'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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39shoulder width. The Butcher Twins followed themdown the gymnasium.“You ready?” Lindsey whispered in Cathryn’sear.Cat nodded and released her grip from the barand bent forward in one fluid movement. Her skirtwas so short that by the time she was in the fullhangover it had turned itself up her back, exposingher tautened bumbags.“Good luck,” whispered Lindsey.Patsy was having more difficulty with Sally,having to coerce her into assuming the full hangover,but eventually Sally acceded and raised herself uponto the balls of her feet and allowed her head andarms to dangle unsupported towards the floor.With the two gals suitably positioned theButcher Twins turned and walked back to the far endof the gymnasium, where Suzy Scott was waiting witha pair of super canes in her hands.The atmosphere in the gymnasium of jovialbonhomie that had prevailed during the lotteryspankings had changed to more somber feeling oftense excitement. The Woody gals stared at the twogals prostrated across the wooden beam with mixedemotions. Much as they hated to see their belovedCat in this unfortunate predicament they knew shewould do them proud. They sent subliminal messagesof good will and strength to their favorite sister.Woody gals were not by nature malicious soulsbut the onlookers were delighted to witness Sallygetting ready to receive her comeuppance. Although

The People’s Choiceshe was viewed as a pathetic specimen of the humanrace with the protection of her handlers on theRadical Right she had managed to cause a good dealof unnecessary unpleasantness for the inmates.There was very little in the way of goodwill orpositive vibes being directed towards Sally Cobb asshe bent over the beam.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceshe was viewed as a pathetic specimen of the humanrace with the protection of her handlers on theRadical Right she had managed <strong>to</strong> cause a good dealof unnecessary unpleasantness for the inmates.<strong>The</strong>re was very little in the way of goodwill orpositive vibes being directed <strong>to</strong>wards Sally Cobb asshe bent over the beam.

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