'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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23Debs went back <strong>to</strong> her study feeling relaxed.Her muscles were tired from working out with weightsbut she felt good and had copped just a hint of a buzzfrom the two glasses of chardonnay. She had a paperdue the following morning that she wanted <strong>to</strong> makesome final edi<strong>to</strong>rial changes <strong>to</strong>. She would pourherself one more glass of wine and then spend aquiet evening studying she decided and then turn inearly. She wanted <strong>to</strong> feel fresh for the six mile runshe had scheduled with Jane Lummell at the crack ofdawn the following morning.As she settled in<strong>to</strong> work on her assignmentDebs Mor<strong>to</strong>n was sublimely unaware that the RadicalRight had taken out a contract on her bumbags.“You don’t shlike me much do you?” Sallyslurred.Deborah squinted at the House Captain. “Haveyou got marbles in your mouth?” she asked, “or hasyour jaw come unhinged? I’m having difficultyunderstanding you.”Sally glared at Debs. “Yoush fink youshshmart,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her. “But yoush not shmart, I’mshmart.”“Very good Sally,” grinned Deborah. “I’m sureyou’re right and I’ve never met anybody shmarter.”Sally pushed her chest out. “I’ve been shent <strong>to</strong>whop you,” she announced and waved her ashplant.“Go over there and bend over.”Deborah just leaned back in her chair andgrinned. “Yeah rock on Sally,” she drawled. “Now whydon’t you piss off and s<strong>to</strong>p stinking up my study.”“I sh<strong>to</strong>ld you <strong>to</strong> bend over,” snapped Sally.

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