ASDP Basket Fund - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives

ASDP Basket Fund - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives ASDP Basket Fund - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives


ASDP/06The United Republic of TanzaniaASDP HOLDING ACCOUNTFOREIGN CURRENCY RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS SUMMARYACCOUNT NO. _________________________QUARTER ENDED: __________________________RECEIPTSPAYMENTSDate Received from ERV Amount in USD Date Allocated to Document no. Amount in USD Amount in TShsBalance b/fTOTALSBalance c/fSignature:________________________ Date: __________________Accountant GeneralB 14

Rev 8/9910000034Date:……………………………To:____________________________________________________________________________________Please Supply Goods/Services Detailed below:The United Republic of TanzaniaLOCAL PURCHASE ORDERStation Number and Name …………………………………Ministry/Department/Agency ………………………………Address ……………………………………………………….No Item Description U/M Qty Unit Price Total CostTERMS & CONDITION1. Your invoice should be submitted together with the original of the LPO2. The Purchase Order Number must be quoted on all communications relevant to this order3. 30 Days with deduction of 2% withholding Tax where appropriate.Purchase Order Request No: ___________________________Request Prepared By: _________________________________Goods to be delivered to: ______________________________ Expected Date for Delivery __________________Authorised By: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Purchasing Officer/Supplies OfficerChief Accountant________________________________________Head of ExaminationOfficial SealB 15

<strong>ASDP</strong>/06The United Republic of Tanzania<strong>ASDP</strong> HOLDING ACCOUNTFOREIGN CURRENCY RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS SUMMARYACCOUNT NO. _________________________QUARTER ENDED: __________________________RECEIPTSPAYMENTSDate Received from ERV Amount in USD Date Allocated to Document no. Amount in USD Amount in TShsBalance b/fTOTALSBalance c/fSignature:________________________ Date: __________________Accountant GeneralB 14

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