'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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20WarmersJoanna Heyworth did her best to suppress agrin. Madame Diderot was flashing a red card in herdirection. Jojo pushed back her seat and headed forthe lecture room door.In keeping with Woody tradition Jojo’s fiftiethpunishment of the year was not her ceremonial BullFlogging; it was a damn good spanking.The Grand Master had her spread out acrosshis lap, tucked in tight. Jojo’s skirt was neatly foldedback and her bumbags were around her ankles.Joanna settled in to be warmed-up for her flogging.Joanna Heyworth was an ardent advocator ofwarmers. The debate over the pros and cons ofpreliminary hand-spankings dated back to the Lawtonera. Ms Lawton had always preceded public floggingswith an over the knee warm-up session and firmlybelieved she was doing the gals a favor.Ms Lawton had discovered the benefits ofwarmers in most disagreeable circumstances. While

The People’s Choiceattending the original Woody School she had spent anunpleasant and acrimonious year as the personalwhopping-gal of Patricia Hodge. Patty took advantageof Susan Lawton’s reputation as the naughtiest gal inthe school and frequently thrashed Susan on boguscharges. Susan’s relationship with the school’s GrandDame was fragile at the best of times and she ratherfancied that all that complaining about Patty wouldaccomplish was to highlight the unacceptable numberof legitimate thrashings she had received. Susanfigured it was best just to suck it up.However, one afternoon she finally got the pipwith Patty. The Red-shirt had imperiously summonsedSusan to her study so that she could give her a rationof tongue pie apropos of nothing in particular. WhenSusan had answered her back Patty had thought itwould be a wizard wheeze to put Susan over her kneeand give her a damn good spanking.Susan was furious and when she was releasedshe promptly hacked Patty Hodge on both shins.Once Patty had stopped hopping from foot to foot shefound herself with a dilemma on her hands. Red-shirtshin-hacking was a sacking offense and if she tookSusan up before the Beak she would most likely haveher traveling trunks packed by nightfall. However,Patty realized that getting Susan expelled would betantamount to scoring an own goal. Losing her mostregular customer would severely curtail Patty’sopportunities to score a fix of gratuitous whops duringany troughs in misbehavior amongst the generalpopulation of the school.Despite her righteous indignation at thespanking Susan Lawton did not relish the prospect of

20WarmersJoanna Heyworth did her best <strong>to</strong> suppress agrin. Madame Diderot was flashing a red card in herdirection. Jojo pushed back her seat and headed forthe lecture room door.In keeping with <strong>Woody</strong> tradition Jojo’s fiftiethpunishment of the year was not her ceremonial BullFlogging; it was a damn good spanking.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had her spread out acrosshis lap, tucked in tight. Jojo’s skirt was neatly foldedback and her bumbags were around her ankles.Joanna settled in <strong>to</strong> be warmed-up for her flogging.Joanna Heyworth was an ardent advoca<strong>to</strong>r ofwarmers. <strong>The</strong> debate over the pros and cons ofpreliminary hand-spankings dated back <strong>to</strong> the Law<strong>to</strong>nera. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had always preceded public floggingswith an over the knee warm-up session and firmlybelieved she was doing the gals a favor.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had discovered the benefits ofwarmers in most disagreeable circumstances. While

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