ASDP Basket Fund - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives

ASDP Basket Fund - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives ASDP Basket Fund - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives


4 Planning and budgetingTable 4.1: Predetermined MCs for grant accessMINIMUM CONDITION SPECIFIC TOAGRICULTURAL SECTORFunctionalAreaDistrictAgriculturalDevelopmentStatusDistrictAgriculturalDevelopmentPlan as partof DDPMinimum Condition• Analysis of agricultural economy inthe district, needs and potentials,track changes over time andanalysis of previous LGAinterventions and current extensionsystem, leading to a declaredstrategy• Part of overall district strategy or aseparate agricultural strategydocument endorsed by the fullcouncil• The overall DDP includes analysis ofagriculture sector and proposals forinvestments• DALDO/Cluster Head is familiar withthe DADP guidelines and has a copyof the latest versionLGCDGIndicators of Minimum Condition LevelA) Financial Management1. Position of Council Director, Treasurer substantively filled2. Final Accounts for the previous FY submitted for audit on time6. Internal audit in place and functional as provided under section 45(1) of the LG Act1982 and the LAFM 1997 orders 12-16. (at least 4 internal audit reports prepared duringthe previous FY)SecondaryPrimary3. The Council did not receive an adverse audit report for their last audited accounts Primary4. No confirmed financial management irregularities have been reported either by theinternal or external auditors in the past 12 months5. Bank reconciliation statements for all accounts prepared within 15 days of theprevious month end7. Regular production of financial reportsB) Fiscal CapacityPrimarySecondaryHaving a functioning IAdepartment is a PrimaryCondition. Submission of reportsto FC is Secondary if above hasbeen metPrimaryAgriculturalServicesReformAgriculturalInvestmentProposalsStakeholderEngagementDALDO/Cluster HeadStaffing• Evidence of a commitment to reformof agricultural extension services –Council passes resolution on reform(written documentation)• Evidence of economic, social, andenvironmental appraisal of proposedinvestments (those above TShs 5million)• Evidence that at least 50% of wardsparticipated in the preparation ofDDP• Private sector engagement in DADPplanning• Position of DALDO/Cluster Head issubstantively filled1. Sufficient funds available to meet the co-funding obligation SecondaryC) Planning and Budgeting1. Development plan approved by the council on time Primary - Though OK if2. Budget process adhered to the provisions of the LG Act and planning and budgeting approved by time of theguidelinesAssessmentD) Procurement1. Legally constituted Tender Board2. National Procurement guidelines and manuals availableE) Council Functional Processes1. Regular meetings of the council – at least one meeting held every three months2. Minutes of the council meetings recorded on a permanent recordF) Project Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation CapacityPrimaryPrimaryCapacityBuilding• Plan for capacity building is in place1. Annual and quarterly work plans available2. Progress reports on project implementation availablePrimaryGovernment of the United Republic of Tanzania30

4 Planning and budgetingTable 4.2: Scoring mechanismsSPECIFIC TO AGRICULTURALSECTORLGCDGArea of Assessment%Functional Area Score1. District AgriculturalDevelopment Plan preparedaccording to guidelines and aspart of DDP20A. Financial Management102. District Agricultural ServicesReform and Provision (Criteriafor access to EnhancedExtension Block Grant)34B. Fiscal capacityC. Development Training15203. Agricultural InvestmentProposals14D. Transparency and Accountability104. Improvements in regulatoryframework for agriculture8E. Interaction with LLG105. Improved progress tracking ofagricultural investments8F. Human Resource Development106. Agricultural investments meetplanned needs and standards ofcompliance8G. ProcurementH. Project Implementation10107. DADP financialdisbursements transparently8I. Council Functional Processes5Government of the United Republic of TanzaniaMinimum scoreto receive basicCDG allocation5710444542Minimum scorebelow which apenalty applies5710444542Minimum scoreto receiveperformancebonus7121487877331

4 Planning <strong>and</strong> budgetingTable 4.2: Scoring mechanismsSPECIFIC TO AGRICULTURALSECTORLGCDGArea of Assessment%Functional Area Score1. District AgriculturalDevelopment Plan preparedaccording to guidelines <strong>and</strong> aspart of DDP20A. Financial Management102. District Agricultural ServicesReform <strong>and</strong> Provision (Criteriafor access to EnhancedExtension Block Grant)34B. Fiscal capacityC. Development Training15203. Agricultural InvestmentProposals14D. Transparency <strong>and</strong> Accountability104. Improvements in regulatoryframework for agriculture8E. Interaction with LLG105. Improved progress tracking ofagricultural investments8F. Human Resource Development106. Agricultural investments meetplanned needs <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards ofcompliance8G. ProcurementH. Project Implementation10107. DADP financialdisbursements transparently8I. Council Functional Processes5Government of the United Republic of TanzaniaMinimum scoreto receive basicCDG allocation5710444542Minimum scorebelow which apenalty applies5710444542Minimum scoreto receiveperformancebonus7121487877331

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