'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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3the inmates bewildered him. Victoria Brompton was alegendary champion of the underdog but sheappeared adamant that the ritualistic beating shouldproceed as planned.“There is one problem, Sir,” Victoria continued.“The only members of the Elite certified to deliverrunning benders are Rachel, Claire and I and we’re allmembers of the Blue House. The only person in theRed House certified is Deborah Morton and she’s nota prefect.”“Any suggestions?” asked the Grand Master.Lady Vix nodded. “We could bring back PatsyButcher,” she told Mr Humphries. “She’s still onprobation so she’s theoretically still a Woody Gal. Shewas the Captain of the Red House last year and shegot quite a bit of experience. The one thing we needto be sure of is that Bernadette gets a good, cleanbeating. Patsy will take care of that.”Patsy Butcher gaped at Cathryn Cassidy.The two old chums were enjoying a few scoopsin a Woody friendly bar in the local town.“It’s all about safety,” insisted Cat. “TheBounder’s scheduled for a sore arse and there’snothing going to change that. The Red House don’thave anybody qualified to dish out running benders.You have all the experience and she knows she cantrust you.”“Oh good grief,” was all Patsy could think of tosay.“Members of the Blue House repair to thelandings,” Katie Beck’s voice crackled over the

The People’s Choiceintercom. “Members of the Red House cut alongsharpish and congregate in the gymnasium. The unitis under immediate button-down, mandatory six ofthe best for anyone caught gabbing, goofing, larkingor pranking.”“Bernadette Summers of Phase 5 has beenfound guilty of Bringing the Red House into Disreputeand has been sentenced to receive a Formal HouseBeating. Full Collar Walkthrough followed by a twelvestroke running bender,” the inmates could almosthear Katie cackling as she made the announcement.

3the inmates bewildered him. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n was alegendary champion of the underdog but sheappeared adamant that the ritualistic beating shouldproceed as planned.“<strong>The</strong>re is one problem, Sir,” Vic<strong>to</strong>ria continued.“<strong>The</strong> only members of the Elite certified <strong>to</strong> deliverrunning benders are Rachel, Claire and I and we’re allmembers of the Blue House. <strong>The</strong> only person in theRed House certified is Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n and she’s nota prefect.”“Any suggestions?” asked the Grand Master.Lady Vix nodded. “We could bring back PatsyButcher,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Mr Humphries. “She’s still onprobation so she’s theoretically still a <strong>Woody</strong> Gal. Shewas the Captain of the Red House last year and shegot quite a bit of experience. <strong>The</strong> one thing we need<strong>to</strong> be sure of is that Bernadette gets a good, cleanbeating. Patsy will take care of that.”Patsy Butcher gaped at Cathryn Cassidy.<strong>The</strong> two old chums were enjoying a few scoopsin a <strong>Woody</strong> friendly bar in the local <strong>to</strong>wn.“It’s all about safety,” insisted Cat. “<strong>The</strong>Bounder’s scheduled for a sore arse and there’snothing going <strong>to</strong> change that. <strong>The</strong> Red House don’thave anybody qualified <strong>to</strong> dish out running benders.You have all the experience and she knows she cantrust you.”“Oh good grief,” was all Patsy could think of <strong>to</strong>say.“Members of the Blue House repair <strong>to</strong> thelandings,” Katie Beck’s voice crackled over the

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