'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'Volume 16 – The People's Choice' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Volume <strong>16</strong><strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceR HumphriesWoodettes Publications

Published 2010byWoodettes PublicationsHous<strong>to</strong>n, Texas, USA© Woodettes Publications 2010R Humphries has asserted his right <strong>to</strong> be identified asthe author of this work with all rights reservedincluding the right of reproduction in whole or in partin any form.<strong>The</strong> Library of Congress has catalogued this edition asfollows Humphries, R [date]<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice : a novel by R Humphries[Application Pending]1st Ed.ISBN – [Application Pending]www.woodettes.wordpress.com

Author’s NoteThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters,places and incidents are either the product of theauthor's imagination or are used fictitiously. Anyresemblance <strong>to</strong> actual events or locales or persons,living or dead, is entirely coincidental.<strong>The</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ries based at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Unit</strong> are works of adult fiction based upon the real-lifefantasy games played by the author, R. Humphriesand his wife, the inimitable Jojo.It is the author’s intent <strong>to</strong> create the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> as an imaginative world peopledwith a believable cast and set in familiar surroundingswithin which the readers will become comfortable.<strong>The</strong> vernacular used in the s<strong>to</strong>ries is acombination of the phraseology derived from writingsuch as the British penny comics from the nineteenthirties, current language, slang and idioms, and theinvented parlance known as <strong>Woody</strong> Jargon.As such references <strong>to</strong> ‘beating’, ‘thrashing’, and‘flogging’ have no context <strong>to</strong> the use or avocation ofphysical violence, with the exception of controlledcorporal punishment, against the characters of thes<strong>to</strong>ries.

ContentsPatsy ................................................................ 1A Full Collar Walkthrough .......................... 5Perfectly Presented ..................................... 9Operation Cane Mor<strong>to</strong>n............................. 13Debs under Observation ........................... 17A Little Turn ................................................ 21Sally S<strong>to</strong>od-down ....................................... 25Plod Goes To <strong>Woody</strong>s ................................ 29Lottery Spankings ...................................... 33Cool Cat ........................................................ 37A Total Muff ................................................. 41<strong>The</strong> Main Event ........................................... 45Sergeant Ellen Millar ................................. 49PC Minx ......................................................... 53Spanking Plod ............................................. 57<strong>The</strong> Morning After ...................................... 61A Dodgy Short Cut ...................................... 65<strong>The</strong> Music Room .......................................... 69A Sizzling Super-weal ............................... 73Warmers ....................................................... 77Jojo Sets Another Record ......................... 81In Search of the New Red-shirt.............. 87Nixdown Thinks it Over ............................ 91<strong>The</strong> People Have Spoken .......................... 95To the Manor Born ..................................... 99Focus Benders ........................................... 103<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice ................................. 107

1PatsyMr Humphries sat back in his chair lookingthoughtful. Bernadette Summers was standing <strong>to</strong>attention in front of his desk, her arms pressed tightly<strong>to</strong> her sides and her eyes facing front. <strong>The</strong> surlyglower she wore on her face disguised her naturallypretty features. On either side of her Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n andSally Cobb were grinning like Cheshire cats.Lying on the desk in front of the Grand Masterwas an application for Bernadette <strong>to</strong> receive a FormalHouse Beating on the grounds of Bringing the RedHouse in<strong>to</strong> Disrepute.“It’s an open and closed case,” the Wartinsisted. “Summers failed <strong>to</strong> turn up for her tennismatch and the Red House was fined fifty merit marks.<strong>The</strong> House Charter dictates she is subjected <strong>to</strong> a fullcollar walkthrough and a twelve stroke runningbender. It is a manda<strong>to</strong>ry punishment and doesn’trequire a full council endorsement. As Mistress of theHouse I have full authority <strong>to</strong> approve the beating.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“I’ll give this some thought,” the Grand Mastersaid finally.“<strong>The</strong>n I’ll need <strong>to</strong> take Summers in<strong>to</strong> HouseCus<strong>to</strong>dy,” said Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n. “Sally will take her <strong>to</strong> theback room of the library and supervise her.”Mr Humphries nodded. “I understand thepro<strong>to</strong>col; however, I am going <strong>to</strong> send Penelope AnnEvans <strong>to</strong> act as an independent observer, just in caseMiss Cobb should get any ideas.”<strong>The</strong> Wart was clearly displeased but sensiblyshe elected <strong>to</strong> remain silent.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master invited Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> his study for a beverage. Over the pastyear he had gained immense respect for thearis<strong>to</strong>cratic Red-shirt and treated her as his aide decampe.“All of this over a missed tennis match?” heasked. “I don’t suggest that she shouldn’t bepunished but this whole ritual seems rather arcane.After all we’ve abolished collaring, sweating andsporting spanking? Isn’t this just another hangoverfrom the old days?”“I know it sounds rather servere,” said LadyVix, “but the gals are quite competitive over theAnnual House Trophy and losing fifty points this latein the year puts the Red House in a <strong>to</strong>ugh spot.Believe you me I wouldn’t wish a Formal HouseBeating on anyone and I can speak from painfulexperience but the Bounder let the side down badlyand she knew the consequences.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master drummed his fingers on thedesk. Sometimes the strange code of honor amongst

3the inmates bewildered him. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n was alegendary champion of the underdog but sheappeared adamant that the ritualistic beating shouldproceed as planned.“<strong>The</strong>re is one problem, Sir,” Vic<strong>to</strong>ria continued.“<strong>The</strong> only members of the Elite certified <strong>to</strong> deliverrunning benders are Rachel, Claire and I and we’re allmembers of the Blue House. <strong>The</strong> only person in theRed House certified is Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n and she’s nota prefect.”“Any suggestions?” asked the Grand Master.Lady Vix nodded. “We could bring back PatsyButcher,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Mr Humphries. “She’s still onprobation so she’s theoretically still a <strong>Woody</strong> Gal. Shewas the Captain of the Red House last year and shegot quite a bit of experience. <strong>The</strong> one thing we need<strong>to</strong> be sure of is that Bernadette gets a good, cleanbeating. Patsy will take care of that.”Patsy Butcher gaped at Cathryn Cassidy.<strong>The</strong> two old chums were enjoying a few scoopsin a <strong>Woody</strong> friendly bar in the local <strong>to</strong>wn.“It’s all about safety,” insisted Cat. “<strong>The</strong>Bounder’s scheduled for a sore arse and there’snothing going <strong>to</strong> change that. <strong>The</strong> Red House don’thave anybody qualified <strong>to</strong> dish out running benders.You have all the experience and she knows she cantrust you.”“Oh good grief,” was all Patsy could think of <strong>to</strong>say.“Members of the Blue House repair <strong>to</strong> thelandings,” Katie Beck’s voice crackled over the

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceintercom. “Members of the Red House cut alongsharpish and congregate in the gymnasium. <strong>The</strong> unitis under immediate but<strong>to</strong>n-down, manda<strong>to</strong>ry six ofthe best for anyone caught gabbing, goofing, larkingor pranking.”“Bernadette Summers of Phase 5 has beenfound guilty of Bringing the Red House in<strong>to</strong> Disreputeand has been sentenced <strong>to</strong> receive a Formal HouseBeating. Full Collar Walkthrough followed by a twelvestroke running bender,” the inmates could almosthear Katie cackling as she made the announcement.

2A Full Collar WalkthroughCathryn Cassidy hugged Bernadette. <strong>The</strong>Bounder’s coal-black eyes burned with defiance.“I’ll make it as easy as possible,” Cat assuredher.Bernadette gave her a half-smile. “I’m glad it’syou bringing me down,” she whispered.<strong>The</strong> Wart was iridescent with anger. AsMistress of the House she considered it herirrevocable right <strong>to</strong> select Bernadette’s escort.However, the Grand Master had been quite insistent.He hadn’t failed <strong>to</strong> notice Sally Cobb’s obvious relishat the prospect of the Formal House Beating and hehad no intention of fuelling the House Captain’senthusiasm any more than necessary.“Cathryn and Penny Ann will act as escorts,”he informed the Mistress of the House firmly. “Thatway there will be no monkey business.”<strong>The</strong> Wart pouted but remained silent.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceBernadette was well-known as a plucky soulbut even the nerveless Bounder found the prospect ofbeing paraded through the landings a little daunting.Bernadette felt Cathryn gently take her left wrist andbend it up behind her back before Cat reached outand <strong>to</strong>ok hold of the collar of her white blouse.<strong>The</strong> landings were eerily quiet. <strong>The</strong> membersof the Blue House lined the corridors positionedoutside the doors of their dormi<strong>to</strong>ries or studies. FullCollar Walkthroughs were somber affairs, except, ofcourse, for the time when the tyrannical Wart hadbeen subjected <strong>to</strong> one, which had been a cause forjubilant celebration.Cathryn gently propelled the Bounder forwardand they set off through the first of the landings.Although the Bounder could be a surly coveshe was widely loved by her fellow inmates. <strong>The</strong>yknew that beneath her gruff veneer she was agenerous soul. <strong>The</strong>y bowed their heads and avertedtheir eyes in sympathy and respect as she wasparaded passed them.Bernadette did her best <strong>to</strong> maintain a look ofs<strong>to</strong>ny indifference as she was taken from landing <strong>to</strong>landing. She appreciated that Cat was doing her bestnot <strong>to</strong> make the dreadful ordeal any worse thanabsolutely necessary. During the dark days ofOperation Scorched Arse when inmate abuse was rifethe Bounder had been subjected <strong>to</strong> numerousundignified collarings. She had rarely gone quietly andit frequently <strong>to</strong>ok several members of YvonneGodfrey’s heinous SS <strong>to</strong> restrain her. However, even

7being manhandled and dragged away <strong>to</strong> the library <strong>to</strong>be caned paled in<strong>to</strong> insignificance when compared <strong>to</strong>the humiliation of a Full Collar Walkthrough.When they finally reached the doors <strong>to</strong> thequadrangle Cathryn released her grip on Bernadette.Cat produced a silver hipflask that she had stashed inthe elastic waistband of her bumbags and handed it<strong>to</strong> the Bounder.“It’s vodka,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Bernadette, “Sally won’tsmell anything.”Bernadette smiled thankfully and <strong>to</strong>ok twohealthy slugs.<strong>The</strong> members of the Red House werecongregated in the gymnasium and formed in<strong>to</strong> acircle of bodies surrounding Bernadette and SallyCobb. Bernadette was standing with her hands on herhead glaring at the Captain of the House. Sally Cobbwas reading the public scolding from a sheaf ofpapers.<strong>The</strong> content of the scolding was anotherdisappointment <strong>to</strong> the Wart. <strong>The</strong> draft she hadapproved had been a truly dreadful condemnation ofthe Bounder but the Grand Master had madesweeping changes and edited out the juicy sections.<strong>The</strong> Wart gnashed her teeth and wrung her hands indismay as she watched her wicked words beingreduced <strong>to</strong> nothing more than a mild reprimand.Sally was doing her best <strong>to</strong> make the scoldingsound as scathing as possible but every time shelooked in<strong>to</strong> the Bounders contemptuous eyes her

3Perfectly PresentedAs usual Patsy Butcher looked magnificent. Shewas five feet ten inches of honed and <strong>to</strong>nedathleticism. Her whiter than white blouse contrastedstarkly against her ebony skin and seemed <strong>to</strong> cling <strong>to</strong>her form as if it had been sprayed on <strong>to</strong> her. Shewore an extremely abbreviated pleated skirt thataccentuated the shape of her sprinters legs. She woreher waist length hair in beaded braids, tied back in<strong>to</strong>a ponytail. She flexed the long, slender ceremonialhouse cane between her hands.At the far end of the gymnasium Bernadettewas folded in half across a training beam. Her weightwas supported by the balls of her feet, her heelsraised from the floor. On the other side of the beamher arms dangled loosely and her jet black haircascaded down in the direction of the floor. <strong>The</strong> skir<strong>to</strong>f her gymslip and the tail of her blouse had beenneatly folded back. <strong>The</strong> material of her navy bluegossamer bumbags stretched tightly across herupturned arse.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice<strong>The</strong> members of the Red House were lined upalong the far wall, several feet from their haplesschum. Several of them held hands as they watchedPatsy making her final preparations.Bernadette stared down at the wooden floor ofthe gymnasium and did her best <strong>to</strong> prepare herself.Up on the balls of her feet she was <strong>to</strong>tally defenselessand at the mercy of Patsy. Nonetheless anexperienced campaigner like the Bounder was fullycognizant that it was imperative that she wasperfectly presented in order that the process wouldgo off smoothly.Patsy neatly rolled back the cuffs of her blouseand loosened her collar and tie. She retrieved thecane and gripped it tightly. <strong>The</strong> Old Gal <strong>to</strong>ok a deepbreath and set off at a run.“One,” the Grand Master announced over theintercom.<strong>The</strong> crack of the cane rebounding from thetautened gossamer had echoed through the mainbuilding. <strong>The</strong> door <strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s office waspropped open. Mr Humphries s<strong>to</strong>od at his window, hishands in his pockets, gazing out across the sprawlingDowns. His office was located in the diametricallyopposite end of the main building <strong>to</strong> the location ofthe gymnasium. <strong>The</strong> explosion of the cane had beenheard throughout the building.It had been Katie Beck’s idea that the effectsof a Formal House Beating should be heardthroughout the building. “It will give a completely

11new meaning <strong>to</strong> a really sound beating,” she hadcackled <strong>to</strong> her conspira<strong>to</strong>rs on the Radical Right.Patsy strode back down the gymnasium. Shebreathed a sigh of relief. <strong>The</strong> all-important first strokehad gone off cleanly and had helped calm her nerves.She s<strong>to</strong>pped at her mark and turned around. Shecounted <strong>to</strong> fifteen and then set off at a trot,increasing her speed at every stride.Bernadette’s head jolted back as the long, thincane lashed across her but<strong>to</strong>cks. Her chums watchedsympathetically as her face con<strong>to</strong>rted in<strong>to</strong> a silentscream. A handful of the audience, including Jojo andDebs had been the recipients of Formal HouseBeatings during the year of Operation Scorched Arseand empathized deeply with the Bounder’sunfortunate plight.Bernadette Summers was as <strong>to</strong>ugh as nails butas the cane systematically sliced and diced herbumbags she couldn’t disguise her anguish as shethrew her head back at every resounding swipe.<strong>The</strong> Bounder’s chums watched with criticaleyes as Patsy swooped in, slicing the cane perfectlythrough a horizontal plane and landing each strokeaccurately across the crown of Bernadette’s rump.<strong>The</strong>re was no question that Patsy was delivering thegoods. Her timing and accuracy was perfection. Muchas they hated witnessing Bernadette being beatenthey felt comforted that at least she was in the handsof a true artiste.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoicePatsy flexed the cane and caught her breath.She was eleven strokes in<strong>to</strong> the beating andsteadying herself for the final attack. She ran her<strong>to</strong>ngue across her lips and set off one last time.<strong>The</strong> sound of the cane rebounding off theBounder’s bumbags echoed through the stairwells andlandings.“Twelve”, announced the Grand Master.

4Operation Cane Mor<strong>to</strong>nBernadette leaned against the mantelpiece ofthe study that she shared with Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n. She wassmoking a cigarette and sipping a healthy shot ofcognac from an exquisitely mouth-blown RiedelNapoleon snifter. All afternoon well-wishers had beens<strong>to</strong>pping by <strong>to</strong> offer their condolences and <strong>to</strong>congratulate her on the courage she had shown downin the gymnasium.Patsy had dropped in <strong>to</strong> share a hug.“I’m sorry it had <strong>to</strong> be so hot,” she saidgenuinely.<strong>The</strong> Bounder smiled weakly. “Thank you forkeeping me safe,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her old chum. “It smartslike a motherfucker but at least there’s no lastingdamage.”Bernadette stubbed out her fag and swalloweddown her drink. Much as she appreciated thedemonstration of sympathy and goodwill it was doingnothing <strong>to</strong> relieve her acute state of hot-arsesyndrome. She flicked open one of her hookey cellphonesand speed-dialed.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Mickey, darling,” she breathed in<strong>to</strong> the phone,“meet me in the stables, I need <strong>to</strong> get laid.”Patty and the Wart were feeling particularlybuoyed by the success of the Formal House Beatingand were in the mood for making mischief.“You know what would really make my day?”cackled the Wart.Patty listened intently and grinned.“I’ll see what I can arrange,” she said andflipped open her cell phone.Sally Cobb gaped at Katie.“We want you <strong>to</strong> cane Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” Katie <strong>to</strong>ld her.“Wadayamean, cane Mor<strong>to</strong>n? What for?” theCommandant of the Secret Society of Serial Spankersspluttered.“If you look hard enough I’m sure you’ll find areason,” snapped Katie. “She’s a degenerate. She’scertain <strong>to</strong> be up <strong>to</strong> something.”Sally continued <strong>to</strong> gape at Katie. When theunit’s matron had sent word that she wanted <strong>to</strong> seeSally, the Captain of the Red House had naturallyassumed she was <strong>to</strong> be congratulated on her role inarranging for Bernadette <strong>to</strong> be subjected <strong>to</strong> herrecent beating. Sally Cobb had been feeling smug.She was caught <strong>to</strong>tally off-guard by Katie’sinstruction.“I’ll do my best,” she said pathetically, “but I’mnot making any promises.”“This is not a request,” snapped Katiehaughtily. “This is a direct instruction sanctioned from

15above. It is <strong>to</strong> be considered a <strong>to</strong>p priority mission.Mor<strong>to</strong>n is <strong>to</strong> be caned before lockdown <strong>to</strong>night.”Sally Cobb reeled out of Katie’s study with herhead spinning and her ears ringing. Over the past fewweeks she had desperately struggled <strong>to</strong> attain theonerous whopping targets that had been set for herby Katie. It was not easy. Embarking on a whoppingspree directly under the nose of Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n was dangerous duty. <strong>The</strong> Red-shirt insistedon reviewing her paperwork and often quizzed Sallyvery intently before allowing a thrashing <strong>to</strong> proceed.It had been a miserable year for Sally Cobb.<strong>The</strong> pathetic attempt <strong>to</strong> resurrect the SS with just twomembers had been a complete fiasco. Her lieutenant,Sally Poffers, the official Gruppenführer of the secretsorority, didn’t have the s<strong>to</strong>mach for going <strong>to</strong>e-<strong>to</strong>-<strong>to</strong>ewith Lady Vix and was in a permanent blue funk.More and more Sally found herself operating inisolation in increasingly dangerous terri<strong>to</strong>ry.She had tried <strong>to</strong> resign her commission butKatie threatened <strong>to</strong> turn the secret video tapes of thetwo Sally’s swearing allegiance <strong>to</strong> the SS over <strong>to</strong> theGrand Master. <strong>The</strong>re was little doubt that once MrHumphries witnessed her swearing <strong>to</strong> embark upon acrusade of mischief and mayhem on the inmate’sbumbags that she would be Formally Flunked andmost likely transferred <strong>to</strong> a high-security prison.Sally Cobb did not have much appetite forwearing jimjams bearing an arrow motif.Sally Cobb knew that many of the inmates onthe weekly lists of targets that Katie provided were

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicevictims of the Radical Rights malicious obsessions.Nonetheless, Katie’s latest instruction was the mosthare-brained <strong>to</strong> date.It was the first time the Radical Right hadactually contracted a caning with such a specifictarget and timeline.Sally Cobb did not care for the sound of hercommission one little bit.

5Debs under ObservationOn the face of it manufacturing a reason <strong>to</strong>cane Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n might not seem such a tall order.She was a no<strong>to</strong>rious mega-minx and if Sally kept herunder close observation for the remainder of the daythere was a high potential that Deborah wouldcontravene one of the many rules, regulations andpro<strong>to</strong>cols that required a manda<strong>to</strong>ry thrashing.Sally’s mission did not start well. She trackedDeborah down in the gymnasium where she wasworking out with weights and performing kick-boxingexercises with Ms Suzy Scott. Prudently Sally decidedit was not an appropriate time <strong>to</strong> burst in andannounce some bogus whops. Less than prudentlyshe retired <strong>to</strong> her study and poured herself threefingers of vodka.She was feeling quite bilious. She only had afew hours <strong>to</strong> find a reason <strong>to</strong> beat Deborah or shewould be forced <strong>to</strong> report her failure <strong>to</strong> Katie. Sallyhad the uncomfortable feeling that such a resultmight be looked upon unfavorably by her handlersand she would end up sprawled across the desk inPatty’s office. Sally Cobb dreaded the prospect of

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicebeing reacquainted with Patty’s lethal wye-tippedcane. She poured herself another stiff drink.Sally lurked outside the wellness center. Shewatched Debs and Suzy emerge, still in trainingclobber and swinging their <strong>to</strong>te bags over theirshoulders. She followed them stealthily, she watchedthem share a friendly hug as Suzy headed for theBrass quarters. Sally continued <strong>to</strong> follow Debs from asafe distance. To Sally’s disappointment as Deborahcrossed the quadrangle she was joined by LadyVic<strong>to</strong>ria. Sally gnashed her teeth with frustration asthe two chums entered the main building <strong>to</strong>gether.Sally lurked in the stairwell that led <strong>to</strong> thePhase 6 landing doing her best <strong>to</strong> look inconspicuous.<strong>The</strong> door <strong>to</strong> the study Debs shared with RosemaryBooker was firmly closed. Sally drummed her fingerson the banister.Eventually Deborah emerged from her studyand hurried <strong>to</strong>wards the stairwell. Sally stepped infront of her.“Where are you going in such a hurry?” shedemanded.“I have an appointment with the GrandMaster,” replied Debs.Sally narrowed her eyes. “Are you up forwhops?” she asked.Debs shrugged. “That’s for me <strong>to</strong> know andyou <strong>to</strong> find out,” she said cheerfully. “Now if you’llstep aside I need <strong>to</strong> cut along.”Sally looked Debs up and down hoping <strong>to</strong> findan obvious clobber infraction but she was

19disappointed. Debs looked spick and span. Sallyfinally stepped aside. She watched Deborah’sretreating figure gloomily. If Debs was on her way up<strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s study <strong>to</strong> be whopped it wouldmake her mission even more difficult. She would have<strong>to</strong> find a really good reason before she would be able<strong>to</strong> persuade Vic<strong>to</strong>ria <strong>to</strong> sanction another whopping.Sally retired <strong>to</strong> her study and poured herselfanother drink. <strong>The</strong> specter of Patty Hodge’s wyetippedcane loomed darkly.Deborah accepted the offer of an easy chairand a glass of chilled chardonnay. <strong>The</strong> Grand Masterwas showing her a letter from the LTA inviting her <strong>to</strong>compete in a prestigious charity <strong>to</strong>urnament duringthe summer. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks, the new Minister forExtreme Social Rehabilitation had signed herdispensation <strong>to</strong> travel and the American authoritieshad granted her an entry visa. <strong>The</strong> line-up for the<strong>to</strong>urnament included several of the <strong>to</strong>p ten rankedplayers in the world.“I guess this will show me whether I can evermake it back as a pro,” said Debs.“Jane Lummell says she’s never seen you fitterand Rachel says you’re hitting the ball better thanever before,” said Mr Humphries encouragingly.Debs smiled shyly. “<strong>The</strong>y’re very kind,” shesaid, “but there’s nothing like real competition <strong>to</strong> putme <strong>to</strong> the test. I’ll try not <strong>to</strong> let you down. And, Sir, Ireally want <strong>to</strong> thank you for sponsoring me with theSystem.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master smiled and refilled Deborah’sglass. “I’m sure you’ll make us all proud.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceDeborah beamed contentedly.Deborah noticed Sally Cobb lurking in thecorridor as she left the Grand Master’s office. <strong>The</strong>yexchanged glances but didn’t communicate. Debsthought nothing of it and strolled back <strong>to</strong> her study.

6A Little TurnCathryn Cassidy groaned. “I’d forgotten allabout that,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the Grand Master.Cat was looking at a flier that Mr Humphrieshad handed her. It was advertising the AnnualPoliceman’s Ball and in the center of the page was acaricature of a clobber clad Cathryn sprawled outacross a Rozzers lap having her bot<strong>to</strong>m smacked.It had been months since Cat had beenarrested in a local dive bar and charged withpossession of small quantities of whizz and a coupleof sticks of grass. Under normal circumstances thiswould have been nothing more than a misdemeanor,however, Cathryn was still officially on probation fromher Extreme Ladetting sentence. Cat was faced withthe prospect of some hard time in chokey.Mr Humphries came <strong>to</strong> the rescue andbrokered a deal with Plod. Cat would receive a twelvestroke public flogging and then later she would attendthe Annual Policeman’s Ball where she would bespanked as part of the entertainment.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Jesus, Sir, we can’t just shoot Cat out of acannon,” said Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria. “Isn’t there anything wecan do?”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master looked thoughtful. “Maybethere is an alternative,” he <strong>to</strong>ld Vic<strong>to</strong>ria and Cat, andflicked open his cell phone.“We should review our options,” the GrandMaster <strong>to</strong>ld the Chief Constable. “You and I have anagreement regarding Miss Cassidy and we could ofcourse proceed as planned. However, in light of thehigh level of public interest in the <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unitfollowing the Tribunal it is not entirely unlikely thatnosy journalists might get a sniff of good s<strong>to</strong>ry if youget my drift and I’m not sure that would be good forany of the parties involved.”“And our options would be?” enquired theChief Constable.“It’s not a perfect outcome,” the Grand Master<strong>to</strong>ld Cathryn, “but at least this way we’re in control ofthe event.”“I can’t thank you enough, Sir,” she smiledgratefully and then threw her head back and laughed.“We’ll make it an event, Sir. Those pimply Plod willhave their eyes sticking out on stalks.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria flipped open her cell phone. Shelistened intently. “Ok,” she said, “I’m on my way.”She got up and stretched. “I’m sorry, Sir, you’ll have<strong>to</strong> excuse me, but there’s a disturbance on the Phase6 landing.”

23Debs went back <strong>to</strong> her study feeling relaxed.Her muscles were tired from working out with weightsbut she felt good and had copped just a hint of a buzzfrom the two glasses of chardonnay. She had a paperdue the following morning that she wanted <strong>to</strong> makesome final edi<strong>to</strong>rial changes <strong>to</strong>. She would pourherself one more glass of wine and then spend aquiet evening studying she decided and then turn inearly. She wanted <strong>to</strong> feel fresh for the six mile runshe had scheduled with Jane Lummell at the crack ofdawn the following morning.As she settled in<strong>to</strong> work on her assignmentDebs Mor<strong>to</strong>n was sublimely unaware that the RadicalRight had taken out a contract on her bumbags.“You don’t shlike me much do you?” Sallyslurred.Deborah squinted at the House Captain. “Haveyou got marbles in your mouth?” she asked, “or hasyour jaw come unhinged? I’m having difficultyunderstanding you.”Sally glared at Debs. “Yoush fink youshshmart,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her. “But yoush not shmart, I’mshmart.”“Very good Sally,” grinned Deborah. “I’m sureyou’re right and I’ve never met anybody shmarter.”Sally pushed her chest out. “I’ve been shent <strong>to</strong>whop you,” she announced and waved her ashplant.“Go over there and bend over.”Deborah just leaned back in her chair andgrinned. “Yeah rock on Sally,” she drawled. “Now whydon’t you piss off and s<strong>to</strong>p stinking up my study.”“I sh<strong>to</strong>ld you <strong>to</strong> bend over,” snapped Sally.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“And I declined,” Debs snapped back. “Nowpiss off before I get annoyed.”Rosemary stepped in<strong>to</strong> the study. “What’soccurring?” she asked.“Lame brain here has got herself all cocktailedup and has decided she wants <strong>to</strong> cane me,” grinnedDebs.Rosemary scowled at Sally. “You lay one fingeron her and I’ll punch your lights out,” she <strong>to</strong>ld theHouse Captain. “Now piss off back <strong>to</strong> whatever s<strong>to</strong>neyou crawled out from under.”Sally glared at Rosemary and waved herashplant some more. “Yoush can bend over <strong>to</strong>o,” shesnarled.Rosemary grinned. “Yeah rock on Sally,” shesaid and pulled out a cell phone. “I’m sorry <strong>to</strong> botheryou Your Ladyship,” she said, “but I think you mightlike <strong>to</strong> cut along <strong>to</strong> our study. I think Sally is having alittle turn.”

7Sally S<strong>to</strong>od-downSally Cobb was looking bewildered. “I reallydon’t remember much,” she said pathetically. “I justremember Katie <strong>to</strong>ld me <strong>to</strong> go and cane Mor<strong>to</strong>n. Idon’t remember why.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded sagely. “So afterKatie set you this mission you went back <strong>to</strong> yourstudy and got as pissed as a pirate and then went insearch of Deborah?”Sally looked confused. “I really don’tremember, Sir.” She was pale and wan and lookedvery much as if she might chuck up her cookies atany moment.“Give me your tie,” said the Grand Mastercoldly. “Your tie, your blazer and your prefect’sbadges.”Sally continued <strong>to</strong> look bewildered. Sheremained rooted <strong>to</strong> the spot without moving.“Miss Cobb, are you listening?” said MrHumphries, “remove your Elite paraphernalia thisinstant or I shall ask Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria <strong>to</strong> assist you.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceSally <strong>to</strong>ok several seconds <strong>to</strong> process things.She looked quizzically at the Grand Master. “You’restanding me down?” she asked dimly. “But I was onlyfollowing instructions.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master looked over at Vix. “Vicky,would you assist Miss Cobb, please,” he said quietly.Tears were flowing down Sally Cobb’s cheeks.She was standing in her skirt and blouse, her prefectsregalia neatly folded on a side table. Mr Humphrieswas explaining that she was <strong>to</strong> be placed under housearrest while he conferred with the Minister.“<strong>The</strong>re is every potential that you will bebrought before a tribunal for re-sentencing,” hewarned her.Sally Cobb continued <strong>to</strong> weep.“Grand Master, might I have a word?” askedVic<strong>to</strong>ria. “I might have an idea.”Mr Humphries nodded. “Take Miss Cobb on<strong>to</strong>the landing and let’s give her the opportunity <strong>to</strong>gather herself.”“You cannot be serious?” squealed Sally.Mr Humphries nodded. “I am perfectlyserious,” he said matter-of-factly. “You have one hour<strong>to</strong> make up your mind. Return <strong>to</strong> the landing and facethe wall and Miss Cobb I strongly advise you <strong>to</strong> weighup your options carefully. Chokey can be a mostdisagreeable experience.”“She <strong>to</strong>ld you what?” squealed Katie Beck.“<strong>The</strong> woman is delusional, Sir. She’s telling you a

27pack of porkies. I spoke <strong>to</strong> her yesterday but it wasabout the Politics of Clobber. Her house has beenperforming badly of late and I wanted her <strong>to</strong> givethem a pep talk. I certainly did not instruct her <strong>to</strong>cane Mor<strong>to</strong>n. In fact Mor<strong>to</strong>n’s name never even cameup in conversation.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master suppressed a grin. Afternearly a year as principal of the facility he had grownused <strong>to</strong> Katie’s displays of righteous indignation. Itwould be difficult <strong>to</strong> prove conclusively that she haddirected Sally <strong>to</strong> embark upon her ill-conceivedmission <strong>to</strong> the Phase 6 landing. Nonetheless, heplanned on making Katie squirm for a while.“This is your fault,” Katie raged at Patty in thesaloon bar of the Bunch of Grapes. “I escaped awhopping by the skin of my bumbags. I’m sick ofyour foolish schemes. Do your own dirty work in thefuture. I’ve had enough.”Patty sneered at Katie. “You’re so lame. <strong>The</strong>slightest bit of heat and you act like a wuss. You’lljust have <strong>to</strong> own up, I need Cobb reinstated pdq.”“Reinstated? Are you fucking barking?”squealed Katie. “Her arse is just one s<strong>to</strong>p away fromthe caboose! What do you mean reinstated?”“I’m sure if you go <strong>to</strong> the Grand Master andadmit that you sent Cobb up <strong>to</strong> cane Mor<strong>to</strong>n he’llreconsider,” said Patty haughtily.Katie Beck gaped at Patty. “Are you out of yourmind?” she re<strong>to</strong>rted. “You think I’m going <strong>to</strong> swanin<strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s study and tell him ‘oop’sguess what slipped my mind’? Or maybe I should just

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicetell him the truth; that you put me up <strong>to</strong> it and let’ssee what he makes of that?”Patty narrowed her eyes. “If you can’t find away of reinstating Sally Cobb then you’re just going <strong>to</strong>have <strong>to</strong> take on her responsibilities. Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n and Iare getting just a tad tired of your lack of delivery.”Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n just cackled and ordered anotherround of drinks on Katie Beck’s tab.

8Plod Goes To <strong>Woody</strong>sPatsy and Lindsey Butcher listened <strong>to</strong> CathrynCassidy’s proposal. “This is pretty out there where thebuses don’t run, even by <strong>Woody</strong> standards,” observedPatsy.Cat grinned. “We’ll turn it in <strong>to</strong> an event,” she<strong>to</strong>ld the twins. “Are you in?”<strong>The</strong> Rastafarian twins nodded. “Anything foryou,” they agreed.“By the way,” asked Patsy, “do me and sis’snames go in<strong>to</strong> the lottery?”“Well I hadn’t thought of that,” laughedCathryn. “Are you serious?”Patsy giggled. “Hell, why not? I mean afteryou’ve been publicly flogged by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n how badcan a spanking from some pimply Plod be?”<strong>The</strong> gymnasium had been decked out withcomfortable chairs brought from the common rooms.A wet bar had been set up, s<strong>to</strong>cked with Crystalchampagne and a wide variety of wine and spirits.Nixdown had done her magic with the lighting and

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicerigged up a closed circuit TV system. Cassie Cassyhad prepared trays filled with canapés and Rosemaryhad arranged fresh cut flowers in vases placed onside tables. <strong>The</strong> gym had a warm and sensual air asthe Usual Suspects thronged about waiting for theirguests <strong>to</strong> arrive.“I’m thinking of advertising for a new MusicDame,” Mr Humphries <strong>to</strong>ld Ms Scott.<strong>The</strong> diminutive Dame looked shocked. “You’refiring me?” she gasped.“No not at all,” laughed the Grand Masterreassuringly. “I am reorganizing the facility next yearand I am going <strong>to</strong> appoint you as my new Head ofOperations. You will have Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, Cathryn, PenelopeAnn, Melanie, Claire, Mandy and Rachel as your team.Oh and I forgot, the Butcher Twins will be available<strong>to</strong>o. I’m also going <strong>to</strong> put you in charge of overseeingthe performance of the Elite. It’s a big promotion andit comes with an attractive pay rise.”Suzy looked puzzled. “What about Ms Hodge?”she asked. “Won’t she object?”“Don’t you worry about Patty,” he assuredSuzy. “I’ll take care of that end of the business.”<strong>The</strong> first stretch limousine pulled in<strong>to</strong> thefacility grounds at seven o’clock, carrying Patsy andLindsey Butcher. <strong>The</strong> limo had dark tinted windows <strong>to</strong>obscure the passengers from any prying paparazzithat might be lurking outside the gates. <strong>The</strong> carparked beside the gymnasium and the two galsstepped out, neatly attired in full clobber.

31Ms Scott mingled with the select group ofinmates that had been invited <strong>to</strong> the event. <strong>The</strong>Grand Master had wasted no time in installing her inher new position and had made her responsible forensuring the smooth running of the evening’sentertainment.“You nervous?” she asked Cathryn.“Hell no,” drawled Cat. “This will be good oldfashioned <strong>Woody</strong> fun and we’ll be in control.”At nine o’clock two more limousines pulled in<strong>to</strong>the grounds. <strong>The</strong> front car was occupied by the ChiefConstable and his most senior aides. <strong>The</strong> second carcarried the six policemen and women who had gotlucky in the lottery that had been drawn at the AnnualPoliceman’s Ball. Mr Humphries and Ms Scott wen<strong>to</strong>utside <strong>to</strong> greet their guests.Inside the accommodation areas of the facilitythe remaining <strong>Woody</strong> gals and the Brass milled aboutin the various common rooms. Nix had hooked upvideo links <strong>to</strong> wide screen TV’s and Mr Humphries hadorganized appropriate refreshments <strong>to</strong> allow themesmerized specta<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> make a night of it.Inside the gymnasium Heidi Alexander andLinda Ash <strong>to</strong>ok orders for drinks and offered out thecanapés. Penelope Ann Evans looked elegant in atuxedo as she s<strong>to</strong>od behind the bar and pouredcocktails.<strong>The</strong> inner sanctum of mega-minxes introducedthemselves <strong>to</strong> the members of the constabulary andposed for souvenir pictures. <strong>The</strong> only person in the

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicegymnasium who didn’t seem <strong>to</strong> be enjoying herselfwas Sally Cobb who s<strong>to</strong>od off <strong>to</strong> the side lookingsullen and morose.Mr Humphries allowed his guests thirty minutes<strong>to</strong> acclimatize themselves and <strong>to</strong> meet the gals. <strong>The</strong>nhe stepped in<strong>to</strong> the center of the gymnasium.“Ladies and gentlemen,” he announced. “If youwould be so kind as <strong>to</strong> find a seat and makeyourselves comfortable we will proceed.”<strong>The</strong> police <strong>to</strong>ok their places in the comfortablechairs, Heidi and Linda making sure their glasseswere full and that they had enough <strong>to</strong> eat. <strong>The</strong><strong>Woody</strong> gals <strong>to</strong>ok their places, demurely seatingthemselves on rows of chairs set up against the wallof the gymnasium.“As you are aware,” the Grand Master said,“we are here this evening as a result of a minormisdemeanor perpetrated by one of our most seniormembers. In a spirit of co-operation Chief ConstableCollins has agreed that this trivial offence is notworthy of appearing on Miss Cassidy’s record and inreturn Miss Cassidy has agreed <strong>to</strong> undergo apunishment of a corporal nature as a reprimand forher actions. Miss Cassidy’s formal reprimand willoccur later in the evening, however, as an ice breakershe has agreed <strong>to</strong> open the proceedings with atraditional spanking from Chief Constable Collins. Sowithout further ado if I may ask both of you <strong>to</strong> stepup <strong>to</strong> the chair we will begin.”

9Lottery SpankingsCathryn s<strong>to</strong>od up. As usual she was wearingher version of full clobber, her tie loose and hergymslip so short that the guests from the localconstabulary could almost see her bumbags as shewalked. <strong>The</strong> Rozzers whooped and wolf-whistled. Catturned around, winked and <strong>to</strong>ssed her boater in<strong>to</strong> thedarkness.<strong>The</strong> Chief Constable had divested himself of hisjacket and rolled up his sleeves. Cat folded herselfacross his lap and stretched herself out. <strong>The</strong>policeman rolled down her bumbags and spat on hishands. Cathryn wiggled her bot<strong>to</strong>m cheekily.In the common rooms the gals and the Brasswere circled around TV’s excitedly watching theevents in the gymnasium. Many of them wereaspiring mega-minxes who dreamed of the day whenthey might be included in<strong>to</strong> Mr Humphries reveredinner sanctum. <strong>The</strong>ir eyes boggled as they watchedone of their spiritual leader’s bumbags being lowered.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceFor an amateur the Chief Constable didn’t do abad job. He started out tentatively. Cathryn wiggledin his lap <strong>to</strong> encourage him and he soon warmed <strong>to</strong>his work. Soon Cathryn’s cheeks began <strong>to</strong> ruddy andher wriggles became a little more earnest. As thesenior policeman became more confident he began <strong>to</strong>build up a nice rhythm, spanking Cathryn up one sideof her bot<strong>to</strong>m and back down the other. By the timehe had given Cat the allotted thirty six spanks oneither cheek she was genuinely pleased <strong>to</strong> get herbum out of the firing line. Nonetheless, when she hadstraightened her clobber she leaned over and gavehim a peck on the cheek, winking at him and tellinghim, “Not bad big boy,” in her husky flirtatious voice.<strong>The</strong> cops roared with laughter and clapped theirhands. Cathryn curtsied and went back <strong>to</strong> her seat.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master s<strong>to</strong>od up again. “Now wehave special treat for you. <strong>The</strong> gals sitting down herehave voluntarily entered their names in<strong>to</strong> the<strong>to</strong>mbola. <strong>The</strong> six lucky winners from your earlierlottery are going <strong>to</strong> dig in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>mbola and select aname and as your prize you get <strong>to</strong> spank the gal youpick. So lets have our first winner Police ConstableDebbie Hartley.”With the exception of the Chief Constable theother guests were dressed in their glad rags for theevening. <strong>The</strong> woman who stepped forward lookedquite young, as if she may have just graduated fromcadet school. She wore a red cocktail dress, with herhair fussed up on the <strong>to</strong>p of her head and a pair ofhigh heeled sling backs. She approached the GrandMaster with a slightly nervous look on her face.

35<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals exchanged glances, smilingapprehensively as Mr Humphries span the <strong>to</strong>mbola.<strong>The</strong> policewoman reached in and picked out a foldedpiece of paper. She opened it and read out the name,looking at Mr Humphries for guidance.“Patsy Butcher,” she read.“Oh my gawd,” exclaimed Patsy. “Me and mybig mouth!” Nonetheless she giggled and s<strong>to</strong>od up.<strong>The</strong> police constable gaped at the sight of thestatuesque Rastafarian. She raised her head slowlyuntil she was looking up at Patsy. Even in her highheels Police Constable Debbie Hartley was a clear fourinches shorter than the <strong>Woody</strong> Old Gal.“Holy fuck,” she mouthed soundlessly.Patsy smiled at the policewoman. “Shall we?”she asked politely.<strong>The</strong> lottery spankings were carried out in anatmosphere of fun and good cheer. <strong>The</strong> spankingswere limited <strong>to</strong> thirty-six smacks that were nothingmore than amusement <strong>to</strong> the six <strong>Woody</strong> gals whosenames were picked from the <strong>to</strong>mbola. BernadetteSummers, Cassie Cassy, Claire Brooks, Rachel Coxand finally the Minxster followed Patsy over the kneesof the excited members of the constabulary.Everybody cheered and laughed as the six gals kickedtheir legs and pretended <strong>to</strong> squeal at the policeofficers’ efforts. Four policewomen and two maledetectives had been the lucky winners and it wasgenerally agreed that the women did far better thanthe chaps.After the lottery spankings Mr Humphriesannounced an intermission. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals mingled

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicewith their guests, laughing and joking at theperformances during the first act.<strong>The</strong> Bounder came across <strong>to</strong> where Jojo, Nix,Rosemary and Debs were entertaining some of thesenior members of the local Plod.“I don’t fucking believe it,” she groaned. “Youdon’t know how much dosh I lost on you. Who wouldhave believed that not one of the Famous Four gotpicked out. And you Debs, you nearly put me infucking bankruptcy. You’re the unluckiest fucker Iever met, I bet large on you getting your bumwhacked!”“Ladies and gentlemen,” Debs giggled <strong>to</strong> theguests. “Meet the Bounder.”

10Cool CatAfter glasses had been replenished MrHumphries attracted everybody’s attention again.“Ladies and gentlemen, if you would take your places,we are ready for the main event.” He waited politelywhile the crowd hustled back <strong>to</strong> their places. “As youare aware,” he continued, “we are here <strong>to</strong> witnessMiss Cassidy make amends for her unfortunateventure in<strong>to</strong> the world of recreational soft drugs.However, <strong>to</strong>night we also have a unique opportunity<strong>to</strong> demonstrate a little about the <strong>Woody</strong> community.At this facility we consider ourselves a family, and likeall families we experience the occasional familialmisunderstandings, squabbles and disputes. Thisevening you are going <strong>to</strong> witness one of our ownwillingly making an act of contrition for an action shenow deeply regrets, and you will see how we dealwith our own.” He smiled. “Miss Cassidy, Miss Cobb,take your places.”Cathryn Cassidy s<strong>to</strong>od up, a look of intenseconcentration on her face; she smoothed down herskirt and stepped forward. She strode down the hall

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicewith a confident swagger. <strong>The</strong> inmates in the gymexchanged admiring glances. To her fellow inmatesCat Cassidy would always be the epi<strong>to</strong>me of cool.Sally Cobb was looking anything but theepi<strong>to</strong>me of cool. She sat rigidly in her chair, the lookon her face a mixture of terror and uncertainty. MrHumphries statement regarding her willingness <strong>to</strong>participate in the event was not entirely accurate. Shehadn’t slept for several nights; the prospect of herforthcoming ordeal had left her in a blue funk.Stripped of the protection of her Elite status she hadbecome a figure of ridicule. She slunk about thecampus dressed in full clobber and avoiding contactwith the other inmates.Patty Hodge had summonsed her <strong>to</strong> her studyand given her a vicious thrashing for failing <strong>to</strong>complete her mission. Katie had dragged her over herknee and slippered her for grassing her up <strong>to</strong> theGrand Master. It was a miserable time for Sally but atleast she had escaped the terrible prospect of beingsent back before the System and the awfulconsequences that might have faced her.Sally turned and looked forlornly at Lady Vix.<strong>The</strong> Red-shirt stared at her pointedly. Finally with alook of hopeless resignation on her face the disgracedformer Captain of the Red House s<strong>to</strong>od up.At the end of the row of seats the ButcherTwins also s<strong>to</strong>od up, watching and waiting as Cathrynand Sally approached the beam that had beenlowered at the end of the gymnasium. When the twogals reached the beam they positioned themselvesten feet apart and placed their hands on the bar at

39shoulder width. <strong>The</strong> Butcher Twins followed themdown the gymnasium.“You ready?” Lindsey whispered in Cathryn’sear.Cat nodded and released her grip from the barand bent forward in one fluid movement. Her skirtwas so short that by the time she was in the fullhangover it had turned itself up her back, exposingher tautened bumbags.“Good luck,” whispered Lindsey.Patsy was having more difficulty with Sally,having <strong>to</strong> coerce her in<strong>to</strong> assuming the full hangover,but eventually Sally acceded and raised herself upon<strong>to</strong> the balls of her feet and allowed her head andarms <strong>to</strong> dangle unsupported <strong>to</strong>wards the floor.With the two gals suitably positioned theButcher Twins turned and walked back <strong>to</strong> the far endof the gymnasium, where Suzy Scott was waiting witha pair of super canes in her hands.<strong>The</strong> atmosphere in the gymnasium of jovialbonhomie that had prevailed during the lotteryspankings had changed <strong>to</strong> more somber feeling oftense excitement. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals stared at the twogals prostrated across the wooden beam with mixedemotions. Much as they hated <strong>to</strong> see their belovedCat in this unfortunate predicament they knew shewould do them proud. <strong>The</strong>y sent subliminal messagesof good will and strength <strong>to</strong> their favorite sister.<strong>Woody</strong> gals were not by nature malicious soulsbut the onlookers were delighted <strong>to</strong> witness Sallygetting ready <strong>to</strong> receive her comeuppance. Although

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceshe was viewed as a pathetic specimen of the humanrace with the protection of her handlers on theRadical Right she had managed <strong>to</strong> cause a good dealof unnecessary unpleasantness for the inmates.<strong>The</strong>re was very little in the way of goodwill orpositive vibes being directed <strong>to</strong>wards Sally Cobb asshe bent over the beam.

11A Total Muff<strong>The</strong> Butcher Twins loosened their ties androlled up their sleeves. <strong>The</strong>y accepted the supercanes from Suzy and tested them by swishing themthrough the air.Ms Scott stepped between them and flipped acoin in the air.“Heads,” called Patsy.Cathryn Cassidy narrowed her eyes andfocused on a small square of floor. She concentratedon keeping her breathing even and her musclesrelaxed. She knew that she had <strong>to</strong> get in<strong>to</strong> themoment and ignore her surroundings. This was nodifferent <strong>to</strong> the many public floggings she hadreceived during her illustrious career and besides theaudience had already seen her bare bum. It’s reallyno big deal she <strong>to</strong>ld herself.Sally Cobb’s heart was pounding. She hadnever been so terrified in her life. This was a very bigdeal for the former House Captain. Unlike Cathryn she

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicedidn’t have the experience of a catalogue of publicfloggings <strong>to</strong> draw upon. Sally did not appear amongstthe <strong>to</strong>p ten of the All-Time Hall of Shame, quite theopposite.Prior <strong>to</strong> her incarceration at the <strong>Woody</strong> facilitySally had been a low ranking foot soldier amongst theConfederacy of Yoofs. Yvonne Godfrey had scoutedher and given her a position on her staff. Sally hadpossessed all the attributes that Yvonne looked for;she was a sniveling sycophant, she reveled in themisfortune of others and she was not much brighterthan three sheep. Just the type of sacrificial pawnYvonne liked <strong>to</strong> surround herself with.When Yvonne and her cronies at the <strong>to</strong>p of theConfederacy had first been arrested they had beencharged by the Serious Crime Squad. In return for thecharges being reduced <strong>to</strong> Extreme Ladetting Yvonnehad promised <strong>to</strong> blow the whistle on the higherechelons of the Yoof movement.However, Yvonne Godfrey was a wily bird andfar brighter than anything Plod had on offer. She hadno intention of damaging the criminal organizationshe had worked tirelessly <strong>to</strong> create. She effortlesslyconcocted a diversionary tale that implicated thehapless Sally as her heir apparent as the <strong>to</strong>p femaleYoof. Within twelve months Sally Cobb had beenarrested three times and was immediately dispatched<strong>to</strong> the Big House for a manda<strong>to</strong>ry seven yearsentence without the possibility of parole.Sally Cobb was not cut out for a regime ofbeing spanked, slippered and caned. She quicklygained a reputation as a <strong>to</strong>tal muff, regularly breaking

43the <strong>Woody</strong> code by howling and blubbing when shewas punished.Whereas Cathryn had consistently remained inthe <strong>to</strong>p ten of the All-Time Hall of Shame throughouther sentence Sally had successfully remained at theopposite end of the scale. She was amongst thehandful of inmates in the facilities his<strong>to</strong>ry not <strong>to</strong>accumulate double figures during the first six years ofher sentence.Yvonne used her as her personal gopher andsnitch. During Godder’s heyday as commandant ofthe SS Sally’s snitching had caused many of theinmates <strong>to</strong> find themselves upstairs in the libraryhaving their bumbags cut <strong>to</strong> tatters.<strong>The</strong> Radical Right had known that she was notcut of the same cloth as Yvonne but they had limitedoptions for creating a new SS amongst Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’sElite.It was a miserable year for Sally. Vic<strong>to</strong>riawatched her like a hawk and left Sally in no doubtthat her lethal hairbrush was always just secondsaway from landing on her backside if she evensuspected the Red House Captain of delivering boguswhops.When Sally broached the subject of tenderingher resignation from the SS Patty Hodge brought Sally<strong>to</strong> her study and subjected her <strong>to</strong> a vicious thrashingwith her wye-tipped cane and warned Sally that if shefailed in her duties Patty would personally target her.Once she had finished giving Sally her ominouswarning Patty had bent the prefect over for a secondtime and thrashed her again just for shits and giggles.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoicePatty, Katie and the Wart kept her focused bybeating her regularly. Although her official record didnot reflect these private thrashings, during herprefec<strong>to</strong>rial year Sally Cobb accumulated morecanings than she had in the previous six yearscombined.Bent over the beam in the gymnasium, withthe skirt of her gymslip turned back, Sally Cobb felther eyes welling up with tears of frustration andhumiliation.Cathryn and Sally tensed. <strong>The</strong>y had no ideawhat was happening behind them except for the slapof a single pair of feet approaching at speed. A canewhined through the air, the two gals squeezed theireyes closed. THWHACK!!! <strong>The</strong> cane lashed downacross Cat’s bumbags making her gasp.Lindsey Butcher strode back up the gymnasiumand s<strong>to</strong>od next <strong>to</strong> her sister. Ms Scott nodded atPatsy who set off at pace.Sally Cobb’s head jerked up and she screamedas the stripe of heat imploded through her nerveendings. It was a good clean strike, precisely placedacross the crown of her arse. Sally’s body jolted backdown pathetically and she hung upside down panting.

12<strong>The</strong> Main Event<strong>The</strong> two gals heard feet behind them. Catgritted her teeth and braced herself. Sallyconcentrated on trying <strong>to</strong> deal with the burning stripethe cane had left. <strong>The</strong> cane swept through the air andSally let out a scream of surprise and anguish. <strong>The</strong>stroke caught her <strong>to</strong>tally unprepared and raised herseveral inches further over the beam. Tears flowedfreely down her face.Ms Scott nodded and Patsy Butcher <strong>to</strong>ok off forthe third consecutive time. Despite her haplesscircumstances, when she heard the cane swipe downacross Sally’s bumbags Cat grinned <strong>to</strong> herself.“Clever,” she thought, “very fucking clever!”<strong>The</strong>re was no rhythm <strong>to</strong> the way that Ms Scottcut the twins loose, so Cat and Sally had <strong>to</strong> preparethemselves each and every time that they heard theclatter of feet approaching. It was an effectivestrategy and even the experienced Cat was findingthe constant uncertainty disconcerting. At first Sally

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicehad been seeing most of the action receiving her firstsix strokes while Cathryn only got two. <strong>The</strong>n, <strong>to</strong> eventhings up, Ms Scott released Lindsey <strong>to</strong> unleash afour-stripe salvo that <strong>to</strong>ok Cathryn’s breath away.At the halfway mark neither of the ButcherTwins were showing any sign of slowing up. <strong>The</strong>ysped down upon their prey, delivered their swipes,and then returned <strong>to</strong> the end of the gym withoutbreaking a sweat.At the far end of the gym the two victims werea study in contrasts. Predictably Cathryn Cassidy wastaking her beating in s<strong>to</strong>ic silence. Beside her Sallywas shaking and shuddering. She was letting out fullbloodedhowls as each stroke sliced across herbumbags. Between strokes she hung upside downmaking gurgling sounds in a most disagreeablemanner.Ms Scott gave Patsy the nod and she set off ata trot, accelerating slightly then going in low andcutting the cane across the lower flesh of Sally’scheeks. Not quite a low rider but enough <strong>to</strong> raiseSally’s feet clear off the ground. <strong>The</strong> disgraced HouseCaptain was in danger of <strong>to</strong>ppling so far forward thatshe would slide clear over the beam. Patsy leapedforward and caught her, helping her back down.Leaning over and checking Sally was okay, Sally justgurgling, unable <strong>to</strong> make words. Patsy waiting,keeping her hand on Sally’s back, telling her <strong>to</strong> takeher time and catch her breath. <strong>The</strong>n when Sally finally

47muttered that she was okay, turning and walkingback.<strong>The</strong> next few strokes were deliveredalternately. Cat, Sally, Cat, Sally and then Cat again.Next Ms Scott released Patsy <strong>to</strong> unleash two superswipes across Sally’s defenseless behind. Both swipeswere greeted with raucous howls. Her tally had nowreached eleven.Ms Scott nodded at Lindsey. Cat bracedherself, sensing her turn was coming. She flexed hercalves and got up on the balls of her feet, bracing herhips over the beam and reaching down so her bumwas up high and proud. She heard the feetaccelerating and the whine of the cane cuttingthrough the air before it cracked down across herbumbags. She whistled and clenched her fists,regrouping as she heard Lindsey stepping away, fairlysure the next swipe would be hers <strong>to</strong>o. She wasn’tmistaken and she gasped as another perfectlycontrolled stroke swiped down across herbeleaguered bum. <strong>The</strong> two gals had now receivedeleven strokes each.Patsy and Lindsey looked down at Ms Scott,waiting for her signal. <strong>The</strong> new Head of Operationslooked from one <strong>to</strong> the other and then gave Lindseythe nod.<strong>The</strong> crowd watched breathlessly as Lindseystarted her final run-up. Under the subdued lightingthat Nix had designed only the white of her crispblouse was visible until she burst in<strong>to</strong> the spotlight

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceoverhanging the beam, like a preda<strong>to</strong>ry Amazon withher cane arcing through the air <strong>to</strong>wards itsdefenseless quarry. <strong>The</strong> crack of the cane echoedaround the gymnasium causing everybody <strong>to</strong> squirmand not the least Cathryn Cassidy. <strong>The</strong> super canesliced across the stripes under Cat’s bumbags like aheat seeking missile. Cathryn groaned.Lindsey s<strong>to</strong>od beside Cathryn, waiting <strong>to</strong> helpher chum up, while her twin sister started herapproach. Looking equally formidable Patsy burst in<strong>to</strong> light and swung her arm fast. She slashed the canedown in a perfectly clean strike, a fitting finale <strong>to</strong> abeautifully executed dozen. Sally screamed. Shebucked and squirmed, kicked and wriggled. Sheopened up her lungs and continued <strong>to</strong> howl. Patsyleaned over and <strong>to</strong>ld her <strong>to</strong> take her time and collectherself.Lindsey helped Cathryn <strong>to</strong> her feet. Cat smiledgamely and hugged her chum. “Good shooting,” shelaughed in a hushed voice.“Well taken, sis,” said Lindsey returning Cat’shug.

13Sergeant Ellen MillarMr Humphries stepped forward and wasbeginning <strong>to</strong> thank the guests for visiting the facilitywhen the Chief Constable interrupted.“If you don’t mind Grand Master, there is onelast piece of business I’d like <strong>to</strong> take care of,” he said.Mr Humphries shrugged.<strong>The</strong> Chief Constable spoke in<strong>to</strong> his cell phone.“Bring her in,” he said.Momentarily the doors of the gymnasiumswung open and two strapping police officers walkedin. Between them was a uniformed policewoman,neatly clad in a tunic and skirt over her white blouseand tie, and a hat with a black and white chequeredband on her head. She had three sergeants’ stripeson the sleeves of her tunic.“Please come in Sergeant Millar,” said the ChiefConstable in an authoritative <strong>to</strong>ne.<strong>The</strong> police sergeant narrowed her eyes slightly,squinting around the room, before she shrugged her

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicearms loose from the two male Plod and steppedforward.<strong>The</strong> inmates couldn’t help noticing that whenshe s<strong>to</strong>od before the Chief Constable she assumedexactly the same pose they assumed when they werein trouble with the Brass. Shoulders back, eyesstraight-ahead, arms by her sides and her knees<strong>to</strong>gether.“Ladies and gentlemen,” the Chief Constableaddressed the room, “this is Police Sergeant EllenMillar. For the past several days I have had SergeantMillar’s disciplinary file on my desk and I have beenconsidering what action <strong>to</strong> take. This is not the firsttime that her file has appeared on my desk. In fact,during the past six months Sergeant Millar hasalready received two informal reprimands. I will notdwell on her specific transgressions except <strong>to</strong> say thatthey relate <strong>to</strong> internal Police disciplinary proceduresand that she has done nothing in the least bit illegal.Under the circumstances it would be normal practicefor me <strong>to</strong> give her an official reprimand and <strong>to</strong> passher file <strong>to</strong> internal affairs <strong>to</strong> discipline her.”<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals watched the policewomanintently. She looked about the same age as them, inher early <strong>to</strong> mid-twenties, looking neat in her wellpresseduniform. But, it was the look on her face thatthey were watching. It was a look that they saweveryday at the facility. Part defiant, part anxious,part resigned. It was the look of a gal who had beencaught and was waiting <strong>to</strong> discover her fate.

51“However,” the Chief Constable continued,“consider this. <strong>The</strong> internal affairs department will nottake in<strong>to</strong> account that Sergeant Millar is anoutstanding officer in the field, nor will they care thatshe is amongst the youngest female sergeants on theforce. What they will care about is that she has madethree unfortunate errors of judgment, trivial errors ofjudgment, and in all likelihood they will demote her.”<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals empathized big time whenthey noticed Sergeant Millar’s mouth involuntarilytwitch in<strong>to</strong> a momentary grimace.“Demotion in the police force is a very seriousmatter and for a young sergeant it may proveirrecoverable.” <strong>The</strong> Chief Constable sighed. “Untilearlier <strong>to</strong>day I felt I had no choice but <strong>to</strong> do the usualand throw Sergeant Millar <strong>to</strong> the piranhas. But then Igot <strong>to</strong> thinking, perhaps I have options. Perhaps Icould cut her some slack, perhaps I could take alesson out of the <strong>Woody</strong> handbook and how they lookafter their own.” He looked at the Sergeant sternly.“But of course that will be up <strong>to</strong> you young lady!”“You’ve got <strong>to</strong> be kidding,” laughed Lady Vix indisbelief. “You want me <strong>to</strong> spank Plod?”“Exactly,” said the Grand Master.“And you don’t think she might take umbrage<strong>to</strong> this particular proposition?”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master chuckled. “Well she might,”he admitted, “we’ll find out soon enough.”<strong>The</strong> policewoman bit her lower lip nervously.“I’m not sure I understand,” she muttered, but fromthe look on her face the <strong>Woody</strong> gals could tell thatshe unders<strong>to</strong>od very well.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice<strong>The</strong> Chief Constable sighed. “Don’t pretend <strong>to</strong>be obtuse Sergeant. Obtusity doesn’t become you,”he <strong>to</strong>ld her.“No Sir, sorry Sir,” said Sergeant Millarsomewhat numbly. “I think I get the gist, but whatexactly are you proposing?”“What exactly is a double dangling?” the ChiefConstable asked Mr Humphries.Mr Humphries leaned over and whispered inthe policeman’s ear.“Oh!” said the boss Rozzer. “Well that certainlysounds like a plan.”

14PC MinxPolice Sergeant Ellen Millar unbut<strong>to</strong>ned thesilver but<strong>to</strong>ns of her tunic and let it fall open. She<strong>to</strong>ok off her hat with the checkerboard band andhanded it <strong>to</strong> Heidi Alexander. Her eyes flitted from thespanking s<strong>to</strong>ol that had been brought from the library<strong>to</strong> Lady Vix who was slapping the hairbrush againstthe palm of her hand.“When you were at school, were you ever sent<strong>to</strong> the Headmistress’ office Sergeant?” asked theChief Constable.<strong>The</strong> policewoman flushed. “Yes Sir, once ortwice.”“And what happened <strong>to</strong> you?”Sergeant Millar’s flush transformed in<strong>to</strong> a fullcherry blush. “I got the cane Sir.”“Whoa,” giggled Nix. “PC Minx!”“Goes <strong>to</strong> show,” laughed Jojo. “Once a minxalways a minx.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceLady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n climbed up on<strong>to</strong> thespanking school.“Remove your jacket Sergeant,” she saidfirmly, “and come here and bend over my knee.”Ellen Millar’s mind was racing. It was hard <strong>to</strong>believe that this was happening <strong>to</strong> her. At twenty-sixyears old she was an admired and commendedpolicewoman. Yet standing in the gymnasium she feltas if she had come full circle from her schooldays.At school Ellen had a reputation as an athletic<strong>to</strong>mboy, happier hanging out with the jocks than herprissy girl classmates. One afternoon, while hangingwith the boys a fight had broken out and although amere onlooker she had been marched back <strong>to</strong> theschool and brought up before the Headmaster. As aresult of their unseemly behavior they were <strong>to</strong>ld theywould be caned, Ellen Millar included. Sheremembered waiting outside the office as the boyswent in one by one, and listening nervously <strong>to</strong> thesound of the cane bouncing off the lads tautenedtrousers emanating through the heavy door.It was rare for girls <strong>to</strong> get the cane, she hadonly ever heard of two or perhaps three girls beforeher. She was left until last, <strong>to</strong> avoid embarrassment.She watched as the boys came out of the study,looking nonchalant, and then it came <strong>to</strong> her turn. Shewas made <strong>to</strong> wait some more while the DeputyHeadmistress was brought up <strong>to</strong> witness thepunishment. <strong>The</strong>n she was <strong>to</strong>ld <strong>to</strong> raise her skirt andstretch out across the big desk while she got sixswipes that made her eyes water. She remembered

55desperately trying not <strong>to</strong> let them see that they hadhurt her and sniffing back her tears when she foundone of the boys waiting at the foot of the stairs <strong>to</strong>make sure she was okay.To her surprise and delight the fact that shewas the first girl ever <strong>to</strong> be caned who hadn’t criedelevated her <strong>to</strong> legendary status amongst herschoolmates.Although she continued <strong>to</strong> enjoy a reputationas a reckless <strong>to</strong>mboy she was by far the most populargirl in the school. Unlike the other girls who had beencaned and had never gone back for seconds Ellen wascaned on three more occasions. Each time sheincreased her legend with her fearless performancesand never once howled or blubbed.When it came time for her <strong>to</strong> become a prefectshe held the majority of the popular vote <strong>to</strong> beappointed Headgirl. However, on the eve of the finalballot her closest opponent managed <strong>to</strong> fabricateevidence that Ellen was responsible for vandalizingone of the school cloakrooms.Ellen Millar didn’t much care that she wascaned again but she was horrified when she wasinformed that she would no longer even be eligible <strong>to</strong>act as a prefect. It was a painful year for Ellen. Shethrew caution <strong>to</strong> the wind and ran with a fast crowd.She established a school record for being caned buther popularity continued <strong>to</strong> grow.After leaving school she had gone <strong>to</strong> secretarialcollege and then in<strong>to</strong> the typing pool at a largedepartment s<strong>to</strong>re. She hated every moment andmissed the cut and thrust of being the school’sresident <strong>to</strong>mboy and chief troublemaker. She craved

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicefor danger and excitement and then she saw anadvertisement for the police academy at Hendon andapplied.Her years as a police constable were excitingand successful. She received several citations forbravery in the course of duty, opening the door <strong>to</strong> herpromotion <strong>to</strong> Sergeant at the youthful age of twentyfive.At first her laudable career continued without ahitch, and then suddenly over the past six monthsthings had begun <strong>to</strong> go awry.She began <strong>to</strong> date a detective, a hard-drinking,independent man, and she began <strong>to</strong> call in sick a little<strong>to</strong>o frequently and was occasionally late for roll call.Twice she was carpeted and given informalreprimands, before this latest incident when she haddrunk a little <strong>to</strong>o much and although she wasn’tsquiffy, she had been put on desk duty for the daywhile the Chief Constable reviewed his options.<strong>The</strong> policewoman finally shrugged off her tunicand handed it <strong>to</strong> Linda Ash and then she walkedacross the gymnasium <strong>to</strong>wards the spanking s<strong>to</strong>oland Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n. In her white blouse andblack tie, and black skirt and flat shoes she couldhave passed for an inmate of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>School</strong> unit. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals watched in interest asshe stepped forward.

15Spanking PlodLady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria had Ellen Millar over and up, withher skirt turned back. <strong>The</strong> Red-shirt looked over at MrHumphries who nodded. Vix put her fingers in theelastic of the policewoman’s bumbags and yankedthem down, along with her nylon hose. Ellen tried <strong>to</strong>look back over her shoulder but she was in a fulldangle and it was impossible. <strong>The</strong> gals watched asshe finally hung her head between her dangling armsand lay helplessly waiting for Vix <strong>to</strong> pop her with thehairbrush.Ellen Millar felt the wooden back of thehairbrush being circled over her naked flesh. She tried<strong>to</strong> take s<strong>to</strong>ck of the situation. She was trained <strong>to</strong> keepcalm under the most difficult of circumstances andcircumstances did not become more difficult than thisshe decided.<strong>The</strong> sensation of being dangled was quitedisconcerting. It was quite unlike being bent over adesk like she had been when she was being caned at

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceschool. She felt completely at the mercy of LadyVic<strong>to</strong>ria.It had been seven years since her last caningand she was suffering from a bad case of thebutterflies in the pit of her tummy.All in all, she concluded, the situation did notlook promising.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n was laying it on with familiargus<strong>to</strong>. She had tucked Ellen Millar in tightly and wasworking her arse from <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m, up one side anddown the other. <strong>The</strong> inmates watched intently as theupturned pink flesh began <strong>to</strong> transition from a ruddyrouge <strong>to</strong> resembling an orange sunset.Ellen Millar dangled head down arse upexperiencing the full blazing glory of a doubledangling. Helpless <strong>to</strong> defend herself she felt smackafter smack rebounding off her bot<strong>to</strong>m. <strong>The</strong> burningin her behind intensified as each stroke landed on thealready red and swollen flesh. Her legs kicked backfrantically and she waved her fists in the airhopelessly. She had lost count of the slaps and waswilling the spanking <strong>to</strong> finish.Vix looked down at her handiwork. <strong>The</strong>policewoman’s beleaguered bum was completelyreddened, not a square centimeter of pink flesh wasvisible. She <strong>to</strong>ok a tight grip on the hairbrush andreadied herself <strong>to</strong> unleash a final six spank blitz.<strong>The</strong> police sergeant’s but<strong>to</strong>cks twitchedspastically as the final salvo slapped down on the

59already steaming flesh. She felt her bumbags andhose being rolled back in<strong>to</strong> place and her skirt beingturned down. She hung upside down panting untilVic<strong>to</strong>ria gently helped her back <strong>to</strong> her feet.Ellen Millar but<strong>to</strong>ned her tunic and replaced herhat on her head. She smoothed down her uniformand s<strong>to</strong>od <strong>to</strong> attention. Her face was pale and her lipsset in a tight line but she hadn’t howled and shehadn’t blubbed. Police Sergeant Ellen Millar wasfeeling quite proud of herself.<strong>The</strong> Chief Constable approached her. “Consideryourself officially reprimanded Sergeant Millar,” hesaid not unpleasantly. “Perhaps we should order oneof these spanking s<strong>to</strong>ols for the station house. Itcould save a lot of fuss and bother.”Ellen Millar looked at him suspiciously. <strong>The</strong><strong>Woody</strong> gals could see that she didn’t think that wouldbe a good idea.<strong>The</strong> police sergeant <strong>to</strong>ok her punishment withconsiderably better grace that Sally Cobb. <strong>The</strong>disgraced House Captain asked <strong>to</strong> be excused fromthe post spanking socializing, throwing a hateful lookat Lady Vix and s<strong>to</strong>mping out of the gymnasium. LadyVix just chuckled and went back <strong>to</strong> the party. <strong>The</strong>police officers were clearly enamored with<strong>Woody</strong>world and mingled with the gals, laughing atanecdotes and having their pictures taken.Ellen Millar quickly overcame her initialembarrassment and bonded with the inmates andlaughing good-naturedly when her colleagues joshedabout her double dangling.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceIt was midnight before Mr Humphries finallycalled a halt <strong>to</strong> the revelries and said goodbye <strong>to</strong> theguests. Claire and Melons were tasked with doingtheir best <strong>to</strong> settle the unit down for the night withouthaving <strong>to</strong> hand out <strong>to</strong>o many lickings.Ellen Millar seemed <strong>to</strong> be having a good timedespite the steam funneling out from under her skirtand volunteered <strong>to</strong> stay behind and help the inmatesclean up the gymnasium. Penny Ann kept the baropen long in<strong>to</strong> the night.

<strong>16</strong><strong>The</strong> Morning AfterOn the following morning the Grand Mastergranted the inmates a lie-in so it was midday beforethey slowly began <strong>to</strong> congregate in the cafeteriawhere a buffet brekker had been laid out.“How’re ya feeling this morning?” drawled LadyVic<strong>to</strong>ria drowsily.“Sore head and sore arse,” groaned CathrynCassidy.“Maybe I should fix you a mimosa,” yawnedVix.“Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up <strong>to</strong> that sister!” nodded Cat.<strong>The</strong> two chums were surprised when PoliceSergeant Ellen Millar ambled in<strong>to</strong> the cafeteria. Shewas dressed in a white blouse with red piping aroundthe collar, a red and black striped tie, a dark pleatedskirt and a red and black striped blazer.“<strong>The</strong> Grand Master didn’t want me <strong>to</strong> go homealone last night,” she explained. “<strong>The</strong> Bounder waskind enough <strong>to</strong> lend me some fresh clobber.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceVic<strong>to</strong>ria offered her a mimosa. “No hardfeelings about last night, I hope,” she said earnestly.“You won’t be arresting me every time I go in<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>wn?”Ellen Millar smiled. “You are quite safe YourLadyship.” She giggled. “I know it sounds weird but Irather enjoyed myself last night.”Cat chuckled. “That’s not so weird. <strong>Woody</strong>shas a very strange effect on folks.”“Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up <strong>to</strong> that,” grinned Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n.After brunch Jojo escorted the Butcher Twins<strong>to</strong> the Great Hall <strong>to</strong> show them the progress that hadbeen achieved on the Westside S<strong>to</strong>ry production. <strong>The</strong>twins had stayed over for the night specially <strong>to</strong> see ifthere was anything they could do <strong>to</strong> help Jojo withher grand creation. <strong>The</strong> Amazonian sisters linkedarms with the tiny Jojo, <strong>to</strong>wering over her, as she<strong>to</strong>ok them on a guided <strong>to</strong>ur.Jojo was feeling optimistic. Despite theirhangovers many of the cast and crew were alreadyworking hard in the hall. On the stage the backingdancers, dressed in unitards and leg warmers, werelistening intently while Ginger and Mickey went overtheir routines in minute detail.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n was directing her crew in makingfinal adjustments <strong>to</strong> the set. Most of her crew worecoveralls <strong>to</strong> avoid getting paint on their clobber.Elsewhere the gals busied themselves with theirassignments, determined that at the next scheduledrehearsal any glitches would be ironed out. <strong>The</strong>

63Grand Master had granted full loose tie dispensationso they had unfastened their collars and rolled backtheir sleeves and dived in<strong>to</strong> the numerous jobs athand.Nix was working on her Apple, reprogrammingsome lighting set-ups that she felt had been runningmarginally out of synchronization.“Yo, Jo,” she grinned when her best chumbrought the twins up <strong>to</strong> check out her high-techconfiguration.Jojo smiled at her chum. “You look like youhad a long night.”Nixdown just winked. She had helped PennyAnn clean up the bar before the two lovers hadretired <strong>to</strong> the privacy of Pen’s apartment. Nicola Janehad been extremely enamored of her English rose inher stiff white wing-collared dress shirt, bowtie andtuxedo and had demonstrated her enamor until her<strong>to</strong>ngue felt like an ironing board and she felt that herhand would be permanently transformed in<strong>to</strong> a claw.Penny Ann had demonstrated her gratitude by puttingNix over her knee and giving her a damn goodspanking.In the sound booth Debs was <strong>to</strong>ying with thescore. She hugged the twins.“I notice that neither of you seem <strong>to</strong> have lostyour talents,” she giggled. “God you sent chills downmy spine last night. <strong>The</strong>re are some things a galnever forgets. That whole full hangover gig and thesound of the feet on the gym floor. Man that is someheavy duty shit.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceCathryn and Vic<strong>to</strong>ria were giving Ellen a <strong>to</strong>ur ofthe facility. It amused them that she was showing somuch interest.“I was glued <strong>to</strong> the TV during the tribunal, sheconfessed. “<strong>The</strong>re is something about this place thatexcites me.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria winked at Cat.

17A Dodgy Short Cut<strong>The</strong> following evening Suzy Scott wascompelled <strong>to</strong> bend Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n and RosemaryBooker over the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol and beat them with herviolin bow.It was not an experience any of the partiesparticularly relished participating in but unfortunatelyDebs and Rosemary had given the newly appointedHead of Operations no choice.After lectures had finished Debs and Rosemaryhad applied for a <strong>to</strong>wn pass. Debs needed <strong>to</strong> pick upa racquet that was having its grip resized andRosemary needed <strong>to</strong> pick up some much neededblouses she had ordered from the haberdashers.<strong>The</strong>y <strong>to</strong>ok the bus in<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn and arranged <strong>to</strong>meet in a <strong>Woody</strong> friendly wine bar once their errandswere completed.Debs secured her racquet and ambled throughthe <strong>to</strong>wn. Several <strong>to</strong>urists recognized her and s<strong>to</strong>ppedand asked for au<strong>to</strong>graphs. Since her reemergence

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicein<strong>to</strong> the public eye during the Tribunal Deborah hadbecome resigned <strong>to</strong> the return <strong>to</strong> her celebrity status.She politely signed various books, magazines andpapers before sliding in<strong>to</strong> the safety of the wine bar.Rosemary arrived soon after clutching a bagfull of enough new blouses <strong>to</strong> see her through the lastweeks of term. <strong>The</strong>y ordered an ice cold bottle of2001 Domaine A. Cailbourdin Les Cris, Pouilly-Fumeand kicked back with plenty of time on their hands <strong>to</strong>enjoy.For months Rosemary had been eyeing up alocal studmuffin with a hard body and smiling eyes.As luck would have it no sooner than the two chumshad slipped in<strong>to</strong> a quiet booth than the studmuffin inquestion moseyed in<strong>to</strong> the bar.<strong>The</strong> wine bar was still quiet before the afterwork crowd arrived.“You should go and talk <strong>to</strong> him,” teased Debs.Rosemary blushed. “You know I’m shy,” shegiggled.“He’s alone and you’re beautiful, I’m sure hewon’t bite,” said Debs.Rosemary lit a cigarette and changed thesubject.“My pal has really got the hots for studmuffin,”Deborah whispered <strong>to</strong> the barman as she made herway <strong>to</strong> the bathroom. “Perhaps he’d like <strong>to</strong> buy her adrink,” she said conspira<strong>to</strong>rially.

67Studmuffin worked fast and by the timeDeborah returned from the loo he was firmlyensconced at the table.Debs grinned <strong>to</strong> herself. She swallowed downher drink and then suddenly looked down at herwatch.“Hey, Rosemary,” she said cheerfully. “WhileI’m in <strong>to</strong>wn I might as well buy some new sportssocks. I’ll just cut along and I’ll meet you at six at thebus s<strong>to</strong>p.”Debs watched the bus approaching. Sheflipped open her cell phone. “Where are you?” shedemanded. “<strong>The</strong> bus is on its way.”“I’m coming,” Rosemary <strong>to</strong>ld her. “Don’t worry,let’s just take a cab. I’ll pay.”“Well hurry up,” snapped Debs. “You know it’llbe whops if we’re late.”“We won’t be late,” Rosemary assured herchum.“Where are you going?” demanded Debs. “Youshould have taken a left at the lights.”<strong>The</strong> cab driver looked in<strong>to</strong> his rearview mirror.“I am planning <strong>to</strong> cut through the Close,” he <strong>to</strong>ld hertartly.“<strong>The</strong> Close?” re<strong>to</strong>rted Deborah. “<strong>The</strong> Close willbe wall <strong>to</strong> wall with traffic at this time of theevening.”“It’s a short cut,” responded the cabby.Deborah looked at her watch and groaned. Itwas six fifteen and the cab driver was turning on<strong>to</strong>

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicethe Close. As Debs had predicted the road was gridlocked.“This is a fucking short cut?” she wailed. Sheturned and looked at Rosemary. “Our bumbags are<strong>to</strong>ast,” she groaned.“I’m sorry, Debs,” her chum said in a smallvoice.Debs stared out of the cab window gloomily.<strong>The</strong> traffic was choc-a. <strong>The</strong>re was no possibility ofreaching the compound before curfew. <strong>The</strong> dodgyshort cut had undoubtedly cost her six of the best.She tried <strong>to</strong> look on the bright side. <strong>The</strong> DutyDame was Stephanie Powell.Stephanie Powell was a card carrying memberof the Liberal Left and considered an all-round goodegg by the inmates. She had a reputation fordelivering good, clean canings that apart from underexceptional circumstances were generally never morethan middling warm. Debs figured that there wereworst things that could happen <strong>to</strong> a gal activelypursuing whops than a short sharp six fromStephanie.

18<strong>The</strong> Music RoomDeborah groaned again. As expected the gates<strong>to</strong> the compound had been secured. While Rosemarynegotiated the fare with the cab-driver Debs hadpressed the intercom <strong>to</strong> announce their return.To her surprise it wasn’t Stephanie at the otherend it was Suzy Scott.“I’m going <strong>to</strong> have <strong>to</strong> ask you <strong>to</strong> drop off yourbelongings in your studies and <strong>to</strong> repair <strong>to</strong> the musicroom. I’ll be along <strong>to</strong> beat you shortly,” Suzy informedher.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n watched the proceedings withconsiderable trepidation. Rosemary was stretched ou<strong>to</strong>ver the violin s<strong>to</strong>ol with her skirt turned back andher voluptuous but<strong>to</strong>cks pointed upwards. Suzy Scottsliced the violin bow downwards.<strong>The</strong> music room and Debs had a chequeredhis<strong>to</strong>ry. She was an internationally renownedmusician and when she arrived at the facility she hadbeen warmly welcomed by Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n, the Dame in

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicecharge of music at the time. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n arranged forher <strong>to</strong> rehearse with various local symphonyorchestras and Debs was often given leave <strong>to</strong> giverecitals. Not that her popularity with the Music Dameoffered her any immunity from being beaten with theviolin bow.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n was a hard-core member of theRadical Right and no<strong>to</strong>riously prolific with her bow.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> Wags nicknamed her the WackyWhackster due <strong>to</strong> the bizarre and dramatic set-upsshe used during her beatings.She would bend a gal over the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol andthen crank up gypsy music on her old gramophone.Falling in<strong>to</strong> an apparent religious frenzy she wouldwave her arms around in wild abandon, intermittentlyslashing the bow down with considerable force. Alicking from the Whackster could take as long as tenfull minutes, a long time <strong>to</strong> be prostrated face downover a piano s<strong>to</strong>ol.Although Deborah was her star pupil herbehavior was far <strong>to</strong>o appalling <strong>to</strong> avoid the occasionalinteraction between the bow and her bumbags.Deborah accepted the beatings as the routine price ofmega-minxdom. However, midway through the fourthyear of Deborah’s sentence the incident known in<strong>Woody</strong> lore as the Fabulous Fart would provecalami<strong>to</strong>us for Debs.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s reaction <strong>to</strong> Deborah unleashing askirt flapping, bumbag straining, gargantuan guff hadbeen formidable. She had dragged Debs over herknee, yanked down her bumbags and whipped hertirelessly with a swishy conduc<strong>to</strong>r’s ba<strong>to</strong>n.

71To avoid the unpleasantness of the FabulousFart going public during an appeal Debs had agreednot <strong>to</strong> file charges in return for her bumbags beinggranted a six month sabbatical from the violin bow.Unfortunately the end of the six month periodcoincided with both the announcement of OperationScorched Arse and the declaration of Deborah as theunits Public Enemy Number One.It was a <strong>to</strong>ugh time for Debs. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n beather at every opportunity and often added macabretwists <strong>to</strong> the punishments <strong>to</strong> further humiliate Debs.Finally, the following year, Jojo, Nix andRosemary staged an intervention and Mr Humphrieslaunched an enquiry. He had the Wacky Whacksterarrested and charged with sixteen incidents ofaggravated assault with a violin bow. She received atwo year cus<strong>to</strong>dial sentence and was banned fromacting as an educa<strong>to</strong>r in the future.<strong>The</strong> arrival of Suzy Scott as her replacementhad proven <strong>to</strong> be a temptation <strong>to</strong>o great for Deborah<strong>to</strong> resist. On first impression there was nothing much<strong>to</strong> Suzy. She s<strong>to</strong>od four feet ten inches tall and lookedlike she might weigh eighty pounds with two rocks inher pockets. However, as Deborah would discoverlooks can be deceiving. During the first tu<strong>to</strong>rial thatSuzy presided over Deborah purposefully provokedthe new dame <strong>to</strong> beat her. It was a legendaryencounter and instantly secured Suzy Scott areputation as one of the greatest whop artistes inhis<strong>to</strong>ry.As usual in the whops and clobber world theyinhabited the mega-minxes felt duty bound <strong>to</strong> test out

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicethe skills of the new legend. Very few went back for asecond dose.Suzy gained a reputation for fair play. Sheallowed reasonable gabbing, goofing, larking andpranking during her tu<strong>to</strong>rials but expected <strong>to</strong> be takenseriously when she called time-out.Debs and Suzy were tight. Suzy <strong>to</strong>ok charge ofoverseeing Debs’ workouts in the wellness center,strengthening Debs’ arms and legs and honing herbody. <strong>The</strong>y became very tight indeed.Unfortunately for Deborah her inexplicablecompulsive impulsive behavior syndrome seemed <strong>to</strong>kick-in at all the wrong moments. Despite theirtightness Suzy had already been obliged <strong>to</strong> beatDeborah on three occasions. Debs was also the onlyinmate at the unit that Suzy had been compelled <strong>to</strong>red-card.Debs watched the violin bow slicingdownwards with considerable consternation.

19A Sizzling Super-wealRosemary Booker was not having a good timeof it. <strong>The</strong> sound of the violin bow colliding with herdrum-tight bumbags seemed <strong>to</strong> explode in her earslike cannon-fire. <strong>The</strong> intense sensation of each strokereverberated around her central nervous systemcreating mischief and mayhem in areas of her bodyshe was not normally aware of.When Rosemary had first experienced the caneshe had stunned her fellow inmates with herpronouncement that it really didn’t hurt and that itwas ‘only whops’. Even amongst the whop-hardenedinmates of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit this hadbeen considered a stretch and she had been writtenoff as barking. Nonetheless, Rosemary never seemed<strong>to</strong> show even the slightest after effects of being lickedso after a while her chums <strong>to</strong>ok her at her word andreclassified her as an unnatural phenomenon.All that had changed on the first day of theGreat Spank-off when most unexpectedly she had anextraordinary experience. Midway through a fastcaning she was suddenly overwhelmed with

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceexcruciating pain. It was devastating and sheimmediately retired her bumbags from the contest.Since then Rosemary Booker had become increasinglyreticent when it came <strong>to</strong> matters of whops.Rosemary pushed herself up from the pianos<strong>to</strong>ol. Her face was chalky white and her cheekspuffed out as she let her breath out in longimpassioned pants. With slow, stiff-legged steps shestepped aside <strong>to</strong> make way for Deborah.Debs licked her dry lips. Her tummy waschurning uncomfortably. She stepped over <strong>to</strong> thes<strong>to</strong>ol and very slowly bent over.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n had never questioned thatwhops hurt. She had first been caned when she wastwelve years old; three strokes across the bumbagsdelivered in the Posh HQ at the strict QueensgateAcademy. <strong>The</strong>re was no question it had hurt. <strong>The</strong>caning had made her teeth chatter and her eyeswater but she had refused <strong>to</strong> howl or blub.During the five years she spent at the academyshe was caned with increasing frequency and ferocity.<strong>The</strong> strokes increased and the intensity of thepunishments multiplied. She taught herself painmanagement, the ability <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> functionrelatively normally even though her backside wasfrazzled and throbbing, but she never deluded herselfthat it didn’t hurt.At <strong>Woody</strong>s she had risen <strong>to</strong> Number Three onthe All-Time Hall of Shame, an achievement that hadrequired her <strong>to</strong> be beaten almost two hundred times.<strong>The</strong> kudos had been worth it but she never denied

75that every stroke of the cane had been exceedinglypainful.Deborah stretched herself in<strong>to</strong> a full drape,arms and legs out straight. She felt Suzy turning backthe skirt of her gymslip and she waited for the pain <strong>to</strong>commence.Debs didn’t have long <strong>to</strong> wait. She heard anominous whistle from above and then the white hotslice of heat and pain as it etched from one side ofher backside <strong>to</strong> the other. She shook her head andclenched her fists as the searing agony <strong>to</strong>ok control ofher senses.Ms Scott focused on her target and raised theviolin bow for a second time. She hated being forced<strong>to</strong> beat Deborah again but she was determined <strong>to</strong>execute the job efficiently. She swung the bowthrough the air with unerring accuracy.Debs had done her best <strong>to</strong> prepare herself.She knew exactly what <strong>to</strong> expect, but when thestroke landed she was still as<strong>to</strong>nished by the pain.<strong>The</strong> art of fine caning is defined by thetightness of the formation in which the strokes aredelivered. Although Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n was fond of declaringwomen born broad of beam and perfectly designed <strong>to</strong>absorb six of the best, the target area was actuallyquite small; the sweet spot of the rump a mere sixinches across the cusp.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceSuzy Scott had redefined the meaning of tightformation. She had perfected the skill of landing sixstrokes one on <strong>to</strong>p of the other, creating the perfectweal.It was excruciatingly effective and designed <strong>to</strong>deter ne’er do wells from making a return visit <strong>to</strong> thepiano s<strong>to</strong>ol.Deborah’s fourth encounter with Suzy’s potentbow was proving no more agreeable than her first,second or third. Every stroke landed right on targetcausing her <strong>to</strong> buck and writhe, her feet and fistspummeling the ground. When it was over she<strong>to</strong>ttered <strong>to</strong> her feet like a squiffy sailor on shoreleave.“That fucking hurt,” was all she could think of<strong>to</strong> say.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n considered her situation.Although being beaten by Ms Scott had beenconsiderably less preferable than a middling warm sixfrom Stephanie Powell it was not a <strong>to</strong>tal unmitigateddisaster.It was her forty-seventh punishment of theyear and kept her on target <strong>to</strong> achieve her goals.With five weeks still remaining before the unit brokefor summer furlough she had plenty of time <strong>to</strong> scoreher second consecutive Bull and she only needed sixmore canings <strong>to</strong> move up the All-Time Hall of Shamein<strong>to</strong> second place.Despite the sizzling super-weal workingovertime inside her bumbags Debs was feeling smug.

20WarmersJoanna Heyworth did her best <strong>to</strong> suppress agrin. Madame Diderot was flashing a red card in herdirection. Jojo pushed back her seat and headed forthe lecture room door.In keeping with <strong>Woody</strong> tradition Jojo’s fiftiethpunishment of the year was not her ceremonial BullFlogging; it was a damn good spanking.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had her spread out acrosshis lap, tucked in tight. Jojo’s skirt was neatly foldedback and her bumbags were around her ankles.Joanna settled in <strong>to</strong> be warmed-up for her flogging.Joanna Heyworth was an ardent advoca<strong>to</strong>r ofwarmers. <strong>The</strong> debate over the pros and cons ofpreliminary hand-spankings dated back <strong>to</strong> the Law<strong>to</strong>nera. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had always preceded public floggingswith an over the knee warm-up session and firmlybelieved she was doing the gals a favor.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had discovered the benefits ofwarmers in most disagreeable circumstances. While

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceattending the original <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong> she had spent anunpleasant and acrimonious year as the personalwhopping-gal of Patricia Hodge. Patty <strong>to</strong>ok advantageof Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n’s reputation as the naughtiest gal inthe school and frequently thrashed Susan on boguscharges. Susan’s relationship with the school’s GrandDame was fragile at the best of times and she ratherfancied that all that complaining about Patty wouldaccomplish was <strong>to</strong> highlight the unacceptable numberof legitimate thrashings she had received. Susanfigured it was best just <strong>to</strong> suck it up.However, one afternoon she finally got the pipwith Patty. <strong>The</strong> Red-shirt had imperiously summonsedSusan <strong>to</strong> her study so that she could give her a rationof <strong>to</strong>ngue pie apropos of nothing in particular. WhenSusan had answered her back Patty had thought itwould be a wizard wheeze <strong>to</strong> put Susan over her kneeand give her a damn good spanking.Susan was furious and when she was releasedshe promptly hacked Patty Hodge on both shins.Once Patty had s<strong>to</strong>pped hopping from foot <strong>to</strong> foot shefound herself with a dilemma on her hands. Red-shirtshin-hacking was a sacking offense and if she <strong>to</strong>okSusan up before the Beak she would most likely haveher traveling trunks packed by nightfall. However,Patty realized that getting Susan expelled would betantamount <strong>to</strong> scoring an own goal. Losing her mostregular cus<strong>to</strong>mer would severely curtail Patty’sopportunities <strong>to</strong> score a fix of gratui<strong>to</strong>us whops duringany troughs in misbehavior amongst the generalpopulation of the school.Despite her righteous indignation at thespanking Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n did not relish the prospect of

79expulsion and unwillingly cut a deal with the Redshirt.She would pay off the shin-hackings with aseries of pre-scheduled thrashings. As a downpaymentshe would submit <strong>to</strong> receiving six strokeswith one of Patty’s pro<strong>to</strong>type taped <strong>to</strong>gether canes onthe seat of her well-spanked bot<strong>to</strong>m.Fearfully Susan had bent across the desk inPatty’s study, suspecting that the cane would slicethrough her swollen but<strong>to</strong>cks like a knife throughbutter.It had been excruciating of course but Susanhad been as<strong>to</strong>nished <strong>to</strong> discover that the ignominiousspanking had worked <strong>to</strong> her advantage.<strong>The</strong> pre-warming of her buns seemed <strong>to</strong> takethe edge off the usual nerve-jangling, teethchattering,eye-watering effect of the first stroke ofthe cane. It was almost <strong>to</strong>lerable. It was a lessonSusan Law<strong>to</strong>n would never forget.Jojo settled in. During her earlier years at thefacility she had shared a common distaste with mos<strong>to</strong>f the inmates for being put over the knees of theBrass and Elite. However, as her relationship with theGrand Master had developed she found herselfincreasingly comfortable head down, arse up over hislap. She liked the way he carefully turned back herskirt and rolled down her bumbags. She felt quitecomfortable when he gently maneuvered her in<strong>to</strong>position and pulled her in<strong>to</strong> the crease of his lap.She did not feel quite so comfortable when hebegan <strong>to</strong> spank her with hands like house bricks, butJojo figured there was a downside <strong>to</strong> everything.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceJojo sipped a glass of champagne. She smiledat the Grand Master. “I think that has warmed me upquite nicely,” she laughed, “I think I’ll go and getmyself ready.”“Bot<strong>to</strong>m’s up, Jojo,” her lover said with a winkand they chinked glasses.

21Jojo Sets Another RecordWhen Joanna entered the hall the inmates rosefrom their seats clapping their hands and stampingtheir feet.In many walks of society such a rapturouswelcome might have seemed a tad queer. After allJojo’s appearance in the hall was for the sole purposeof having her arse whapped with a thirty-six inch longrod made from the finest rattan. However, for theinmates of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit her arrivalwas the cause for celebration.For the third consecutive year Joanna hadaccomplished the mega-minx Holy Grail ofaccumulating fifty or more punishments in a singleyear.Jojo smiled cheerfully as she mounted thestage, waving theatrically <strong>to</strong> her fans and supporters.She had put on a clean, crisply starched white blouseand her red and black striped tie was knotted in aperfect vee. She was wearing form fitting whitewhopping bags with razor creases and her shoes

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choicegleamed from fresh polish. She had brushed her redhair back under a contrasting hair band and wore justa <strong>to</strong>uch of mascara and lip gloss.A suede-saddled vaulting horse had beenplaced in the center of the stage; Jojo crossed over as<strong>to</strong>od beside it. She looked remarkably calm.Mr Humphries removed his suit jacket androlled up his sleeves. He loosened his tie andunfastened the collar of his shirt. He picked up one ofhis super-canes and flexed it between his hands. Henodded at Jojo. She turned around and bent over thevaulting horse. Not a word passed between them.Jojo felt quite comfortable. <strong>The</strong> Grand Masterhad sent Cat Cassidy <strong>to</strong> supervise Katie setting up thehorse <strong>to</strong> ensure that she didn’t get up <strong>to</strong> any of hershenanigans. <strong>The</strong> height of the horse had been setperfectly <strong>to</strong> allow Jojo <strong>to</strong> bend forward without unduestress on her calves or tummy muscles. She felt thecane tapping down on the seat of her whopping bags.Once, twice, thrice and she braced herself.Joanna gritted her teeth. <strong>The</strong> extremely crisparrival of the first stroke had given a clear indicationthat life was about <strong>to</strong> get exceptionally hot andsweaty in her nether region. Nonetheless, she wasgrateful for the warm-up spanking and although herbum was still glowing warmly she was sufficiently inthe zone <strong>to</strong> absorb the sharp shock of the cane slicingacross her but<strong>to</strong>cks.

83Mr Humphries loved the super canes that hehad been sent by admirers in California. With theminimum of effort the beautifully crafted rattan shaftcut through the air with a pleasing whistle and madea hearty rotund thwack when it collided with upturnedbumbags. He began <strong>to</strong> cane Joanna with perfectlypaced leisurely strokes.Jojo did her best <strong>to</strong> keep from wriggling buther bum had taken on a life of its own. <strong>The</strong> leisurelypace of the caning meant she had plenty of time <strong>to</strong>fully experience the effects of each stripe. Althoughevery stroke of the cane increased the heat in herbumbags exponentially it also had its own individuallife cycle. Starting with the immediate shock of impactthen spreading its tentacles at electrifying pace,making her shudder, she could almost feel the wealrising on her flesh and then the stroke slowly blendingitself in<strong>to</strong> bubbling, steaming cauldron of heat thatpermeated below her crisp white whopping bags.On the hall floor Jojo’s chums were watchingwith a mixture of sympathy and admiration. Even thegals who had never personally embraced a life ofmega-minxdom were in awe of the groundbreakingflogging that they were witnessing.Cassie Cassy watched enviously; with fourtyfivebeatings inside her bumbags she s<strong>to</strong>od atnumber three on the Annual Hall of Shame. She wasconfident that it was only a matter of weeks beforeshe would become the inmate in the earliest phase of

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceher sentence <strong>to</strong> score a Bull. It was a dream that shecherished.Debs watched the proceedings with a mixtureof envy and respect. For six years she had gonewhop-for-whop with Jojo in the contest for the title ofAll-Time Big BUTT. It had been a hard-foughtcompetition filled with thrills and spills and constantactivity inside their bumbags. Nonetheless, as shewatched Jojo bent over the vaulting horse she waswilling <strong>to</strong> concede that the best minx had won.Jojo was not in a position <strong>to</strong> fully appreciatethe warmth of the support that permeated throughoutthe hall; she was <strong>to</strong>o busy appreciating the warmth inher bumbags. After nine strokes her backside felt as ifit had been lacerated with hot welding rods.Thankfully the Grand Master had informed her thatshe would only be getting twelve swipes, as hewanted her <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> sit down at dinner later inthe evening.Mr Humphries expertly planted the tenth strokeon the crown of Jojo’s bum, with just enough wrist <strong>to</strong>really accelerate the pace at impact. Joanna hissedwith consternation. She stamped her right foot downloudly.“Jeez!” she muttered darkly.“Jeez,” muttered Nicola Jane, at the back ofthe hall. “That has got <strong>to</strong> have smarted.”“Poor Jojo,” hissed Rosemary.

85<strong>The</strong> Grand Master sliced the cane through theair with nonchalant ease and consummate accuracy.Jojo bucked involuntarily as the cane co-mingled withthe other stripes setting off a chain reaction ofundesirable sensations <strong>to</strong> all parts of her body. Shesqueezed her eyes closed as the wave of pain almos<strong>to</strong>verwhelmed her. She did her best <strong>to</strong> keep herbreathing easy and regain her composure before theGrand Master delivered the final cut.All around the hall the <strong>Woody</strong> gals weremuttering anxiously.“Oh shit, here comes the killer,” growledNixdown.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ok his time, tapping thecane down gently and getting his measure. It hadbeen a perfect caning so far, every stroke had beenclean and he didn’t want any last momentunpleasantness.He raised the cane and brought it down with awhistle.<strong>The</strong> crack of the cane echoed around the woodpaneled hall. It was an awesome stroke, a perfect acethat resonated in Jojo’s ears like a firecracker. Her leftleg crooked at the knee and she let out a heartfeltgroan.Mr Humphries helped her <strong>to</strong> her feet andsteadied her as she returned <strong>to</strong> the upright.“Are you okay?” he whispered.Jojo blew out her cheeks and then let herbreath out slowly. She nodded rather more

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceconfidently than she felt. At that very moment shewas not okay, not in the least bit. Her backside feltlike the inside of a hot frying pan and she felt shakenand dizzy and bilious. Nonetheless she was still Jojoand she had no intention of showing him that herbum was on fire. At least, not in front of the othergals. She smiled sweetly.“Will there be anything else?” she asked.He laughed. “No I think we’re about done?”She curtsied.“Well I think I’ll be cutting along then if youdon’t mind,” and wriggled off the stage.

22In Search of the New Red-shirtJojo lowered herself gingerly in<strong>to</strong> the paddedseat at Monets. Although it had been nearly fourhours since her ceremonial flogging her rear end wasstill giving her considerable gyp.Oliver, the chef and proprie<strong>to</strong>r, had shownthem <strong>to</strong> his personal table and brought them an icedbottle of Bolly and a dish piled high with oysters onthe half-shell.“You don’t seem the least bit contrite aboutwhopping me so hard,” said Jojo.“Oh come on,” laughed the Grand Master.“That was middling warm at best.”Jojo nearly choked on her champagne.“Middling warm?” she spluttered. “I thought you weregoing <strong>to</strong> cut me in half. What the fuck do you knowabout middling warm?”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master smiled serenely. “So howwould you feel about taking over as Red-shirt nextyear?” he asked nonchalantly.Jojo almost choked for a second time.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Not funny,” she <strong>to</strong>ld him when she hadfinished coughing.“I’m serious,” said Mr Humphries. “I need <strong>to</strong>appoint Vicky’s successor. She’s done such a bang upjob and I need somebody <strong>to</strong> fill her shoes.”“Well not me,” said Jojo emphatically. “Besideswe all just assumed it would be Debs.”“Why Debs?” asked the Grand Master.“Well she has always been the golden gal. Iknow she fell in<strong>to</strong> bad times with Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n but wealways figured that would get straightened out,” saidJojo. “And since you’ve been here you trusted her atthe tribunal and she’s involved in so many things. Hermen<strong>to</strong>ring programs, the production, tennis and theorchestra and choir, and she’s still academic of theyear. Plus we’ve seen her in action with the cane. It’snot a bad resume.”“She’s very high maintenance,” said MrHumphries.Jojo forked down an oyster with horseradishand Tabasco. “Are you calling me low maintenance?”she giggled.“No, of course not,” smiled the Grand Master.“<strong>The</strong> reason Vix was such a great Red-shirt wasbecause she was respected and she respected herposition. I can’t think of anybody better than you <strong>to</strong>step in<strong>to</strong> her shoes.”“That’s kind of you <strong>to</strong> say, Sir, but really I’mnot your gal,” insisted Jojo. “Debs is much betterqualified and, besides, unless you’ve forgotten I’m theAll-Time Big BUTT. Hardly the best qualification for aRed-shirt.”

89<strong>The</strong> Grand Master chortled, “That’s whereyou’re wrong. <strong>The</strong> two most successful Red-shirts inhis<strong>to</strong>ry were April Turner and Lady Vix. <strong>The</strong>y wereboth Big BUTT’s in their day.” Mr Humphries smiledquietly. “I’m just telling you that you are the mostadmired gal in the unit and you have all the qualitiesand the sense of responsibility <strong>to</strong> fill the void thatVicky will leave behind her.”Jojo frowned. She was certain that MrHumphries was serious and his offer was veryflattering. Nonetheless, recently she had been givingsome thought <strong>to</strong> her impending elevation <strong>to</strong> the loftyheights of the Elite. She was resigned <strong>to</strong> the fact thatas a prefect she would inevitably have occasion <strong>to</strong>thrash gals and even accepted that she would have <strong>to</strong>be a responsible Personal Draper <strong>to</strong> ensure that herpersonal grubby was properly men<strong>to</strong>red and ready forthe years ahead. Nonetheless the prospect of takingon the awesome responsibility of wearing the redshirtheld no allure. She was determined not <strong>to</strong> allowherself <strong>to</strong> be charmed and cajoled in<strong>to</strong> accepting theappointment.“Sir, I’m grateful and flattered <strong>to</strong> beconsidered,” she said firmly, “but please, please don’tforce me. I’d have a hateful year.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master sighed. He <strong>to</strong>ok Jojo’s handand kissed it gently. “It’s okay,” he said sincerely, “Iwould never force you <strong>to</strong> do anything that wouldmake you unhappy.”<strong>The</strong>y sipped champagne. “Well that leavesNicola Jane or Rosemary,” said Mr Humphries. “Weboth know that Rosemary won’t hack it.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Too soft, I suppose,” sighed Jojo, “but she’llbe perfect as the Brat Draper.”Mr Humphries nodded. “Will Nicola Jane be upfor it?”Jojo sipped some more Bolly. “She’s <strong>to</strong>ugh andshe’s popular,” she <strong>to</strong>ld him, “and she’s a straightshooter.I think she’d be perfect.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded. “Well let’s give it ashot.”

23Nixdown Thinks it Over“You have <strong>to</strong> be kidding me,” laughedNixdown. “What about Debs?”“Too high maintenance,” replied Jojo.“Or you?” asked Nix. “You’d make a great Redshirt.”“I’d be terrible and we both know it,” grinnedJoanna.“Well, Rosemary then?” She shot a glance ather best chum.“Too soft,” they chorused and burst in<strong>to</strong> a fit ofgiggles.“Aw maaaan,” groaned Nix. “This is ridiculous.I’ve spent twenty years carefully nurturing myreputation as a degenerate; this would look terribleon my resume.”“But you’ll think about it?” asked Jojohopefully.Nicola Jane Nixon was in her favorite position,lying face down across Penelope Ann’s lap with herjodhpurs rolled down <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>ps of her knee length-

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceriding boots. Penelope Ann was idly tapping an ivoryhandled, braided riding crop against Nix’s nakedbot<strong>to</strong>m. Ms Scott was seated on a nearby bale of haysipping a Cuba Libra.“I hated it,” Penelope Ann Evans was tellingNix. “I only <strong>to</strong>ok the job because the other choiceswere Yvonne Godfrey or Mitch the Bitch.”“Hallelujah <strong>to</strong> that sister” giggled Nix.“It’s a hell of a lot of responsibility and a hell ofa lot of work,” warned Penelope Ann. “Basically you’reon call twenty-four-seven.”Nixdown wiggled her hips enticingly. PennyAnn sliced the crop down with a sharp crack. NicolaJane giggled.Nixdown hadn’t been joking when she <strong>to</strong>ld Jojothat she had dedicated herself <strong>to</strong> a life of degeneracy.She had been five years old when she had firstdiscovered that she could sell kisses <strong>to</strong> the little boysaround the seaside <strong>to</strong>wn she grew up in. When shewas shipped off <strong>to</strong> boarding school she brokered hertalents establishing a lucrative business teaching theother pupils French kissing and the fine art ofcunnilingus.She had a reputation for being precocious,promiscuous and no<strong>to</strong>riously belligerent. At severalschools the mistresses tried <strong>to</strong> curb her waywardtendencies with the cane. <strong>The</strong>ir efforts were generallyrewarded by Nixdown hacking them in the shins. Shewas regularly expelled.Her father was a successful film producer witha reputation for making art house movies and Nix was

93determined <strong>to</strong> follow in his footsteps. She started offmaking music videos with increasingly risqué content.She dated a cameraman. One day she was latefor a date and when they got home he put her overhis knee and gave her a damn good spanking.Nixdown resorted <strong>to</strong> her shin hacking tactic so hespanked her again. Nixdown s<strong>to</strong>rmed out of theapartment.When she arrived back in her own apartmentand had climbed in<strong>to</strong> her scratch she found herselfmysteriously aroused. Eventually unable <strong>to</strong> sleep shereturned <strong>to</strong> the cameraman’s home and demandedthat he Rodger her eyes out.She began <strong>to</strong> include BDSM subject matter inher videos, often appearing herself as the victim oflengthy spankings.Nicola Jane had known Jojo for years on theequestrian circuit. Jojo had started a multi-mediacompany and had successfully staged severalproductions on the alternative theater circuit. <strong>The</strong>ycombined forces and were soon the <strong>to</strong>ast of the WestEnd.<strong>The</strong>ir success coincided with a period ofmonumental government buffoonery and the GreatUnwashed was baying for blood. As usual, the Systemcommissioned Melissa Forsham-Smythe and heragents <strong>to</strong> divert attention with some high-profilearrests. Jojo and Nix were high on her hit-list.Nicola Jane had an unfortunate start <strong>to</strong> hersentence at the <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit. She wasallocated <strong>to</strong> act as Katie Beck’s personal grubby. Katiewas acting as Red-shirt and had formed the first

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceofficial Secret Sorority of Serial Spankers. Sportingspanking was rife and Nicola Jane was subjected <strong>to</strong>head down, arse up sessions across Katie and hercronies’ knees on a daily basis. Katie would oftenillegally yank down Nicola Jane’s knickers earning herthe nickname of Nixdown Nixon.Nixdown made a discovery. Much as sheenjoyed recreational spanking she had a fierce dislikeof being formally punished.Nix swung both ways and set about boffing herway through the Elite. Beautiful and bountifullycharming she found no shortage of partners <strong>to</strong> whileaway the boredom of incarceration. She started withlow-level prefects but quickly moved on<strong>to</strong> HouseCaptains and several Deputy Red-shirt’s beforehooking up with April Turner.After years of despising the corporalpunishment regime at the facility April reignitedNixdown’s love of recreational spanking with the backof her Red-shirt hairbrush. When April completed hersentence Nix went on a rampage of promiscuity, sheseduced the Butcher twins and engaged them in anivory and ebony ménage a trios; she taught MelanieWhite new ways <strong>to</strong> exploit her magnificentmammarys, and then she fell in love with Penny Ann.Penny Ann cracked the crop down again.“What do you think, Suzy?” asked Nix.“I think you would make a very good Red-shirtNix but if your hearts not in it then it won’t work”advised Suzy, “but you have <strong>to</strong> make up your ownmind.”

24<strong>The</strong> People Have SpokenIt was Cathryn Cassidy who came up with asolution. She invited Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria <strong>to</strong> lunch at a local<strong>Woody</strong> friendly wine bar. Cathryn ordered a bottle ofchardonnay and a plate of Norwegian smokedsalmon. <strong>The</strong> two chums found a quiet corner table.“It’s nice <strong>to</strong> be out of clobber for a while,”smiled Vix.Cat laughed at her chum. “Just look around,”she said. “Half the clientele are wearing clobber. It’sus that look out of place.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria grinned. “You’re right. So what’s soimportant?”“<strong>The</strong> Grand Master is looking <strong>to</strong> announce yourreplacement,” said Cat.Vix shrugged. “I thought that was a given. Inaturally assumed it would be Debs.”“Too high maintenance,” said Cat.“Well that leaves the way clear for Jojo,” saidVic<strong>to</strong>ria.Cathryn shook her head. “She’s turned itdown.”

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Nix?”Cat shook her head again. “She officiallyturned it down this morning.”“Rosemary?”Both gals laughed. “Too soft,” they chorused.“Hmm,” mused Vic<strong>to</strong>ria. “That’s tricky. I meanit needs <strong>to</strong> be one of the Famous Four. Won’t Jojo orNix reconsider?”“I don’t think so,” said Cathryn. “<strong>The</strong>y havepretty good reasons.”“So why not Debs? I know she’s highmaintenance but maybe she’d change,” said Vix.“She comes with <strong>to</strong>o much baggage,” said Cat,“she’s <strong>to</strong>o mercurial and unpredictable. She makesenemies <strong>to</strong>o easily. We both love Debs like a sisterbut we need a stable hand on the rudder.”Vix sipped her chardonnay. “I take it you havea plan.”Cathryn smiled. She pulled out a folded shee<strong>to</strong>f paper from her handbag and slid it across thetable.“What’s this,” asked Vic<strong>to</strong>ria suspiciously.Cat smiled at her chum. “It’s the results of apoll we ran on the GalGab website this morning.”Lady Vix picked up the paper and unfolded it.“You have <strong>to</strong> be joking,” she said sharply. “Youhave <strong>to</strong> be fawkin’ barking.”Cat shrugged. “It’s a pretty strongendorsement,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Vix. “We polled everybodyexcept you and Sally Cobb. You have unanimoussupport.” She laughed. “<strong>The</strong> people have spoken.”

97Vic<strong>to</strong>ria but<strong>to</strong>ned her red shirt and knotted herblack tie. She stared at herself in the mirror. In a fewweeks she would complete the official phase of herseven year sentence and be placed on a year’sprobation.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria was impressed with the success of theOld Gal program. Cathryn, Melons and Penny Annwere all taking degrees on-line and had scored ‘A’s’ atthe end of their first year programs.Vix liked Cat’s logic. As long as she spent herprobation year on the <strong>Woody</strong> campus Mr Humphrieswas approved <strong>to</strong> act as her Court Appointed Guardianunder the Old Gal Whops and Clobber program.Although the local <strong>to</strong>wn was quite small it hadplenty of <strong>Woody</strong>-friendly bars and restaurants whereshe could party with her chums and keep under theradar of the Dark Agents of the System. Besides,there was no shortage of local lothario’s who wouldn’tcut off their right hands <strong>to</strong> get themselves a piece ofhot aris<strong>to</strong>cratic arse.She had already signed up <strong>to</strong> remain at thefacility <strong>to</strong> take her law degree on-line and signed theOld Gals Whops and Clobber Charter. She was lookingforward <strong>to</strong> the freedom and lack of responsibility ofbeing an Old Gal.It had been an interesting and exciting year.Her appointment as Red-shirt had come as a shock <strong>to</strong>everybody and not least <strong>to</strong> Vic<strong>to</strong>ria. For six years shehad been a thorn in the sides of the Brass and theElite. She was no<strong>to</strong>riously pugnacious and hadfrequently been publicly flogged for scrapping withprefects she felt were bullying the weaker inmates.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceShe came in<strong>to</strong> office determined <strong>to</strong> stamp outthe heinous practices perpetrated by the SS ofYvonne Godfrey. She had outlawed the brutalcollarings that had become standard operatingprocedure the year before. <strong>The</strong> prefects were bannedfrom sweating gals. All scoldings were <strong>to</strong> be directand <strong>to</strong> the point. Red marks had <strong>to</strong> be justified andthe pre’s could no longer get away with arbitrarilywriting gals up for rubbishing.To her delight her reforms of the Elite metwith the support and approval of the new GrandMaster. To the dismay of Patty Hodge and her cohortson the Radical Right there was a shift of power in the<strong>Woody</strong> community and Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria quickly becamethe de fac<strong>to</strong> aide de campe of the new principal.It was a good time at the facility and Vic<strong>to</strong>riawas rightfully proud of her contribution. Nonetheless,it was tiring and often tiresome work.She slowly brushed her lush, dark hair. It wasgoing <strong>to</strong> be a <strong>to</strong>ugh decision.

25To the Manor BornLady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria helped Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n over andup. She neatly turned back the skirt of her gymslipand slid her navy blue bumbags downwards. Shepulled Debs in tightly in<strong>to</strong> the crease of her lap andslowly circulated the wooden back of her hairbrushacross the naked flesh.“Are you ready?” the Red-shirt asked.“Ready as I’ll ever be,” grunted Debs.Debs was standing in the corridor facing thewall with her hands on her head when Vic<strong>to</strong>riaarrived. She was feeling smug. Debs had gone on acalculated spate of rubbishing the pre’s. She hadfigured out a timetable for scoring enough whops <strong>to</strong>achieve her goals of scoring a Bull and then finishingthe year by getting herself elevated <strong>to</strong> the rank ofnumber two on the All-Time Big BUTT.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria warmed <strong>to</strong> her work, spanking Debsup one side of her backside and then back down theother. <strong>The</strong> explosive sound of wood against bare fleshechoed around the library. Dangled upside down with

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceher arms and legs unable <strong>to</strong> reach down <strong>to</strong> the floorDebs was helpless <strong>to</strong> do anything but put it up andkeep it up.Deborah had folded her blazer neatly andplaced it on a side-table. She turned around andfaced Lady Vix.“You are going <strong>to</strong> stay on as Red-shirt?” sheasked earnestly.Vix squinted at Debs thoughtfully. “I haven’tdecided,” she said. “I thought perhaps that youexpected the job.”Deborah guffawed. “Me? Come on Vix, I’mpretty sure that Mr Humphries thinks I’m <strong>to</strong>o highmaintenance.”“You could change,” said Vix.“Yeah, rock on Vic<strong>to</strong>ria,” laughed Debs.“Besides, aren’t you the one <strong>to</strong> the manor born? Youaris<strong>to</strong>’s are used <strong>to</strong> exerting your authority. Now can’twe get this over with? I’ve got places <strong>to</strong> be andpeople <strong>to</strong> see.”Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n was an exactingspanker. She unders<strong>to</strong>od the precise timing required<strong>to</strong> make every individual spank of the hard woodbrush play its part in the overall medley of a damngood dangling. After the first six strokes Vix <strong>to</strong>ok abreather.Debs felt herself being readjusted. With herfingers and <strong>to</strong>es dangling a good twelve inches fromthe floor Deborah had no choice but <strong>to</strong> rely upon Vix<strong>to</strong> support her. Deborah’s initial smugness at the

101prospect of scoring some invaluable whops wasoverwhelmed by her sense of the here and now. <strong>The</strong>here and now was becoming increasingly hot andsweaty.Debs cringed as the sixth spank crashed downacross the crown of her left but<strong>to</strong>ck. <strong>The</strong> initial impac<strong>to</strong>n her outer flesh was electrifying. She clenched herfists and twitched her ankles; her mouth con<strong>to</strong>rtedin<strong>to</strong> a silent howl as the primary shockwavesmomentarily overwhelmed her. A millisecond later shesplayed her fingers as the deep underburn playedhavoc with her central nervous system. Her headswayed from side <strong>to</strong> side in deep distress.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria looked down at her watch. Sheallocated an intermission between the initial six set ofspanks and the second blitz of exactly sixty seconds.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria tucked Deborah in tightly <strong>to</strong> the creaseof her lap as the second hand of her watchapproached the appointed time. Debs was perfectlydangled now, her head deep down between heroutstretched arms and her legs still. Vix tapped theback of the hairbrush downwards and then raised herwrist in the air.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria locked the Red-shirt hairbrush in thedrawer of a side-table. She turned around andreached over and hugged Debs.“Are you okay?” she asked.Debs grimaced and nodded.

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Let’s straighten you up,” said Vix and fiddledwith Deborah’s collar and tie that had become skewwhiffduring the dangling. She reached over andpicked up Debs’ blazer and held it out for her.Deborah slid her arms in<strong>to</strong> the sleeves and fastenedthe <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n. She reached in<strong>to</strong> her breast pocketand pulled out her little personal punishment recordbook and handed it <strong>to</strong> Vic<strong>to</strong>ria for post-processing.Vix fastened her own collar, straightened hertie, rolled down the sleeves of her red shirt and pulledon her own blazer. She pulled out a pen and openedthe book.Forty-eight she wrote in the first column.“You’re right on target, I see,” said the Redshirt.Deborah nodded. “And a good part thanks <strong>to</strong>you,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Vix. “It’s a very good thing when a galcan set herself up for a dangling and know she’sgonna be safe. We need you <strong>to</strong> stay on as Red-shirt,”Debs continued earnestly. “You may be a red hotspanker but you’re the best Red-shirt we’ve everhad.”Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n blushed bright crimson.“I’ll take that in<strong>to</strong> consideration,” she muttered. “Nowlet’s take you up <strong>to</strong> see Rosemary and see if we can’tcool things down a little.”

26Focus Benders“So what’s the verdict Your Ladyship?” askedCathryn.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria grimaced. “I still haven’t decided,” shesighed. “I’ve still got a couple of hours before I meetwith the Grand Master.”“Down <strong>to</strong> the wire, huh?” smiled Cat. Cathrynwas mixing gin, vermouth and olive juice in a cocktailshaker. She extracted two iced glasses from therefrigera<strong>to</strong>r and poured the mixture in<strong>to</strong> them andgarnished the drinks with olives. She handed one <strong>to</strong>Vix.<strong>The</strong> aris<strong>to</strong>cratic Red-shirt <strong>to</strong>ok a sip. “Jeez,Cat,” she gasped, “this could put a crook in yourneck.”Cat giggled. “It’ll help you focus,” she <strong>to</strong>ld herchum.“Are you fucking barking?” spluttered Debs.“I’m not going <strong>to</strong> cane you, Vic<strong>to</strong>ria!”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria giggled. “It’ll help me focus,” she <strong>to</strong>ldDeborah.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceDebs squinted at the Red-shirt. “Are yousquiffy?” she demanded.“Never mind that,” Lady Vix grinned at Debs. “Ihave my reasons. I’d consider this a personal favor.Just take a deep breath and get in<strong>to</strong> the role.”“Oh good grief, you’re fucking barking. Youare really fucking nuts.” groaned Debs. “Go and wai<strong>to</strong>utside the library, I’ll be along <strong>to</strong> beat you in amoment.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria pressed her nose <strong>to</strong> the wood-panelingand breathed in. <strong>The</strong> aroma of wood and varnish wasstrangely in<strong>to</strong>xicating. It had been a long time sinceshe’d performed nose and <strong>to</strong>es. When she had takenon the role as Red-shirt she had made a pact withherself <strong>to</strong> temporarily hang-up her bumbags andwithdraw from the lifestyle of mega-minxdom. It hadbeen a struggle but she had stubbornly resisted hernatural tendency <strong>to</strong> jape the Brass and had managed<strong>to</strong> get through the whole year without acquiring asingle red-card. She knew that if she accepted asecond term that she was sentencing herself <strong>to</strong>another twelve months where she would feel obliged<strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> refrain from the joys of minxing.Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria stared at the wall. It occurred <strong>to</strong>her that the pose of nose and <strong>to</strong>es was ideallydesigned for helping a gal who needed <strong>to</strong> focus.Deborah strode through the corridors that led<strong>to</strong> the library. <strong>The</strong> irony of the situation struck her asbizarre. It was less than two hours since she hadbeen head down, arse up over Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’s knee gettinga well-deserved spanking with the back of a

105hairbrush. Despite a lengthy session acrossRosemary’s lap having her swollen orbs soothed withmystical balms she was still extremely conscious ofthe intense heat raging inside her bumbags. Now forreasons that she didn’t fully understand Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n had elected for the roles <strong>to</strong> be reversed.She <strong>to</strong>ok a deep breath and entered thecorridor leading <strong>to</strong> the library door. At the far endVic<strong>to</strong>ria was positioned with her hands on her headand her nose pressed <strong>to</strong> the wall.Deborah sighed. Perhaps it was best not <strong>to</strong>oreason why, after all, she <strong>to</strong>ld herself this was<strong>Woody</strong>world.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n was bent forward with thetips of her varnished red fingernails balanced on thetips of her highly polished black high-heeled shoes.<strong>The</strong> hem of her black pleated skirt was turned backand her navy-blue bumbags rolled down around herankles.Behind her Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n flexed a seniorcane between her hands. Debs sighed a little and<strong>to</strong>ok a deep breath. She stepped in and tapped thecane down once, twice, thrice. She raised her armexactly eighteen inches in the air and sliced the canedownwards.<strong>The</strong> thwack of the cane against her naked rearend had an instant sobering effect on Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n. A line of fire etched itself across the crownof her behind and then splayed it tentacles out in<strong>to</strong>the furthest regions of her central nervous system.

<strong>The</strong> People’s ChoiceIn a moment of surprising lucidity she thought<strong>to</strong> herself, “this is one helluva a way <strong>to</strong> get focused.”Deborah ran her <strong>to</strong>ngue over her dry lips. Shestudied the stripe that she had painted acrossVic<strong>to</strong>ria’s rear end. It was perfectly placed.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’s head had jerked back a little at themoment of impact but she had resolutely kept herfingers glued <strong>to</strong> the tips of her shoes.Debs counted down. <strong>The</strong>y had agreed thatVic<strong>to</strong>ria would get six strokes so she allowed fifteenseconds <strong>to</strong> elapse before raising the cane again.Aficionados generally subscribe <strong>to</strong> thesis that athirty second interval is the perfect timing <strong>to</strong> allow theeffects of each stroke <strong>to</strong> cycle through a gals system.Deborah, herself, had posted several articulatearticles on her Debs Diary blog, ‘Six of the Best isalways the Best’ and ‘<strong>The</strong> Queensgate Technique andthe Perfect Five-Minute Caning’ in regard <strong>to</strong> thissubject. Nonetheless, Deborah fully unders<strong>to</strong>od thatthe <strong>to</strong>e-<strong>to</strong>uching position was the most difficult <strong>to</strong>maintain so she felt obliged <strong>to</strong> reduce the perfectinterval.She raised her arm and sliced the cane throughthe air.

27<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice“Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n is not going <strong>to</strong> like this,” smiledthe Grand Master.Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria chuckled. “I know, that’s whatmakes it so delightful.”<strong>The</strong> Wart was weeping in<strong>to</strong> her tequila in thesaloon bar of the Bunch of Grapes. “It’s an outrage,”she wept. “That bitch Bromp<strong>to</strong>n put him up <strong>to</strong> this.”Deborah gaped at the Grand Master. “But Sir, Ithought that I’m <strong>to</strong>o high maintenance.”Mr Humphries laughed. “Well you are, butVicky insists that you’re the gal for the job. We’llmake the announcement in assembly <strong>to</strong>morrow andthen you will officially take over as Captain of the RedHouse.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria blushed prettily. <strong>The</strong> announcementthat Lady Vix had agreed <strong>to</strong> serve a second term asRed-shirt was made during evening Callover. <strong>The</strong>rapturous applause was overwhelming as the inmates

<strong>The</strong> People’s Choiceof the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit whooped andcheered and stamped their feet on the wooden floorof the assembly hall.“Oh shit, what the hell,” grinned Mr Humphriesindulgently. “Loose tie and minimum whops for therest of the evening,” he announced. “Cassie Cassy,light up the grills and throw on some steaks, letsparty down <strong>Woody</strong> style.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n slid in<strong>to</strong> a seat beside CatCassidy.Heidi Alexander hurried over. “Can I fetch youa dirty martini, Your Ladyship?” she asked. “Shaken,not stirred?”Lady Vix winked and nodded.“So how was it?” asked Cat.“Well there’s no doubt she’s hot,” grinnedVic<strong>to</strong>ria, and squirmed in her seat theatrically. “I don’tthink they’ll be <strong>to</strong>o many gals queuing up <strong>to</strong> bebeaten on House Business.”“You’re a good soul Vic<strong>to</strong>ria,” smiled Cat. “Iknow you’ve put your bumbags on the line for her sothat her feelings aren’t hurt.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria shrugged. “I think she’ll surprise usall.”Heidi handed Lady Vix her drink.“I hope you don’t mind me saying so Ma’am,”she burst out, “but we’re all so pleased that you’veagreed <strong>to</strong> stay on as Red-shirt. I know there are othergood candidates but I don’t know; they’d just be sohigh maintenance if you know what I mean?”Cathryn Cassidy s<strong>to</strong>od up and raised her glassin the air.

109“Here’s <strong>to</strong> Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, Red-shirt unsurpassedand the People’s Choice,” she <strong>to</strong>asted.Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n raised her glass and winked atthe aris<strong>to</strong>crat. Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria blushed prettily andwriggled in her seat.<strong>The</strong> inmates rose <strong>to</strong> their feet. “Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria,”they chorused. “<strong>The</strong> People’s Choice.”

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