'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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6A Little TurnCathryn Cassidy groaned. “I’d forgotten allabout that,” she told the Grand Master.Cat was looking at a flier that Mr Humphrieshad handed her. It was advertising the AnnualPoliceman’s Ball and in the center of the page was acaricature of a clobber clad Cathryn sprawled outacross a Rozzers lap having her bottom smacked.It had been months since Cat had beenarrested in a local dive bar and charged withpossession of small quantities of whizz and a coupleof sticks of grass. Under normal circumstances thiswould have been nothing more than a misdemeanor,however, Cathryn was still officially on probation fromher Extreme Ladetting sentence. Cat was faced withthe prospect of some hard time in chokey.Mr Humphries came to the rescue andbrokered a deal with Plod. Cat would receive a twelvestroke public flogging and then later she would attendthe Annual Policeman’s Ball where she would bespanked as part of the entertainment.

The People’s Choice“Jesus, Sir, we can’t just shoot Cat out of acannon,” said Lady Victoria. “Isn’t there anything wecan do?”The Grand Master looked thoughtful. “Maybethere is an alternative,” he told Victoria and Cat, andflicked open his cell phone.“We should review our options,” the GrandMaster told the Chief Constable. “You and I have anagreement regarding Miss Cassidy and we could ofcourse proceed as planned. However, in light of thehigh level of public interest in the Back to School unitfollowing the Tribunal it is not entirely unlikely thatnosy journalists might get a sniff of good story if youget my drift and I’m not sure that would be good forany of the parties involved.”“And our options would be?” enquired theChief Constable.“It’s not a perfect outcome,” the Grand Mastertold Cathryn, “but at least this way we’re in control ofthe event.”“I can’t thank you enough, Sir,” she smiledgratefully and then threw her head back and laughed.“We’ll make it an event, Sir. Those pimply Plod willhave their eyes sticking out on stalks.”Victoria flipped open her cell phone. Shelistened intently. “Ok,” she said, “I’m on my way.”She got up and stretched. “I’m sorry, Sir, you’ll haveto excuse me, but there’s a disturbance on the Phase6 landing.”

6A Little TurnCathryn Cassidy groaned. “I’d forgotten allabout that,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the Grand Master.Cat was looking at a flier that Mr Humphrieshad handed her. It was advertising the AnnualPoliceman’s Ball and in the center of the page was acaricature of a clobber clad Cathryn sprawled outacross a Rozzers lap having her bot<strong>to</strong>m smacked.It had been months since Cat had beenarrested in a local dive bar and charged withpossession of small quantities of whizz and a coupleof sticks of grass. Under normal circumstances thiswould have been nothing more than a misdemeanor,however, Cathryn was still officially on probation fromher Extreme Ladetting sentence. Cat was faced withthe prospect of some hard time in chokey.Mr Humphries came <strong>to</strong> the rescue andbrokered a deal with Plod. Cat would receive a twelvestroke public flogging and then later she would attendthe Annual Policeman’s Ball where she would bespanked as part of the entertainment.

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