'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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12The Main EventThe two gals heard feet behind them. Catgritted her teeth and braced herself. Sallyconcentrated on trying to deal with the burning stripethe cane had left. The cane swept through the air andSally let out a scream of surprise and anguish. Thestroke caught her totally unprepared and raised herseveral inches further over the beam. Tears flowedfreely down her face.Ms Scott nodded and Patsy Butcher took off forthe third consecutive time. Despite her haplesscircumstances, when she heard the cane swipe downacross Sally’s bumbags Cat grinned to herself.“Clever,” she thought, “very fucking clever!”There was no rhythm to the way that Ms Scottcut the twins loose, so Cat and Sally had to preparethemselves each and every time that they heard theclatter of feet approaching. It was an effectivestrategy and even the experienced Cat was findingthe constant uncertainty disconcerting. At first Sally

The People’s Choicehad been seeing most of the action receiving her firstsix strokes while Cathryn only got two. Then, to eventhings up, Ms Scott released Lindsey to unleash afour-stripe salvo that took Cathryn’s breath away.At the halfway mark neither of the ButcherTwins were showing any sign of slowing up. Theysped down upon their prey, delivered their swipes,and then returned to the end of the gym withoutbreaking a sweat.At the far end of the gym the two victims werea study in contrasts. Predictably Cathryn Cassidy wastaking her beating in stoic silence. Beside her Sallywas shaking and shuddering. She was letting out fullbloodedhowls as each stroke sliced across herbumbags. Between strokes she hung upside downmaking gurgling sounds in a most disagreeablemanner.Ms Scott gave Patsy the nod and she set off ata trot, accelerating slightly then going in low andcutting the cane across the lower flesh of Sally’scheeks. Not quite a low rider but enough to raiseSally’s feet clear off the ground. The disgraced HouseCaptain was in danger of toppling so far forward thatshe would slide clear over the beam. Patsy leapedforward and caught her, helping her back down.Leaning over and checking Sally was okay, Sally justgurgling, unable to make words. Patsy waiting,keeping her hand on Sally’s back, telling her to takeher time and catch her breath. Then when Sally finally

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicehad been seeing most of the action receiving her firstsix strokes while Cathryn only got two. <strong>The</strong>n, <strong>to</strong> eventhings up, Ms Scott released Lindsey <strong>to</strong> unleash afour-stripe salvo that <strong>to</strong>ok Cathryn’s breath away.At the halfway mark neither of the ButcherTwins were showing any sign of slowing up. <strong>The</strong>ysped down upon their prey, delivered their swipes,and then returned <strong>to</strong> the end of the gym withoutbreaking a sweat.At the far end of the gym the two victims werea study in contrasts. Predictably Cathryn Cassidy wastaking her beating in s<strong>to</strong>ic silence. Beside her Sallywas shaking and shuddering. She was letting out fullbloodedhowls as each stroke sliced across herbumbags. Between strokes she hung upside downmaking gurgling sounds in a most disagreeablemanner.Ms Scott gave Patsy the nod and she set off ata trot, accelerating slightly then going in low andcutting the cane across the lower flesh of Sally’scheeks. Not quite a low rider but enough <strong>to</strong> raiseSally’s feet clear off the ground. <strong>The</strong> disgraced HouseCaptain was in danger of <strong>to</strong>ppling so far forward thatshe would slide clear over the beam. Patsy leapedforward and caught her, helping her back down.Leaning over and checking Sally was okay, Sally justgurgling, unable <strong>to</strong> make words. Patsy waiting,keeping her hand on Sally’s back, telling her <strong>to</strong> takeher time and catch her breath. <strong>The</strong>n when Sally finally

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