Catalogue Langer Medical

Catalogue Langer Medical Catalogue Langer Medical


Accessories CatalogueIONMSubject to technical changes.Technische Version 1.01-2013-05-03Änderungen vorbehalten.Version Copyright© 1.0 / Dr. 20120611 Langer Medical GmbH 2013Dr. Langer Medical GmbHFabrik Sonntag Haus 4a79183 Waldkirch / GermanyPhone +49 (0) 7681- 47 45 4 - 0Fax +49 (0) 7681- 47 45 4 - 29www.medical-langer.deinfo@medical-langer.defrom 2013

Accessories <strong>Catalogue</strong>IONMSubject to technical changes.Technische Version 1.01-2013-05-03Änderungen vorbehalten.Version Copyright© 1.0 / Dr. 20120611 <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH 2013Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbHFabrik Sonntag Haus 4a79183 Waldkirch / GermanyPhone +49 (0) 7681- 47 45 4 - 0Fax +49 (0) 7681- 47 45 4 - 29www.medical-langer.deinfo@medical-langer.defrom 2013

Reusable Stimulation ProbesReusable Stimulation ProbesMonopolar stimulation probesMonopolar stimulation probes40-0000 Ball probe, monopolar, Pedicle Screwshaft length 60 mm, for connection tomonopolar probe connection cables fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, deliveredunsterile, autoclavable40-0001 like item 40-0000, shaft length 90 mm40-0002 like item 40-0000, shaft length 120 mm40-0047 Ball probe, monopolarshaft length 60 mm, insulated,tip 90° angular, ball Ø = 1 mm, forconnection to monopolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0042 like item 40-0047, shaft length 90 mm40-0003 Stimulation probe, monopolarshaft length 60 mm, insulated, forconnection to monopolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0004 like item 40-0003, shaft length 90 mmBipolar stimulation probesPage 42Are you looking for accessories for a specific application?At the end of this brochure you will find thelists of accessories for some application examples.40-0028 Stimulation probe, monopolarshaft length 90 mm, insulated, tip angleformed,for connection to monopolar probeconnection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>GmbH, delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0037 like item 40-0028, shaft length 300 mm40-0005 Stimulation probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 60 mm, for connection to bipolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong><strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, delivered unsterile,autoclavable40-0006 like item 40-0005, shaft length 90 mm40-0007 like item 40-0005, shaft length120 mm40-0027 Stimulation instrument, monopolarshaft length 45 mm, insulated, tip flat andangle-formed, for connection to monopolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>GmbH, delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0031 like item 40-0027, shaft length 120 mm40-0008 Ball probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 60 mm, for connection to bipolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong><strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, delivered unsterile,autoclavable40-0009 like item 40-0008, shaft length 90 mm40-0010 like item 40-0008, shaft length 120 mm40-0035 like item 40-0008, shaft length 150 mm67

Reusable Stimulation ProbesReusable Stimulation ProbesBipolar stimulation probesBipolar stimulation probes40-0011 Ball probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 90 mm, bayonett,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0012 like item 40-0011, shaft length 120 mm40-0030 Stimulation probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 120 mm, bayonett,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0013 Ball probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 60 mm, tip angle-formed,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0014 like item 40-0013, shaft length 90 mm40-0015 like item 40-0013, shaft length 120 mm40-0036 Ball probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 120 mm, bayonett, tip angledupwards, for connection to bipolar probeconnection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>GmbH, delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0045 Stimulation probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 60 mm, tip Ø 1 mm,80° angular, for connection to bipolar probeconnection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>GmbH, delivered unsterile, autoclavableNEW300 mm ball probeswith insulated shaft40-0033 Ball probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 300 mm, insulated,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0016 Cortex probe, bipolarfor connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0039 Ball probe, bipolar concentricshaft length 300 mm, insulated, tip angleformed,for connection to bipolar probeconnection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>GmbH, delivered unsterile, autoclavable89

Reusable Stimulation ProbesDisposable Stimulation ProbesBipolar microfork probesDisposable stimulation probes40-0020 Microfork probe, bipolarshaft length 90 mm, bayonett, for connectionto bipolar probe connection cables fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0021 like item 40-0020, shaft length 120 mm40-0017 Microfork probe, bipolarshaft length 60 mm, for connection to bipolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong><strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, delivered unsterile,autoclavable40-0018 like item 40-0017, shaft length 90 mm40-0019 like item 40-0017, shaft length 120 mm40-0041 like item 40-0017, shaft length 150 mm40-0046 like item 40-0017, shaft length 300 mm40-1003 Disposable stimulation probe,monopolar 1,2shaft length 90 mm, insulated,cable length 2,5 m, with connectors accordingto DIN 42802-1, steril, PU = 5 piecesPage 221For the correct application of our monopolardisposable stimulation probesthe subdermal disposable needleelectrode (42-0057) is required.40-1006 Disposable ball probe, monopolar 1,2 ,Pedicle Screwshaft length 90 mm, cable length 2,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,steril, PU = 5 piecesPage 33NEWMicrofork ball probefor stimulation in deeper tissue layers2For the correct application of ourdisposable stimulation probes theadapter (41-0048) is required.40-0049 Microfork ball probe, bipolarshaft length 60 mm, for connection to bipolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong><strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, delivered unsterile,autoclavable40-1004 Disposable microfork probe, bipolar 2shaft length 90 mm, cable length 2,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,steril, PU = 5 pieces40-1007 Disposable stimulation probe,bipolar concentric 2shaft length 60 mm, tip angle-formed,cable length 2,5 m, with connectors accordingto DIN 42802-1, steril, PU = 5 pieces1011

NAP ProbesNAP ProbesBipolar NAP hook probesBipolar NAP hook probes40-0023 Hook probe for stimulation,small, bipolar3 contacts (+ - +), shaft length 60 mm,tip 90° angular, for connection to bipolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong><strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, delivered unsterile,autoclavable40-0032 Hook probe for stimulation,big, bipolar3 contacts (+ - +), arched tip,shaft length 70 mm, hook Ø 1 cm,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0022 Hook probe for recording,small, bipolar2 contacts, shaft length 60 mm,tip 90° angular, for connection to bipolarprobe connection cables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong><strong>Medical</strong> GmbH, delivered unsterile,autoclavable40-0034 Hookprobe for recording,big, bipolar2 contacts, arched tip,shaft length 70 mm, hook Ø 1 cm,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable40-0024 Hook probe for stimulation,big, bipolar3 contacts (+ - +), arched tip,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavablePage 29A connection of our NAP hook probes forrecording (40-0022, 40-0026 and 40-0034)to AVALANCHE ® Headbox requires theNAP signal acquisition cables 41-0036 and41-0037.Made in Germany1240-0026 Hook probe for recording,big, bipolar2 contacts, arched tip,for connection to bipolar probe connectioncables from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavableWhen it comes to reusable devices such as surgical instruments,stimulation probes, respirators, flushing systems and aspirators,manufacturers have to be able to demonstrate the effectivenessof the preparation method used in conjunction with them(cleaning, disinfection and eventual sterilisation). This supportinginformation is to then be found in the user manual for therespective product. The preparation methods to be used must bedescribed using standardised terms. By virtue of the standardsin force such as EN ISO 17664:2004, the recommendations ofthe Commission for hospital hygiene and infection prevention ofthe Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) and the Federal Institute for drugsand medical devices (BfArM) hygiene requirements for the preparationof medical devices, each manufacturer is obliged toprovide the user with detailed information.We at Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH have faced up to these verystringent requirements right from the start, for it is the safety ofusers and staff which is at stake. The effective validation processfor our reusable probes and needle electrodes, and themicrobiological efficiency check we apply to the preparationmethods used guarantees you safe and germ-free products,which can be used up to 100 times.13

Reusable ElectrodesSubdermal needle electrodesElectrodes42-0004 Subdermal needle electrodegreen, needle length 18 mm,cable length 1,5 m, with connector accordingto DIN 42802-1, delivered unsterile,autoclavable42-0005 Subdermal needle electrode setfor stimulation1x red, 1x black,needle length 18 mm, cable length 10 cm,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0006 Subdermal needle electrode setred, black, green, 1-channel EMG,needle length 18 mm, cable length 1 m,15 cm free ends,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0007 Subdermal needle electrode set2 x red, 2 x black, 1 x green, 2-channel EMG,needle length 18 mm, cable length 1 m,15 cm free ends,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0045 like item 42-0007, 50 cm free ends1415

Reusable ElectrodesDisposable ElectrodesVagus nerve electrodeVagus nerve electrodeNEW42-0066 Saxophone electrodefor continuous vagus nerve stimulationduring thyroid surgery,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,delivered unsterile, 5 x autoclavable,PU = 5 piecesNEW42-0065 S-Shape vagus nerve electrodefor continuous vagus nerve stimulationduring thyroid surgery,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single steril packed, PU = 5 piecesExpected to be available from Q3/2013Expected to be available from Q3/2013Bipolar concentric needle electrodeTube electrodes42-0000 Bipolar concentric needle electrodeangle formed, for connection toAVALANCHE ® Headbox, Y-Kabel with GNDsubdermal needle electrode, shielded, cablelength 2,5 m, connector yellow/black,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0017 Adhesive tube electrode,standard versionapplicable for standard tubes with diameterd l≥ 7 mm, cable length 75 cm,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 5 pieces42-0018 Adhesive tube electrode „wrap around“applicable for spiral and standard tubes withdiameter d l≥ 7 mm, cable length 75 cm,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 5 piecesPage 43The complete list of accessories for thyroid surgerycan be found on page 43 of this brochure.42-0020 Adhesive tube electrode,small versionapplicable for standard tubes with diameterd l< 7 mm, cable length 75 cm,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 5 pieces1819

Disposable ElectrodesDisposable ElectrodesSubdermal needle electrodesUser-friendly applicationThese eight colors of our disposablesubdermal needle electrodes match the EMGchannel colors of the AVALANCHE ® system.Channel 1white42-0047 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x white, 5 x red,consisting of 2 electrodes (twisted wire),needle length 18 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 piecesChannel 2Channel 3Channel 4Channel 5Channel 6Channel 7Channel 8redgreenlight blueyellowvioletorangedark blue42-0048 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x green, 5 x light blue,consisting of 2 electrodes (twisted wire),needle length 18 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 piecesSubdermal needle electrodes42-0049 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x yellow, 5 x violet,consisting of 2 electrodes (twisted wire),needle length 18 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0051 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeas ground electrodeblack, needle length 18 mm,cable length 1,5 m,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0050 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x orange, 5 x dark blue,consisting of 2 electrodes (twisted wire),needle length 18 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces2021

Disposable ElectrodesDisposable ElectrodesSubdermal needle electrodesSubdermal needle electrodesNEWDisposable paired needle electrodes42-0052 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset, 1-channel EPred, black, green, needle length 18 mm,cable length 45 cm, 15 cm free ends,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0058 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x white, 5 x red, consisting of 2 pairedelectrodes (twisted wire),needle length 15 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0053 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset, 2-channel EPred, black, blue, green, needle length 18 mm,cable length 45 cm, 15 cm free ends,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0059 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x green, 5 x light blue, consisting of 2 pairedelectrodes (twisted wire),needle length 15 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0054 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset, 3-channel EPred, black, blue, white, green,needle length 18 mm, cable length 45 cm,15 cm free ends,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0060 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x blue, 5 x orange, consisting of 2 pairedelectrodes (twisted wire),needle length 15 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0057 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeas reference electrode for stimulationneedle length 18 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,white, single sterile packed, PU = 5 piecesPage 11The subdermal reference needleelectrode 42-0057 is required forthe correct application of ourdisposable monopolar stimulationprobes (40-1003 or 40-1006).42-0061 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x violet, 5 x yellow, consisting of 2 pairedelectrodes (twisted wire),needle length 15 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 piecesPage 20For the correct application of thedisposable paired needle electrodesthe ground electrode 42-0051 isrequired.2223

Disposable ElectrodesSubdermal needle electrodes42-0055 Disposable subdermal needle electrodesfor stimulation5 x red, 5 x black,needle length 18 mm, cable length 10 cm,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 piecesConnecting Cables42-0056 Disposable subdermal needle electrodesfor stimulation, corkscrew5 x red, 5 x blackcable length 1,5 m, with connectors accordingDIN 42802-1, single sterile packed,PU = 10 piecesAdhesive electrodes42-0015 Disposable adhesive surface electrodewith push-button connector 15 x 20 mm,PU = 20 pieces42-0016 Disposable adhesive surface electrodewith push-button connector 35 x 26 mm,with solid gel, PU = 50 pieces2425

Connecting cablesConnecting cablesEMG signal acquisition cables (color coding for reusable electrodes)EMG signal acquisition cables (color coding for disposable electrodes)41-0010 EMG signal acquisition cable1-channel, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0068 EMG signal acquisition cable2-channel, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of color coded disposableneedle electrodes with connectors according toDIN 42802-1 (white, red, black),cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0012 EMG signal acquisition cable2-channel, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0069 EMG signal acquisition cable4-channel, cable labelling 1-4,for AVALANCHE ® Headbox, for connection ofcolor coded disposable needle electrodes withconnectors according to DIN 42802-1(white, red, green, light blue, black),cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0014 EMG signal acquisition cable4-channel, cable labelling1-4,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0070 EMG signal acquisition cable4-channel, cable labelling 5-8,for AVALANCHE ® Headbox, for connection ofcolor coded disposable needle electrodes withconnectors according to DIN 42802-1(yellow, violet, orange, dark blue, black),cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0016 EMG signal acquisition cable4-channel, cable labelling 5-8,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavablePage 42Are you looking for accessories for a specific application?At the end of this brochure you will find thelists of accessories for some application examples.2627

Connecting cablesConnecting cablesEP signal acquisition cablesNAP signal acquisition cables41-0018 EP signal acqusition cable1-channel, active, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0036 NAP signal acquisition cable1-channel active, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0019 EP signal acqusition cable2-channel, active, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavable41-0037 NAP signal acquisition cablewith connectors according to DIN 42802-1(red, black, green), for connection of bipolarhook probes from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,Y-Kabel with GND subdermal needleelectrode, delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0020 EP signal acqusition cable3-channel, active, for AVALANCHE ® Headbox,for connection of electrodes with connectorsaccording to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, shielded,connector yellow/grey, not autoclavablePages 12-13The NAP signal acquisition cables41-0036 and 41-0037 are requiredfor connection of our bipolar NAPhook probes for recording (40-0022,40-0026 and 40-0034) to theAVALANCHE ® Headbox.2829

Connecting cablesConnecting cablesStimulation cables for TWISTER ® 41-0025 Stimulation cable for TWISTER ®Stimulation cables for TWISTER ® MMBuilt-in versionof the neurostimulatorTWISTER ® MM1-channel, for connection of needle electrodesor push-button cables,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,cable length 2,5 m, not autoclavable41-0073 Stimulation cables for TWISTER ® MM1-channel, for AVALANCHE ® SI,for connection of needle electrodes orpush-button cables with connectors accordingto DIN 42801-1, cable length 4 m,not autoclavable41-0026 Stimulation cable for TWISTER ®2-channel, for connection of needle electrodesor push-button cables,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,cable length 2,5 m, not autoclavable41-0074 Stimulation cables for TWISTER ® MM2-channel, for AVALANCHE ® SI,for connection of needle electrodes orpush-button cables with connectors accordingto DIN 42801-1, cable length 4 m,not autoclavable41-0059 Extension cablefor TWISTER ® stimulation cable1-channel or 2-channel, for connection toTWISTER ® stimulation output,not autoclavable41-0075 Stimulation cables for TWISTER ® MM4-channel, for AVALANCHE ® SI,for connection of needle electrodes orpush-button cables with connectors accordingto DIN 42801-1, cable length 4 m,not autoclavable3031

Connecting cablesConnecting cablesProbe connection cables for AVALANCHE ® HeadboxPush-button cables41-0000 Probe connection cablefor AVALANCHE ® Headboxcable length 2,5 m, for connection of bipolarprobes from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0022 Push-button cable, blackfor connection of push-button electrodes,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, not autoclavable41-0004 Probe connection cable with referencefor AVALANCHE ® Headboxcable length 2,5 m, for connectionof monopolar probes from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>GmbH, delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0023 Push-button cable, redfor connection of push-button electrodes,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, not autoclavableProbe connection cables for TWISTER ®41-0024 Push-button cable, greenfor connection of push-button electrodes,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,cable length 1,5 m, not autoclavable41-0003 Probe connection cable for TWISTER ®cable length 4 m, yellow marking,for connection of bipolar probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavableStimulation probe adapter41-0007 Probe connection cable with referencefor TWISTER ®cable length 2,5 m, yellow marking,for connection of monopolar probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0048 Stimulation probe adapterfor connection of disposable probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH to AVALANCHE ®Headbox or TWISTER ® Light,not autoclavable3233

Other AccessoriesBAEP stimulationOther Accessories43-0000 Earphones3A ABR 10 Ohm for BAEP,not autoclavable43-0005 Sound tubes, red/bluefor earphones 43-0000, incl. connectingpieces (43-0004) for foam earplugsPU = 2 pieces (1 x red, 1 x blue)43-0004 Connecting piecesfor connection of foam earplugsto sound tubes 43-0005, PU = 10 pieces43-0001 Foam earplugs, smallfor earphones 43-0000, PU = 50 pieces43-0002 Foam earplugs, mediumfor earphones 43-0000, PU = 50 pieces43-0003 Foam earplugs, largefor earphones 43-0000, PU = 24 pieces3435

Other accessoriesOther AccessoriesFurther Accessories44-0015 Foot switchto control device functions,cable length 6 m44-0001 Sterilisation boxPlastic, with silicone mat,286 x 150 x 20 mm21-0005 Mute sensorfor connection to AVALANCHE ®to blank RF-noise, cable length 4 m,not autoclavable21-0020 like item 21-0005, cable length 7 m06-0000 Larynx, anatomical modelScale 1:1Simulators44-0002 Thermal paper rollfor AVALANCHE ® , paper width 57,5 mm,PU = 5 pieces44-0006 Thermal paper rollfor AVALANCHE ® XT, paper width 113,5 mm,PU = 5 pieces• Ideal for trainings and instructions• Allows fast testing of cables, headboxand neuromonitor• Incl. accessories kit44-0019 Trolley for AVALANCHE ®with isolating transformer,4 electrically conductive castors(two lockable), two shelves, one drawer,and an ergonomic push handleAccessorioes for AVALANCHE ® 20-1000 Simulant XSSimulator for thyroid surgery neuromonitoring• Simulation of physiological muscle action potentialsof vocal cords after stimulation of vagus orrecurrent laryngeal nerve• Simulation of continuous vagal nerve stimulationwith VANESSA Headbox and Thyroid VNSsoftware• Simulation of signal changes and signal loss3720-1002 Simulant XSSimulator of SEP signals• Simulation of physiological median nerve SEPat C3‘/C4‘ – Fz & physiological tibial SEP atCZ‘ – Fz• Simulation of critical signal changes36

Accessories for devices of other manufacturersAccessories for devices of otherStimulation probe cablesmanufacturers41-0001 Probe connection cable, bipolarfor NS 100/400/800cable length 4 m, for connection of bipolarprobes from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0005 Probe connection cable with referencefor NS 100/400/800cable length 4 m, for connection of monopolarprobes from Dr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbHdelivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0002 Probe connection cable, bipolar, withconnectors according to DIN 42802-1(black, red), cable length 2,5 m,for connection of bipolar probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0027 Probe connection cable, monopolar, withconnectors according to DIN 42802-1(black), w/o reference, cable length 2,5 m,for connection of monopolar probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavablePage 40The monopolar probe connectioncable 41-0027 is used togetherwith one of the reference electrodesshown on page 40.41-0030 Probe connection cable, bipolar, withconnectors according to DIN 42802-1(black, white-red), cable length 2,5 m,for connection of bipolar probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable41-0006 Probe connection cable, monopolar, withconnectors according to DIN 42802-1(black, white-red), Y-cable with GND subdermalneedle electrode, cable length 2,5 m,or connection of monopolar probes fromDr. <strong>Langer</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> GmbH,delivered unsterile, autoclavable3839

Accessories for devices of other manufacturersAccessories for devices of other manufacturersNeedle electrodesNeedle electrodes42-0004 Subdermal needle electrode *green, cable length 1,5 m,needle length 18 mm,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0042 like item 42-0004, black, cable length 1,5 m42-0044 like item 42-0004, red, cable length 1,5 m42-0022 like item 42-0004, white, cable length 1,5 m42-0035 like item 42-0004, green, cable length 2 m42-0036 like item 42-0004, white, cable length 2 m42-0029 Subdermal needle electrode setblue, 1-channel EMG,needle length 18 mm, cable length 1 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0030 like item 42-0029, red42-0031 like item 42-0029, violet42-0032 like item 42-0029, yellow* Other colors on requestNEWDisposable paired needle electrodes42-0002 Bipolar concentric needle electrodeangle-formed, Y-cable with GND subdermalneedle electrode, with connectors accordingto DIN 42802-1, cable length 2,5 m,shielded, delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0063 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeset for EMG5 x blue, 5 x red, consisting of 2 pairedelectrodes (twisted wire),needle length 15 mm, cable length 1,5 m,with connectors according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces42-0064 like item 42-0063,5 x violet, 5 x orange42-0003 Bipolar concentric needle electrodeangle-formed, w/o GND subdermal needleelectrode, with connectors according to DIN42802-1, cable length 2,5 m, shielded,delivered unsterile, autoclavable42-0062 Disposable subdermal needle electrodeas ground electrodegreen, needle length 18 mm,cable length 1,5 m,with connector according to DIN 42802-1,single sterile packed, PU = 10 pieces4041

Thyroid surgeryApplication examplesAccessories for thyroid surgeries with tube electrodesCategory Description Item number PageProbes Microfork probe, bipolar 40-0017 10Electrodes Adhesive tube electrode 42-00171942-001842-0020(depending on tube)Adhesive surface electrode, push-button, 35 x 26 mm 42-0016 24Connecting cables Probe cable, bipolar 41-0000 32EMG signal acqusition cable, 1-channel 41-0010 26Push-button cable, green 41-0024 33Instead of the reusable bipolar probe 40-0017 the following disposable stimulation probe with stimulation probe adaptercan be used:Probes Disposable microfork probe 40-1004 11Connecting cables Stimulation probe adapter 41-0048 33Accessories for thyroid surgeries with needle electrodesCategory Description Item number PageProbes Microfork probe, bipolar 40-0017 10Electrodes Bipolar concentric needle electrode 42-0000 18Connecting cables Probe cable, bipolar 41-0000 32Additional accessories for continuous vagal nerve stimulationCategory Description Item number PageElectrodesSaxophone electrodeor S-shape vagus nerve electrode42-006642-0065Other accessories Foot switch 44-0015 36Mute sensor 21-0005 3618194243

Vascular surgeryENT surgeryAccessories for median nerve SEP right or leftAccessories for the monitoring of the facial nerve (4 channels)Category Description Item number PageCategory Description Item number PageElectrodes Adhesive surface electrode, push-button, 15 x 20 mm 42-0015 24Subdermal needle electrode set, 1-channel EP 42-0008 17Connecting cables EP signal acquisition cable, 1-channel 41-0018 28Stimulation cable, 1-channel, for TWISTER ® 41-0025 30Push-button cable, black 41-0022 33Push-button cable, red 41-0023 33Instead of the reusable subdermal needle electrode set 42-0008 the following disposable needle electrode set can be used:Electrodes Disposable subdermal needle electrode set, 1-channel EP 42-0052 22Increased Safety During Carotid EndarterectomyProbes Ball probe, bipolar concentric 40-0008 7ElectrodesSubdermal needle electrode set,42-0007 152-channel EMG (2 pieces)Connecting cables Probe cable, bipolar 41-0000 32EMG signal acquisition cable, 4-channel 41-0014 26Other accessories Mute sensor 21-0005 36For the monitoring of the facial nerve (4-channel) the following disposable accessories can be used alternatively:Category Description Item number PageProbes Disposable stimulation probe, bipolar concentric 40-1007 11Electrodes Disposable subdermal needle electrodes, white & red 42-0047 21Disposable subdermal needle electrodes, green & light blue 42-0048 21Disposable subdermal ground electrode, black 42-0051 20Connecting cables Stimulation probe adapter 41-0048 33EMG signal acqusition cable, 4-channel 41-0069 27Other accessories Mute sensor 21-0005 36Accessories for BAEPIONM with AVALANCHE ®allows selective shunting• Dedicated software for IONM in carotidsurgery• Rapid detection of brain ischemiathroughout the CEA procedure• Easy and intuitive user interface• Proven long-term quality• Excellent after-sales supportCategory Description Item number PageElectrodes Subdermal needle electrode set, 2-channel EP 42-0009 17Connecting cables EP signal acquisition cable, 2-channel 41-0019 28Other accessories Earphones for BAEP 43-0000 35Foam earplugs 43-0001/43-0002/43-0003, depending on size35Instead of the reusable needle electrode set 42-0009 the following disposable needle electrode set can be used:Electrodes Disposable subdermal needle electrode set, 2-channel EP 42-0053 2240AVALANCHE ® SI:Sophisticated & Intelligent45

Spinal surgery / OrthopedicsSpinal surgery / OrthopedicsAccessories for tibial nerve SEPAccessories for EMG measurements (8 channels)Category Description Item number PageCategory Description Item number PageElectrodesSubdermal needle electrode set for stimulation 42-0005 15(2 pieces)Subdermal needle electrode set, 1-channel EP 42-0008 17Connecting cables EP signal acqusition cable, 1-channel 41-0018 28Stimulation cable, 2-channel, for TWISTER ® 41-0026 30Instead of the reusable subdermal needle electrodes 42-0005 and 42-0008 the following disposable needle electrodescan be used:ElectrodesDisposable subdermal needle electrodes for stimulation, 42-0055 24red & blackDisposable subdermal needle electrode set, 1-channel EP 42-0052 22Accessories for medican nerve SEP right and left & tibial nerve SEPCategory Description Item number PageProbes Microfork probe, bipolar 40-0017, 40-00181040-0019(depending on length)only for Pedicle Screw applications:Ball probe, monopolar 40-0000, 40-0001640-0002(depending on length)ElectrodesSubdermal needle electrode set,42-0007 152-channel EMG (4 pieces)Connecting cables Probe cable, bipolar 41-0000 32only for Pedicle Screw applications:Probe cable, monopolar 41-0004 32EMG signal acquisition cable, 4-channel,41-0014 26cable labelling1-4EMG signal acquisition cable, 4-channel,41-0016 26cable labelling 5-8Other accessories Mute sensor 21-0005 36For 8-channel EMG measurements the following disposable accessories can be used alternatively:Category Description Item number PageElectrodes Adhesive surface electrode, bush-button, 15 x 20 mm 42-0015 24Subdermal needle electrode set for stimulation 42-0005 15(2 pieces)Subdermal needle electrode set, 3-channel EP 42-0010 17Connecting cables EP signal acqusition cable, 3-channel 41-0020 28Stimulation cable, 2-channel, for TWISTER ® (2 pieces) 41-0026 30Push-button cable, black (2 pieces) 41-0022 33Push-button cable, red (2 pieces) 41-0023 33Instead of the reusable subdermal needle electrodes 42-0005 and 42-0010 the following disposable needle electrodescan be used:ElectrodesDisposable subdermal needle electrodes for stimulation 42-0055 24(red & black)Disposable subdermal needle electrode set, 3-channel EP 42-0054 22Probes Disposable microfork probe, bipolar 40-1004 11only for Pedicle Screw applications:Disposabel ball probe, monopolar 40-1006 11Electrodes Disposable subdermal needle electrodes, white & red 42-0047 21Disposable subdermal needle electrodes, green & light blue 42-0048 21Disposable subdermal needle electrodes, yellow & violet 42-0049 21Disposable subdermal needle electrodes, orange & dark blue 42-0050 21Disposable subdermal ground electrode, black 42-0051 20only for Pedicle Screw applications:Disposable subdermal needle electrode42-0057 22as reference electrodeConnecting cables Stimulation probe adapter 41-0048 33EMG signal acquisition cable, 4-channel,41-0069 27cable labelling1-4EMG signal acquisition cable, 4-channel,41-0070 27cable labelling 5-8Other accessories Mute sensor 21-0005 364647

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