Measuring physical fitness in Persons with Severe/Profound ...

Measuring physical fitness in Persons with Severe/Profound ...

Measuring physical fitness in Persons with Severe/Profound ...

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Table 4. Correlation scored motivation by Instructor or Test Leader and HR peakCorrelation scored motivation by INS or TL and HR peakGXT1 GXT2 SMBTscoreINS –HR peakscore score INS –TL –HR peakHR peakscore TL –HR peakscore InS –HR peakscore TL –HR peakSpearmanrho0.18p=0.37n=260.48p=0.01n=260.44p=0.02n=260.44p=0.03n=250.36p=0.11n=190.48p=0.03n=19Criticalvalue rhop=0.05;two-tailed0.390 0.390 0.390 0.398 0.460 0.460GXT: Graded Exercise Test; SMBT: Supra-Maximal Block Test; INS: Tra<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>physical</strong> education <strong>in</strong>structor; TL: testleader; p: significance value; n: participantsAll but one participant (96%) needed encouragement dur<strong>in</strong>g GXT1 or GXT2. Fourteen (54%)needed encouragement dur<strong>in</strong>g both tests and eleven participants (42%) needed encouragementdur<strong>in</strong>g one test. Out of the total of fifty-two tests of GXT1 and GXT2, a lot of encouragement wasgiven dur<strong>in</strong>g twelve tests and some encouragement was given dur<strong>in</strong>g twenty-seven tests.Both GXT1 and GXT2 lasted 14 m<strong>in</strong>utes (SD 3.8) on average, <strong>with</strong> a range of 4 to 22 m<strong>in</strong>utes.Correlation between HR peakof GXT1 on the treadmill and HR peakof the over ground test waspoor and not significant (ICC=0.21; 95%CI -0.24–0.59). For the GXT2 the correlation was also poorand not significant (ICC=0.24; 95%CI -0.22–0.63).The HR peakfor GXT1 and GXT2 treadmill were significantly higher than the tests performed overground, as was expected.Correlation between the levels of GXT1 treadmill and aSRT1 over ground was moderate butsignificant (ICC=0.67; 95%CI = 0.18-0.87). Correlation between the levels achieved for the GXT2was moderate and also significant (ICC=0.73; 95% CI = 0.22-0.90). The wide confidence <strong>in</strong>tervals<strong>in</strong>dicate diversity among the participants. The achieved levels show a significant differencebetween the treadmill and the over ground test for the GXT1 (Wilcoxon signed ranks, p=0.03) andthe GXT2 (Wilcoxon signed ranks, p=0.01).Estimated peak heart rateIn our sample the ICC for HR peakSMBT and the estimated HR peakwas poor (ICC=0.36; 95%CI -0.25–0.72). The t-statistic showed a significant difference (t=-4.6; p=0.001). Figure 4 shows a scatterplot of these f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs. The equation seems to over-estimate HR peakfor people <strong>with</strong> SIMD. To adjustthe equation to be relevant to our sample a new constant β=0.88 was calculated.Chapter 5 | 81

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