his family escaped theGenocide in 1915. Both the Karabianand Hagopian families were thefirst <strong>Armenian</strong> pioneers to settle inCalifornia, and both Walter Karabianand Michael Hagopian were thefirst in their respective families toleave the Central Valley to pursuehigher education.Speaking of fellow Fresnans,Karabian mentions an informalgroup of <strong>Armenian</strong>s calling themselves“The Fresnotsis.” “We get togetheronce a month for lunch, talkabout Fresno and other <strong>Armenian</strong>issues, and just have a good time,”he said.In Fresno, the Karabian familywas neighbors with William Saroyan,whose family was also from Bitlis.“Growing up we were very awareof our history and we were veryproud,” Karabian said. “Our elderstaught us about <strong>Armenian</strong>s fromAnatolia and we knew who was aMushetsi, Bitlistsi, Kharperttsi, orDikranagerdttsi. It’s just somethingwe all knew about each other.”Karabian holds a BA degree inhistory, a master’s in public administration,and a law degree fromUSC. He served as deputy districtattorney for Los Angeles Countybefore winning a seat in the CaliforniaState Assembly in 1966. Hewas only 28 and one of the youngestlegislators in California history.Karabian’s election also made himthe third <strong>Armenian</strong> to be electedto public office in the United States– after the late congressman and SupremeCourt justice Steven Derounianfrom New York and formerCalifornia Governor George Deukmejian.“When I was elected my motherwas not very excited; she was actuallyapologetic,” Karabian recalled.“This was at a time when <strong>Armenian</strong>swere skeptical of government. <strong>Armenian</strong>shave always seemed to beremoved from politics because theywere always living in a foreign landwhere there was a disconnect.” Headded, “My mother knew I wasn’tgoing to be making much moneyin politics.”Be that as it may, the youngDemocrat made significant contributionsto California law, includingauthoring the first resolution commemoratingthe <strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide.“This was a time when mostpublic officials had never heard ofthe <strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide,” Karabianexplained.He also authored California’sratification of the Equal RightsAmendment, the Freedom Act protectingsources of news information,the Endangered Species Act(which preceded the national EndangeredSpecies Act), and legislationrequiring that child testing forIQ purposes be conducted in nativelanguages.“I supported this legislation becausewhen my mother attendedrural schools in Sanger, she wasplaced in a class for the mentallychallenged because she could speakonly <strong>Armenian</strong>,” Karabian said.Championing<strong>Armenian</strong> causesKarabian served four terms in theCalifornia legislature, and from1970 to 1972 was the youngest assemblymember in the history ofCalifornia to serve as majorityleader. In his last years in the legislature,which he left in 1975, hewas a member of the Rules Committee.Karabian started a law practicewith USC classmate and long-timecolleague John Karns. Throughouthis practice, Karabian representedmany <strong>Armenian</strong> organizations includingthe Western Diocese. Hedefended the Ferrahian Holy MartyrsSchool in its neighbors’ legalchallenge to increased enrolment.He also won a major case for theMesrobian <strong>Armenian</strong> School, preventingits eviction by the El RanchoUnified School District.Karabian and his spouse, Laurel,whom he married in 1988, havedevoted their lives to <strong>Armenian</strong>causes. At their wedding in London,Laurel’s parent’s, philanthropistsMr. and Mrs. Arshag Dickranian,donated $100,000 in the couple’sname to the newly-built WesternDiocese Summer Camp and the <strong>Armenian</strong>Film Foundation, in lieu ofa wedding present.“In 1951, during a time when <strong>Armenian</strong>swere so desperate to beassimilated, Arshag Dickranianwas one of the founders of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Educational Foundation,”Karabian said. The <strong>Armenian</strong> EducationalFoundation was supportedby prominent community leaderssuch as philanthropists Alex andRose Pilibos, Arshag and EleanorDickranian, Harry Carian, Ben Kazarian,and Mard Peloian.“Most <strong>Armenian</strong>s were changingtheir last names at this time anddropping the ‘ian’ suffix, but thesepeople donated their money andworked to keep the <strong>Armenian</strong> heritage,”Karabian added.In 1979 Laurel’s father built theTekeyan Cultural Association ArshagDickranian School in Hollywood.Karabian’s three childrenattended the school. Laurel, whowas also the former President ofthe Los Angeles County Arts Commission,has not only been heavilyinvolved in the local and internationalartistic community, but sheserves on the Board of Directorsfor the Arshag Dickranian School.Just recently, the couple donated$600,000 for the school’s expansion.Indeed, the Karabians have contributedgenerously to the <strong>Armenian</strong>church, St. Nerses Academy,St. Tarkmanchatz <strong>Armenian</strong> Schoolin Jerusalem, the Diocese SummerCamp, the <strong>Armenian</strong> CulturalFoundation, the Armenia Fund,and other organizations.Karabian considers one of hismost satisfying achievements tobe the saving of <strong>Armenian</strong> antiquitiesand artifacts that were beingauctioned off in London during the1980s. He purchased miniatures,gospels, encyclicals, a magnificent16th-century lectionary, and, ultimately,the Haroutune HazarianCollection of Kutahya. Over theyears, the Karabians have donatedthese collections to the <strong>Armenian</strong>church, the Arshag DickranianSchool Library, and the <strong>Armenian</strong>Library and Museum of America(ALMA), which received the entireHazarian Collection of Kutahya.After the 1988 Spitak earthquake,Karabian secured morethan $100,000 from non-<strong>Armenian</strong>donors for the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church Earthquake Fund and wasappointed chairman of the UnitedCoordinating Committee for <strong>Armenian</strong>Earthquake Relief, which encompassedall California <strong>Armenian</strong>organizations.Currently Karabian serves on theBoard of Trustees of the George IgnatiusFoundation, which supportsthe Arshag Dickranian School, <strong>Armenian</strong>Film Foundation, <strong>Armenian</strong>Cultural Foundation, ALMA,and Ferrahian School. (This newspaperhas received a donation fromthe foundation.)“About 30% percent of my day istaking care of <strong>Armenian</strong> causes,”Karabian said.He added that he will makesure 100% of the proceeds fromhis birthday party will benefit thecompletion of Caravans Along theEuphrates, thus fulfilling his lifelongdream of creating the ultimatedocumentary series about the <strong>Armenian</strong>Genocide.Karabian concluded: “Whenfuture generations look back atus, they will say, ‘They did whatwas expected of them and preservedthe history of this horrificevent for us and the generationsthat will come after us.’” fTo receive an invitation to the event atAstor Classics call 213-680-9522, 818-648-9907, or 805-495-0717.connect:www.armenianfilm.orgwww.astorclassics.com

B6 The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong><strong>Armenian</strong> schools across Los Angeles cometogether to play ball and make friendsm Story starts on page B1older boys’ division won the championships,the young students wereso excited for them.”In the United States, soccermoms have been branded as themiddle-aged, crazed, carpoolingmothers who exhibit overly aggressivebehavior at their children’ssoccer matches. At the KAHAMgames, it seems like the roles werereversed. Excited <strong>Armenian</strong> fathersthrew fists in the air whenthe referee made the “wrong” call,stomped their feet on the bleachersto encourage a free throw, andclapped vociferously when anotherpoint was scored for the team.Hagop Parseghian, a parentwho was seated among frenziedfathers, describes the heightenedemotion as an inherent nationaltrait. “<strong>Armenian</strong>s are a passionatepeople, and that passion comes outin everything we do,” he notes. Theinvolved parent also says that beyondall the excitement, he appreciatesthe communal aspect most.“Just the mere fact that hundreds ofour teenagers are gathered togetheris a victory for the Diaspora andall <strong>Armenian</strong>s living in SouthernCalifornia,” Parseghian says.The cacophony of emotion adsound was complemented by therhythmic percussion of dumbekand ululations – not to be mistakenfor a traditional Lebanese-<strong>Armenian</strong>wedding. Some sports fansat the KAHAM games were playingthe dumbek in the bleachers, rilingup the crowd with percussivebeats that blended flawlessly withthe bouncing, staccato beat of thebasketball.During the Upper Division Girls’Basketball Finals - Chamlian versus<strong>Armenian</strong> Sisters Academy -there was a dumbek player for eachschool, galvanizing the players andfans with the bang of the drum.As the crowd chanted “Let’s go,A.S.A., let’s go,” 17-year-old EricHairabedian was beating hisround drum, providing rhythm tothe chorus of the fans’ mantra. Theenthused teenager, a former studentof the <strong>Armenian</strong> Sisters Academy,decided to come out to theKAHAM games with his dumbek tosupport his alma mater. “I play thedumbek to keep the team going,”Hairabedian says. “It’s almost likesending good vibes to the playersso they will play well.”On the opposing side of thebleachers was proud parent SossyGuekguezian, who also broughtalong her dumbek to rally up theChamlian basketball team, inwhich her 14-year-old daughterplayed. “This is the loudest thingI could find in the house to makenoise,” Guekguezian says. “I wentto Party City to find noise makers,but nothing is louder than adumbek. The beat gives the girlssome sort of encouragement andthe people love it.”Of the colorful array of chips,pizza, donuts, and candy whichthe Homenetmen Massis Chapteroffers, it is their “famous” sujukhsandwich that the sport fans gravitatetowards. A long line formsaround the tent where the succulentand spicy sausage is sold. Thesweet, charred smell of grilled sujukhdrifts into the gym and outinto the football field. Beyond powerbars and drinks, this panini-stylesujukh sandwich is the super foodthat seems to fuel the performanceof the athletes.Jano Ayarian, 12, says hecomes to the KAHAM games primarilyfor the food. “I support theHovsepian student shows hisschool spirit as they walk in front ofspectators.<strong>Armenian</strong> Sisters Academy Students find time to play around while on the field during the closing ceremonies.Photos: Hilma Shahinian.Chamlian Students Vana Ebrahhimi #17, Alexa Mirzaian #3, and Massis Ohanesian #27 along withother students are excited about winning the 7th & 8th grade boys’ and girls’ championship.athletes by eating,” says the leanand thin middle-school student.With hubris and pomp, the youngfood critic reviews this year’s cuisineof sujukh and snacks. “I usuallylike the sujukh spicier, but itstill was really good to eat,” heconcludes.The closing ceremonies had asemblance to the Olympics. Whilethe Homenetmen Marching Bandplayed the national anthems ofthe United States and Armenia,each school paraded around thefootball field, holding a placardwith their school’s name printedon it.Cheering parents, armed withcameras and camcorders, applaudedtheir children with loudhoolers and whistles, as theirschools were awarded with gildedtrophies.“It’s just great to have all thestudents from different <strong>Armenian</strong>schools come and competeand make friends,” said JohnKahwajian, athletic director ofthe Homenetmen Western RegionalExecutive. “You see themcompete against each other andthen, after the game, they comeout and hug each other and formnew friendships. It’s just a greatfeeling.”fconnect:homenetmen.netMerdinian student anxiously await their turn to approach the podium for their trophies under the supervision of theirAthletic Director, Mike TilkianFerrahian Armens G Girls Basketball are proud of theirtrophy.Chamlian soccer team shows off their first place trophy.TCA Arshag Dickranian take theopportunity to hang out on the polevault mat at Glendale <strong>Community</strong>College.

The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>KAHAM games come to a closeB7by Shahen HagobianGLENDALE, Calif.7 – In its lastweekend of competitions, the KA-HAM games seemed to save the bestfor last. The final round of gameplay was held at Glendale <strong>Community</strong>College, followed by an extravagantawards ceremony full of cheeringkids and proud parents. Thegames themselves were attendedby throngs of supporters, hecklers,excited parents, and angry parents,as well as a few hand-drum playerswho got spectators clapping andchanting for their favorite teams.The KAHAM games were organizedand facilitated by the HomenetmenRegional Athletic Council aswell as several volunteer coachesand organizers from various communityschools and organizations.Twelve <strong>Armenian</strong> schools fromthroughout Los Angeles Countryparticipated in the games.The final two games of the tournamenthad the most intense displaysof athleticism and were thefiercest of all youth games thus far.Both games featured the ChamlianSchool teams as they claimed victoryover their respective opponents.Coach Kamil Daniel of Chamliandescribed the girls’ match: “Yes, itwas extremely intense. ASA [<strong>Armenian</strong>Sisters Academy] is a good runningteam. They are quick on theirfeet, they throw long passes, andthey have good strength on them.They were holding up their own andwe held up our own and did thebest we could to get it going.” Bothgirls’ teams played a great game, despitedealing with the pressures ofan overwhelming and loud crowdof parents and friends. At timescertain fouls on the court wouldenrage a few fathers in the stands,who could be heard yelling acrossthe gym at the referees. In the end,Chamlian was able to secure enoughof a lead to slow the game down andwin comfortably.The boys’ match was just as intenseand fast-paced. The Hovsepianteam, under the direction ofCoach Zare Manoukian, had alreadybeaten the Chamlian teamearly on in the tournament, butwas faced with an inspired and focusedopposition this time around.“I feel like we’re the underdogs,”Manoukian said. “We’re alwaysstruggling, doing what we can withwho we have, and it feels right to beback here in the championships.”Manoukian, who doubles as theteam’s algebra teacher, added, “Weare a smaller school with a limitednumber of players – unlike the biggerschools, which have so manykids and are able to make two teamsfor their schools. These teams usuallyconsist of a main, stronger, teamand a weaker, developing, team.”The young Hovsepian School athletescould not hold off the Chamlianteam for a second time and lostthe championship game.Coach Daniel was ecstatic afterthe game, but was able to calmhimself enough to say, “I can’t explainit with words. They actuallyand truly played with their heartsthis year. We had some rough timesduring practice and I really thoughtthat they were going to give up butthey pulled through. They pushedtheir game up a notch; they wantedit, they deserved it, and they gotit.” And they were cheered on by afull gym, with parents and friendsalike crowding the stands as well asany available spot. “Its all about thecommunity coming together,” Danielsaid. “<strong>Armenian</strong>s should alwaysbe with other <strong>Armenian</strong>s, whetherit’s through school or whatever. Weshould always be close to home.”Although the games focus oncommunity and sportsmanship,they do come with their share ofAGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian students pose with their trophies. Photos: Hilma Shahinian.Sahag-Mesrob Students excited aboutthe KAHAM Games coming to an end.High fives awaited the Student athletes from Homenetmen Western RegionChairperson Steve Artinian and Homenetmen Western Region Athletic DirectorJohn Kahwajian.bad behavior. Daniel added, “Therehas been a lot of drama going onwith the parents, especially thisyear. Unfortunately certain peopletook it to the extreme and we wereable to clarify some situations, butthere is a lot of animosity goingon. However, it’s all behind me. Idon’t mean any disrespect but Idon’t care what the parents think.It’s all about the kids and that’s allthat matters. They get put in theorganization to get an educationand that’s what we’re giving them.”These sentiments were echoed byAGBU Manoogian-DemirdjianSchool alumnus and coach AnnieKahwajian. “The games have beengood so far this year but I don’t seemuch sportsmanship from otherschools,” she said. “I think it’s a veryimportant aspect of the games andsome of the other coaches shouldbe pushing that more.”Annie Kahwajian (daughter ofHomenetmen Western Regional ExecutiveBoard member and RegionsAthletic Director Jano Kahwajian)has been involved in basketball forMesrobian F girls are proud about placing first in the 3rd & 4th grade division for volleyballmost of her life. “After I graduatedfrom Manoogian-Demirdjian School,I went back to coach basketball,” Anniesaid. “My dad taught me how toplay basketball when I was sevenor eight years old, and the KAHAMgames were really the only timewhere we would get to play with other<strong>Armenian</strong> schools and make newfriends. I’m still friends with girls Iused to play against from when I waseight years old, so it’s a really goodexperience.” With a youthful and optimisticattitude, Kahwajian remindsus about the common sentimentregarding <strong>Armenian</strong> youth sports.“Take your kids to practice and encouragethem to play in sports,” shesaid. “It’s a good way to learn disciplineand to make life-long friends.All these sports are great and it’sgood to be in Homenetmen and theKAHAM games.”Shahe Garabedian, principalof Sahag Mesrob Christian Schoolin Altadena, is also an enthusiasticsupporter of the games. “I think theKAHAM games are very well-organized,”he said. “We appreciate allA tired and hot little mascot for theSahag-Mesrob <strong>Armenian</strong> ChristianSchool, David Keshishian.Roupen Avedikian (center) and Chamlian teammates hold up their 1st place 5th &6th Grade soccer trophy.the efforts from Homenetmen. It’sall for the kids and it’s a great wayto promote togetherness for <strong>Armenian</strong>sand have them develop characterand friendships.” Garabedianadded, “I love the kids, so I come everySaturday and Sunday to encouragethem. Basically we teach our kidsthat we have to respect one another,love one another, and promote our<strong>Armenian</strong> culture and values.”The volunteers behind the KA-HAM games include Armen Mahdessian,Sarkis Kahdejian,Roubina Kabirian, Gassia Mahseredjian,Garen Mardirossian,Tro Markarian, Shant Tarpinian,Quint Chemnitz, SossieShanlian, Khajag Keshishian,Hagop Avedian, HomenetmenRegional Athletic Council ChairpersonNyree Derderian, HomenetmenWestern Regional ExecutiveBoard member and Regional AthleticDirector Jano Kahwajian,Homenetmen Regional AthleticSupervisors Fred Babajanians,Mike Zezagian, and MousheghBedhoian, and Homenetmen RegionalAthletic Programs CoordinatorSevag Garabetian. fconnect:homenetmen.net

B8 The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>“Ararat” chapter to celebrate Easter and its 30th anniversaryCivic Auditoriumto host hundreds offamiliesCelebrating Easter.GLENDALE, Calif. 7 – One ofthe biggest Easter celebrations inGlendale will take place this yearat the Glendale Civic Auditorium.The Easter Festival, organized bythe Homenetment Glendale “Ararat”chapter has become an annualtradition that local families lookforward to.This year the Easter Festival isparticularly special, because it coincideswith the “Ararat” Chapter’s30th Anniversary. “As a result thisyear’s event will be more significantand rich in content,” said MelinehEbrahimian, member of the EasterFestival organizing committee.Since 1996, the “Ararat” Chapterhas been organizing its annual EasterFestival.“Initially we started at our center’s“Ararat” hall on San FernandoRoad,” said Ebrahimian. “The eventwas a huge success, but our spacewas not big enough.”The following year, organizersused the small hall at the Civic Auditoriumin Glendale. However, dueto the overwhelming response fromthe community, they outgrew thespace and moved onto the Civic Auditorium’slarge banquet hall – thelargest banquet hall in Glendale.To date, the festival has grownexponentially to attract approximatelythree thousand attendees.“Our goal is to expand our festivalas much as possible in the future,”says Ebrahimian.In addition to an egg hunt forlittle ones, organizers will set asidea “baby land” to entertain infants.Easter Festival activities will includefinger painting, a can tossand the “Go Fish” game for youngfishermen, who want to catch someprizes. Of course, the Wheel of Fortune,backgammon and chess arealso on the activity list.In addition, this year’s festivalwill feature a special Easter performanceby popular children’s singerAni Hovagimian, who will be accompaniedby the “Ararat” Chapter’slittle dancers.Who brings all this together? Ateam of nearly 200 volunteers.“We distribute the main responsibilitiesamong the committeemembers and invite volunteers tohelp on the day of the event,” saysmember of the organizing committeeAnnette Grakasian.“The event provides a great opportunityfor the young familiesto reunite, meet friends and havean enjoyable, memorable and qualitytime,” says Arlet Davoodian, amember of the organizing committee.“It helps further unite the <strong>Armenian</strong>community and providesa fun and safe family environmentand allows further familiarizationwith <strong>Armenian</strong> art and culture.”The “Ararat” Chapter is the largestHomenetmen chapter in theUnited States with more than 2,300members.Since its establishment in 1978,the chapter’s membership hasgrown alongside with the increaseof the <strong>Armenian</strong> population inGlendale.The Easter bunny.Jackie Speier, working with <strong>Armenian</strong> community for justiceEaster FestivalEaster Sunday, March 23, 2008Glendale Civic Auditorium1401 North Verdugo RoadGlendale, CA 9120812:00 PM - 5:00 PMtickets $6.00 per personfree for children 2 and underDue to this growth, in 1997 thechapter opened a new spacious centeron San Fernando Road, whichserves as “Ararat’s” current homeand the focal center of the chapter’sathletic, scouting, and culturalactivities.fby Tamar SarkissianCan you sell a great product?Contact us!Jackie Speier at Bay Area ANC Hye TadEvent. Photo: Tamar Sarkissian.SAN FRANCISCO7 – Bay Areacongressional candidate JackieSpeier met with members of the<strong>Armenian</strong> community last weekendat the <strong>Armenian</strong> National Committee’s(ANC) Hye Tad evening. The<strong>Armenian</strong> struggle for recognition,the struggle for survival, thestruggle for justice were recurringthemes during the evening.This annual ANC banquet isan opportunity for the advocacygroup to recap the previous year’sprogress and plans for the future.For organizers, it was a fittingdecision to have Ms. Speier speakat the event, both as an <strong>Armenian</strong>-American deeply committed to the<strong>Armenian</strong> cause, and as a personwho has faced her share of struggles.Though she’s faced hardships inthe past, Ms. Speier’s campaign fora seat in Congress already appearsto be headed for a successful finish.The seat, left vacant with thedeath of Rep. Tom Lantos, couldbe filled as soon as April 8th.A Stanford professor has expressedinterest in the seat, but noother lawmaker has come forwardas a candidate.Aram Hamparian, executivedirector of ANC of America, said ifMs. Speier wins the congressionalseat, she would be a great asset tothe <strong>Armenian</strong> cause.“There’s a difference between sittingat a table across from a memberof Congress and asking a memberof Congress, how can you helpus do this,” said Mr. Hamparian.“That’s one dialogue. It’s a very differentdialogue to sit across from afellow <strong>Armenian</strong> and say, how canwe together accomplish our commonneeds?”One of those common needs isthe recognition of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Genocide.“This seemed to be the year of106,” said Roxanne Makasdjianof the Bay Area ANC.Approval of House Resolution106, also known as the <strong>Armenian</strong>Genocide Resolution, means theU.S. would affirm its recognitionof the <strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide. HR106 passed in House Foreign AffairsCommittee, bringing it closerto approval than ever before.Among the supporters were BayArea politicians, including Speakerof the House Nancy Pelosi, thelate Congressman Lantos, AnnaEshoo, Barbara Lee, and LynnWoolsey.Members of the Bay Area ANCexplained that Ms. Speier’s presencein Congress could help get thatlong-desired goal of recognition.“More than any other friend inthe legislature, and we have manyof them, both <strong>Armenian</strong> andnon-<strong>Armenian</strong>, Jackie has alwayscome through without any hesitation.The question from her isnever what we needed from her,or if she will help us, but how– how we can best work togetherto achieve our common objective,”said Armen Carapetian of theBay Area ANC.Hamparian agrees. “She is anincredibly talented legislator;someone who has a track record ofmoving legislation. Her putting hershoulder to the wheel of the Genocideresolution will help us movethe resolution very far.” In fact,Speier has achieved an impressiverecord with over 300 bills signedinto law by both Democratic andRepublican governors.But life hasn’t always been easyfor Ms. Speier. In 1978, she was astaff member for Rep. Leo Ryan.The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> reaches some 75,000 <strong>Armenian</strong>-Americansevery week, with a heavy concentrationin Glendale, Burbank, Hollywood, and nearbymarkets. Our readership is growing rapidly.From real estate to produce, from local performancesto mortgages, from restaurants to automobiles,our readers are buyers.We are looking for a motivated self-starter to supportthe growth of advertising through outstandingsales and service.The successful incumbent will meet and exceedrevenue goals by prospecting for and selling to newaccounts, servicing existing accounts, and providingexcellent customer service.You will be part of an international media operation,with offices in Yerevan, Paramus, N.J., Minneapolis,When they went to Jonestown,Guyana to investigate allegationsof human rights abuses by ReverendJim Jones and his People’sTemple followers, Ms. Speier’s lifeforever changed.Jones’ followers shot and killedCongressman Ryan and over 900others, in the worst known cultmass suicide and murder.Ms. Speier was shot five timesand left for dead, waiting 22 hoursfor help to arrive.“I think my ability to survivecan be attributed to my <strong>Armenian</strong>heritage. As you know, <strong>Armenian</strong>sare known for their abilityto withstand atrocities greaterthan anyone can imagine,” saidMs. Speier during her keynote address.Ms. Speier’s supporters say she ismore than a survivor; she’s a fighter.Through the years, she has usedher political clout to help further<strong>Armenian</strong> issues.The veteran state legislator saidif she makes it to Congress, sheintends to work to offset Turkishand Azerbaijani blockades,and provide developmental andhumanitarian aid to Armenia andNagorno-Karabagh. And withthe hopes of so many <strong>Armenian</strong>sresting on her shoulders, she intendsto tackle the controversialissue of the <strong>Armenian</strong> GenocideResolution.“We are told by some to forgetthe <strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide,” said Ms.Speier. “We have a Secretary ofState who says get over it. But weand Washington, as well as Los Angeles. You will bebased in Atwater Village, on the border with Glendale,and receive a base salary plus commission.A track record of success is required. Fluency in<strong>Armenian</strong> is desirable but not required. Please sendyour resume with a covering letter to the attention ofSylva Boghossian, Publisher, at hr@reporter.am. Nophone inquiries please.will not forget and we will not getover it. To forget is to permit it tohappen again.”Carla Garapedian, writer andproducer of the documentaryScreamers believes Ms. Speier is vitalin getting the Genocide recognizedby the United States.“She feels it passionately becauseshe is <strong>Armenian</strong>, so she feels it becauseit is part of her,” said Ms. Garapedian.“I think the irony of thesituation is that Tom Lantos didnot fully embrace the idea that itwas a genocide. He actually arguedthat we needed to punish Turkey(for not allowing the U.S. to enterIraq through Turkey). That’s wherehis vote came in. For me to havesomebody who’s going to argue itfrom the right point of view. That’sa plus.”Although Ms. Speier is nearly unopposedin her quest for Congress,the ANC said it’s important to continuecampaigning for her.Overwhelming support, said ANCleaders, will show Washington thatSpeier did not only get the seat becauseshe is the obvious choice. Itwill show people want her to speakon behalf of them.But Hamparian explained thatjust voting isn’t enough.“If five or ten percent of <strong>Armenian</strong>sare engaged in theadvancement of the <strong>Armenian</strong>cause, that number should go to20 or 30 percent,” said Mr. Hamparian.“We need to see a largepercentage of our communitybring an added measure of vigorto this struggle.”Ms. Speier has worked with theBay Area ANC for 18 years, andbelieves the relationship will continue,as long as she’s in politics.That’s a welcomed statement forMark Markarian, an ANC volunteer.“The more <strong>Armenian</strong>s we can get,who are passionate about our cause,into higher positions of government,the better off it’s going to befor us,” said Mr. Markarian. “That’sreally the only way.”fconnect:JackieForCongress.com.

The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>Music for the global villageThe extraordinarylife of broadcasterLeo SarkisianPart Iby Elyssa KaranianLeo Sarkisian – ethnomusicologist,writer, and broadcaster, affectionatelyknown by millions as theVoice of America’s (VOA) “MusicMan” – is well into his eighth decadeof life and showing no signs ofslowing. As the creator and host ofthe highly successful, longest-runningVOA radio show “Music Timein Africa,” Sarkisian broadcast Africanmusic for the masses everyweekend for 40 years. The show hasbecome the world’s number one forumfor recognition of Africa’s contributionto world culture.For the past four decades, Sarkisian’sextensive knowledge of Africanmusic and culture has nurtureda global audience. The 60-minute“Music Time in Africa” provides informationabout music, traditionsand customs, rhythm styles, musicalinstruments, and the performersthemselves. Although Sarkisianretired from broadcasting the showat the end of 2004, his personaland professional legacies carry onstrongly. The show, for one, continuesto be broadcast by a handpickedsuccessor, Matthew Lavoie– an ethnomusicologist Sarkisianmet several years ago at the Universityof Michigan.Also, the Leo Sarkisian Library ofAfrican Music, consisting of a rarecollection of indigenous Africanmusic donated by Sarkisian to theVOA, was opened in Washington,DC, in 2005. Sarkisian amassedthis awe-inspiring collection duringhis nearly 50 years of travelingall around the African continent.Interviews with musicians and recordingspresented to him both byAfrican radio stations and Africancitizens make up the unique collection,which reflects the broad traditionaland popular musical heritageof Africa. Because of these contributions,Sarkisian’s personal collectiongrew to include over 10,000reel-to-reel tapes, records, cassettes,and CDs, all of which were donatedto start the library. In addition tothis massive collection, the libraryincludes African reference books,African music periodicals, ethnomusicologyjournals, and hundredsof tapes of original broadcasts ofhis show.“For decades, Leo’s broadcasts onVOA have established him as an ambassadorof goodwill to the peopleof Africa,” said VOA director DavidS. Jackson in a State Departmentinterview. “His collection is an internationaltreasure for anyonestudying African music and culture,and we’re proud to make it availableto scholars and researchers.”But when and how did it come tobe that a Massachusetts-born, firstgeneration<strong>Armenian</strong>, art studentwould become a household namein much of sub-Saharan Africa?The U.S. Army andGreenwich VillageLeo Sarkisian’s extraordinary lifebegan on January 4, 1921 in theMassachusetts town of Lawrence,where his parents had settled afteremigrating from Armenia throughBoston at the beginning of the lastcentury.Although his family did not havemuch money, young Leo (a lover ofart and drawing from an early age)found he could be resourceful inVOA’s longest-running music program, Music Time in Africa, created by Leo Sarkissian in 1965, receives hundreds of fanletters each week.his search for materials. He drewon old brown-paper grocery bagswith small pieces of charcoal andleftover chalk from school.After high school, Leo took hisdrawings to the Vesper GeorgeSchool of Art in Boston, where hewas offered a full scholarship. Justas he was completing his degree inillustration, the United States enteredWorld War II and Leo enlisted.Because of his artistic skills, Leowas assigned to a topographic unitin the US Army’s Engineer Corps,with which he traveled to North Africa.He continued to sketch all thathe saw while stationed in variousplaces throughout the war.After his discharge and return tothe United States, Leo moved toNew York City, where he workedas a freelance artist, making illustrationsand designing covers forbooks and magazines. Living justnorth of Greenwich Village – thebirthplace of the Beat Movementand an area known for its surgingjazz and bebop scene at the time– Leo was exposed to and fascinatedby the music of other culturesand would frequent the New YorkPublic Library to read about worldmusic.Raised on the sounds of MiddleEastern music and a clarinet playerin his high school orchestra, Leowas perhaps more well-roundedthan most listeners. But the morehe studied, the more he realizedhow poorly informed most Americanswere about world music. Hewas inspired to write a paper thathe hoped would bridge the gap inpeople’s knowledge. A friend ofLeo’s sent the paper to Irving Fogel,the president of Tempo Records, inCalifornia. It must have made animpression on Fogel, as he laterflew from California to meet Leoand offer him a job in Hollywood,telling him that he was just the personthey had been looking for.“In just those few seconds,” Leosaid in a 2002 interview, “I completelychanged my career.”Hollywood and the EastLeo accepted the offer from TempoRecords, went back to Massachusetts,married his girlfriend, MaryAndonian, and moved to California.“Off we went to Hollywood to livein part of Colonel Fogel’s mansion,which was a copy of an EnglishCastle on a high hill,” Mary recalled.“Leo was being trained as a soundengineer and recording artist.”Eventually, “we were sent to Washington,D.C., where Leo workedwith Tempo’s affiliate company,US Recording, which was buildingall of the special recording equipment,generators, and special batteryunits for field-recording work.He also received further technicaltraining.” Finally, by 1953, Leo hadacquired the requisite skills to worksolo overseas. He was sent to Pakistanwith Mary, a Jeep, and a loadof recording equipment. Whilethere, Leo worked, traveled, andrecorded with the music director ofRadio Pakistan.Later during that year, Leo andMary drove across the KhyberPass from Pakistan to Afghanistan,where they would spend the nextfew years. With his background in<strong>Armenian</strong>, Turkish, and even someArabic (which he learned while inthe army), Leo found it easy tomeet the linguistic challenges ofFarsi. With these language skillsunder his belt after only a fewmonths, Leo and his wife spent thenext few years traveling all aroundthe country in search of new musicto record.As he reflects on his and Mary’stravels, Leo speaks of the snowcoveredmountains of the HinduKush, in the extreme northern regionsof Afghanistan. He speaksof the continuous howling of huge,hungry grey-wolf packs, and travelingover the famous Khyber Passseveral times and throughout areas,considered very dangerousfor travelers. He speaks of meetingand working with different typesof people and never knowing whatwould happen from one day to thenext. But his fondest recollectionsare about Mary’s bravery, adventurousspirit, and ability to adapt toevery new place with passion andease. “What Mary endured duringher travels, from 1953 to 1969,” Leosaid, “few other women have experienced.”“You should have seen her in thevillages where we would stop andset up recording sessions,” Leobragged. “She would help settingup microphones for large choralgroups of 30 or 40 women, showingthem how to sing in front ofthe microphones, joking and laughingwith them to put them at easebefore we would begin to record.”Mary also learned the languagesof the many places she and Leowere stationed, including Farsi andFrench. Leo credits Mary for muchof his work, saying: “All that hasbeen written about my work, travels,and successes, could not havecome about without my beautifulwife, who has been by my side fromthe beginning.”Ghana and GuineaBefore long, Fogel decided that Leoand Mary should travel to Africa torecord music there. With the countriesof Africa gaining independencein the 1950s, it was a uniqueopportunity to catch the culturalrenaissance of many of these states,especially as it pertained to music.In 1958, the Sarkisians loaded uptheir Jeep with a new set of equipmentand set off for Ghana. “Ghanahad just become independent, so Iwas the first private American citizenthere,” Leo said in a 2004 interviewwith Bruce Greenberg. “I wassupposed to stay for about eightmonths, but wound up staying fora year, working for Radio Ghana.”After recording an album entitledNew Sounds from a New Nation,Leo and Mary headed to Guinea.Guinea had just received independencefrom France and Leo recallsthat the French left little behind. “Ihelped Radio Conakry get back onthe air by helping with the repair ofits broadcasting equipment,” Leotold Greenberg.Famous CBS broadcaster EdwardR. Murrow, named by the new USPresident, John F. Kennedy, as thehead of the US Information Agency(USIA), was also fascinated bythe emerging African countries. In1963, Murrow traveled to the continentwhere he, of course, havingheard about Leo from Irving Fogel,paid a visit to the Sarkisians’apartment in Conakry, Guinea.The USIA was considering to broadcastprograms to Africa and Leowas the perfect person for the task.Inspired by what he saw in Leoand what he heard in Leo’s recordings,Murrow promptly offeredhim a job with VOA. Leo acceptedMurrow’s offer and spent the nextsix years as the music director forVOA in Monrovia, Liberia, wherehe traveled extensively, recordingmusic and creating beautifulartwork inspired by the faces ofAfrica.Leo told Greenberg: “The luckything was, I had all the time I wantedfor these trips. I was never in arush. Too many other people wouldgo somewhere for a couple of weeks,and what they would come backwith was so superficial. I wantedto know all about the deep-downcultural differences, and for thatyou need time.” After two years ofextensive recording, researching,studying, and observing, Leo wentB9on the air with his program “MusicTime in Africa” in 1965.WashingtonAfter the closing of the VOA ProgramCenter in Liberia in 1969, Leoand Mary moved to the VOA headquartersin Washington, where hecontinued to broadcast up till hisretirement in 2004. Apart fromLeo’s carefully selected programming,one of the most strikingqualities of the show was its overwhelmingpopularity. By volumeof fan mail received alone, “MusicTime in Africa” was (and still is) themost popular show on VOA.Leo prides himself on answeringevery letter or e-mail addressedto his show, commenting that heand Mary would devote their weekendsto answering fans. Althoughhe was limited by VOA budgetaryconstraints to a maximum mailingof 500 responses per month, Leofound a way to respond to everyonewho took the time to write in. Inhis 2004 interview with Greenberg,he said: “I do this because when youconsider that the annual income incertain regions may be about $25 ayear, and it may cost some kid 50cents to buy a stamp and write me,telling me how he listens faithfullyto my program and likes it, then Ifeel an obligation to respond.”With 40 percent of VOA’s listenersresiding in Africa, a large amountof this fan mail was coming fromoverseas. Fan letters have beenreceived from Poland, Scandinavia,India, Japan, and Australia, toname a few. In addition to personalfan-mail responses, Leo would sendout a packet containing his newsletter,the latest VOA calendar andprogramming schedule, and evenan informational brochure on AIDS,which he would send out twice ayear to all his listeners.Worldwide experienceLeo Sarkisian continues to stay activeeven after his retirement frombroadcasting. In addition to maintainingthe Leo Sarkisian Library ofAfrican Music, Leo continues withhis artworkIn 2007 the American Embassyin Ankara, Turkey, and theAmerican Consulate in Istanbulhad received requests from theIstanbul Technical University’sCenter for Advanced Music Researchand Music Conservatory tohave Sarkisian as a guest speakerto discuss his work as an ethnomusicologistin various countries.Eventually word spread and theYildiz University as well as theprestigious Bogazici Universityalso wanted Leo on the programfor their music departments. InOctober of 2007 “I did go,” Leosaid, “sponsored by the U.S. StateDepartment, and was received byboth faculty and students withthe warmest hospitality I haveever experienced. Now they haverequested a return visit.”During his long career broadcastingout of Africa, Sarkisianhas met many of Africa’s mostinfluential statesmen and artists.Perhaps most notable was QueenLambikiza of the Kingdom of Swaziland– a lawyer, accomplishedsinger, and AIDS-awareness activistwho appeared as a guest on Leo’sshow. Possibly even more fascinatingthan a queen, however, are thevast numbers of <strong>Armenian</strong>s thatLeo met in each country he visited.“What has been most exciting forme worldwide,” Leo said, “are allthe interesting <strong>Armenian</strong>s I havemet and heard about.” fNext week: the colorful stories ofthe <strong>Armenian</strong> communities Leo Sarkisianencountered across the world,and their unique influences on thecultures of their adoptive countries.

B10 The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>CRIME BEATRafi OhanesGarabedian bringslight to inmatesby Armine IknadossianThe first thing I notice about ChaplainRafi Ohanes Garabedian ishis tie with I ♥ Jesus and tiny goldcrosses printed throughout. He isall smiles; mild-mannered thoughassertive. At once, I am aware ofthe intangible sense of peace andwellbeing he exudes. A jewelrymanufacturer, Rafi makes a comfortableliving in downtown LosAngeles. With his wife Shake, threesons, and two daughters-in-law, helives a prosperous life in the suburbsof La Crescenta, just a coupleof blocks away from the WesternPrelacy of the <strong>Armenian</strong> ApostolicChurch of America, where he servesas deacon. Recently, the church hasbeen designated as the site of thenew headquarters.When asked to expound on hiswork with <strong>Armenian</strong> prisoners, Rafiimmediately pulls out a newsletterthat he self-publishes with the helpof his son Kirk and twin sons Vaheand Vache. The handsome newsletter,Cross-Stone Lighthouse, isonly one way Rafi reaches out to the<strong>Armenian</strong> prison population of LosAngeles. Over 1,000 <strong>Armenian</strong> inmatesreceive the publication, whichincludes a message from Rafi, testimonialsfrom inmates, prayers, and,in this particular issue, the 12 stepsof Alcoholics Anonymous. Except,these 12 steps are unique in thatOut of the fogRafi Ohanes Garabedian with letters.they are aligned with Bible verseschosen by Rafi to elucidate the ideasof AA. “There’s a difference betweensobriety and salvation,” Rafi pointsout. “Being sober doesn’t meanyou’re completely healed.”About twenty years ago, Rafifound himself driving up north at4 a.m. on a foggy Saturday morningto visit an inmate who was recentlyincarcerated for launderingmoney. “It started to rain, and Istarted to ask myself, ‘Am I crazy?’”But, he continued on, visited theinmate, and was overwhelmed byhow grateful the man was. “Hedidn’t know how to thank me.” Onhis drive home, he was ecstatic, sofull of joy he started singing. Confoundedby how prison can makea man feel joy, Rafi listened to thevoice inside him, and the voice said,“You are so happy, and you only visitedone person. I have thousandsjust like that.”Many prison visits later, theL.A. County Sherriff’s Departmentappointed Rafi as Senior Chaplain,and Archbishop MousheghMardirossian, Prelate of WesternUnited States, acknowledged Rafi’swork with a letter of thanks andordained Rafi to give holy communionto the inmates. When askedabout his thoughts on the prisonsystem, Rafi is quite enthusiastic.“They do everything they can.” Hecredits Alex E. Gamboa, the deputywho deals with religious and volunteerServices, and Randall Zempel,sergeant, as supporters of his work.“We never had an <strong>Armenian</strong> religiousservices program specificallybefore I started working. I built asystem, so that after I die, the <strong>Armenian</strong>people will still have theseprograms available.”Rafi, who sites the apostle Paulas an inspiration, doesn’t believein judging these inmates. “It is notmy job to judge them. They have alreadybeen punished. Why shouldwe throw rocks at them?” I ask himfor a specific success story, and hiseyes light up. He tells me about atough young man whom he metAn enclosure in a letter from an inmate.with the day before his sentencing.His third strike, the man knew hewould get at least 25 years and, in adry, cynical tone, asked, “What doyou have to say to me?” The man’sname was Haroutioun. “I asked,‘Do you know the meaning of yourname? From death, new life. Thejudge has power over your body,but he can not touch your soul.’”The man was willing to pray, so Rafigot on his knees in the middle ofthe jail cell and started to pray forHaroutioun. “He started to cry likea baby…. I blessed him, put the Bibleon his head and prayed. He wasthe happiest man on earth. Thereare many people running aroundfree in this world whose souls areimprisoned. They are not truly freeinside. And, there are many peoplein prison whose souls are free, whofeel true freedom.”Rafi’s favorite Bible verse is Matthew6:14-15, which he urges me toread out loud. “If you forgive thosewho sin against you, your heavenlyFather will forgive you. But, if yourefuse to forgive others, your heavenlyFather will not forgive yoursins.” He follows this with Matthew4:12: “No one has ever seenGod. But if we love each other, Godlives in us, and his love is broughtto full expression in us.”There are many letters Rafi shareswith me, files filled with sketches,admissions, pleas, revelations, appreciation.He hands them to meone by one, and in each one, thereis the common thread of hope andenlightenment. Aram, in jail fordrunk driving, writes: “You filledme with the holy spirit. You alsoprovided me with my sword andshield (Bible).”Another, Eric, imprisoned ondrug charges, writes: “Paron Rafisaid to me that if you take a boxwhich is dark inside and open itin the light, the darkness in thatbox will disappear. But let’s say youbring a box with a candle in it, andit is dark when you open that box,the dark room will light up.”Yet another, Arsen, who also includedan interpretive sketch ofhis burdened heart, writes: “Rafihelped me to open the door and getclose to God. He gave me my firstBible. I started praying every dayand night. My life started changing.Getting close to God gave me a lotof answers to life that solved problemsin a way that I never thoughtwere possible.”When asked if this work is tiring,taking up so much of his free time,Rafi smiles his beatific smile, citingan example of how he felt during theholidays. “I don’t feel right celebratingNew Years without serving myLord. I serve, and then I come homeand say, ‘Honey, let’s celebrate!’” fA feast for the sensesLa Luna Negra offershearty Spanishdishes and liveflamencoby Lucie DavidianOn a Saturday night, you couldhear the commanding stompingof feet and the loud clapping ofhands before opening the door toenter La Luna Negra restaurant.The riffs of flamenco guitar giveway to the passionate voice of awoman singing as a tall man withthe tiniest waist dances around her.The tapas bar and restaurant, operatedby Lena Baboyan, is locatedin Oldtown Pasadena. On weekendnights, the bright red dining roomgets packed with a diverse crowdready to immerse itself into Spanishfood and the beautiful art offlamenco.As I watched the serious look onthe dancer’s face while she twirledwith her partner and followed hislead on stage, I couldn’t help butwonder what the lyrics meant.What could the song be about tomake the dancers look so seriousand even angry at times? Whateverthe words meant, the musicCeviche.Crepas a la Espanola.sounded great, and the performancesof the dancers, singer, andguitarist were engaging and powerful.Outside, passersby would stopfor a moment, poke their heads inwhile their eyes would stay gluedto the stage. Getting a reservationat that point would have taken awhile since the room was packedand clearly no one was leaving untilthe performances ended.Dancers.The décor at La Luna Negra complementsthe atmosphere perfectly.The bright red of the walls evokesthe same feelings that the musicdoes while the paintings of flamencodancers gyrating in their skirtsdon’t let you forget that paella is onits way to your table.The restaurant’s menu consistsof an extensive list of hot and coldtapas, salads, and entrées. La LunaNegra’s signature dishes comprisea variety of paellas, such as PaellaValenciana (with seafood, chicken,and chorizo) and Paella Vegetariana.Other entrées include Alaskansea bass in a red wine reduction;and Don Fernando’s Solomillo,named after the chef, consistingof beef tenderloin with a cranberrysauce served with baby vegetablesand garlic mashed potatoes.The tapas at La Luna Negra runthe gamut of vegetarian, meat,and seafood dishes. They includeCamarones Ahogados, black tigershrimp with jalapenos, cilantro,and lime; Serrano Fantasy, featuringimported Serrano ham servedwith potatoes, green peas, andcarrots; Seafood Croquettes witha rémoulade sauce; and pork ribscooked in a house-made barbecuesauce, with basil and garlic.La Luna Negra serves a variety ofsalads, such as Roast Duck Saladwith red and green cabbage, pears,grapes, and oranges; and StuffedChayote Squash. This salad featuressquash stuffed with rice,herbs, black beans, and scallops,served with shrimp kabob, grilledvegetables, and a papaya vinaigrette.La Luna Negra’s lively ambienceand sumptuous dishes are furtherenhanced by a large selectionof Spanish and California wines,house-made sangria, and beer. fLa Luna NegraTapas Bar and Restaurant44 West Green Street, Pasadena,California 91105www.lalunanegrarestaurant.comReservations: (626) 844-4331Open Tuesday-Thursday: 11AM-10 PMFriday-Sunday: 11 AM-12 PMFlamenco show featuring Claritaand Arte FlamencoThursdays: 8 PMFridays and Saturdays: 7:30PMSundays: 7 PM

The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008<strong>Community</strong>Calendar of EventsB11ArizonaJUNE 2 - ASU CRITICAL LAN-GUAGES INSTITUTE ELEMEN-TARY AND INTERMEDIATE AR-MENIAN LANUGAGE COURSE.Location: Arizona State University,975 S Myrtle Ave, Tempe ,AZ. 8:30 am Admission: $400. Formore information contact CriticalLanguages Institute, 480-965-7705; cli@asu.edu.Central CaliforniaMARCH 30 - 2008 MAN OFTHE YEAR BANQUET HONOR-ING MAYOR ALAN AUTRY. Location:<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Center,2348 Ventural St, Fresno, CA.1:00 PM Admission: $35. For moreinformation contact <strong>Armenian</strong>National Committee of CentralCalifornia, (559) 233-2315; aliknh@yahoo.com.APRIL 12 - CHARLIE KEYAN AR-MENIAN COMMUNITY SCHOOLANNUAL BANQUET. Location:<strong>Armenian</strong> Center, 2348 VenturaSt, Fresno, CA. 6:00 Admission:$40.00. For more informationcontact Charlie Keyan <strong>Armenian</strong><strong>Community</strong> School, 5592331800;swairdian@yahoo.com.Northern CaliforniaMARCH 13 – 18 - ISABELBAYRAKDARIAN AS CLEOPA-TRA. Location: Various locations,Palo Alto, CA. 8:00 PM Admission:$30 to $72. For more informationcontact Philharmonia BaroqueOrchestra, (415) 392-4400; info@philharmonia.org.MARCH 19 - “THE ORAL TRA-DITION OF WESTERN ARME-NIANS REGARDING THE AR-MENIAN GENOCIDE”. Location:Vasbouragan Hall, 51 CommonwealthAve, San Francisco, CA. 7pm Admission: free. For more informationcontact UCB <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies Program, 510-643-8872;astour@socrates.berkeley.edu.MARCH 29 - UC BERKELEY AR-MENIAN STUDIES PROGRAMBENEFIT GALA. Location: OlympicClub, 599 Skyline Blvd, DalyCity, CA. Admission: $175. Formore information contact UCBerkeley <strong>Armenian</strong> Alumni, ;ucbaa.contact@gmail.com.APRIL 6 - INTERNATIONALSYMPOSIUM DEMOCRATI-ZATION, GENOCIDE DENIAL,AND THE ARMENIAN-TURKISHDIALOGUE:IMO HRANT DINK.Location: 370/371 Dwinelle Hall,370/371 Dwinelle Hall, Berkeley,CA. 9:30 am - 5 p.m. Admission:free. For more informationcontact UCB <strong>Armenian</strong> StudiesProgram, 510-643-8872; astour@socrates.berkeley.edu.APRIL 7 - DR. RAYMOND KEV-ORKIAN: PRESENTATION OFHIS BOOK: LE GENOCIDE DESARMENIENS. Location: UCBerkeley, TBA, Berkeley, CA. 7p.m. Admission: free. For more informationcontact UCB <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies Program, 510-643-8872;astour@socrates.berkeley.edu.APRIL 11 - LECTURE: ARME-NIA, OLD NATION, YOUNGSTATE: CHALLENGES AND OP-PORTUNITIES. Location: 270Stephens Hall, UC Berkeley, 270Stephens Hall, Berkeley, CA. 12noon Admission: free. For moreinformation contact UCB <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies Program, 510-643-8872; astour@socrates.berkeley.edu.APRIL 19 - CAAONC 2008 BAN-QUET FOR THE MT. DAVIDSONCROSS COMMITTEE. Location:Grand Hyatt San Francisco, 345Stockton Street, San Francisco,CA. 7 pm Admission: tba. Formore information contact CAA-ONC, 415-123-1234; AKantarci@ssd.com.APRIL 20 - ARMENIAN GENO-CIDE MEMORIAL BLOOD DRIVE.Location: St James <strong>Armenian</strong> ApostolicChurch, 3240 B St, Sacramento,CA. 10am - 2pm Admission:Free. For more informationcontact Aram Sarkissian, 916-402-3899; blooddrive@norserountsacramento.org.APRIL 5 - REUNION - NEVARTGULBENKIAN AND MARY MA-NOOKIAN SCHOOLS OF TEH-RAN. Location: Ararat GlendaleChapter, 3347 N San Fernando Rd,Los Angeles, CA. 8:00 pm Admission:$100. For more informationcontact Reunion Committee, 818-705-7711; goolbengian.manookian@yahoo.com.APRIL 5 - FLUTE AND HARPCONCERT. Location: St John<strong>Armenian</strong> Church, 275 OlympiaWay, San Francisco, CA. Admission:TBD. For more informationcontact St. John Sayat Nova CulturalCommittee, 415-661-1142;nsarkiss@sbcglobal.net.APRIL 16 - THE MECHANISMOF CATASTROPHE: THE TURK-ISH POGROM OF SEPTEMBER 6-7, 1955 & THE DESTRUCTION OFTHE GREEK COMMUNITY OFIST. Location: 270 Stephens, U.C.Berkeley, 270 Stephens, Berkeley,CA. 12 noon Admission: free. Formore information contact UCB<strong>Armenian</strong> Studies Program, 510-643-8872; astour@socrates.berkeley.edu.APRIL 19 - CAAONC 2008 BAN-QUET FOR THE MT. DAVIDSONCROSS COMMITTEE. Location:Grand Hyatt San Francisco, 345Stockton Street, San Francisco,CA. 7 pm Admission: tba. Formore information contact CAA-ONC, 415-123-1234; AKantarci@ssd.com.APRIL 22 - “OVER NINE DE-CADES OF DENIAL”. Location:Glendale High School Auditorium,1440 E Broadway, Glendale, CA.7:00 p.m. Admission: Free. Formore information contact GlendaleUnified School District HighSchool <strong>Armenian</strong> Clubs, N/A;gkrikorian@gusd.net.MAY 3 - COSMIC RAY DIVISIONBENEFIT CONCERT. Location:California Palace of the Legionof Honor, 100 34-th Ave, SanFrancisco, CA. 2:00 PM Admission:$50. For more informationcontact Anahid Yeremian, (650)926-4444; anahid@slac.stanford.edu.MAY 4 - ARS SAN FRANCISCOGARIN CHAPTER 75TH ANNI-VERSARY CELEBRATION. Location:TBD, , San Francisco, CA.TBD Admission: TBD. For moreinformation contact ARS SF GarinChapter, 650-207-3521; judy@jingirian.com.MAY 10 - 2ND ANNUAL WALK-ATHON FOR ARMENIA’SSCHOOLS. Location: GoldenGate Park, Polo Field, San Francisco,CA. 11 am - 5 pm Admission:TBD. For more informationcontact Knights and Daughters ofVartan, 510-547-5399; masis@california.com.MAY 10 - CALVARY ARMENIANCONGREGATIONAL CHURCHANNUAL BANQUET. Location:Calvary <strong>Armenian</strong> CongregationalChurch Annual Banquet, 725Brotherhood Way, San Francisco,CA. 7:00 PM Admission: $75. Formore information contact Calvary<strong>Armenian</strong> Congregational Church,(415) 586 - 2000; cacc@cacc-sf.org.MAY 11 - TALENT SHOW. Location:Sunnyvale <strong>Community</strong> Theatre,555 East Remington Drive,Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale, CA. 6 pmAdmission: $25. For more informationcontact St Andrew <strong>Armenian</strong>Church, (409) 777-8688; 555E Remington Dr.OCTOBER 14 - ARMENIANVOICES- HOVER CHAMBERCHOIR OF ARMENIA. Location:TBD, San Francisco, CA. 7:30 PMAdmission: TBD. For more informationcontact World MusicManagement, 617-686-6556; info@worldmusicmanagement.com.Southern CaliforniaMARCH 29 – APRIL 20 VaheBerberian’s BARON GARBIS!EXTENDED - 8 SHOWS ONLY.NEW LOCATION. AGBU Theatre,2495 E. Mountain St., Pasadena,CA. Every Saturday 8 PM / EverySunday 3 PM. Admission: $30. Formore information contact BaronGarbis, 818-397-7392; barongarbis@gmail.com.Tickets on www.itsmyseat.com.MARCH 1 - 24 - BLACK (FOR-MERLY KNOWN AS “MERCE-NARIES”). Location: The Roxy,9009 W. Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood,CA. 9:00 PM Admission:$10 | $15. For more informationcontact 24 Black, (323) 662-2535;24black@twentyfourblack.com.MARCH 15 – PRIVATE VIN-TAGE CAR MUSEUM OPENS ITSDOORS. Astor Classics, a worldclassautomotive and communicationsmuseum that showcases300 classic cars, plus much more,will be the site of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Film Foundation’s special event.6:00 p.m. Anaheim, CA. For moreinformation call (213) 680-9522;(818) 648-9907 or (805) 495-0717.MARCH 16 - LEXUS RAFFLETICKET - HADJIN UNION. Location:Verdugo Hills Country Club,400 W Glenoaks Blvd , Glendale,CA. 8:00 PM Admission: $100. Formore information contact CompatrioticUnion of Hadjin, (818)243-7029; hadjincompunion@aol.com. Tickets on www.itsmyseat.com.MARCH 18 - POT LUCK DANCECLASS. Location: A.R.S. ArazChapter, 361 E. Magnolia BlvdSuite “C”, Burbank, CA. 7:30 pmAdmission: $10.00. For more informationcontact A.R.S. ArazChapter, 818-640-6513; arenanor@aol.com.MARCH 24 - DANCE CLASSES.Location: Homenetmen AraratChapter, 3347 N San FernandoRd, Glendale, CA. 7:30 pmAdmission: $40.00 for 8 weeks.For more information contactHomenetmen Ararat Chapter,818-968-6136; arenanor@aol.com.MARCH 27 - DANCE CLASSES(FUND RAISING). Location:St. Gregory <strong>Armenian</strong> CatholicChurch, 1510 E Mountain St,Glendale, CA. 8:00pm Admission:$40.00 for 8 weeks. For more informationcontact St. Gregory <strong>Armenian</strong>Catholic Church, 818-232-1457; arenanor@aol.com.MARCH 28 - ART EXHIBIT. Location:Western Prelacy “Dikran andZarouhie Der Ghazarian” Hall,and Child Care Children’s FashionShow, Luncheon and Silent Auction.Saturday, 11:00 am. BeverlyHills Hotel. Donation $75. For informationand tickets call ElizabethAgbabian (310) 476-5306,Gina Felikian (310) 890-3115.APRIL 27 - AN EVENING WITHHASMIK PAPIAN. Location: VibianaCathedral, 210 S Main St, LosAngeles, CA. 7:00 PM Admission:$50-$150. For more informationcontact Zoe Kevork, (818) 761-4204; info@infiniteechoent.com.Tickets on www.itsmyseat.com.APRIL 27 - ARS: A PLEASANTEVENING. Location: Zov’s Bistro,17440 17th st, Tustin, CA. 4:00PM Admission: $100. For moreinformation contact ARS CentennialFund, (818) 219-1643;. Ticketson www.itsmyseat.com.MAY 2 - DELEYAMAN DEBUT.Location: Herbert Zipper ConcertHall, 200 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles,CA. 8:00 PM Admission: $40.For more information contactTTO Records, (213) 404- 8880;ttorecords@club-internet.fr. Ticketson www.itsmyseat.com.MAY 6 - SONOMA STATE UNI-VERSITY ARMENIAN GENO-CIDE MEMORIAL LECTURE. Location:Sonoma State University/Warren Auditorium in Ives Hall,1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park,CA. 4:00PM - 5:40PM Admission:Free to the Public. For more informationcontact Christyne Davidian,707-762-2995; christyne@callatg.com.MAY 10 - SOURENSubscription CouponNAMESTREETthe armenianreporterannual ratesu.s.a. First Class Mail: $75Canada: $125 (U.S.); Overseas: $250 (U.S.)CITY/STATE/ZIPKHANAMIRIAN ARMENIANCOLLEGE ALUMNI “WHEREARE WE NOW” REUNION. Location:ZAHLE RESTAURANT,12916 Victory Blvd, North Hollywood,CA. 8pm Admission: $40.For more information contactSouren Khanamirian <strong>Armenian</strong>College Alumni, 818-281-3099;RKabrian@aol.com.MAY 17 - RAA ANNUAL GALABANQUET. Location: TBD, LosAngeles, CA. 7:30 PM Admission:TBD. For more information contactRAA / USA, (818) 469-1186;Board@RAA-USA.org.MAY 18 - THIRD ANNIVERSARYBANQUET. Location: UniversalHilton, 555 Universal HollywoodDr, Universal City, CA. 5:30 pmAdmission: TBA. For more informationcontact USC Institute of<strong>Armenian</strong> Studies, 213-821-3943;armenian@college.usc.edu.MAY 18 - ARARAT POKER TOUR-NAMENT. Location: MARQUIS,811 E COLORADO ST, Glendale,CA. 10:00 am Admission: 100.00.For more information contactARARAT, 818)631-2666; JAHANI-ANA@AOL.COM.MAY 18 - ANC-BURBANK 3RDANNUAL BANQUET. Location:Arbat Banquet Hall, 711 S. SanFernando Rd, Burbank, CA. 5:30PM Admission: TBA. For more informationcontact Burbank ANC,(818) 562-1918; info@burbankanc.org.MAY 18 - YACHT DINNERCRUISE IN MARINA DEL REY.Location: Hornblower CruiseDock, Fisherman’s Village 13755Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA. 1:30PM | 6:00 PM Admission: $75 perperson. For more informationcontact, (626) 440-6047.MAY 30 - ZEMIRE ARMENIANOPERA MAY 30, 31, JUNE 1. Location:Pasadena Civic Auditorium,300 E Green St, Pasadena,CA. 8:00pm Admission: Various.For more information contactAGBU Ardavazt Theater Companyand Lark Musical Society, 626-794-7942.MAY 30 - AN EVENING WITHMICHAEL BROOK & DJIVANGASPARYAN. Location: RoyceHall, 340 Royce Dr, Los Angeles,CA. 8:00 PM Admission: $48, 36,24. For more information contactUCLA Live, 310.825.2101; tickets@uclalive.org.MAY 31 - ARMENIA SCHOOLFOUNDATION’S 5TH ANNIVER-SARY GALA BANQUET. Location:Ararat Hall, 3347 N San FernandoRd, Los Angeles, CA. TBD Admission:TBD. For more informationcontact ASF, (818) 957-0768; info@armeniaschoolfoundation.org.MAY 31 - JUNE 1 - ARMENIANFOOD FAIR & FEST. For moreinformation contact Anita, (714)925-4193; Anita.Altounian@CaliberCollision.com.JUNE 1 - ARMENIAN INDEPEN-DENCE DAY FESTIVAL. Location:Little Armenia, Hollywood Blvd,between Vermont and Alexandria,Hollywood, CA. 11:00 a.m. Admission:Free. For more informationcontact <strong>Armenian</strong> Cultural Foundation.AUGUST 23 - SAVE THE DATE:ADAA WEEK - AUGUST 23, 25-27,2008. Location: Stars Palace Theatre,216 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale,CA. 8:00PM Admission: $200.00.For more information contact <strong>Armenian</strong>Dramatic Arts Alliance, ;adaa.zk@gmail.com.SEPTEMBER 28 - ANCWR AN-NUAL BANQUET. Location: Notdetermined, Not determined, LosAngeles, CA. 5:30 Admission: Notset. For more information contact<strong>Armenian</strong> National CommitteeWestern Region, 8185001918; teresa@anca.org.OCTOBER 12 - ARMENIANVOICES- HOVER CHAMBERCHOIR OF ARMENIA. Location:TBD, Glendale, CA. 7:30 PM Admission:TBD. For more informationcontact World Music Management,617-686-6556; info@worldmusicmanagement.com.OCTOBER 24 - ARPA INTERNA-TIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. Location:Egyptian Theater, 6712 HollywoodBlvd, Hollywood, CA. 6pmAdmission: $11-$25. For more informationcontact AFFMA, 323-663-1882; affma95@aol.com.Check Enclosed OR Charge My:Mastercard Visa Amex DiscoverExp.MAIL Coupon to: armenian reporterp.o. box 129, paramus, nj 07652orFAx coupon to (201) 226-1660(CRedit card orders only)

B12 The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | March 15, 2008

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