'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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67Studmuffin worked fast and by the timeDeborah returned from the loo he was firmlyensconced at the table.Debs grinned to herself. She swallowed downher drink and then suddenly looked down at herwatch.“Hey, Rosemary,” she said cheerfully. “WhileI’m in town I might as well buy some new sportssocks. I’ll just cut along and I’ll meet you at six at thebus stop.”Debs watched the bus approaching. Sheflipped open her cell phone. “Where are you?” shedemanded. “The bus is on its way.”“I’m coming,” Rosemary told her. “Don’t worry,let’s just take a cab. I’ll pay.”“Well hurry up,” snapped Debs. “You know it’llbe whops if we’re late.”“We won’t be late,” Rosemary assured herchum.“Where are you going?” demanded Debs. “Youshould have taken a left at the lights.”The cab driver looked into his rearview mirror.“I am planning to cut through the Close,” he told hertartly.“The Close?” retorted Deborah. “The Close willbe wall to wall with traffic at this time of theevening.”“It’s a short cut,” responded the cabby.Deborah looked at her watch and groaned. Itwas six fifteen and the cab driver was turning onto

The People’s Choicethe Close. As Debs had predicted the road was gridlocked.“This is a fucking short cut?” she wailed. Sheturned and looked at Rosemary. “Our bumbags aretoast,” she groaned.“I’m sorry, Debs,” her chum said in a smallvoice.Debs stared out of the cab window gloomily.The traffic was choc-a. There was no possibility ofreaching the compound before curfew. The dodgyshort cut had undoubtedly cost her six of the best.She tried to look on the bright side. The DutyDame was Stephanie Powell.Stephanie Powell was a card carrying memberof the Liberal Left and considered an all-round goodegg by the inmates. She had a reputation fordelivering good, clean canings that apart from underexceptional circumstances were generally never morethan middling warm. Debs figured that there wereworst things that could happen to a gal activelypursuing whops than a short sharp six fromStephanie.

67Studmuffin worked fast and by the timeDeborah returned from the loo he was firmlyensconced at the table.Debs grinned <strong>to</strong> herself. She swallowed downher drink and then suddenly looked down at herwatch.“Hey, Rosemary,” she said cheerfully. “WhileI’m in <strong>to</strong>wn I might as well buy some new sportssocks. I’ll just cut along and I’ll meet you at six at thebus s<strong>to</strong>p.”Debs watched the bus approaching. Sheflipped open her cell phone. “Where are you?” shedemanded. “<strong>The</strong> bus is on its way.”“I’m coming,” Rosemary <strong>to</strong>ld her. “Don’t worry,let’s just take a cab. I’ll pay.”“Well hurry up,” snapped Debs. “You know it’llbe whops if we’re late.”“We won’t be late,” Rosemary assured herchum.“Where are you going?” demanded Debs. “Youshould have taken a left at the lights.”<strong>The</strong> cab driver looked in<strong>to</strong> his rearview mirror.“I am planning <strong>to</strong> cut through the Close,” he <strong>to</strong>ld hertartly.“<strong>The</strong> Close?” re<strong>to</strong>rted Deborah. “<strong>The</strong> Close willbe wall <strong>to</strong> wall with traffic at this time of theevening.”“It’s a short cut,” responded the cabby.Deborah looked at her watch and groaned. Itwas six fifteen and the cab driver was turning on<strong>to</strong>

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