'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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2A Full Collar WalkthroughCathryn Cassidy hugged Bernadette. TheBounder’s coal-black eyes burned with defiance.“I’ll make it as easy as possible,” Cat assuredher.Bernadette gave her a half-smile. “I’m glad it’syou bringing me down,” she whispered.The Wart was iridescent with anger. AsMistress of the House she considered it herirrevocable right to select Bernadette’s escort.However, the Grand Master had been quite insistent.He hadn’t failed to notice Sally Cobb’s obvious relishat the prospect of the Formal House Beating and hehad no intention of fuelling the House Captain’senthusiasm any more than necessary.“Cathryn and Penny Ann will act as escorts,”he informed the Mistress of the House firmly. “Thatway there will be no monkey business.”The Wart pouted but remained silent.

The People’s ChoiceBernadette was well-known as a plucky soulbut even the nerveless Bounder found the prospect ofbeing paraded through the landings a little daunting.Bernadette felt Cathryn gently take her left wrist andbend it up behind her back before Cat reached outand took hold of the collar of her white blouse.The landings were eerily quiet. The membersof the Blue House lined the corridors positionedoutside the doors of their dormitories or studies. FullCollar Walkthroughs were somber affairs, except, ofcourse, for the time when the tyrannical Wart hadbeen subjected to one, which had been a cause forjubilant celebration.Cathryn gently propelled the Bounder forwardand they set off through the first of the landings.Although the Bounder could be a surly coveshe was widely loved by her fellow inmates. Theyknew that beneath her gruff veneer she was agenerous soul. They bowed their heads and avertedtheir eyes in sympathy and respect as she wasparaded passed them.Bernadette did her best to maintain a look ofstony indifference as she was taken from landing tolanding. She appreciated that Cat was doing her bestnot to make the dreadful ordeal any worse thanabsolutely necessary. During the dark days ofOperation Scorched Arse when inmate abuse was rifethe Bounder had been subjected to numerousundignified collarings. She had rarely gone quietly andit frequently took several members of YvonneGodfrey’s heinous SS to restrain her. However, even

2A Full Collar WalkthroughCathryn Cassidy hugged Bernadette. <strong>The</strong>Bounder’s coal-black eyes burned with defiance.“I’ll make it as easy as possible,” Cat assuredher.Bernadette gave her a half-smile. “I’m glad it’syou bringing me down,” she whispered.<strong>The</strong> Wart was iridescent with anger. AsMistress of the House she considered it herirrevocable right <strong>to</strong> select Bernadette’s escort.However, the Grand Master had been quite insistent.He hadn’t failed <strong>to</strong> notice Sally Cobb’s obvious relishat the prospect of the Formal House Beating and hehad no intention of fuelling the House Captain’senthusiasm any more than necessary.“Cathryn and Penny Ann will act as escorts,”he informed the Mistress of the House firmly. “Thatway there will be no monkey business.”<strong>The</strong> Wart pouted but remained silent.

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