'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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63Grand Master had granted full loose tie dispensationso they had unfastened their collars and rolled backtheir sleeves and dived into the numerous jobs athand.Nix was working on her Apple, reprogrammingsome lighting set-ups that she felt had been runningmarginally out of synchronization.“Yo, Jo,” she grinned when her best chumbrought the twins up to check out her high-techconfiguration.Jojo smiled at her chum. “You look like youhad a long night.”Nixdown just winked. She had helped PennyAnn clean up the bar before the two lovers hadretired to the privacy of Pen’s apartment. Nicola Janehad been extremely enamored of her English rose inher stiff white wing-collared dress shirt, bowtie andtuxedo and had demonstrated her enamor until hertongue felt like an ironing board and she felt that herhand would be permanently transformed into a claw.Penny Ann had demonstrated her gratitude by puttingNix over her knee and giving her a damn goodspanking.In the sound booth Debs was toying with thescore. She hugged the twins.“I notice that neither of you seem to have lostyour talents,” she giggled. “God you sent chills downmy spine last night. There are some things a galnever forgets. That whole full hangover gig and thesound of the feet on the gym floor. Man that is someheavy duty shit.”

The People’s ChoiceCathryn and Victoria were giving Ellen a tour ofthe facility. It amused them that she was showing somuch interest.“I was glued to the TV during the tribunal, sheconfessed. “There is something about this place thatexcites me.”Victoria winked at Cat.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceCathryn and Vic<strong>to</strong>ria were giving Ellen a <strong>to</strong>ur ofthe facility. It amused them that she was showing somuch interest.“I was glued <strong>to</strong> the TV during the tribunal, sheconfessed. “<strong>The</strong>re is something about this place thatexcites me.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria winked at Cat.

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