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<strong>BECAUSE</strong> I <strong>AM</strong> A <strong>GIRL</strong>A little book with a big plan

DID YOU KNOW...IN THE POOREST REGIONS OF THE WORLD, <strong>GIRL</strong>S FACE UNIQUE BARRIERSTO SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT SIMPLY <strong>BECAUSE</strong> THEY’RE <strong>GIRL</strong>S.An estimated 100 million girls are“missing” because of gender-basedabortion or infanticide.Girls are three times more likely to sufferfrom malnutrition because their familiesfeed boys first.Pregnancy is the leading cause of deathfor girls between the ages of 15 and 19worldwide.Globally, two-thirds of new HIV infectionsamong youth are in girls.Over 60 million girls are not inprimary school.Each year, roughly two million girls betweenthe ages of 5 and 15 are trafficked, soldor coerced into the sex trade.

<strong>BECAUSE</strong> I <strong>AM</strong> HUMANEvery girl has a right to survive, developand participate in the world, and to reachher full potential in a society that respectsher rights and dignity.When we invest in girls and give them achance, they will succeed. And not onlythat. They will give back in countless waysto improve the lives of their families,communities and nations.Could supporting girls be the key toimproving the world for everyone? Wethink so. And the evidence is mounting.

<strong>BECAUSE</strong> I CANCHANGE THE WORLDBy educating one girl, by giving her nourishment,health care, and protection, shewill flourish and go on to improve the livesof those around her.She will marry later and have fewer,healthier children. She will have a betterchance to stay healthy herself, avoid HIVand remain alive through childbearing. Andif she does, her children will be 3-10 timesmore likely to survive.For each year that a girl stays in school, herincome will rise by 15%. With the opportunityto earn a living, she will pull herselfout of poverty, and her children along withher. She will invest what she earns in them,and in their education and futures.An educated girl will grow up to gain herrightful place in society and be a force forchange. She will help raise the status of allgirls and women, and with them the livesof children.

INVEST IN A PLANFOR <strong>GIRL</strong>S<strong>Plan</strong> is a global movement for change,mobilizing millions of people worldwideto support social justice for children indeveloping countries. Founded in 1937,we are one of the world’s oldest and largestinternational development organizations.Our extensive research into the plightof the world’s girls, together with ourexperience living in the heart of theircommunities, has shown that by investingin girls, we can change the entire face ofthe developing world. We can offer hope,a path out of poverty and the means tochange the future not only for girls, butfor their brothers, families, communities,and countries.

<strong>BECAUSE</strong> YOUCAN HELPThere are many ways for you to getinvolved. <strong>Plan</strong>’s Because I Am a Girlcampaign encourages you to support ourexisting girl-centred initiatives or workwith us to develop exciting new projects.If there was ever a way that your charitablegiving could make a real, vital and ongoingdifference, it is in the service of the world’sgirls. They will lead us to a better place.SPEAKGo to becauseiamagirl.ca and sign our on-line petition.Lend your voice to our global initiative to advocate for girls.CONTRIBUTEFor as little as $15/month, you can support girl-centred projectsand provide the sustainable funding needed to educate and empowergirls and give them hope for the future today.SPONSORSponsor a girl for $35/month, and help support girl-friendly development inher community to ensure that all the children there to have the same opportunity toreach their full potential. Through the exchange of photos and letters, you and yourfamily can reach out across continents and cultures to become part of the life storyof a girl who is getting the chance that she deserves, thanks to donors like you.INVESTBecome a major gift donor and work with our development and programming teamsto put your personal mark on the world with an innovative project for girls.Call our development office at 416-920-1654, ext 219.

<strong>Plan</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>95 St. Clair Avenue WestSuite 1001Toronto, OntarioM4V 3B5T: (416) 920-1654F: 416-920-9942Toll-free number 1-800-387-1418plancanada.caE-mail: info@plancanada.ca

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