eliminating racism empowering women

eliminating racism empowering women

eliminating racism empowering women

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<strong>eliminating</strong> <strong>racism</strong><strong>empowering</strong> <strong>women</strong>ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual report

Celebrating our 100th anniversarythis year afforded us anopportunity to look back at the YWCA’s legacy in Pierce County. Over those 100 years,our programs and services have shifted with changing times, but one thing has remainedconstant: we aim to listen to and respond to our community’s needs.Like our programs, the language used to express our goals hasshifted as times changed, but our work has consistently upheldour vision of peace, justice, freedom, and dignity forall people.The poster slogan used in the 1927 capital campaign for ourexisting building boasted: “The Girls Need It! The Girls DeserveIt!” Creating a physical space to afford the realization of peace,justice, freedom, and dignity through gender equity was the goalin 1927.Over our history, the underlying tenets of our vision inspired programsaround education, employment, and safe shelter. Thosetenets inspired countless community collaborations. They inspiredthe inception of offshoot agencies that met other communityneeds. That rich history unfolded in our building raised by the1927 capital campaign.Our current programs, aiming to eliminate <strong>racism</strong>, empower<strong>women</strong>, and end domestic violence, continue the work begun byour predecessors. These programs fall into three main categories: Community Education,Legal Services, and our Women’s Support Shelter and Services.Intersections among these programs abound. The common thread is our commitment to<strong>empowering</strong> clients, to fostering equality, to providing safety, and to inspiring necessarychange.100 years after our inception, and 80 years after that original capital campaign, our goalof <strong>empowering</strong> <strong>women</strong> perseveres. Now, we focus on empowerment and equality forall through our work with racial justice.Our commitment to responding to community needs and serving as a key collaboratorwithin the county continues. Our commitment to exacting change within our communityendures. To modify our forerunners’ slogan: “The Community Needs It! The CommunityDeserves It!”

ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual report 1looking backThe work of the YWCA, in support of the Pierce County community, has a rich tradition. We celebratedboth our 100th year anniversary and that tradition this year. At one anniversary event, Senator PattyMurray addressed our work, our accomplishments, and the need for our continued service. Pleasejoin me for a brief walk down memory lane.The YWCA received its charter in 1906 and our early work centered on education and shelter.We moved into our current building in 1928. Dormitory rooms offered safe and affordable housing for<strong>women</strong>. In 1976, those rooms became the fi rst domestic violence shelter in the state of Washington,known as the Women’s Support Shelter.Although the Shelter may be the best known of our services, we have historically spearheaded a variety of importantmovements. The state’s Domestic Violence Hotline started at the YWCA before it moved to Olympia. In 1984, wecollaborated with Tacoma Public Schools to provide a specialized school for homeless children.As a legacy to our early goals of educating and providing shelter, last year we served nearly 7,500 <strong>women</strong> and childrenthrough intervention, prevention, and empowerment programs. We educate the public through domestic violenceawareness and racial justice trainings, we provide comprehensive legal services to domestic violence victims, and wecontinue to offer a safe haven through our Shelter.Your support—through donations of time, talent, or fi nancial gifts—is what makes our work possible.I want to thank you deeply for your support and commit to you our continued best efforts in service to our community.Chris George BOARD PRESIDENTlooking aheadThe YWCA is a source of inspiration for me. To wake up in the morning and know you work for anagency that changes lives, provides hope, and increases the self-esteem of <strong>women</strong> and children isnothing short of marvelous.We do so much for our clients to provide stellar services, but there is always more to do. I ammotivated not only by what we do well, but by what I know we can do better. Our current shelterfacility is a prime example of an opportunity to do better.In 1927, a group of <strong>women</strong>, inspired by a dream, raised money in just two weeks to build the YWCAat 405 Broadway. The rooms were small, intended to simply provide safety for traveling single <strong>women</strong>. In 1927, safetymattered and it still matters today. The same rooms meant to house a single woman for one night now house <strong>women</strong>fl eeing domestic violence, often with children in tow, for up to 90 days—same rooms, more inhabitants, longer stays.While we provide signifi cant, vital services, it is my hope that we will move forward and create a new and innovativeshelter for the <strong>women</strong> we serve. Your support has allowed us to do so much for <strong>women</strong> and children in our community.Together we can dream of what the future holds for the YWCA and the <strong>women</strong> we serve.I thank you for your help in meeting our mission and welcome your comments, suggestions, and inspirations.Miriam Barnett EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR


ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual report 3<strong>women</strong>’s support shelter and servicesThese combined services provided direct support for 417<strong>women</strong> and children last year with another 4,717 servedthrough our telephone crisis line.Women’s Support ShelterThe YWCA’s Women’s Support Shelter opened in 1976as the fi rst domestic violence shelter in Washington. TheShelter provides basic needs for <strong>women</strong> and children forup to 90 days. During their stay, these <strong>women</strong> and theirfamilies access individualized case management,education, counseling, support groups, children’sservices, and 24-hour on-site advocacy. The Shelter andits related services provide a foundation for these <strong>women</strong>to create lives free of violence and full of hope.Women served: 155Number of rooms: 22Number of beds: 50Average stay: 43 daysCrisis calls received: 4,717Average monthly turnaway*: 299 family units*Our turnaway number is based on the space constraints we face with just 50available beds, despite being the largest domestic violence shelter in Pierce County.Each family turned away due to space constraints receives safety planning,assistance with locating alternate shelter, and other referral and support serviceseither from our Shelter Advocates or our Community Advocate.Children’s ProgramGiven that a child’s exposure to domestic violence is thestrongest risk factor for transmitting violent behavior fromone generation to the next,* the YWCA Children’s Programprovides more than immediate physical safety to ouryoung residents. We equip children in the Shelter withtools to prevent them from becoming involved in violentrelationships. Children receive food, clothing, respite care,age-appropriate individual therapy, access to weeklygroup therapy, safety planning, opportunities to developself-esteem, and connections to other communityresources. Through this array of services, we aim to helpour young clients develop healthy bodies and minds whilegrowing into stable adulthood.*Source: Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Forceon Violence and the Family, APA, 1996.Children served: 179Percent of children served under age 10: 82%Family Permanency Project –Transitional HousingLeaving an abusive relationship and becoming homelessas a result takes time to overcome, and moving towardindependence does not happen in one step. The familiesliving in our Shelter often require more time than the 90day stay to regain self-suffi ciency. The next step forfamilies occurs through the Family Permanency Project.This Transitional Housing program offers 20 familiesaffordable housing, access to support groups, andeconomic literacy classes. Strengthened through theseavailable resources, each family gains empowermentthrough the goal-making process supported by ourindividualized case management. Through the autonomyoffered within the program to set goals specifi c to theirindividual needs and employing resources most relevantto them, participants determine their own path, their ownhopes, and their own futures.Number of units available: 20Women and children served: 83Percentage of children in program: 71%Maximum stay: 2 yearsHaving the YWCA here for me…gives me a senseof security and assurance that my situation isn’thopeless…[and]…has given me confidence in myability to overcome.

4ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual reportI went from a solitary life filled with abuseto having a host of new friends and a world of laughter.I have become self-confident and secure in my owndecision-making abilities.legal servicesThe efforts of our on site staff and our staff working at theCrystal Judson Family Justice Center enabled our LegalServices Program to reach 3,228 victims of domesticviolence in need of civil legal assistance this year.Domestic abuse survivors, the vast majority of whom are<strong>women</strong>, have the highest per capita rate of legal problemsamong all demographic cluster groups.* Domesticviolence creates daunting challenges—emotional andfi nancial—for victims who need civil legal assistance tomaintain safety. Parenting plans, protective orders,dissolutions, separations, and child support orders arejust a few of the legal hurdles our support can remove forclients. The YWCA’s Legal Services team provides civillegal counsel, referral, and representation to victims ofdomestic violence in Pierce County. Through this combinationof services, victims signifi cantly increase theirchances of permanently and safely ending their domesticviolence relationship. Encouraged to make their owndecisions by our staff, the legal team empowers clients asthey establish lives free of violence.*Source: Washington State Supreme Court Taskforce on Civil Equal Justice FundingAdults served: 1,242Children served: 1,986Limited English-speaking clients: 19%Clients who received attorney representation: 22%

5community educationOur multi-pronged approach to education providedtraining and support group opportunities to 2,939 communitymembers in this last year.Racial JusticeThe Racial Justice program provides public educationworkshops that raise cultural awareness and exploreprejudicial practices, ensures that YWCA programs areaccessible to all, and features advisory groups that aid inprogram development and community outreach. Throughthe programs and services we offer, and through ourconnections in the community, we aim to continue theYWCA’s campaign to eliminate barriers that deny peopletheir freedom based on ethnicity or race.Racial Justice Workshop attendees: 460Insights Domestic Violence PreventionThe prevention and elimination of domestic violencerequires a coordinated community response on the partof individuals, employers, the faith community, health careprofessionals, law enforcement, and human serviceorganizations. The YWCA’s Insights program works tobuild a community committed to recognizing andresponding to domestic and dating violence. We do thisthrough education, collaboration, training, communityawareness events, and support groups that focus onhealing and education for <strong>women</strong> experiencing physicalor emotional violence in their relationships. Through ourInsights Domestic Violence Prevention program, weestablish safety, accountability, and a unifi ed front againstdomestic violence.Community members trained: 621Domestic violence survivors in support groups: 220Youth Programs (formerly know as Generation YW )Remann Hall Youth DevelopmentDesigned to empower girls involved in the Pierce CountyJuvenile Court System, we provide weekly classes forincarcerated girls with the intent to strengthen theirself-esteem and interpersonal skills. Equipping themto make positive choices through this skill building andpersonal development, we aim to reduce recidivism.Remann Hall Youth Development attendees: 597Teen Dating Violence PreventionViolence occurs in an estimated 1 out of 5 teen relationships*.The Teen Dating Violence Prevention curriculumcenters around educating high school youth on issuesof power and control that fuel abuse in relationships. Thiscurriculum also offers warning signs, safety tips, andcommunity resources to participants.*Source: Washington State Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceTeen Dating Violence Prevention participants: 947Project Empower & EmployTargeting teenaged girls from 16–19, this biannual threedayintensive workshop delivers job readiness skills toattendees. The event includes interviewing skills andproper interview attire, defi nition around employerexpectations, fi nancial literacy, and real-life interviewingopportunities with many participating local employers.Project Empower & Employ girls served: 94community advocacyThe Community Advocacy Program, designed to fi ll gapsbetween our other programs and community membersin need, provides on-site crisis intervention and referralservices through the operation of our Drop-In ResourceCenter. The Drop-In Resource Center serves clientsnot participating in our other available programs, andtherefore serves the broader community.Drop-In Resource Center clients served: 896Average monthly Drop-In Resource Center clients served: 75

financialsFunding SourcesProgram Expenditures7%Private Grants51%Federal, State,and LocalGovernment8%6%8%4%4%12%ContributionsIn-Kind ContributionsNet Revenue fromSpecial EventsLegacies and BequestsUnited WayOther Income*16%47%9%3%2%22%Women’s SupportShelter & ServicesAdmin/FundraisingLegal ServicesCommunity EducationVolunteer Services,Clothing & Household GoodsTransitional HousingContributions .............................................................$198,667Private Grants ..............................................................181,125Federal, State, and Local Government ...................1,320,534Net Revenue from Special Events ..............................196,087Legacies and Bequests..............................................108,542United Way ...................................................................111,708Other Income* ............................................................. 297,039In-Kind Contributions ..................................................150,458Total Revenue ............................................. $2,564,160* Other Income includes:Program Service Fees/Sales to Public ...................... $13,106Net Realized and Unrealized Gains ........................... 148,451Investment Income ..................................................... 119,460Net Assets Released from Restriction .........................16,022Women’s Support Shelter & Services .................. $ 1,149,950Housing, Food, Clothing, Counseling,Case Management, Children’s ProgramLegal Services ............................................................532,266Community Education ................................................225,391Generation YW, Insights Domestic Violence Prevention,Racial JusticeTransitional Housing ..................................................... 57,450Volunteer Services, Clothing & Household Goods ......72,829Administration/Fundraising ........................................383,583Total Expenditures .................................... $2,421,469Change in Unrestricted Net Assets ...................... $142,691Total Other .................................................................$297,039All fi gures based on audited fi nancial statements.

ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual report 7charitable resourcesThank you! We would like to express our thanks to the many people who have given individually andthrough their corporations and foundations to support our work. It is through your generosity that we areable to make a difference.donors$15,000 and aboveGary E. Milgard FamilyFoundationPhyllis Izant & David McInturffInez Mattison Trust FundMultiCare Health SystemPierce County WashingtonWomen LawyersRAGS GuildRainier Pacifi c BankRose Magrini Endowment FundUnited Way of Pierce CountyAmy Yu and David Roskoph$5.000 – $14,999Anonymous (2)The Baker FoundationMonica Butler & Pete PhilleyCharles & Edith McGillEndowmentAnn & Peter DarlingDavid DiazElizabeth A. Lynn FoundationThe Gottfried & Mary FuchsFoundationThe Greater TacomaCommunity FoundationKirk & Debra HarrHeartie Griggs WagnerMemorial FundKey FoundationJoanna LohkampNorthwest Children’s FundRotary # 8The Russell Family FoundationRussell Investment GroupJane ShanamanBarbara & Timothy TucciThe William Kilworth Foundation$1,500 – &4,999Miriam and Daniel BarnettBonnie BoyleRobert & Sharon CamnerCatherine Holmes WilkinsFoundationCooper Levy TrustDiane DimmerEisai Corporate MatchingGift ProgramEmma Alida Moir EndowmentFundEulalie Bloedel SchneiderFoundationMeagan Foley & Neil GrayFranciscan Health SystemThe Fred Meyer FoundationFund for Women and GirlsChristine GeorgeGray Lumber CompanyBeverly J. HollandSarah HorsmanJeffris-Wood FoundationBonnie KernDavid KissingerOttie and Clara LaddValere & Mark LewickiMary LongLoretta Faust Endowment FundMary Jane Aram EndowmentFundCorinn & Alan MathisenMargy McGroartyPamela & Timothy MoonNorman Archibald CharitableFoundationNeel Parikh & Patricia GuyCheryl Yvonne PetersonRussell Matching Gifts ProgramCharles SchwabSimpson Investment CompanySt Luke’s Episcopal ChurchPeter & Janet StanleyTherese & John StewartTacoma Public UtilitiesTacoma Sunrise RotaryFoundationTargetThe Boeing Co.Wells Fargo BankWheeler Charitable TrustBarbara Williams$500 – $1,499Anonymous (1)Auburn MechanicalLa Raine BakerSally and John BarlineSally BarnesNicole BavoMichelle BeckerArlene BerryBethany Presbyterian ChurchCharles BinghamAnonymousRenee BrooksSamuel BrownKim Burkes & Marcie OsbornMarsha BurnsSandra & William CammaranoChuckals Offi ce ProductsCity of TacomaCommunity Health CareMichael & Barbara ComteJoan M. CookThe Crystal Judson BrameMemorial ScholarshipFoundationDaVita Inc.Gail DahlKathryn Dahl & KristineMiskimensJolene DavisPatti DobrowolskiRobert EbreoShirle & Richard FalkFoundation House of FaithGeorge & Dorothy BabareFamily FoundationElizabeth & Lee GingrichGreat Day FoundationGreene Wealth ManagementAnna Hamilton-KroonCynthia & Steve HammerHarbor Christian CenterHarborstone Credit UnionJanice Hendley BakerLaurence HileSteve & Sandra HillNatalie & Larry HumphreyJackson-Folkner Legacy Co.Mary Ann JigantiArlene Joe and Richard WooMarcia & Douglas KeilSara and Bruce KendallMartha LantzJoyce and Randy LertDorothy LewisPaul and Lita LuveraDorette & Richard MarkhamJaney Mattson & John ConniffTom & Margy McDonaldPhyllis McGavick & Bill BroichLare Mischo & Avis JobrackMountain View Funeral HomeMurray Pacifi c CorporationNational Association of CateringExecutives, Tacoma SouthPuget Sound ChapterGeorge PilantPrecision Machine Works, Inc.Premier Communities, Inc.Betty PricePurcell Advisory ServicesMary RedmanSchiff FoundationSusan Schreurs & John LoihlRichard ShanamanMaureen SmithNancy SolomonMichele SpringsteenKatherine St. PierreJanie & Kirk StarrMichael & Kathy StewartLavonne Stewart-Campbell &Michael CampbellTacoma Goodwill IndustriesThomas Capital GroupLinda ThomasDean TorgrudeDana ToulsonMary Jo & Michael TucciTheresa TurpinVerizon WirelessJames WashamSue WeaverJames WellmanJeanne WernerWeyerhaeuser CompanyFoundationSally WillJeffrey & Nancy WoodworthDawn YeagerTing-Ling & Hsushi YehKitty-Ann van Doorninck &John van BuskirkOther ContributorsSherrie AdamsStacia AdamsSusan AdamsKarima AdatiaMargaret AinscoughDiane AkanaJoy & Darius AlfordSarah & David AlgerRachel AlldredgeChristy AllenMary AlmonteRolinda AlonzoAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.Barbra AndersonDelores AndersonEric AndersonJulie AndersonMimi & Jim AndersonNancy AndersonPamela AndersonPaula AndersonStacey AndersonAllState Giving CampaignJeanne & Rick ApffelShannon & James AquinoJames & Mary AramJohn & Dorothy AramMarlene ArthurArnold and Tanya AspuriaStacy AugustineSarah AvantDawn AvcularCarolyn BackAnonymousMona BaghdadiEric BaileyBarbara BalcaitisJanine BaldridgeEmily BaldwinTaNitra BaldwinMartha BandyRuth & Bradley BannonBickley BarichBarker Road Collection Inc.Jane & George BarkerLorie BartnesMary BatesMila BatinaVeronica BatisteJamie BatsonRussell BattenDavid & Julieta BaublitsRoland BautistaRegina BeasonSheri BebbingtonAnn BeckAmanda BeebeNaomi BeebeBeverly BegginCarol BellLinda BellMattie Lou Bell

8ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual reportCheryl BergerMarian CarlsonDeborah BerglundSharon CarmichaelBonnie BerkeyNaomi CarpenterLois BernsteinRodney & Annick CaseEvelyn BertschChristine CasonBethany United Methodist Linda Caspersen-Andresen &WomenOistein AndresenJennie BeyerleinMichelle CeynarCheryl & William BichselJim & Barbara ChaffeurMargaret & Dennis BingSebrena ChambersPamm BirdSharon Chambers-GordonMarcellus & Marti BirgeArthur & Anita ChandlerBenjii BittleYvonne ChapmanCatherine BixlerCorinna ChapoBlack Bear BunkoJamie ChaseMary Adrian & Jim Blanchard Jen ChiangKathy BlanchetRosalyn ChildsElizabeth BloomSherry ChristinaMarguerite BlountLynette & Greg Claire-WolettKim BobbyPeggy ClappCynthia BonaroBeverly ClarkCarol & Jon BowserKaryn ClarkeDavid & Lisa BoydEva ClaryElaine BrabhamClaudia Thomas ConsultingCaren BradleyServicesJoan & Martin BrashemDeanna & Bob CleavelandFlorence BrassierWilliam ClinkscalesGina BreukelmanBrooke CoatesRAGS Guild donated $80,000!Pamela BrewerLunette CoburnRobin BrickerBrian CoffeyDiane BrittainAnneliese ColeBonnie BrookhouseJemmi ColeElaine & Alan BrooksRoberta CombsEvelyn BrooksSharon Connon-PeeryLaTanya BrooksDianne ConwayBrown & BrownJoan CookAnn BrownShannon CookConnie Brown & Cathryn Jean & Robert CooperCummingsLouis Cooper, Jr.Derrick BrownAnn Copeland & Jimmie SmithGeorge BrownJerri CorbettMichelle BrownAudria CordovaTara BrownRobert CorlissBruce DesignKristen CorningRobert BrunelleAlece CoxBeverly BryantDeborah & H. Franklin CrawfordMarlette BuchananTheresa & Rick CreaturaJanet BucholzSusan CrissmanRosanne BucknerTonya & David CrommesPeggy BuehlerSarah & Theodore CrossShawn BunneyPam CrowrathDiane BurgessCarrie CubbageA.M. BushMarian CummansJames & Beatrice Butcher Debra CurtisBonnie & Tony ButlerFrank DaccaJohn ButsonDeanna DahlkeSusan CabigtingJudy DainsPaige CalhounJeannie DarneilleAmy CalkinsLaurie DavenportPaquita CalvaChristina DaveyCheri CampbellNancy & James DavisJahmad CanleyCecelia DavisMartha CannadayKatherine DavisWendy & William Carbone Deborah DavolioGwen CarlsonArdith De RaadMarie DeBenedictisDeCosta Law FirmMarlo DeLangeGigi DeVaultKathleen DeakinsMollie Cannon DetermanClare & Richard S. DevineSarah & John DicksonDanylla DinwiddieDisciples Women’s MinistriesPamela DittmanMonica DixonBelmar DizonElaine DobbinsChris Dobler & GonzaloFernandezRebecca DoblerRobylee DohertyL.K. DokkenSusana DollKatherine DorrKathy & Doug DorrChristine DowdPamela DriverMelania Duarle-SanchezDorothy DuchesnePamela DukeTerri DunevantConnie & James DunkelbergerJudy & Arthur DunnKathryn DunnYolanda Duralde & Neil MullenPatricia & Paul EatonLinda EberleElizabeth EdickJoel EdwardsLisa EdwardsAnn Eft & David BradtHeidi EhnertSusan EidenschinkChiQuata ElderLaurene EllefsonEllis Commercial Real EstateDianne EllisBrenda EnningaLinda EskesenCathy EvansKathryne EvansKatie EvansKit EvansLatasha EvansRichel FalkLinda FantAnnalu & Stuart FarberDawn FarinaDebra FarnworthBret FarrarCindy FaustFederal Way Muscular TherapyJanis FegleyDonna FeldmanSue FernandesJanet FesqJacob FeyPatricia FiacchiMimi FieldingMaureen & Mark FifeJerry Finn & Patricia SpakesFirst Christian ChurchCarla & Jim FischerCommittee to Elect Ruth FisherFatima FlahertyIlse & Dennis FlanniganLucille FleischmannStanley & Martha FlemmingMargaret FleshmanSarah FlintTracy FloodMary Folsom-Lobrovich &John FolsomBecky & Gary FontaineCamilla & David ForemanCandace FossRebecca FoxLindsey FrallicMariAnita FranceMary Anne FrancisRosa FranklinFranklin-Pierce Student BodySharon FreemanShannon FrenchJames FryKim FryPeggy GainesPenny & Peter GansMaggie GardnerJulia GarnettLawrence & Taliesha GarrettMike GatesPenny GazabatDiana GearyAndie & William GernonMary GetchellRosa Beth GibsonCherry GilbertStephanie GilbertCarly GintzKevin & Tara Glacken-ColeyChristine GleasonKristy GledhillKrista Goldstine-ColeTori GollingerGood Shepherd LutheranChurch Craft GuildGoodSearchJane GoodchildLise GoodinGordon, Thomas, Honeywell,Malanca, Peterson & DaheimLLPAnn GoschSuzanne GottgetreuBradley GrahamRobyn GranberryRosalind GrangerJoseph GrantLouise GraversenSonia & Charlie GrayD. GreenDeborah GreenJ. GreenMary & Joseph GreenMimi GreenTammis GreenePamela GreenleeJessica GreenwaldDenise GreerJulie GrevstadErin & Ryan Griffi nMarjorie Griffi nLynne Griffi thLaura GuenthardAlex GustPaul GuyColleen HackerDon HagenLeigh HagenKathryn HaleyCarolyn HamArnold HamiltonMary HammondBeth HancockDebra HancockBarbara HansenCharles & Monique HansenLaura & Jim HansenTanya HanssenJoye HardimanCarrie HardingDorothy HarrellAnne HarringtonChristine HarrisChristopher HarrisDebi HarrisDolores HarrisGail HarrisMalissa HarrisShelley HarrisDalen HarrisonWilliam HarrisonAnastasia HartShari Hart & Walt McNuttEmily HartleyBettye HartwellLois HarveyFawn HatchDolores HaugenAnne HavensGeorg HawkesCaroline HayduJean K. HayesBarbara HeadleyElizabeth HeathDiana HeatonTamara HegelJudy HeideDeanna HeinrichChuck HellarSherry HelmkeJoseph & Suzanne HendersonRebecca HendersonDebra HerdtHeritage BankSarah Hersted-McCraryRebecca HesterLinda & Timothy HickcoxApril HightowerJudie HillJeanne HillmanDavid HiltonJo HoagThaddeus HodgeKelli HoekstraHeidi HoffmanLisa Hoffman & Bill DriscollRebecca & Charles HoffmanGayle HolcomAnne HoldenHillary HolmesKathleen Holmes

ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual report 9Teresa HoltCarrie HoonGerald HorneNatalie HorneJoan HorowitzHeidi HubbardKatie HudsonDavid HueyMary HuffTamara HungerfordDebra Hunter-BonnerMollie & Mark HuppertLaurie HynekHeidi IrvinLisa IsaacsDavid IsomTeresa IversonJean JackmanTerese JacksonAnne & Paul JacobsonDana JamesJantz Insurance CompanyChristine JaphetNancy JaredPatricia JarstadLinda JekelElizabeth JenkinsGerry & Carolyn JenkinsKaren JenkinsJohanna JensenLaurie Jinkins & Laura WulfCarolyn JohnsonDuncan JohnsonJeffrey JohnsonKim & Stacy JohnsonL. G. JohnsonMichele JohnsonTina JohnsonVonnie & Jewell JohnsonWil JohnsonConnie JoliffPatricia JonesStella JonesTina JonesTraci JonesJacqueline Jones-HookJamie JonientzCarlene JosephKimberly JosueSharon JudieCynthia KannenbergMelody KanterJan KarrollWarner Karshner & DianeNasonAnthony KatichMichelle KaveshErin KeelerBecky KeiferKaty KeithSusan KeithEileen KelleyJohn KellyElaine KennicottChristina KesselDianna KielianCourtney KimAlexa & Forrest KingLeslie KinkadeDiane KirkConstance & MichaelKirkpatrickNancy KleinschmidtCheryl KlieseDebbie KlosowskiKristin KnopfMelanie KnoxNancy KnudsenKorean Women’s AssociationStacy KovatsAnna KozlovaColleen KramerLisa KremerMatthew Krieger & Robin SikulaSuzanne KuhuskiSusan KunkelBabbette KunkleNatalie LaBergeDiane LachelConnie LadenburgDan LadenburgHeidi Lahti-NettlesDiane LammonMolly LaneLaurie LangloisMargaret LapinKaren LarkinCraig LarsenCorrie LarsonSharon LarsonCheryl LaurenzoSharon LavellAnn LawrenceChana LawsonMarcie LazzariGina LeeJess LeeSarah LeeMichele Leek & SandraJohnstonSally LeightonEve LelandRobin LesterHarry & Donna LeversonLevi Strauss FoundationDonna & Bob LevinBuck & Heather LewisDebbie LewisFrances & John LewisSuzanne LewisJennifer LeyenAnn LibbyJulie LightfootBeth LightyL. Rose LincolnNancy LindleySharon LindseyVirginia LinstromPriscilla LisicichMyra LittleMary LobdellGeorgia LomaxLiane & Larry LongLynn Longfi eldJames LoomisEvelyn Fielding LopezJoan LorenzBeverly LoseyCecelia LovelessBette LovgrenJill LoweMary LowenbergJulie & Daniel LoweryRobin LucasSandy LuceCharlotte LuceyDawn LucienRosemary LukensBunny LutelliurKaren Joy LynchJean Lynn & Mary HenleyMark MaenhoutMary MageeMildred MagnusenLorraine Maida & James HallMargaret Mallett & DeanSwansonEvelyn ManleyPatricia ManniePenni MaplesPatricia & Stephen MarekSusan MartensenKathleen MartinArdine MartinelliRosa Martinez-DallumMason United MethodistChurch/WomenKelli MasonCarol MathewsonDebra MathisStephen MauerVictoria MauerDee MaxwellElizabeth MayorgaPaula McArdleAmy McBrideRuthann McCaffreeJordan McCallJannet McCamentSusan McCookGaylene McCrayLinda McCreaKelly McDonaldDenise McEachinDoris McEwenRachelle McGinnisSarah McGinnisHelen McGovernMargaret McGregorJuli McGruderKevin & Wanda McIntoshElizabeth McKercherVicki McKinlayPatricia McKinneyKarla McLaneChristina McLeodHannah McLeodLinda McLeodBarbara McMahonAmie McMillanK.K. MeierStacy MeierRyan MelloSusan MerrimanJanine MessengerCarolyn MiddletonDonna MilesMilgard Manufacturing, IncMilgard WindowsDebra MillerMalinda MillerPeggy & Mike MillerMiller, Quinlan & Auter P.S., Inc.Harriet MillheislerHolly MillingtonDorothy & James MitchellJudy MladineoMarcia & Dick MoeRuth & Sharon MollerPatricia MolzanLt. Col. Cecile MontgomeryMary MoranGloria MorehouseLori MorganJustin MorrillVirginia MorrisonKim MoseAdria MoskowitzBil MossMorgan MoulongoLaci MoyerMt. View Lutheran ChurchLeah MuasauDenise MuellerMarilyn MullenaxShelly MullinRick MunsonKarina MurphyMadlyn MurreyHelen MyrickJoel NaishtutGwen NakanoNancy Johnson ProductionsColin NeayleKristin O’Neal NeffAndrew NeiditzKathy NellistJudy NelsonKristin NelsonCynthia Neubauer-LeeAnonymousMattie NewtonCarol NicholsLaure NicholsJudith Nilan & Dennis CrowleyLorrell NoahrGeneva NortonCarla NystromKelly O’ConnellAlisa & Craig O’HanlonPatrick O’LearyNorma O’MalleyKatie OginArceli OlivoJames Olp & Sue WestonAndrea OlsonDiane & William OltmanJacquelyn OstromDavid OtteyElinor & David OtteyCarol Mae OttoNancy & David OttoLisa OttosonJoyce & James OubreTeresa OwensPEO Chapter CZPEO Sisterhood Chapter BAMary & George PalmerVictoria & Jack ParkhurstParkland United MethodistWomenMary Ann & Thomas ParksJim & Dee PasinettiKnowrasa Patrick-RoundtreeElizabeth PauliKrista PearsonGinger PeckJacki PedersonMary Lou PerryKristeen PetersenClare PetrichDavid PhenegerWilliam PhilipMartha PhillJames & Meredith PhillipsBradley PhilpottJill & Michael PiacitelliJan PieperJamie PierceEmily PiltchBonnie PinckneySusan PisekJulie PistoCeleste PitmanToshea & Edward PiwkoThomas PopeGregory PopichDebra PorterTerrianne PorterJanet PostLorraine Irene PotterKimberly PoulterJulie & Rick PowersMaryellen & John PriedemanSandy PrivettBronwyn PugheElizabeth PulosJohn Purbaugh & Julie BarnettSondra PurcellSandra & Joseph PurdueKathleen PurdySusan PuzKris QuinnREIPaula RackPam RaddyshNorma Ramirez & David LupherDebra RanieroErik RasmussenDeborah ReeceBarbara ReedSally ReeseDebbie RegalaMichelle ReganEric and Nola RenzDexter Reuhl

ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual report 11Robin BrickerSteven BrickerBrides by DemetriosRenate BrooksElsie BrownTammy BrownVerna BrownWynne BrownKathy Brownfi eldBev BryantVictoria BurlandSusan CabigtingCafé by the BayTami CarboneTami CarinoSandie CarterWilliam ChanceChapter C PEOChapter 10 Oxford HouseRoberta CharginCharter FundingJim & Barbara ChaufferKurt & Omma ChristensenSandi ChristensenVicki ChristensenShirley ChristophersenPaul T. ChromeyTroy CisnerosJanet ClarkeThe Class ActKaryn ClarkeJoanne CoatesRobin CoffeyTerri CollinsMichele & Shawn ColpaertCaleb CookWendi CookJean CoplandPatricia CosneyCostcoKatharine Crabill, DDSAnn Cranfi llKristine & Charlie CroasdillCVICU-MultiCare HealthSystemMichelle DahlenDavies Pearson, P.C.Mayetis DavisJennifer DellLori DeLongDelta Sigma Theta SororityDes Moines United MethodistChurchDestination Harley DavidsonMark DiffordJames DivensSusan DovreGini DrummondBarbara DuldEast & West CaféEdgewood Grange 266Merle EickmeyerEl GauchoBetsy EllingtonAshley ElrodEvergreen Elementary SchoolExpress MenKim FarnesFashion Doll ClubFashion Hair DesignKathryn FechterMaya FeinFinancial Department –City of LakewoodJody FinnPat FletcherGalanga ThaiAngela GarnerAmy GarriganJeanne GarrisonAnna GarzaJann GayGG PEOKristy GledhillSofi a GodinezBonnie GodwinPeggy GoedertSara GoodsteinCynthia GraceyDonna GradinColleen GradyMackenzie GrayGreat Day FoundationMary D. GreenDon HagenFaye M. HandsEmily HappyDorothy HarrellLeanne HartJean HayesCarol HazelriggBarbara Henderson DavisJulie HibbardMarjorie HintonGlenda HolbrookSharon HolmesCheryl HooverMG HopkinsCheri HunsakerJudi HunterLona HyattLaurie HynekInternational Longshore &Warehouse UnionColleen IsaacsonJC Penney’s SalonCindy JenkinsCarrie JensenJohn L Scott-ARO TeamMarv JohnsonA. JohnstonEd KellyJane KenyonCheryl KinkaidDiane KirkJulie KiselyTawnya KlutchkoBruce KochLisa KorsmoKPFF Consulting EngineersDaylene KramerSteven KrupaSteve KubiszewskiBabbette KunkleLady Margaret’sBrian LairdFrank LamphearLaurie LangloisMartha LantzKathleen Larkin-KuehnKaren LeClaireCindy LeingangSue LesserLeanna LongSandy LuceMolly MaddockDiane MaloneMargaret’s KitchenChad & Julie MarienRichard MarkerJ.M. Martinac ShipbuildingLinda MasonMason ConsultingJaney MattsonRoy McClendonDiane McGaherMcGavick Graves, P.S.C. McNamerBob McCutchanRyan McGowanRobert McKinnyLiz MerrittJanelle MillerMichele MillerRaymond MitznerMara MooreRichard MoorheadChris MorkenMarlene MotolaMt. Cross Lutheran ChurchLydia NasserRuth NegreteGary & Rose NepperJill NewberryKatherine Nino-RoachJennifer NymanMarj OlasonJanice OldenburgValerie OliverOne World GalleryOur Suds, Our DudsPacifi c Foot & Ankle ClinicPacifi c Gallery ArtistsPacifi c Science CenterTawnya PadillaDonna PalmerJulie ParkerParvenu Hair DesignJim & Dee PasinettiP.C. Info ServicesRachelle PearsonPeninsula Light CompanyP.E.O. Chapter 1ETeresa PetersonMaryann PhilickiPierce County Clerk’s Offi cePierce county Library SystemPierce County Medical SocietyCatherine’s PlaceShawn PortmannPort of TacomaCynthia PowellRenee PrehmCarol PringDenise PullenKathy PurdyKathy PurtellPuyallup TribeColleen RapozoRazzle Dazzle Red HatsRed Hat (Lady Bugs)Sherrilyn ReedKathy ReeseRegis SalonJune ReillyNancy ReynoldsElizabeth RittenhouseCarol RobisonDr. RobsonRich & Nancy RocksLisa RockwellLinda RodriguezLindsay RohrWendy RoushCheryl RussellSagem Morpho, Inc.Cheri SanderferColleen SandiferSharon SchaussCasey SchmaltzCynthia SchmidtArlene SchubertJulie SchwartzKeri ScovelleBetty SerjeantSelden’s Home FurnishingsValentina SeleznevaSharon SelfAnn Shipley-MeltonJackie SkaughtJill Siu6th Avenue United MethodistChurchDebbie SkjortzJ. SkladanyHayley SmallsJudy SmithSnuffi n’s Catering CompanySoroptimist InternationalSound Counseling, Inc.Sound OptionsSunnie SouthwickN.E. SparksPenny SpechtSusan SpoerlSt. Andrew’s Episcopal ChurchSt. Joseph’s Catholic ChurchSt. Joseph’s Medical ResearchCenterSt. Matthew Episcopal ChurchStadium High SchoolStadium ThriftwayStarbucks Coffee CompanyMattie StarkKaren SteeseSue StevensClaire StewartHelen StewartCheryl StubbsBetty SujovitzPamela SundellDebbie SwitzerTacoma Fashion Doll ClubTacoma Fire DepartmentTacoma Pierce CountyEmployment & TrainingConsortiumTacoma Pierce County HealthDepartmentTacoma Urban NetworkMichael TallmanJennifer ThomasErik TorgersonSharon TorgersonTorridArlene TowneTrident Seafoods Corp.Elvia TyrrellU.S. Oil & Refi ningUniversity of Puget SoundUniversity of Puget Sound,Student CenterKim VanderlindaTeresa VaughanAlisa VelonisVictoria’s SecretLynn VirgillioKelsey WaddingtonWade Perrow ConstructionDoug WalkerS. WalkerShannon WalkerEd Wallace, Jr.Nicol WalshTerri WaltonJean Warnier HardyMelanie WarrenWashington State PatrolMelanie WarrenKirsten WattsMadeline WeinerConstance WeldingWestern Washington MortgageJeanne WernerMarv WeeseBecky Whidby & FamilyCindy WhiteMaggie WhiteRuth WhitfeldtCassandra WillAngela WilliamsDr. Bob Williams & StaffShelley WilliamsBeth WilsonWilson High SchoolCyndi WolferDonna WoodsRayell WrightWSU Clothing & TextileWSU Extension CTAJennie ZampardiZeta Phi Beta SororityKevin ZinskiShannon ZookThank you!

12ywca pierce county 2006–2007 annual reportvolunteersRegina AldridgeVee Alexander-GheeBrenna ArchibaldMona BaghdadiZeyad BaghdadiKris BakerBen BarnettBlake BarnettEmily BarryMonica BehmShala ColpaertElijah ColpaertKatherine CrabillJane CurtisKaty DalyAnnika DeanAlysha DicksonRobin DicksonRonda DouglasDanielle DurbinDorothy HarrellEmily HartleyCarshena HarvinJean HayesFawn HegsethSarah HeimlichBree HeinzJillian HeistTammy HendrixAlly HockmanA total of 166 volunteers and interns gave over 5,000hours of service over the year!Lou BellBenjii BittleBecky BlackTorie BlanasColleen BranamanAmanda BraunRobin BrickerBev BryantMelissa BullockBarbara BurrellBonnie ButlerNatasha CaldwellCiara CallejaKaris CameronSandra CameronMcCarren CaputaDeborah CarnettCarrie CarrNatalie ChallierNicole ChanceStephanie ChichinskiKaryn ClarkeRobin CoffeyAimee EgginkAlicia EgginkSusan EidenschinkSarah ElderbroomBetsy EllingtonCindy FaustSamantha FaustTim FlanaganNancy FrasuStefanie FreatmanAlexa FryAngela GarnerCherry GilbertCarly GintzSofi a GodinezDiedre GramsKristi GreenawayMonica GrovesSierra GuzmanRebekkah HagbergBen HahnClarity HamiltonSarah HarmonJackie HolmesNatalie HorneRachel HugJenn HullTamara HungerfordLaurie HynekMoncella JacksonAurora JewellAngelea JohnDeanna JohnsonBonnie JonesDiane KirkNaomi KnobleAnna KozlovaSuzanne KuchnskyDiane LachelDianna LahmannLaurie LangloisMarisa LarangieraDacia LaRueSue LesserTrevor LesserHolly LevtzowVirginia LinstromJoy LockwoodSarah LongAmy LutterichJill LyonMolly MaddockJaney MattsonLindsay MayElizabeth McKercherSusan McCookThomas McDonaldAbigail McLaneAmie McMillanSam MillerNandi Moonfl owerMary MoranTerra MorganTracey MurrellColin NeagleValerie OliverTawnya PadillaMarta Palmquist CadyJill ParnellLaura PaulsenRenee PrehmSusan PuzNancy RaynoldsKara ReckinRich RocksJessica RudderBritt SammsJenn SankwichSharon SchaussLeah SchlegelJamie SerdyJayd SerdyKarina SheltonErika ShiversTeresa SlatteryAshley SmithNadezhka SnyderHelen StalsbergBetty StanekLibby StengelMoe StevensTracey StraightLisa SutterKatrina SwartzTracey TedescoErin TraudtKelsey WaddingtonJackie WallAimee WarrenDonna WasserbergerTiffany WaylandEmily WellerJessica WhiteheadNancy WilkinsonToni WorkTeresa YocumInternsSarah AlkireJohanna AllenNancy CamarenaDeborah CarnettVeronica DiazRonda DouglasSunshine EversullTamara HungerfordDeanna JohnsonNaomi KnobleSusan McCookLauren MichaelsJill ParnellRenee PrehmJenn SankwichJaynina Smithspecial project groupsABATE, Tacoma ChapterClick! NetworkComcast CommunicationsDes Moines United MethodistChurchFirst Presbyterian Young FamilySunday SchoolFour Square Church, Master’sCommissionFranciscan Health SystemGiuadrone Middle SchoolLeadership ClassGirl Scouts Troop #187Girl Scouts Troop #573Girl Scouts Troop #1433Good Hope ChurchHomestreet CapitalMarine View PresbyterianChurchMary KayMilgardOlympic View Friends ChurchPacifi c Lutheran UniversityPacifi c Lutheran UniversityNursing ProgramPoekoelan Tjimindie TulenCenter TacomaRogers-Chapman FamilySimpson Tacoma KraftCommunity Care GroupSoroptimist InternationalTacoma Fire DepartmentTacoma IAHSP RegionalChapterTacoma P&DC CommunityOutreachTacoma School of the ArtsThe Weatherly InnUniversity of Puget Sound,Occupational Therapy ClassUniversity of Puget Sound,Urban PlungeUpward Bound Scholar’sProgram, Pacifi c LutheranUniversityWashington State PatrolZeta Phi Beta-Eta Mu ChapterSorority

ags guild membersboard of directorsRose BilnoskiPeggy BingCathy BrewisPeggy ClappJudith CunneenDorothy DayKathy DorrJanet FesqKristy GledhillAnn GoschDebi HarrisMary LowenbergCarol NicholsCheryl PetersonCarol RobinsonJill ScholtensKathy StockmanKaren UrstadCassandra WillSally WillOFFICERSChris George, PresidentManaging ConsultantRight Management ConsultantsLinda Thomas, Past PresidentCommunity VolunteerBonnie Boyle, President ElectPresidentQB Strategic Project ServicesSarah Horsman, Vice PresidentSenior V.P. Human PotentialMultiCare Health SystemJane Shanaman, Vice PresidentPrincipalShanaman Strategies, Inc.Sarah Lee, SecretaryStaff CounselGierke, Curwen, Dynan, & Erie, P.S.Terri Stewart, TreasurerFinancial PlannerRaymond James FinancialServices, Inc.MEMBERS AT LARGENicole BavoCommunity AdvocateKathy BeldingDirector, Women’s & Children’sServicesFranciscan Health SystemRenee BrooksPharmaceutical SalesEisai, Inc.Joan CookSenior V.P., Market ManagerKey Private BankBeverly J. HollandCommunications SpecialistBoeing Commercial AirplanesPhyllis IzantCommunity VolunteerMartha LantzAssistant Attorney GeneralState of WashingtonJoanna LohkampSound Business Solutions, Inc.Janey MattsonTherapistNeel ParikhDirectorPierce County Library SystemKnowrasa Patrick-RoundtreeAttorneyDavies Pearson, P.C.Cheryl PetersonPresident/OwnerPacifi c NW Commodities, Inc.Susan PuzCompliance ManagerRussell Investment CompanyNancy SolomonMotivational SpeakerBarbara TucciPresidentSound Screening ServicesJulia WhiteCommunity Center ManagerCity of FifeBarbara WilliamsMarketing DirectorRainier Pacifi c Bank

<strong>eliminating</strong> <strong>racism</strong><strong>empowering</strong> <strong>women</strong>ywcapierce county405 BroadwayTacoma, Washington 98402tel: 253-272-4181email: info@ywcapiercecounty.orgwww.ywcapiercecounty.org

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