Easy Series Intrusion Control Panel ICP-EZM2 - Bosch

Easy Series Intrusion Control Panel ICP-EZM2 - Bosch Easy Series Intrusion Control Panel ICP-EZM2 - Bosch

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ICP-EZM2• Route Attempts on Backup Destination: Toensure the system attempts to send reports usingthe backup destination, do not set ExpertProgramming Item 305 (Route Attepmts) to a valueless than three.• Fire Alarm Not Detected If Preceded ByUnrestored Tamper Condition: If a tampercondition occurs on a fire point and it remainsunrestored when a fire alarm condition occurs onthe same fire point, the fire alarm condition is notdetected. This issue is only valid for a fire pointwith its circuit style option set to 0 (dual 2.2 kΩalarm and tamper circuit).• Wall Tamper Condition Disables ControlCenter: If a wall tamper condition occurs on acontrol center with its wall tamper option enabled,that control center is disabled and can no longeraccess the system. Use a telephone or a keyswitchto access or control the system.3.2 Wireless Device Issues• Shorted Data Bus Wires Cause MissingWireless Devices: If wireless devices are missingas a result of shorted wires on the data bus, fix theshorted wires, then remove and reapply all powerto the system to restore the missing wirelessdevices.• Changing the Batteries in the Key Fob: Onlyuse 3 V lithium coin cell batteries(Duracell DL2032 or equivalent).1. Remove the screws from the back of the keyfob, and remove the end cover (key ringattached).2. Remove the old batteries and replace withnew batteries.Ensure that battery polarity is correct.3. Replace the end cover and screws.4. Test the key fob by pressing a button.If the key fob fails to test the system, ensurethe batteries are properly installed, or reenrollthe key fob into the system (UserMaintenance Menu).• Tampered Hub Prevents Wireless NetworkConfiguration: When configuring the wirelessnetwork or programming the wireless hub, do nottamper the hub (Address 50 Tamper). Doing soprevents the hub from saving wirelessconfiguration data.• No Dialer Delay for Key Fob Panic Alarm: Thecontrol panel immediately sends a panic alarmreport to the central station when the andbuttons are simultaneously pressed on the wirelesskey fob.• AC Failure Event History Message: If thesystem announces an AC Failure message with apoint or output number, a wireless relay moduleor siren lost power on its secondary powerterminals. If the system announces an AC Failuremessage without a point or output number, thecontrol panel has an AC failure condition.• Unexpected Alarm Occurs When Pressing theButton on the Wireless Key Fob: If there isa faulted Interior point on the system and youpress the button on the wireless key fob fiveconsecutive times to arm the system, anunexpected alarm might occur on the faultedInterior point.• Removing a Wireless Device from the System:To properly remove a wireless device from thesystem, select Option 3 (Delete a Device) from theWireless Configuration Menu. Changing thewireless device’s function setting to 0 (Disabled)does not delete the device from the system.3.3 RPS Known Issues• RPS Default Discrepancies (UK only): Thedefaults for Expert Programming Items 403 (PartialClose (System On)) and 641 (Output 4 Type) arecorrect in the control panel, but not in RPS. Thecorrect RPS defaults are as follows:- Partial Close (System On): Both Routes- Output 4 Type: Intrusion and FireICP-EZM2 Release NotesF01U032264B Page 2 © 2006 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

ICP-EZM23.4 Documentation Issues3.4.1 User Guide IssueIncorrect LED Indications for Output Options inKey Fob LED Status Table: Wireless key fob LEDstatus indications and output option descriptions arelisted below for Firmware Version 2.1:- Green on steady and slow amber flash:Either or was pressed to turn anoutput on or off.- Red on steady and slow amber flash: Eitheror was pressed to turn an outputon for two seconds.3.4.2 Installer Guide Issues• Arming Beeps/Graduated AnnunicationDescription Not Accurate: Expert ProgrammingItem 148 only controls output arming beeps andactivation during Entry Delay. It does not affectcontrol center operation.• One Button Arming Description Not Accuratefor EN50131-1 Compliance: For EN50131-1compliance, a user must always present a token orenter a passcode in order to turn the system on.For EN countries, do not enable ExpertProgramming Item 891 (One Button Arming).• Installer Passcode Override EnabledDescription Not Accurate: The description forExpert Programming Item 122 is not accurate. Beloware the correct steps to bypass the installerpasscode entry prompt:1. Short the solder pads together forapproximately 5 sec.2. Press [#] three times on the house phone, orpress and hold the System Test button forapproximately 15 sec.The system skips the passcode entry promptand announces the Installer Menu options.• RPS Connection Descriptions Not Accurate:The connections methods described in Section 4.6Remote Programming Software (RPS) are inaccurate.Below are accurate descriptions.AutomaticThis option is the primary method to use forestablishing a connection between RPS and thecontrol panel.Connect the internal modem on the RPS PC, oran external modem, to the control panel. Refer toFigure 2.Manual Dial1. Either the installer or RPS operatorestablishes a phone connection between thecontrol panel and RPS:- The installer dials the RPS phone numberusing the house phone, or connects a testtelephone to the control panel’s test posts,OR- From the RPS site, the RPS operator usesa telephone connected in parallel to theRPS modem and manually dials thehouse phone number2. The RPS operator selects Manual Dial as theconnection option on the RPS PanelCommunication window.3. To answer the incoming call, the RPSoperator clicks the Connect button on theRPS Panel Communication window toestablish a remote connection between RPSand the control panel. Refer to Figure 1.Figure 1: RPS Panel Communication WindowICP-EZM2 Release Notes© 2006 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Page 3 F01U032264B

<strong>ICP</strong>-<strong>EZM2</strong>• Route Attempts on Backup Destination: Toensure the system attempts to send reports usingthe backup destination, do not set ExpertProgramming Item 305 (Route Attepmts) to a valueless than three.• Fire Alarm Not Detected If Preceded ByUnrestored Tamper Condition: If a tampercondition occurs on a fire point and it remainsunrestored when a fire alarm condition occurs onthe same fire point, the fire alarm condition is notdetected. This issue is only valid for a fire pointwith its circuit style option set to 0 (dual 2.2 kΩalarm and tamper circuit).• Wall Tamper Condition Disables <strong>Control</strong>Center: If a wall tamper condition occurs on acontrol center with its wall tamper option enabled,that control center is disabled and can no longeraccess the system. Use a telephone or a keyswitchto access or control the system.3.2 Wireless Device Issues• Shorted Data Bus Wires Cause MissingWireless Devices: If wireless devices are missingas a result of shorted wires on the data bus, fix theshorted wires, then remove and reapply all powerto the system to restore the missing wirelessdevices.• Changing the Batteries in the Key Fob: Onlyuse 3 V lithium coin cell batteries(Duracell DL2032 or equivalent).1. Remove the screws from the back of the keyfob, and remove the end cover (key ringattached).2. Remove the old batteries and replace withnew batteries.Ensure that battery polarity is correct.3. Replace the end cover and screws.4. Test the key fob by pressing a button.If the key fob fails to test the system, ensurethe batteries are properly installed, or reenrollthe key fob into the system (UserMaintenance Menu).• Tampered Hub Prevents Wireless NetworkConfiguration: When configuring the wirelessnetwork or programming the wireless hub, do nottamper the hub (Address 50 Tamper). Doing soprevents the hub from saving wirelessconfiguration data.• No Dialer Delay for Key Fob Panic Alarm: Thecontrol panel immediately sends a panic alarmreport to the central station when the andbuttons are simultaneously pressed on the wirelesskey fob.• AC Failure Event History Message: If thesystem announces an AC Failure message with apoint or output number, a wireless relay moduleor siren lost power on its secondary powerterminals. If the system announces an AC Failuremessage without a point or output number, thecontrol panel has an AC failure condition.• Unexpected Alarm Occurs When Pressing theButton on the Wireless Key Fob: If there isa faulted Interior point on the system and youpress the button on the wireless key fob fiveconsecutive times to arm the system, anunexpected alarm might occur on the faultedInterior point.• Removing a Wireless Device from the System:To properly remove a wireless device from thesystem, select Option 3 (Delete a Device) from theWireless Configuration Menu. Changing thewireless device’s function setting to 0 (Disabled)does not delete the device from the system.3.3 RPS Known Issues• RPS Default Discrepancies (UK only): Thedefaults for Expert Programming Items 403 (PartialClose (System On)) and 641 (Output 4 Type) arecorrect in the control panel, but not in RPS. Thecorrect RPS defaults are as follows:- Partial Close (System On): Both Routes- Output 4 Type: <strong>Intrusion</strong> and Fire<strong>ICP</strong>-<strong>EZM2</strong> Release NotesF01U032264B Page 2 © 2006 <strong>Bosch</strong> Security Systems, Inc.

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