'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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55desperately trying not to let them see that they hadhurt her and sniffing back her tears when she foundone of the boys waiting at the foot of the stairs tomake sure she was okay.To her surprise and delight the fact that shewas the first girl ever to be caned who hadn’t criedelevated her to legendary status amongst herschoolmates.Although she continued to enjoy a reputationas a reckless tomboy she was by far the most populargirl in the school. Unlike the other girls who had beencaned and had never gone back for seconds Ellen wascaned on three more occasions. Each time sheincreased her legend with her fearless performancesand never once howled or blubbed.When it came time for her to become a prefectshe held the majority of the popular vote to beappointed Headgirl. However, on the eve of the finalballot her closest opponent managed to fabricateevidence that Ellen was responsible for vandalizingone of the school cloakrooms.Ellen Millar didn’t much care that she wascaned again but she was horrified when she wasinformed that she would no longer even be eligible toact as a prefect. It was a painful year for Ellen. Shethrew caution to the wind and ran with a fast crowd.She established a school record for being caned buther popularity continued to grow.After leaving school she had gone to secretarialcollege and then into the typing pool at a largedepartment store. She hated every moment andmissed the cut and thrust of being the school’sresident tomboy and chief troublemaker. She craved

The People’s Choicefor danger and excitement and then she saw anadvertisement for the police academy at Hendon andapplied.Her years as a police constable were excitingand successful. She received several citations forbravery in the course of duty, opening the door to herpromotion to Sergeant at the youthful age of twentyfive.At first her laudable career continued without ahitch, and then suddenly over the past six monthsthings had begun to go awry.She began to date a detective, a hard-drinking,independent man, and she began to call in sick a littletoo frequently and was occasionally late for roll call.Twice she was carpeted and given informalreprimands, before this latest incident when she haddrunk a little too much and although she wasn’tsquiffy, she had been put on desk duty for the daywhile the Chief Constable reviewed his options.The policewoman finally shrugged off her tunicand handed it to Linda Ash and then she walkedacross the gymnasium towards the spanking stooland Lady Victoria Brompton. In her white blouse andblack tie, and black skirt and flat shoes she couldhave passed for an inmate of the Woody Back toSchool unit. The Woody gals watched in interest asshe stepped forward.

55desperately trying not <strong>to</strong> let them see that they hadhurt her and sniffing back her tears when she foundone of the boys waiting at the foot of the stairs <strong>to</strong>make sure she was okay.To her surprise and delight the fact that shewas the first girl ever <strong>to</strong> be caned who hadn’t criedelevated her <strong>to</strong> legendary status amongst herschoolmates.Although she continued <strong>to</strong> enjoy a reputationas a reckless <strong>to</strong>mboy she was by far the most populargirl in the school. Unlike the other girls who had beencaned and had never gone back for seconds Ellen wascaned on three more occasions. Each time sheincreased her legend with her fearless performancesand never once howled or blubbed.When it came time for her <strong>to</strong> become a prefectshe held the majority of the popular vote <strong>to</strong> beappointed Headgirl. However, on the eve of the finalballot her closest opponent managed <strong>to</strong> fabricateevidence that Ellen was responsible for vandalizingone of the school cloakrooms.Ellen Millar didn’t much care that she wascaned again but she was horrified when she wasinformed that she would no longer even be eligible <strong>to</strong>act as a prefect. It was a painful year for Ellen. Shethrew caution <strong>to</strong> the wind and ran with a fast crowd.She established a school record for being caned buther popularity continued <strong>to</strong> grow.After leaving school she had gone <strong>to</strong> secretarialcollege and then in<strong>to</strong> the typing pool at a largedepartment s<strong>to</strong>re. She hated every moment andmissed the cut and thrust of being the school’sresident <strong>to</strong>mboy and chief troublemaker. She craved

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