'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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75that every stroke of the cane had been exceedinglypainful.Deborah stretched herself in<strong>to</strong> a full drape,arms and legs out straight. She felt Suzy turning backthe skirt of her gymslip and she waited for the pain <strong>to</strong>commence.Debs didn’t have long <strong>to</strong> wait. She heard anominous whistle from above and then the white hotslice of heat and pain as it etched from one side ofher backside <strong>to</strong> the other. She shook her head andclenched her fists as the searing agony <strong>to</strong>ok control ofher senses.Ms Scott focused on her target and raised theviolin bow for a second time. She hated being forced<strong>to</strong> beat Deborah again but she was determined <strong>to</strong>execute the job efficiently. She swung the bowthrough the air with unerring accuracy.Debs had done her best <strong>to</strong> prepare herself.She knew exactly what <strong>to</strong> expect, but when thestroke landed she was still as<strong>to</strong>nished by the pain.<strong>The</strong> art of fine caning is defined by thetightness of the formation in which the strokes aredelivered. Although Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n was fond of declaringwomen born broad of beam and perfectly designed <strong>to</strong>absorb six of the best, the target area was actuallyquite small; the sweet spot of the rump a mere sixinches across the cusp.

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