'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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51“However,” the Chief Constable continued,“consider this. The internal affairs department will nottake into account that Sergeant Millar is anoutstanding officer in the field, nor will they care thatshe is amongst the youngest female sergeants on theforce. What they will care about is that she has madethree unfortunate errors of judgment, trivial errors ofjudgment, and in all likelihood they will demote her.”The Woody gals empathized big time whenthey noticed Sergeant Millar’s mouth involuntarilytwitch into a momentary grimace.“Demotion in the police force is a very seriousmatter and for a young sergeant it may proveirrecoverable.” The Chief Constable sighed. “Untilearlier today I felt I had no choice but to do the usualand throw Sergeant Millar to the piranhas. But then Igot to thinking, perhaps I have options. Perhaps Icould cut her some slack, perhaps I could take alesson out of the Woody handbook and how they lookafter their own.” He looked at the Sergeant sternly.“But of course that will be up to you young lady!”“You’ve got to be kidding,” laughed Lady Vix indisbelief. “You want me to spank Plod?”“Exactly,” said the Grand Master.“And you don’t think she might take umbrageto this particular proposition?”The Grand Master chuckled. “Well she might,”he admitted, “we’ll find out soon enough.”The policewoman bit her lower lip nervously.“I’m not sure I understand,” she muttered, but fromthe look on her face the Woody gals could tell thatshe understood very well.

The People’s ChoiceThe Chief Constable sighed. “Don’t pretend tobe obtuse Sergeant. Obtusity doesn’t become you,”he told her.“No Sir, sorry Sir,” said Sergeant Millarsomewhat numbly. “I think I get the gist, but whatexactly are you proposing?”“What exactly is a double dangling?” the ChiefConstable asked Mr Humphries.Mr Humphries leaned over and whispered inthe policeman’s ear.“Oh!” said the boss Rozzer. “Well that certainlysounds like a plan.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice<strong>The</strong> Chief Constable sighed. “Don’t pretend <strong>to</strong>be obtuse Sergeant. Obtusity doesn’t become you,”he <strong>to</strong>ld her.“No Sir, sorry Sir,” said Sergeant Millarsomewhat numbly. “I think I get the gist, but whatexactly are you proposing?”“What exactly is a double dangling?” the ChiefConstable asked Mr Humphries.Mr Humphries leaned over and whispered inthe policeman’s ear.“Oh!” said the boss Rozzer. “Well that certainlysounds like a plan.”

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