PRUcash premier - Prudential Malaysia

PRUcash premier - Prudential Malaysia

PRUcash premier - Prudential Malaysia

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<strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong>SAVINGS“ Just what we want...maximising our savingsand getting rewardeddoing it! ”

The pot of goldat the end of the rainbow.At a Glance:<strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> lets you enjoy:> Lump sum cash at maturity> Annual GUARANTEED cash payout> Non-guaranteed bonuses> Shorter premium payment term> Death & Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) cover> Additional protection benefitsMaximum savings, maximum rewardsWouldn’t it be great to grow your savings into a nice pot of money? One you can use toinvest in your dreams and aspirations, contribute handsomely to your retirement fund oreven to help give your children a financial headstart in life?What if you could also get regular cash payouts to reward you for saving diligently?lntroducing <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> – the plan with lump sum cash at maturity, and guaranteedpayouts in between. With <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong>, you need only to pay your premiums for alimited time to enjoy the benefits.Now that’s a plan that will help you make the most of your savings while rewarding youalong the way.

» BenefitsAnnual GUARANTEED cash payout<strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> provides you with a guaranteed yearly payout of 4% of the Sum Assuredfrom the end of the 10 th policy year onwards. This payout, known as Survival Benefit, caneither be withdrawn or left to be accumulated with the plan.Non-guaranteed bonusesGet additional yearly non-guaranteed bonus payouts 1 over and above your guaranteedyearly payout! (Currently projected at 3% per annum.)Lump Sum Cash at MaturityReceive 100% of the sum assured PLUS total bonuses (and accumulated Survival Benefit,if any) when your <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> plan matures.Shorter premium payment term10 years of premium is all you have to pay to enjoy <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> benefits.Death & Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) 2 coverIn the event of TPD before age 60 or death at any time during the policy duration, you oryour loved ones will receive 100% of the sum assured PLUS bonuses (and accumulatedSurvival Benefits, if any).Additional protection benefits 3You have the option of attaching additional benefits to enhance your basic cover.1, 2, 3Please refer to the ‘Important Notes’ section.

» All about <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong>1. How does the product work?<strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> is divided into 2 main stages – Premium Paying Term and Payout Term.Premium-Paying TermBefore you begin, select the benefits you want and the amount of sum assured. Yourpremium will then be calculated based on your age, smoking status and policy term.As the premium-paying term for <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> is fixed at 10 years you only need toselect your policy term which could either be 15, 20 or 30 years.Payout TermYour payout term starts from the end of the 10 th policy year onwards, i.e. after yourpremium-paying term ends. When your policy matures at the end of your payout term,you will receive a lump sum payout at maturity.2. What are the non-guaranteed bonuses available?Apart from the annual guaranteed cash payment, <strong>Prudential</strong> also lets you share in theprofits of the Participating Life Fund by paying Simple Reversionary Bonus 4 andTerminal Bonus 5 . The bonuses are declared annually and are payable upon death,TPD, policy maturity or upon surrender of policy.4 ,5Please refer to Important Notes for definitions.3. What will be paid out?Upon Death orMaturityTotal and PermanentDisability (TPD)Upon surrender ofpolicyThe sum assured; plusAny attaching Simple Reversionary Bonus; plusAny Terminal Bonus; plusAny accumulated Survival Benefits will be payable.Same as death benefit.Guaranteed cash value; plusAny cash value of Simple Reversionary Bonus; plusAny cash value of Terminal Bonus; plusAny accumulated Survival Benefits, will be payable.

4. What additional benefits are available?For your protection against any eventualities, we offer you supplementary benefits withyour <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> plan. You may enhance your plan with these additional benefitsranging from accidental, waiver of premium to term insurance.PRUtermAccidental Deathand Disablement (ADD)PRUterm is required for theattachment of this ADD benefit.PRUwaiverPRUspouse waiverPRUparent waiverPays an additional Sum Assured in the event of death orwhen a TPD occurs before age 60, whichever is earlier.Covers death or total and irrecoverable loss of use ofbody functions due to accident.Additional compassionate allowance of RM2,000 perlife is payable in the event of death due to natural causesor accident, in addition to the sum assured.Waives all future premiums upon diagnosis of a criticalillness of Life Assured.Waives all future premiums in the event of death, TPDbefore age 60, or upon diagnosis of a critical illness ofthe spouse.Waives all future premiums until the child attains theage of 25 in the event the parent suffers TPD before age60, or death, or upon diagnosis of a critical illness.Note: For a juvenile plan, in the event of death, critical illness or TPD before age 5, the proportion of the basicsum assured paid is 20% at age 1, 40% at age 2, 60% at age 3, 80% at age 4 and 100% at age 5.5. Who is this plan for?This plan is available for individuals aged 1 – 65 years old who:• Want to pay premium for a limited time only.• Want to enjoy a guaranteed annual payout, on top of the protection cover.6. What is the premium amount?Minimum annual premium payable for a basic plan is RM4,800, excluding additionalbenefits.Premiums can be paid in yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly mode via the Autodebit,Credit Card, Cash or Cheque.

7. What are the types of loans available?There are Policy loan, Automatic Premium loan and Surgical and Nursing Fees loanavailable. (Terms and conditions apply).» <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> in3 Simple StepsStep 1You decide on your sum assured and the policy term. Let us suppose you choose RM100,000and 30 years respectively.Step 2Your friendly <strong>Prudential</strong> wealth planner will then calculate the amount of premium youhave to pay, based on your age, smoking status, policy term and sum assured. In thisexample, for a non-smoking male aged 35 at the next birthday, the annual premium isRM17,737 which you have to pay for 10 policy years.Step 3Assuming you select Option 3, from the end of the 10th policy year onwards, you will receive:1) Guaranteed cash payout of RM4,000 per annum, and2) Non-guaranteed Simple Reversionary Bonus of RM3,000 per annum.When your policy matures at the end of the 30 th year, you may receive a projected maturityvalue of RM380,325.All in all, at the end of your policy term, you could potentially receive a total ofRM520,325! ##The projected values are for illustrative purpose only. They are neither guaranteed nor based on past performance.The projected values assume current law, tax and prescribed investment returns.In this example, the policy is assumed to earn a gross investment return of 7% p.a. The RM3,000 p.a. non-guaranteedcash is taken from the partially surrendered Simple Reversionary Bonus. The projected maturity value of RM380,325 isthe sum of the sum assured (RM100,000), accumulated Simple Reversionary Bonus (RM84,817) and the Terminal Bonuspayable upon maturity (RM195,508). The total RM520,325 is derived from RM7,000 x 20 years + RM380,325.Please note that taking Option 3 will reduce the amount of death and maturity benefit in the future as comparedto Options 1 and 2. Please refer to the sales illustration on the derivation of all guaranteed/projected values underOption 1, 2 and 3.

A Simple Illustration of how <strong>PRUcash</strong> <strong>premier</strong> worksPay: Annual Premium of RM17,737 p.a.*Receive: RM7,000(Guaranteed Survival Benefit ofRM4,000 p.a. + Non-GuaranteedBonus of RM3,000 p.a.)Projected Maturity Benefitreceived @ 30th year isRM380,325**Beginningof year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ........................... 30 Maturity* For a male non-smoker, aged 35, sum assured of RM100,000 for a 30-year term, survival benefit payout option.** Based on 7% projection rate.Important Notes1You can choose to receive your annual payouts based on these options:Option 1: Payout the Survival BenefitOption 2: Accumulate the Survival BenefitOption 3: Pay the Survival Benefit together with the partially surrendered SimpleReversionary Bonus (only applicable for selected plans)2For TPD benefit, for sum assured greater than RM1 million, method of a claimspayment is based on the terms and conditions of the policy contract.3Purchase of additional benefits is optional and requires additional premiums (theamount which depends on the type of benefit selected).4Simple Reversionary Bonus:• A bonus declared each year during the term of the policy. The amount of bonusis not guaranteed and will depend on, among other factors, the actual investmentperformance achieved.• Will be available from the calendar year following the first policy anniversary.• Will be payable in full upon the maturity of the plan, death or TPD of the lifeassured.• Full value of Simple Reversionary Bonus declared is not payable on early termination,surrender or conversion of the policy.5Terminal Bonus: Will be payable upon maturity of the plan, death or TPD of the lifeassured or upon policy surrender.

Terms and Conditions:1. You are advised to ensure that this plan will best serve your needs and that the premium payable underthe policy is an amount you can afford.2. In the event that you do not pay your premium as scheduled, then the amount of cash value availablewill be used to pay for your premium through Automatic Premium loan. If the cash value is not enoughto pay for such outstanding premiums or other debts with the company, then your policy will lapse.3. If you cancel the policy in the early years, you may not be able to obtain the full value from the amountyou have paid in.4. If the policy is returned within the 15-day free look period, the full premium less medical expenses willbe refunded.5. This leaflet is for illustrative purposes only. For further details on the terms and conditions, please referto your policy document.Terma dan Syarat:1. Anda dinasihatkan supaya memastikan bahawa pelan ini paling menepati keperluan anda dan premiumyang perlu dibayar adalah mengikut kemampuan anda.2. Sekiranya anda tidak membayar premium seperti yang dijadualkan, maka jumlah nilai tunai yang adaakan digunakan untuk membayar premium melalui pinjaman Premium Automatik. Jika nilai tunaitersebut tidak mencukupi untuk membayar premium tertunggak atau pinjaman lain dengan syarikat,maka polisi anda akan luput.3. Jika anda membatalkan polisi anda pada tahun-tahun awal, anda mungkin tidak dapat memperolehinilai penuh daripada jumlah yang telah anda bayar.4. Jika polisi ini dikembalikan dalam tempoh percubaan selama 15 hari, premium penuh ditolakperbelanjaan perubatan akan dikembalikan.5. Risalah ini adalah bagi tujuan penerangan sahaja. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai terma dan syarat,sila rujuk kepada dokumen polisi anda.条 规 与 细 则 :1. 您 必 须 确 保 本 计 划 符 合 您 的 需 求 , 而 且 您 也 有 能 力 在 保 单 期 限 内 缴 付 保 费 。2. 若 您 无 法 如 期 缴 付 保 费 , 那 么 现 金 价 值 将 被 用 以 缴 付 保 费 ( 通 过 保 费 自 动 垫 缴 贷 款 的 方 式 )。 如 果 现 金价 值 不 足 以 缴 付 保 费 或 其 他 拖 欠 保 险 公 司 的 债 务 , 您 的 保 单 将 会 失 效 。3. 若 您 在 保 单 生 效 初 期 取 消 保 单 , 您 可 能 无 法 取 回 所 缴 付 的 保 费 全 额 。4. 若 您 在 15 天 的 审 阅 期 内 退 保 , 公 司 将 在 扣 除 体 格 检 查 费 用 后 , 退 还 所 缴 付 之 保 费 全 额 。5. 本 册 子 只 供 说 明 用 途 。 欲 知 条 规 与 细 则 详 情 , 请 参 阅 您 的 保 单 文 件 。

<strong>Prudential</strong> Assurance <strong>Malaysia</strong> Berhad (107655-U)Menara <strong>Prudential</strong>, 10 Jalan Sultan Ismail,50250 Kuala Lumpur, <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Tel: 03-2031 8228 Fax: 03-2032 3939www.prudential.com.my

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