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LIST OF PUBLICATIONSYoshihide OhtaRemark:The name of the author could be transcribed into roman letters in several ways:Ohta, Ota, Yoshihide, and MasahideARTICLESOhta, Y. 1954: Orbicular diorite found as a erratic boulder in Tateyama River, Toyama Prefecture. Jour. Geol.Soc. Japan, v. 60, no. 711, p. 618-620, (in Japanese)Ohta, Y. 1959, On some Rapakivi-type feldspars from an aplite dyke cutting the Hornblende-gabbro in theUnatsuki district, central Japan. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 65, no. 765, p. 349-356 (in Japanese with Englishabstract)Ohta, Y. 1960: Note on the rocks from Hokkaido, -the Furrep granite. Report of Hokkaido Geol. Soc. no. 39, p.42. (in Japanese)Ohta, Y. 1960: The syntexite zone situated in the eastern area of Unatsuki in the Kurobegawa region. Jour. Geol.Soc. Japan, v. 67, no. 791, p. 451-462. (in Japanese with English abstract)Katsui, Y., Hariya, Y., Takahashi, T., Ohta, Y., Iwanaga, M., Kondo, Y. and Hanada, H. 1961: Fluorescent X-rayspectrographic analyses of rocks and minerals, 1st-report, Analyses of rocks. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 67, no.794, p. 607-617. (in Japanese with English abstract)Katsui, Y., Hariya, Y., Takahashi, T., Ohta, Y., Iwanaga, M., Kondo, Y. and Hanada, H. 1961: Fluorescent X-rayspectrographic analyses of rocks and minerals. Report-2, Analyses of rocks. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 67, no.795, p. 688-694. (in Japanese with English abstract)Ohta, Y. 1961: On the hornblende gabbro in the northeastern part of the Hida metamorphic terrane. Jour. Geol.Soc. Japan, v. 67, no. 694, p. 623-640. (in Japanese with English abstract)Ohta, M. 1961: Geological and petrological studies on the metamorphic and plutonic rocks in the northeasternpart of the Hida metamorphic region. Part 1, The distribution and the lithofacies of the rocks. Earth Sciences,no. 57, p. 24-35. (in Japanese with English abstract)Ohta, Y. 1961: The plutonics and metamorphics in the northeastern area of the Hida Metamorphic Zone. Part-2,Geological structure. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 67, no. 795, p. 676-687. (in Japanese with English abstract)Ohta, M. 1963: Oki metamorphics. Jour. Japanese Assoc. of Geol., Miner. and Mining Geol., v. 49, no. 5, p. 189-209. (in Japanese with English abstract)Ohta, Y. 1963: Folklore and Quaternary geology. Jour. Alpine Museum of Ohmachi, 1963-no. 2, p. 2-5. (inJapanese)Kobayashi, H., Kizaki, K., Ohta, Y., Hirai, Y., Kim, C., Soya, T., Nochi, M., Yoshida, M., and Tsuchiya, T.1964: Tectonics of the metamorphics and granites near the Lake Sakuma, Nagano Prefecture. - Tectonics of theRhyoke Metamorphic Belt in central Japan, Part I. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 70, no. 827, p. 446-459. (inJapanese with English abstract)Ohta, Y. 1964: On the estimation method of consolidation temperature of feldspars, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v.70, no. 830, p. 539-553. (in Japanese)Hashimoto, S. and Ohta, Y. 1964: Geological and petrological excursion guidbook of Swartzwald, W-Germany.-A translation of the guidbook with the original introduction, Structural Geology Study Group of Geol. Soc.Japan, no. 6, p. 1-36 (in Japanese)Kobayashi, H., Kizaki, K., Ohta, Y., Kim, C., Soma, T., Hirai, Y., Nochi, M., Yoshida, M., and Tsuchiya, T.1965: General tectonic geology of the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt of central Japan, -Tectonics of the RyokeMetamorphic Belt of central Japan, Part II. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 71, no. 834, p. 93-99. (in Japanese withEnglish abstract)Yamaguchi, R. and Ohta, Y. 1965: Discovery of Lepidolina kumaensis KANMERA from the OhtaniConglomerate in the Ise region, Fukui Prefecture, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 71, no. 837, p. 276280 (inJapanese with English abstract)Ohta, Y. and Kizaki, K. 1966: Petrographic studies of potash feldspar from the Yamato Sanmyaku, EastAntarctica, JARE Sci. Reports, series C, no. 5, p. 1-40Ohta, Y. 1967: Recent advance of Precambrian researches in southern Norway, Earth Sciences, v. 21, no. 2, p.25-27 (in Japanese)Ohta, Y. 1968: Geological expedition to Spitsbergen, Polar Records, 1968, no. 3, p. 2-10 (in Japanese)Hunahashi, M., Kim, C., Tsuchiya, T. and Ohta, Y. 1968, Co-existince of plagioclases of different compositionsin some plutonic and metamorphic rocks, Lithos, v. 1, p. 356-373

Hjelle, A. and Ohta, Y. 1978: Aspects of the Caledonian metamorphism in Svalbard, In Metamorphic Map ofEurope, 1:2, 500, 000 and the explanarory text, Zwart, H. J. (ed. ), Leiden p. 50-56Ohta, Y. 1978: Nature of Spitsbergen, Geography and geology, Shizen, 1978, no. 3, p. 62-75 (in Japanese)Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y., and Winsnes, T. S. 1978: Stratigraphy and igneous petrology of Southern Heritage Range,Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica, In Results from Norwegian Antarctic Research 1974-77, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst.Skr. Nr. 169, p. 5-43Hjelle, A. & Ohta, Y. 1978: Tectonics of Spitsbergen. In Peive, A. V., Khain, V. E. & Muratov, M. V. (eds. ),Tectonics of Europe and adjacent areas. Ancient Platforms, Baikalides, Caledonides. Nauka, Moscow, p. 355-366 (in Russian)Ohta, Y. 1978: Caledonian metamorphism in Svalbard, with some remarks on the basement, Polarforschung, v.48, Hf. 1-2, p. 78-91Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y. and Winsnes, T. S. 1979: Hecla Hoek rocks of Oscar II Land and Prins Karls Forland,Svalbard, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 167, p. 145-169Ohta, Y. 1979: Blue schists from Motalafjella, western Spitsbergen, <strong>Norsk</strong> polarinst. Skr. Nr. 167, p. 172-217Ohta, Y. 1981: Report of the exchange scientist to the summer party of the 21th Antarctic Research Expedition,Antarctic record, Japanese Polar Inst., No. 73, p. 265-272 (in Japanese)Kizaki, K., Ohta, Y. and Arita, K. 1981: Structure of the Midland metasediments Group of central-east Nepal,Himalayan Geology, Indian Geol. Survey, Misc. Publ. no. 41, p. 271-275Ohta, Y. 1981: Caledonian fractures on Svalbard. In: Gabrielsen, R. H., Ramberg, I. B., Roberts, D. andSteinlein, O. (eds. ) Preceeding of the Fourth Intern. Conf. on basement tectonics, Oslo, Norway, Intern.Basement Tectonic Assoc. Publ. no. 4, 339-350Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y. and Winsnes, T. S. 1982: Geology and Petrology of the southern Heritage Range, EllsworthMountains, In: Antarctic Geosciences, Craddock, C. (ed. ), Wisconsin Univ. Press, p. 599-608Ohta, Y. 1982: Relation between the Kapp Hansteen Formation and the Brennevinsfjorden Formation inBotniahalvøya, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 178, p. 5-18Ohta, Y. 1982: Murchisonfjorden Supergroup of Lågøya, northwest Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst.Skr. Nr. 178: p. 19-40Ohta, Y. 1982: Lithostratigraphy of the Hecla Hoek rocks in central Nordaustlandet and their relationships to theCaledonian granitic-migmatitic rocks, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 178, p. 41-60Shiraishi, K., Asami, M. and Ohta, Y. 1982: Plutonic and metamorphic rocks of Massif-A in the YamatoMountains, East Antarctica, Proc. 2nd Symp. Antarctic Geosciences, 1980, Japanese Polar Res. Inst. SpecialIssue no. 21, p. 21-31Ohta, Y. 1982: Morpho-tectonic studies around Svalbard and the northernmost Atlantic, In: Arctic Geology andGeophysics, Embry, A. F., and Balkwill, H. R. (eds. ), Canadian Soc. Petroleum Geol., Memoir 8, p. 415-428Shiraishi, K., Asami, M. and Ohta, Y. 1983: Geology and petrology of the Yamato Mountains, In: AntarcticEarth Sciences, Oliver, R. L. and Jago, J. B. (eds. ), Australian Academy of Sci., p. 50-53Ohta, Y., Hiroi, Y. and Hirajima, T. 1983: Additional evidence of pre-Silurian high-pressure metamorphic rocksin Spitsbergen, Polar Res., nr. 1, n. s., p. 215-218Hirajima, T., Hiroi, Y. and Ohta, Y. 1984: Lawsonite and pumpellyite from the Vestgotabreen Formation inSpitsbergen, <strong>Norsk</strong> Geol. Tids. v. 64, p. 267-274Ohta, Y. 1985: Geochemistry of Precambrian basic igneous rocks between St. Jonsfjorden and Isfjorden, centralwestern Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Polar Res., v. 3, n. s., p. 49-67Ohta, Y. 1985: Geochemistry of the late Proterozoic Kapp Hansteen igneous rocks of Nordaustlandet, Svalbard,Polar Res. v. 3, n. s., p. 69-92Ohta, Y. 1985: Arctic and Svalbard. Appendix for Espen's Icebear Expedition by T. Larsen, translated by M.Ohta, Kyoiku-sha, Tokyo, p. 152-161 (in japanese)Armstrong, H. A., Nakrem, H. A. and Ohta, Y. 1986: Ordovician conodonts from the Bulltinden Formation,Motalafjella, central western Spitsbergen, Polar Res., v. 4, n. s., p. 17-23Ohta, Y., Hirajima, T. and Hiroi, Y. 1986: Caledonian high-pressure metamorphism in central westernSpitsbergen, In: Blueschists and related eclogites, Geol. Soc. Am. Memoir 164, p. 205-216Ohta, Y. and Tørudbakken, B. 1985: Geology of Gjelsvikfjella and western Muhlig-Hofmannfjella, <strong>Norsk</strong>Polarinst. Rapportserie, Nr. 22, Report of the NARE 1984/85, p. 35-42Ohta, Y. 1986: Project proposal for the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1987/88, The Antarctic Committee ofNorway, p. 1-17 and 10 figures.Ohta, Y. 1986: Svalbard Caledonides with new radiometric ages. Geonytt nr. 21, 44Ohta, Y. 1987: Polyphase evolution of Svalbard Caledonides. XIV Sympozjum Polarrne, Lublin, May 1987, 27-28Ohta, Y. 1988: Structure of Carboniferous strata at Trygghamna and along the SE margin of the ForlandsundetGraben, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Rapport Nr. 46, 25-28

Ohta, Y., Peucat, J. J. and Bernard-Griffiths, J. 1992: Geochronological studies on the basement rocks ofSvalbard. FNS Arctic Research Seminar Proceedings, 12ppDallmann, W. K., Andresen, A., Berg, S. G., Maher, H. M. & Ohta, Y. 1993; Tertiary fold-and -thrust belt ofSpitsbergen, Svalbard. Compilation map, summary and bibliography, 46 pp. and 3 mapsBucher-Nurminen, K. and Ohta, Y. 1993: Granulites and garnet-cordierite gneisses from Dronning Maud land,Antarctica. Jour. Metamorphic Geology 11, 691-703Klaper, E. M. and Ohta, Y. 1993: Paleozoic metamorphism across the boundary between the Clements Markamfold belt and the Pearya terrane in northern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Canadian Jour. Sci.30, 867-880Ohta, Y., Austrheim, H., Dallmann, W. K. and Bucher-Nurminen, K. 1993: Phote Atlas of charnockite andgranulites from Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1989-90. Poster to Norges Geol. Vintermøte 1993.Ohta, Y. 1992: Northeast Sea Route, call for the participation of Japan. Hoppoken v. 81, p. 28-33 (in Japanese)Ohta, Y. 1993: North East Passage; its history and future. Aurora nos. 17-19 (in Japanese)Ohta, Y. 1993: Contributor for the summary of geology in Svalbard and Barents Sea in Norwegian State Atlas bySigmond, E. M. O. In Berggrunnskart, Norge og Havområder.Balashov, Yu., Teben’kov, A. M., Ohta, Y., Larionov, A. N., Sirotkin, A. N., Gannibal, L. F. and Ruyngenen, G.I. 1994: Grenvillian U-Pb zircon ages of quartz-porphyry and rhyolite clasts in a metaconglomerate atVimsodden, southwestern Spitsbergen. Polar Research 14 (3), 291-301Krasil’ščikov, A. A., Ohta, Y. and Kubansky, A. P. 1994: Surfece magnetic anomaly survey on the eastern sideof Forlandsundet Graben. Polar Research 14 (1), 55-68Ohta, Y. (ed. ), 1994: Living in Oslo. A guide book of Oslo. JETRO Publ. Co Ltd. 230p.Ohta, Y., Krasil’ščikov, A. A. and Lepvrier, C. 1994: Extension of Caledonian high-pressure metamorphic zonein central western Spitsbergen and the Tertiary tectonics. Polar Research 15, . . . . ppSkilbrei, J. R., Eiken, O. and Ohta, Y. 1994: Structur and offshore extension of fault zones on Spitsbergen,Svalbard: Evidence from aeromagnetic and reflection seismic data. In Doktor Presentation of NTH, 1993 part8, 1-19. Jour. Geophysical Research (in press)Ohta, Y. 1993: Precambrian history of Svalbard in the light of new radiometric age determinations. Proceedingof XX Polish Polar Symposium, Lublin, p. 413-420.Ohta, Y. 1993: Caledonian and Precambrian history of Svalbard: A review, and an implication for escapetectonics. Tectonophysics 231, 183-194Bernard-Griffiths, J., Peucat, J. J. and Ohta, Y. 1993: Age and nature of protoliths in the Caledonian blueschisteclogitecomplex of western Spitsbergen: a combined approach using U-Pb, Sm-Nd and REE whole rocksystems. Lithos 30, 81-90Dallmann, W. K., Andresen, A., Bergh, S. G., Maher, H. M. and Ohta, Y. 1993: Tertiary fold-and- thrust belt ofSpitsbergen, Svalbard. <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Meddeleser no. 128Balašov, Yu. Larionov, A. N., Gannibal, L. F., Sirotkin, A. N., Ryungenen, G. I. and Ohta, Y. 1993: An EarlyProterozoic U-Pb zircon age from an Eskolabreen Formation gneiss ib souther Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. Polarresearch 12, 147-152Ohta, Y. 1993: Northern Sea Route. Jour. Alpine Museum, Ohmachi, v. 38, nos. 7 and 8 (in Japanese)Ohta, Y. 1993: Strike-slip movement along the eastern margin of Forlandsundet Graben, Spitsbergen. TSGS-93Meeting, Nov. Trondheim. p. 18Ohta, Y. 1994: Pre-cambrian history of Svalbard basement. 21st Nordiska Geol. Vintermöte, Luleå, 151.Ohta, Y. 1994: Caledonian and Precambrian history in Svalbard: a review, and an implication of escapetectonics. Tectonophysics 231, p. 183-194.Austrheim, H., Ohta, Y. and Mauel, B. 1994: Rare Earth element-enriched minerals from the charnockites,western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. (in prep. )Ohta, Y., Krasil’ščikov, A. A. and Lepvrier, C. 1995: Northern continuation of Caledonian high-pressuremetamorphic rocks in central-western Spitsbergen. Polar Research 14 (3), 303-315Ohta Y. 1995: Fridtjof Nansen, Exploror and Humanitarian, Keiteki No. 1, 114-121Gee, D. G., Johansson, Å., Ohta, Y., Teben’kov, A. M., Krasil’ščikov, A. A., Balašov, Yu., Larionov, A. N.,Gannibal, L. F. & Ryungenen, G. I. 1995: Grenvillian basement and a major unconformity within theCaledonides of Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Precambrian Research 70, 215-234.Ilyes, R. R., Ohta, Y. and Guddingsmo, J. 1995: The Downtonian and Devonian Vertebrates of Spitsbergen: NewHeterostracans (Agnatha) from the Lower Devonian Red Bay Group, Northern Spitsbergen. Polar Research 14(1), 33-42Ohta, Y., Gjelsvik, T. & McCann, A. 1995: Hornbækpollen thrust zone in Liefdefjorden, NW Spitsbergen.Geonytt 1-95, p. 55Ohta, Y. 1995: Humanism of Polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen, an impressive story which I learned during mypolar scientific studies in Norway. Arktos No. 27, 1-5 (in Japanese)

Ohta, Y. 1995: Arctic: Historical outline. Special lecture at INSROP symposium Tokyo '95, Program 14-15Teben’kov, A. M., Gee, D. G., Krasil’ščikov, A. A., Ohta, Y. & Balašov, Yu. A. 1995: Precambrian domainswithin the Svalbard Caledonides. In Glebovitsky V. A. & Kotov, A. B. (eds), Precambrian of Europe:stratigraphy, structure, evolution and mineralization, 9th Meeting of the Association of European GeologicalSociety, Sept. 1995, St. Petersburg, 118Ohta, Y., Groenewald, P. B. & Grantham, G. H. 1995: Nature Environment maps of western Dronning MaudLand from 00:33' W to 06. 00'E, East Antarctica. VIIthe International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences,Sept. 1995 at Siena, Italy, p. 284Balašov, Ju. A., Teben’kov, A. M., Ohta, Y., Larionov, A. N., Sirotkin, A. N., Gannibal, L. F. & Ryungenen, G.I. 1995: Grenvillian U-Pb zircon ages of quartz porphyry and rhyolite clasts in a metaconglomerate atVimsodden, southwestern Spitsbergen. Polar Research 14 (3), 291-301Krasil’ščikov. A. A., Kubanskij, A. P. & Ohta, Y. 1995: Surface magnetic anomaly study on the eastern part ofthe Forlandsundet Graben. Polar Reaearch 14(1), p. 55-68.Teben’kov, A. M., Gee, D. G., Krasil’ščikov, A. A., Peucat, J. J. Ohta, Y. & Balashov, Yu. A. 1995:Precambrian domains within the Svalbard Caledonides. In: Glebovitsky, V. A. & Kotov, A. B. (eds),Precambrian of Europe: Stratigraphy, structure, Evolution and Mineralization, MAEGS 9, 1995 Sept. St.Petersburg, p. 118-119, Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Precambrian Geology & Geochronology(abstr)Ohta, Y. 1996: General review of the recent Arctic research. Kyokuchi No. 63, 9-14Ohta, Y. 1996: Arctic: historical outline. Proceeding of IST'95, INSROP Symposium, Tokyo, Oct. 1995, 37-38Teben’kov, A. M., Ohta, Y., Balashov, Ju. A. and Shirotkin, A. N. 1996: Newtontoppen granitoid rocks, theirgeology, chemistry and Rb-Sr age. Polar Research 15-(1), 67-80Balašov, Yu. A., Peucat, J-J., Teben'kov, A. M., Ohta, Y., Larionov, A. N., Sirotkin, A. N & Bjornerud, M.1996: Rb-Sr whole rock and U-Pb zircon datings of the granitic-gabbroic rocks from the Skålfjellet Subgroup,southwest Spitsbergen. Polar Research 15 (2), 167-181Balašov, Yu. A., Peucat, J-J., Teben’kov, A. M., Ohta, Y., Larionov, A. N., & Sirotkin, A. N. 1996: AdditionalRb-Sr and single-grain zircon datings of Caledonian granitoid rocks from Albert I Land, northwestSpitsbergen. Polar research 15 (2), 153-165Maher, H. D. Jr., Bergh, S., Braathen, A. & Ohta, Y. 1996: Svartfjella, Eidembukta, and DaudmannsoddenLineament: Tertiary orogen-parallel motion in the crystalline hinterland of Spitsbergen's fold-thrust belt.Tectonics 16 (1), 88-106Krasil’ščikov, A. A., Teben’kov, A. M., Gee, D. G. & Ohta, Y. 1997: Tectonic evolution of northwestern high ofBarents-Kara platform. EUROPROBE TIMPEBAR workshop, St. Petersburg, Feb. 13-17. 27-28Ohta, Y. 1997: ANIAN. Wyprawy Geografiezne na Spitsbergen, UMCS, Lublin, 37-60Ohta, Y. 1997: Historia nazwy “Anian”. Wyprawy Geograpiezne na Spitsbergen, UMCS, Lublin, 61-68Ohta, Y., Krasil’ščikov, A. A. & Teben’kov, A. M. 1997: Precambrian and Caledonian events in Svalbard,northwestern edge of the Eurasian plate: A review in a regional context of the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean.Proc. 30 th Intern. Congr. Vol. 17, Pt. 1, 27-42.Ohta, Y. & Larionov, A. N. 1998: Grenvillian single-grain zircon Pb age of a granitic rock from the southernisland of Hesteskoholmen, Liefdefjorden, northwestern Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Polar Research 17(2), 147-154.Ohta, Y., Lepvrier, C. & Thiedig, F. 2000: Devonian-Carboniferous slivers within the basement area of northeastOscar II Land, Spitsbergen. Polar Research 19(2), p. 217-226.Ohta, Y. 2001: Geological History of the Arctic. Actas del II simposio Internacional, Artico-Anta’rtico: PolosOpuestos. Instituto Antartico Cjileno 1998. Univ. de Magallanes, Punta Arenas. p. 81-85.Ohta, Y., Larionov, A. N., Teben’kov, A. M., Lepvrier, C., Maluski, H., Lange, M. & Hellebrandt, B. 2002:Single-zircon Pb-evaporation and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of the metamorphic and granitic rocks in north-westSpitsbergen. Polar Research 21(1), 73-89.Ohta, Y., Larionov, A. N. & Teben’kov, A. M. 2003: Single-grain zircon dating of the metamorphic and graniticrocks from the Biscayarhalvøya-Holtedahlfonna zone, north-west Spitsbergen. Polar Research 22(2), 247-265.GEOLOGICAL MAPS AND MAP DESCRIPTIONSSaito, M. and Ohta, M. 1959: Geological map of Japan, scale 1:50, 000, OTOSHIBETSU map sheet, with theexplanatory text. Geol. Survey of Hokkaido, p. 1-41 (in Japanese with English abstract)Doi, S., Kanayama, T. and Ohta, Y. 1960: Geological map of Japan, scale 1:50, 000, NIUPU map sheet, with theexplanatory text. Geol. Survey of Hokkaido, p. 1-37 (in Japanese with English abstract)Sako, S., Doi, S. and Ohta, Y. 1960: Geological map of Japan, scale 1:50, 000, SANRU map sheet, with theexplanatory text. Geol. Survey of Hokkaido, p. 1-33. (in Japanese with English abstract)

Osanai, H., Mitani, K. and Ohta, M. 1962: Geological map of Japan, scale 1:50, 000, ESASHI map sheet, withthe explanatory text. Geol. Survey of Hokkaido, p. 1-31, (in Japanese with English abstract)Yanai, K., Nishida, T., Kojima, H., Asami, M., Ohta, Y., Kizaki;K. and Matsumoto, Y. 1982: The centralYamato Mountains, Massif B and Massif C, Antarctica. Antarctic Geological Map Series, Sheet 24 with text 10pp. National Inst. of Polar Research, Japan, TokyoLauritzen, Ø. and Ohta, Y. 1984: Geological map Svalbard, 1:500, 000, Sheet 4G, NORDAUSTLANDET, andthe explanatory text, <strong>Norsk</strong> Polarinst. Skr. Nr. 154D, p. 1-14Ohta, Y. (ed. ) 1993: Natural environment map of Antarctic, 1/100, 000. Gjelsvikfjella, with description. <strong>Norsk</strong><strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart 24-1Ohta, Y. (ed. ) 1993: Natural environment map of Antarctic, 1/100, 000. Western Mühlig-Hofmannfjella, withdescription. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart 24-2Ohta, Y. (ed.) 1996: Nature environment map 1:150,000, H.U.Sverdrupfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.(Explanatory text in prep.) <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart 28.Dallmann, W. K., Ohta, Y., Elvevold, S. & Blomeier, D., 2002: Bedrock map of Svalbard and Jan Mayen,1:750,000, with enlarged areas 1:250,000. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart No. 33.Svalbard 1:100,000:A4G: Ohta, Y., Hjelle, A. & Dallmann, W. K. (eds. ): Geological map of Svalbard 1:100,000, sheet A4GVasahalvøya, preliminary edition, colour plot. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong>.A7G: Hjelle, A., Piepjohn, K., Saalmann, K., Ohta, Y., Salvigsen, O., Thiedig, F. & Dallmann, W. K. 1999:Geological map of Svalbard 1:100,000, sheet A7G Kongsfjorden. With description. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong>Temakart No. 30.B4G: Dallmann, W. K., Piepjohn, K. & Ohta, Y. 1998: Geological map of Svalbard 1:100,000, sheet B4GReinsdyrflya, preliminary edition, colour plot. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong>.B5G: Dallmann, W. K., Piepjohn, K., McCann, A. J., Sirotkin, A. N., Miloslavskij, M. Ju., Ohta, Y. & Gjelsvik,T. 1998: Geological map of Svalbard 1:100,000, sheet B5G Woodfjorden, preliminary edition, colour plot.<strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong>.B6G: Dallmann, W. K., Ohta, Y., Piepjohn, K., McCann, A. J. & Gjelsvik, T. 2002: Geological map of Svalbard1:100,000, sheet B6G Eidsvollfjellet. Preliminary edition. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong>.B8G: Bergh, S. G., Ohta, Y., Andresen, A., Maher, H. D., Braathen, A. & Dallmann, W. K. 2003: Geologicalmap of Svalbard 1:100,000, sheet B8G St. Jonsfjorden. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart No. 34.B9G: Ohta, Y., Hjelle, A., Andresen, A., Dallmann, W. K. & Salvigsen, O. 1991/1992: Geological map ofSvalbard 1:100,000, sheet B9G Isfjorden. With description. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart No. 16.B11G: Dallmann, W. K., Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y., Salvigsen, O., Maher, H. D., Bjornerud, M., Hauser, E. C. &Craddock, C. 1990: Geological map of Svalbard 1:100,000, B11G Van Keulenfjorden. With description. <strong>Norsk</strong><strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart No. 15.C7G: Dallmann, W. K., Ohta, I., Birjukov, A. S., Karnoušenko, E. P. & Sirotkin, A. N. 1994: Geological map ofSvalbard 1:100,000, sheet C7G Dicksonfjorden, preliminary edition, colour plot. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong>.C13G: Dallmann, W. K., Birkenmajer, K., Hjelle, A., Mørk, A., Ohta, Y., Salvigsen, O. & Andresen, A., 1993:Geological map of Svalbard 1:100,000, sheet C13G Sørkapp. Description by Winsnes, T. S., Birkenmajer, K.,Dallmann, W. K., Hjelle, A. & Salvigsen, O. <strong>Norsk</strong> <strong>Polarinstitutt</strong> Temakart No. 17.

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