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pdf file, 187 kb - NP-Geonet - Norsk Polarinstitutt

pdf file, 187 kb - NP-Geonet - Norsk Polarinstitutt

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Hjelle, A. and Ohta, Y. 1978: Aspects of the Caledonian metamorphism in Svalbard, In Metamorphic Map ofEurope, 1:2, 500, 000 and the explanarory text, Zwart, H. J. (ed. ), Leiden p. 50-56Ohta, Y. 1978: Nature of Spitsbergen, Geography and geology, Shizen, 1978, no. 3, p. 62-75 (in Japanese)Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y., and Winsnes, T. S. 1978: Stratigraphy and igneous petrology of Southern Heritage Range,Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica, In Results from Norwegian Antarctic Research 1974-77, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst.Skr. Nr. 169, p. 5-43Hjelle, A. & Ohta, Y. 1978: Tectonics of Spitsbergen. In Peive, A. V., Khain, V. E. & Muratov, M. V. (eds. ),Tectonics of Europe and adjacent areas. Ancient Platforms, Baikalides, Caledonides. Nauka, Moscow, p. 355-366 (in Russian)Ohta, Y. 1978: Caledonian metamorphism in Svalbard, with some remarks on the basement, Polarforschung, v.48, Hf. 1-2, p. 78-91Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y. and Winsnes, T. S. 1979: Hecla Hoek rocks of Oscar II Land and Prins Karls Forland,Svalbard, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 167, p. 145-169Ohta, Y. 1979: Blue schists from Motalafjella, western Spitsbergen, <strong>Norsk</strong> polarinst. Skr. Nr. 167, p. 172-217Ohta, Y. 1981: Report of the exchange scientist to the summer party of the 21th Antarctic Research Expedition,Antarctic record, Japanese Polar Inst., No. 73, p. 265-272 (in Japanese)Kizaki, K., Ohta, Y. and Arita, K. 1981: Structure of the Midland metasediments Group of central-east Nepal,Himalayan Geology, Indian Geol. Survey, Misc. Publ. no. 41, p. 271-275Ohta, Y. 1981: Caledonian fractures on Svalbard. In: Gabrielsen, R. H., Ramberg, I. B., Roberts, D. andSteinlein, O. (eds. ) Preceeding of the Fourth Intern. Conf. on basement tectonics, Oslo, Norway, Intern.Basement Tectonic Assoc. Publ. no. 4, 339-350Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y. and Winsnes, T. S. 1982: Geology and Petrology of the southern Heritage Range, EllsworthMountains, In: Antarctic Geosciences, Craddock, C. (ed. ), Wisconsin Univ. Press, p. 599-608Ohta, Y. 1982: Relation between the Kapp Hansteen Formation and the Brennevinsfjorden Formation inBotniahalvøya, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 178, p. 5-18Ohta, Y. 1982: Murchisonfjorden Supergroup of Lågøya, northwest Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst.Skr. Nr. 178: p. 19-40Ohta, Y. 1982: Lithostratigraphy of the Hecla Hoek rocks in central Nordaustlandet and their relationships to theCaledonian granitic-migmatitic rocks, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 178, p. 41-60Shiraishi, K., Asami, M. and Ohta, Y. 1982: Plutonic and metamorphic rocks of Massif-A in the YamatoMountains, East Antarctica, Proc. 2nd Symp. Antarctic Geosciences, 1980, Japanese Polar Res. Inst. SpecialIssue no. 21, p. 21-31Ohta, Y. 1982: Morpho-tectonic studies around Svalbard and the northernmost Atlantic, In: Arctic Geology andGeophysics, Embry, A. F., and Balkwill, H. R. (eds. ), Canadian Soc. Petroleum Geol., Memoir 8, p. 415-428Shiraishi, K., Asami, M. and Ohta, Y. 1983: Geology and petrology of the Yamato Mountains, In: AntarcticEarth Sciences, Oliver, R. L. and Jago, J. B. (eds. ), Australian Academy of Sci., p. 50-53Ohta, Y., Hiroi, Y. and Hirajima, T. 1983: Additional evidence of pre-Silurian high-pressure metamorphic rocksin Spitsbergen, Polar Res., nr. 1, n. s., p. 215-218Hirajima, T., Hiroi, Y. and Ohta, Y. 1984: Lawsonite and pumpellyite from the Vestgotabreen Formation inSpitsbergen, <strong>Norsk</strong> Geol. Tids. v. 64, p. 267-274Ohta, Y. 1985: Geochemistry of Precambrian basic igneous rocks between St. Jonsfjorden and Isfjorden, centralwestern Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Polar Res., v. 3, n. s., p. 49-67Ohta, Y. 1985: Geochemistry of the late Proterozoic Kapp Hansteen igneous rocks of Nordaustlandet, Svalbard,Polar Res. v. 3, n. s., p. 69-92Ohta, Y. 1985: Arctic and Svalbard. Appendix for Espen's Icebear Expedition by T. Larsen, translated by M.Ohta, Kyoiku-sha, Tokyo, p. 152-161 (in japanese)Armstrong, H. A., Nakrem, H. A. and Ohta, Y. 1986: Ordovician conodonts from the Bulltinden Formation,Motalafjella, central western Spitsbergen, Polar Res., v. 4, n. s., p. 17-23Ohta, Y., Hirajima, T. and Hiroi, Y. 1986: Caledonian high-pressure metamorphism in central westernSpitsbergen, In: Blueschists and related eclogites, Geol. Soc. Am. Memoir 164, p. 205-216Ohta, Y. and Tørudbakken, B. 1985: Geology of Gjelsvikfjella and western Muhlig-Hofmannfjella, <strong>Norsk</strong>Polarinst. Rapportserie, Nr. 22, Report of the NARE 1984/85, p. 35-42Ohta, Y. 1986: Project proposal for the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1987/88, The Antarctic Committee ofNorway, p. 1-17 and 10 figures.Ohta, Y. 1986: Svalbard Caledonides with new radiometric ages. Geonytt nr. 21, 44Ohta, Y. 1987: Polyphase evolution of Svalbard Caledonides. XIV Sympozjum Polarrne, Lublin, May 1987, 27-28Ohta, Y. 1988: Structure of Carboniferous strata at Trygghamna and along the SE margin of the ForlandsundetGraben, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Rapport Nr. 46, 25-28

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