'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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19A Sizzling Super-wealRosemary Booker was not having a good timeof it. The sound of the violin bow colliding with herdrum-tight bumbags seemed to explode in her earslike cannon-fire. The intense sensation of each strokereverberated around her central nervous systemcreating mischief and mayhem in areas of her bodyshe was not normally aware of.When Rosemary had first experienced the caneshe had stunned her fellow inmates with herpronouncement that it really didn’t hurt and that itwas ‘only whops’. Even amongst the whop-hardenedinmates of the Woody Back to School unit this hadbeen considered a stretch and she had been writtenoff as barking. Nonetheless, Rosemary never seemedto show even the slightest after effects of being lickedso after a while her chums took her at her word andreclassified her as an unnatural phenomenon.All that had changed on the first day of theGreat Spank-off when most unexpectedly she had anextraordinary experience. Midway through a fastcaning she was suddenly overwhelmed with

The People’s Choiceexcruciating pain. It was devastating and sheimmediately retired her bumbags from the contest.Since then Rosemary Booker had become increasinglyreticent when it came to matters of whops.Rosemary pushed herself up from the pianostool. Her face was chalky white and her cheekspuffed out as she let her breath out in longimpassioned pants. With slow, stiff-legged steps shestepped aside to make way for Deborah.Debs licked her dry lips. Her tummy waschurning uncomfortably. She stepped over to thestool and very slowly bent over.Deborah Morton had never questioned thatwhops hurt. She had first been caned when she wastwelve years old; three strokes across the bumbagsdelivered in the Posh HQ at the strict QueensgateAcademy. There was no question it had hurt. Thecaning had made her teeth chatter and her eyeswater but she had refused to howl or blub.During the five years she spent at the academyshe was caned with increasing frequency and ferocity.The strokes increased and the intensity of thepunishments multiplied. She taught herself painmanagement, the ability to continue to functionrelatively normally even though her backside wasfrazzled and throbbing, but she never deluded herselfthat it didn’t hurt.At Woodys she had risen to Number Three onthe All-Time Hall of Shame, an achievement that hadrequired her to be beaten almost two hundred times.The kudos had been worth it but she never denied

19A Sizzling Super-wealRosemary Booker was not having a good timeof it. <strong>The</strong> sound of the violin bow colliding with herdrum-tight bumbags seemed <strong>to</strong> explode in her earslike cannon-fire. <strong>The</strong> intense sensation of each strokereverberated around her central nervous systemcreating mischief and mayhem in areas of her bodyshe was not normally aware of.When Rosemary had first experienced the caneshe had stunned her fellow inmates with herpronouncement that it really didn’t hurt and that itwas ‘only whops’. Even amongst the whop-hardenedinmates of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit this hadbeen considered a stretch and she had been writtenoff as barking. Nonetheless, Rosemary never seemed<strong>to</strong> show even the slightest after effects of being lickedso after a while her chums <strong>to</strong>ok her at her word andreclassified her as an unnatural phenomenon.All that had changed on the first day of theGreat Spank-off when most unexpectedly she had anextraordinary experience. Midway through a fastcaning she was suddenly overwhelmed with

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