'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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11A Total MuffThe Butcher Twins loosened their ties androlled up their sleeves. They accepted the supercanes from Suzy and tested them by swishing themthrough the air.Ms Scott stepped between them and flipped acoin in the air.“Heads,” called Patsy.Cathryn Cassidy narrowed her eyes andfocused on a small square of floor. She concentratedon keeping her breathing even and her musclesrelaxed. She knew that she had to get into themoment and ignore her surroundings. This was nodifferent to the many public floggings she hadreceived during her illustrious career and besides theaudience had already seen her bare bum. It’s reallyno big deal she told herself.Sally Cobb’s heart was pounding. She hadnever been so terrified in her life. This was a very bigdeal for the former House Captain. Unlike Cathryn she

The People’s Choicedidn’t have the experience of a catalogue of publicfloggings to draw upon. Sally did not appear amongstthe top ten of the All-Time Hall of Shame, quite theopposite.Prior to her incarceration at the Woody facilitySally had been a low ranking foot soldier amongst theConfederacy of Yoofs. Yvonne Godfrey had scoutedher and given her a position on her staff. Sally hadpossessed all the attributes that Yvonne looked for;she was a sniveling sycophant, she reveled in themisfortune of others and she was not much brighterthan three sheep. Just the type of sacrificial pawnYvonne liked to surround herself with.When Yvonne and her cronies at the top of theConfederacy had first been arrested they had beencharged by the Serious Crime Squad. In return for thecharges being reduced to Extreme Ladetting Yvonnehad promised to blow the whistle on the higherechelons of the Yoof movement.However, Yvonne Godfrey was a wily bird andfar brighter than anything Plod had on offer. She hadno intention of damaging the criminal organizationshe had worked tirelessly to create. She effortlesslyconcocted a diversionary tale that implicated thehapless Sally as her heir apparent as the top femaleYoof. Within twelve months Sally Cobb had beenarrested three times and was immediately dispatchedto the Big House for a mandatory seven yearsentence without the possibility of parole.Sally Cobb was not cut out for a regime ofbeing spanked, slippered and caned. She quicklygained a reputation as a total muff, regularly breaking

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicedidn’t have the experience of a catalogue of publicfloggings <strong>to</strong> draw upon. Sally did not appear amongstthe <strong>to</strong>p ten of the All-Time Hall of Shame, quite theopposite.Prior <strong>to</strong> her incarceration at the <strong>Woody</strong> facilitySally had been a low ranking foot soldier amongst theConfederacy of Yoofs. Yvonne Godfrey had scoutedher and given her a position on her staff. Sally hadpossessed all the attributes that Yvonne looked for;she was a sniveling sycophant, she reveled in themisfortune of others and she was not much brighterthan three sheep. Just the type of sacrificial pawnYvonne liked <strong>to</strong> surround herself with.When Yvonne and her cronies at the <strong>to</strong>p of theConfederacy had first been arrested they had beencharged by the Serious Crime Squad. In return for thecharges being reduced <strong>to</strong> Extreme Ladetting Yvonnehad promised <strong>to</strong> blow the whistle on the higherechelons of the Yoof movement.However, Yvonne Godfrey was a wily bird andfar brighter than anything Plod had on offer. She hadno intention of damaging the criminal organizationshe had worked tirelessly <strong>to</strong> create. She effortlesslyconcocted a diversionary tale that implicated thehapless Sally as her heir apparent as the <strong>to</strong>p femaleYoof. Within twelve months Sally Cobb had beenarrested three times and was immediately dispatched<strong>to</strong> the Big House for a manda<strong>to</strong>ry seven yearsentence without the possibility of parole.Sally Cobb was not cut out for a regime ofbeing spanked, slippered and caned. She quicklygained a reputation as a <strong>to</strong>tal muff, regularly breaking

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