'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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43the Woody code by howling and blubbing when shewas punished.Whereas Cathryn had consistently remained inthe top ten of the All-Time Hall of Shame throughouther sentence Sally had successfully remained at theopposite end of the scale. She was amongst thehandful of inmates in the facilities history not toaccumulate double figures during the first six years ofher sentence.Yvonne used her as her personal gopher andsnitch. During Godder’s heyday as commandant ofthe SS Sally’s snitching had caused many of theinmates to find themselves upstairs in the libraryhaving their bumbags cut to tatters.The Radical Right had known that she was notcut of the same cloth as Yvonne but they had limitedoptions for creating a new SS amongst Lady Victoria’sElite.It was a miserable year for Sally. Victoriawatched her like a hawk and left Sally in no doubtthat her lethal hairbrush was always just secondsaway from landing on her backside if she evensuspected the Red House Captain of delivering boguswhops.When Sally broached the subject of tenderingher resignation from the SS Patty Hodge brought Sallyto her study and subjected her to a vicious thrashingwith her wye-tipped cane and warned Sally that if shefailed in her duties Patty would personally target her.Once she had finished giving Sally her ominouswarning Patty had bent the prefect over for a secondtime and thrashed her again just for shits and giggles.

The People’s ChoicePatty, Katie and the Wart kept her focused bybeating her regularly. Although her official record didnot reflect these private thrashings, during herprefectorial year Sally Cobb accumulated morecanings than she had in the previous six yearscombined.Bent over the beam in the gymnasium, withthe skirt of her gymslip turned back, Sally Cobb felther eyes welling up with tears of frustration andhumiliation.Cathryn and Sally tensed. They had no ideawhat was happening behind them except for the slapof a single pair of feet approaching at speed. A canewhined through the air, the two gals squeezed theireyes closed. THWHACK!!! The cane lashed downacross Cat’s bumbags making her gasp.Lindsey Butcher strode back up the gymnasiumand stood next to her sister. Ms Scott nodded atPatsy who set off at pace.Sally Cobb’s head jerked up and she screamedas the stripe of heat imploded through her nerveendings. It was a good clean strike, precisely placedacross the crown of her arse. Sally’s body jolted backdown pathetically and she hung upside down panting.

43the <strong>Woody</strong> code by howling and blubbing when shewas punished.Whereas Cathryn had consistently remained inthe <strong>to</strong>p ten of the All-Time Hall of Shame throughouther sentence Sally had successfully remained at theopposite end of the scale. She was amongst thehandful of inmates in the facilities his<strong>to</strong>ry not <strong>to</strong>accumulate double figures during the first six years ofher sentence.Yvonne used her as her personal gopher andsnitch. During Godder’s heyday as commandant ofthe SS Sally’s snitching had caused many of theinmates <strong>to</strong> find themselves upstairs in the libraryhaving their bumbags cut <strong>to</strong> tatters.<strong>The</strong> Radical Right had known that she was notcut of the same cloth as Yvonne but they had limitedoptions for creating a new SS amongst Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’sElite.It was a miserable year for Sally. Vic<strong>to</strong>riawatched her like a hawk and left Sally in no doubtthat her lethal hairbrush was always just secondsaway from landing on her backside if she evensuspected the Red House Captain of delivering boguswhops.When Sally broached the subject of tenderingher resignation from the SS Patty Hodge brought Sally<strong>to</strong> her study and subjected her <strong>to</strong> a vicious thrashingwith her wye-tipped cane and warned Sally that if shefailed in her duties Patty would personally target her.Once she had finished giving Sally her ominouswarning Patty had bent the prefect over for a secondtime and thrashed her again just for shits and giggles.

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